Three Little Wolves Part 2

Od Kianteeee2015

876 1 4


The Lone Wolf
New Wolf In Town
Broken and Healed
Seeking A Friend
The Truth About His Parents
One's a incident, Two's a coincidence, Three's a pattern
The Worm Moon
It's Alive
Voluntary Apnea
To Save or To Kill a Kanima


74 0 0
Od Kianteeee2015


From what Stiles told me, the entire time Allison, Scott, Sam, Cole and I were in the Lahey's house, they were trying to distract the police and get Isaac out.

Which ended up with Stiles getting in trouble for the door of the holding cell being broken off.

But in other news, today was our rock climbing day in P.E.

And I haven't rock climbed a day in my life. And the person I was going against; my best friend's brother, Alex.

But first up, was Allison and Scott.


"It had a tail. How come I don't have a tail?" I asked Allison. "Maybe you haven't grown it yet." Allison laughed. "I'm not growing a tail." I said. "Ever." I reminded. She laughed as she slowed down. She was climbing faster than me. "Are you slowing down for me?" I asked. "I was waiting for you." She answered. "Waiting for me to catch up?" I asked. I looked down to see her brothers along with mine laughing at me. "You looked like you were struggling." She said. "Maybe I was admiring the view." I said. "Try admiring from afar." She said as she started climbing. I let her get ahead. Then I used my powers and climbed up the wall. When she looked up, I smiled at her. She kicked my leg, causing me to fall.

So long story short, I lost a rock climbing contest to my girlfriend.

"McCall, i don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy." Coach laughed.

"Alright next two, Stilinski, Erica. The wall." Coach said.

Erica looked terrified as she glanced at the wall.

Oh no.


Stiles and Erica climbed the wall. Erica had trouble, while Stiles seemed to get it. Stiles had climbed up the wall and gotten down. Erica was stuck. She started crying. She started shaking and crying. "What's wrong with her?" Eli asked me. "Panic attack?" I suggested. "Erica! Dizzy? Is it vertigo?" Coach asked. Really Coach Finstock? Really? "Vertigo is a sensation of spinning that is related to problems in the inner ear. She's just freaking out." Lydia said. Gotta love my smart ass best friend. "Erica?" Coach said. "I'm fine." She whimpered. "Coach, maybe it's not safe. You know she's epileptic." Allison said. How did I not sense that? I can usually sense when someone has a disorder or a disease. "Why didn't anyone tell me this? Erica, you're fine. Just kick off the wall." Coach said. Erica hesitated as she kicked herself off the wall. Once she got down, kids started laughing at her as she walked away. "Shut Up!" I yelled, louder than I expected. I left the gym running after Erica.

I have no clue where Erica was, but I had to get to the locker room. "If anyone sees Isaac Lahey, you're to contact the principal immediately." Coach said. "Poor Isaac." I said. "It's Derek's problem now." Stiles said.

Alex, Allison, Cole, Elijah, Lydia and I were walking down the hallway. I love how Elijah has only been here a few weeks and my friends love him already. I was laughing at a joke Alex had told when I sensed it; her fear. "Eli, come with me! Lydia, Cole, You guys, go get help. Alex, Allison, go find my brothers." I yelled as I began running. "What's going on?" Eli asked confusingly. "Someone's in trouble." I told him.

Scott, Stiles and Sam caught up with Eli and I. For humans, Eli and Stiles can keep up with wolves pretty good. Scott bursted through the doors and caught Erica before she could hit the ground. "Put her on her side." Allison told Scott. "How did you know?" Allison asked me. I looked at Scott and Sam. "I just knew."


"It's been awhile since we saw you. You were good about taking your medication." The nurse said as she checked my eyes. "Are you going to tell my mom?" I asked her. "Well, I swear I don't want to, but there's this team of lawyers in the back that would break my legs, and for a woman my age, they're still pretty hot." She said. I laughed. "The doctor will be in soon okay?" She said. "Okay." I whispered. She left the room and I tried to rest as much as I could before the doctor came in.

When I woke up, my bed was moving. I looked around and there was a hand placed on my head. "Stay still." The gruff voice said.

We finally got to a room and he walked around me as I sat up. He started reading the side effects from one of my medicines. "Who are you?" I asked. He looked at me and smiled. "Let's just say, we have a few mutual friends." He said. He walked over to me. "You get a warning before your seizures don't you?" He asked as he touched my leg. I gasped at how warm and soft his hands were. "It's called an aura." I told him. "It's like a metallic taste in my mouth." I said. "You don't have to lie Erica." He said. "What's it really taste like?" He asked. "It tastes like blood." I told him. "What would you say if I told you that I can make all of this go away?" He asked. "The side effects? The symptoms? All of it." He continued. He pulled me closer to him. Now we're face to face. "And not only did all of those thing go away, but everything else, got even better?" He asked. "How?" I whimpered. "I'm going to show you." He said as his eyes changed color.


