
Oleh ThrillerGal

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Money, sex, power, revenge- These are the things that make the world go round in Encino. Althea Jackson has... Lebih Banyak

All In The Family
Better Left Unsaid
Monkey Business
Cain Vs Able
A Kiss Of Death
The Songs Of Bilitis
Curiosity Killed The Rabbit
Teenage Wasteland
It's His Party
Blood And Water
He Ain't Heavy; He Ain't My Brother
The Prodigal Sister
Welcome Back
The Promised Land
Get Out
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Something New
Mr. Telephone Man
Ties That Bind
Good, Bad, & Worse
Enemy In the Camp
For Immediate Release
Turning Tables
The Cocktail Party Effect
Happiness Is a Warm Gun
Two Weeks Notice
Comings And Goings
Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot
More Things in Heaven and Earth
The Sound of Silence

Barbeque Blitz

330 14 13
Oleh ThrillerGal

Althea felt sick to her stomach every time she passed her vanity.

Knowing what was inside almost made her feel like a murderer who'd stashed away a dead body and she hated each moment that the guilt ate away at her. Althea had never been so worried and confused in her life and if she didn't have anything to busy herself with, she was debating on coming clean to Michael about Jermaine's harassment.

Althea could either tell Michael and start World War II with the Jacksons or she could deal with Jermaine herself and let the whole thing blow over.

As she was sure Jermaine had planned, the threat of leaking the pictures had caused Althea to distance herself from Michael. She was aloof and jumpy in his presence and while she never meant to be she just couldn't shake it. She almost feared that getting too close to her own husband would give Jermaine more ammunition against them.

Althea was determined not to let her evil brother-in-law cause the decline of her marriage so in an attempt to make up for the lost time she made lunch and decided to surprise her husband at the office.

Althea touched up her lipstick on the walls of the mirrored elevator and waited impatiently for the doors to open to the floor of Jacksound Record's offices. An unusual chill greeted her as she stepped off, causing the hairs on Althea's arms to stand up. She suddenly had a bad feeling but she tried to shake it off.

"Hi Althea," Pamela smiled as she entered the foyer.

She smiled politely at the secretary as she pulled the picnic basket off her hip and sat it on her desk.

"Hey Pam, how's it going?"

The brown-eyed secretary eyed the basket, a smile spreading on her red-glossed lips.

"Preparing for the barbeque this Friday, huh?" She teased.

Althea's arched eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Barbeque? What barbeque?" She asked, confused.

Pamela's eyes widened.

"Did you forget? The Jacksons always throw a big barbeque at the end of summer. It's like the biggest event of the year for the office staff and everybody who knows them. It's not every day I get to put on a nice garden party dress, wander around a fabulous estate and eat all the prime rib Bobby and I could dream about."

Althea felt foolish and embarrassed for being out of the loop about what was supposed to be a big event hosted by the family she'd married into. The Jacksons had never wanted her to touch a blade of grass on their property when she was dating Michael, let alone invite her to a family event.

Kathrine didn't even have the courtesy to call and invite them.

"Oh, I must have forgotten," She chuckled nervously, ready to put the topic to rest. "Is Michael in?"

Pamela held up her glossy manicured index finger and pressed the intercom extension.

"Mr. Jackson," She spoke softly. "Mrs. Jackson is here to see you,"

The line was silent for a moment.

"Which one?" he asked.

The secretary giggled.

"Your wife, sir,"

"Send her in right away,"

Althea smiled and picked up her picnic basket.

"Well, I guess I'll be seeing you at the barbeque,"

She gave the secretary one last wave before heading past reception to Michael's office.

As she passed the hall, Althea noticed Jermaine's office door ajar. He reclined in his chair while yapping on the phone and for a second, his eyes met hers.

She shot him a glare before pushing Michael's door open.

"Hi baby," he greeted, flashing that heart-racing smile as he stood from his desk.

Althea set down the basket, squealing in delight as Michael pulled her close to him and bent down, kissing her sweetly.

"What a lovely surprise,"

Michael gave her waist a squeeze before she pulled away.

"I got carried away in the kitchen this morning and thought I'd bring you a nice hot lunch," Althea smiled as she rummaged through the basket, retrieving its contents.