I was exhausted. Helping Erica today and all of the sports practices and all of the barking dogs from the vet. I needed a vacation. I was texting Allison and from what she told me, her dad has been putting her and her brother through some kind of training. I heard a knock on my door. It opened and it was my mom. "Hey, Coach Finstock called. Told me what you and your brothers did today. I'm proud of you Rye." My mom said. She walked over to my bed and kissed my head. "One day, you'll be a great hero to someone. But until then, I'll always be your Superman." My mom said. "Not Superman, Batman." I said as I looked at my mom and smiled. "Goodnight kiddo." My mom told me as she hugged me. "Goodnight Mom." I said as I hugged her tighter. I laid down in my bed and I heard a knock on my door. "Cole." I said. He opened the door and walked to my bed. "Hello love." He said as he sat down. "How did you know?" Cole asked me. "I felt her pheromones. I smelled them." i told him. "How am I going to deal with you wolfie?" Cole asked. "Guess we'll have to find out." I told him. He laid next to me and we both drifted off to sleep.

The next day at school, I was walking down the hallway when I heard Jackson and Lydia. "You ruined everything!" Jackson yelled at Lydia. Jackson stormed away and he bumped into me. "Are you okay Lydia?" I asked her as I walked to her. "I'm fine." She lied as she walked away.


Stiles and Riley walked to the table Sam and I were sitting at. Riley came to the table while Stiles went and sat with a different guy.

Stiles came over to the table after a while and sat keys on the table. "Pick you guys up after work and we'll meet here. Cool?" Stiles asked, but our attention was on the person who just walked into the cafeteria.

Erica Reyes.

But she wasn't the same Erica from yesterday. This Erica had confidence. WHich is good, but something was up. The guys looked at her with lust while the girls looked at her with envy. "What the holy hell is that?" Lydia asked. "It's Erica." Scott said.

We got up and followed Erica out of the school to see the one culprit behind it all; Derek Hale. They sped off in his car as he flashed me a smile.

After school, we went to the clinic. We were all distracted and I dropped a glass container. "Why do I have a feeling you boys have a lot on your minds?" Deaton asked. "Sorry. It kinda just slipped through my fingers. Like everything else." I said. "Now that sounds like something too worrisome for a teenager to say." Deaton said. "I'm sorry." I said. "Just have a different perspective of things." He said. "Hey doc." I said. "When are we going to have a chance to talk about what we didn't talk about?" I asked. "Ah yes. We didn't get to talk about that did we? Riley. Sam." Deaton said. My brothers came in the room and stood by me. "Now's definitely a good time." Deaton said. "Thank God." I said. "What do you think? $2?" Deaton asked. Riley and Sam looked at me. "$2?" I asked. "You're right. "$2.50 more an hour.Seems like a pretty good raise." Deaton said.

I was so confused right now.


Before I went to the skating rink with my friends, I had to pay a special visit to a certain Alpha.

When I got to Derek's house, he was outside. "Hey Babe." He said as I walked up to him. I slapped him right across his face. "What the hell is your problem Derek Hale?!?! Isaac wasn't enough? Now you have to change Erica?" I yelled. "Riley, will you please calm down?" He asked. "No. Because you're changing innocent people into monsters! You're no different than Peter." I said as I started walking away. "Hey!" Derek yelled as he grabbed me. I turned around and flashed him my eyes. "I'm not scared of you." He said. "Then let me go before I give you a reason to be." I growled. Derek let me go and I headed to the Rec center to meet up with my brothers and my friends.

We split into groups, Cole and I, Lydia and Stiles, Anna and Sam, Allison and Scott.

We all put on our skates and I hoped I didn't fall. Did I mention I can't ice skate? Or skate period?

Scott and Allison were the first 2 to get on the ice. Scott was the first one to almost break his face on the ice.

Lydia decided to show us that ice skating was like passing a simple math test to her. Seeing her smile was a happy sight for me. Another happy sight was seeing Allison teaching Scott how to ice skate, and him falling again. "Ready?" Cole asked me. "I've never ice skated before." I told him. "It'll be okay. I'll help you." He said. He stood up and held out his hand. I hesitated grabbing it, but I did it. We walked to the edge of the skating rink. I stepped on the ice, and I took off. It's like I had skated for years. Having time like this with my brothers and my best friends and my boyfriend is something I enjoyed. Scott, Allison, Cole and I took a break from the ice. Cole and I got food while Scott and Allison took pictures. "Our turn when they get done?" Cole asked me. "Yeah sure." I said. Once Allison and Scott came out, we went in the photo booth. The pictures would've been better, but like Scott's, the flash from the camera triggered my eyes. We left the booth, trying to meet up with Allison and Scott, and that's when I heard it. Lydia screamed, triggering something inside of me to scream.


I have no idea what happened, but one minute, Lydia is screaming and a few seconds later, so is Riley. "Riley?!?"I yelled. Before I could reach him, he had collapsed on the floor. I ran to him and picked him up. "Riley, wake up." I whispered to him.


All I remember is waking up in Scott's room. I tried to get up, but I couldn't seeing as how I had Scott on one side of me and Sam on the other. "Go back to sleep Riley." Sam said.

When I woke up for school, I had the biggest headache.

Once we got to school, we went our separate ways. We met back up at lunch. Scott told me he tried getting answers out of Erica about who Derek was changing next, but it was no luck there.

Scott and Allison were talking and Stiles came running to our table. "Look." He said as he pointed at the table behind us. "What?" Sam asked. "What's missing from that table?" Stiles asked. We thought about it. "Boyd." Scott said.

"Riley, You and I are going to go to the Ice Rink, see if he's there. Stiles, you and Sam check his house." Scott said. "If he's not there, you call me." Scott said. Stiles stopped. "What?" Scott asked. "Maybe we should let him." Stiles said. "All I'm saying is maybe this one isn't your responsibility. " Stiles said. "They are. This thing's going to get out of control and it's going to make me responsible." Scott said. "Alright, I'm with you." Stiles said.


I found myself walking towards the burned house everyone knew as 'The Hale House'. "Derek." I said. "I know you can hear me." I continued. "You owe me an explanation." I said. "I want to know why it didn't work." I demanded.


We found Boyd at the Ice Rink. "Boyd!" Scott yelled. "We just want to talk." He continued. "Come on Boyd, Please?" Scott asked. "DId Derek tell you everything?" He asked. "I don't mean going out of control on full moons, everything." He said. Boyd stopped. "He told me about the hunters." He said. "And that's not enough for you to say no?" I asked. "WHatever you want, there's another way to get it." Scott said. "I just don't want to eat lunch alone everyday." Boyd said. "If you're looking for friends, you can do alot better than Derek." Scott said. "That really hurt Scott." We heard. I knew that voice. My Imprint. "I mean if you're going to review me, at least take a consensus." Derek said. I saw 4 shadows emerge from behind him. I knew 2 of them, the other 2, broke straight through me as I saw Erica, Isaac, Elijah, and Jay come from behind Derek. "What did you do to them?" I growled. "Erica, How has life been for you since we met?" Derek asked. "Hmm. In one word, Transformative." Erica said as she growled at Scott and I. "Isaac?" Derek asked. "Well, I'm a little bummed about being a fugitive, but other than that, I'm great." He answered. "Okay, hold on, this isn't exactly a fair fight." Scott said. "Then go home Scott." Derek said. Derek looked at Erica and Isaac and they started walking towards Scott and I. Scott ran in front of me and shifted. "I meant fair for them." Scott growled.

Erica and Isaac started attacking my brother while I was grabbed by Derek. "Let me go Derek!" I yelled. Scott had finally gotten Isaac and Erica to the ground. "Don't you get it? He's not doing it for you!" Scott yelled. "He's just adding to his own powers." He said. "He makes it seem like he's given you a gift when he's turned you into a bunch of guard dogs!"He yelled. "It's true." Derek said as he put me down. Not long after that, I was in the arms of Eli and Jay. "It is about power." He continued. He started walking towards my brother. "No!" I cried. Derek was beating the crap out of my brother and I tried to get away from Jay and Eli. Derek slammed Scott to he ground and put his foot on his throat. "No!" I screamed. Derek, Erica, Isaac, Jay, Eli and Scott all covered their ears. I ran towards Scott and helped him up. Boyd got off of his machine and walked towards us. "Don't. You don't want to be like them." Scott said. "You're right." Boyd said as he showed us the fresh bite on his side. "I want to be like you." He said. He followed Derek and the others as they left. I looked at Scott and I started crying. "Hey, don't cry." Scott said as he wiped my tears away. "Scott, my best friend was bitten by someone who I thought I loved. I trusted him." I cried. "It's okay." Scott said. "Let's get home." Scott said.

We headed towards the clinic, where we met with Dr. Deaton and Sam. "Why isn't this healing?" Scott asked. "Because it's from an Alpha." Dr. Deaton said. "I think it's time we had that talk." He said.

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