Her husband rubbed his hands together in anticipation and she couldn't help but giggle at his excitement.

"Roast beef for you, ham for me, and a hot vegetable soup,"

Michael smiled as his wife sat his lunch in front of him, realizing how lucky he was to have such a caring partner.

"Thanks, sweetheart," he replied.

They talked while they ate and Althea found it nice to be able to spend time with Michael without the possibility of their intimate moments being filmed or photographed without their permission. However, another hot topic of concern had invaded her mind.

"Pamela told me about the barbeque this Friday," Althea started slowly as she picked up a pickle spear.

Michael glanced up from his cup of soup, his ebony eyes growing wide.

"That's Friday?"

A twinge of annoyance coursed through Althea's veins. Something told her that her husband was feigning ignorance.

"Did you forget? It's all the rage around the office. I hear that almost everyone who knows the Jacksons will be there and the prime rib is amazing," She retorted, mocking his secretary.

Her husband gently wiped the corner of his mouth.

"Yeah, so?" Michael replied.

Althea scoffed.

"So why didn't you tell me? This is supposed to be a big family event and I had to find out from your secretary?" She snapped.

By the fiery gleam in her innocent-looking eyes and the way she bit her lip, Michael knew his wife was not happy.

"I didn't think we'd go," He shrugged. "I thought you wanted a break from the family for a while,"

The furrow of her brow softened. Sure, Michael and Althea had moved out of Hayvenhurst to get away from the Jacksons but she hadn't meant to excommunicate them.

"That doesn't mean we can't go, Mike. How do you think it's gonna look if all the whole family is there except us? Your mother hasn't even called. Don't you think she'd be surprised to see you?"

Michael sighed, knowing his wife was naive to his mother's manipulation. Her lack of invitation was only to guilt them into attending.

"If we go it's gonna be because you wanted to-not because Mother didn't call. Do you really wanna go, baby?"

"I'm not jumping for joy about it but I'm not against it either," Althea pouted.

Her husband chuckled.

"Alright, we'll go,"

His wife flashed her beautiful smile and leaned across the desk to kiss him.

"See, that wasn't hard now was it?" She asked.

Michael grinned.

"The only hard part is telling you no," he replied.

Althea stood from her chair and slowly slinked over to her husband before settling on his lap.

"I'm lucky to be spoiled by you,"

She leaned in, kissing him again and Michael smiled against her lips.

"I think you said that incorrectly," He quipped.

Althea quirked a brow as she wrapped her arms around his neck

"Whayda mean?"

"I'm lucky to be able to spoil you,"


"Baby, what happened? It looks like a tornado swept through here,"

Michael stared perplexedly as he entered the bedroom, a trail of dresses and blouses littered the floor and led directly to his wife who stood in front of her closet staring into it as if a ready-made outfit would pop out at any moment.

He smiled to himself as he cheekily snuck up behind Althea and wrapped his arms around her waist. The touch almost made her heart stop in shock

"Mike," Althea gasped. "I didn't hear you come in,"

Since the threat to release their intimate photos, Althea found it very unnerving to be in the house completely alone. Any little creek or noise made her think that someone was in or around the home looking to get more dirt on their personal lives.

Michael smiled and kissed her cheek.

"You weren't expecting anyone else, were ya? "

She giggled and spun around to face him.

"No, but I wasn't expecting you home so early. I haven't even put my outfit together for the barbeque. I have nothing to wear," She groaned.

The day of the barbeque had finally arrived and Althea was taking her preparation very seriously.

She didn't know why she was so eager to go, especially if it included seeing Jermaine but Althea felt as if she had something to prove by attending. Hearing Pamela rave about the gathering and expecting her attendance made her want to show Michael's colleagues that she had been accepted into the family-even if she was strong-arming her way into this barbeque.

Michael pulled away from his wife, his eyes sweeping over their messy room once more.

"Thea, there are clothes everywhere," Her husband chuckled. "How could you possibly have nothing to wear,"

Althea rolled her eyes playfully.

"I wouldn't expect you to understand, honey,"

He shook his head with a smile as he loosened the buttons on his shirt.

"I'm gonna take a shower and get ready, okay? I hope you find something by then,"

She stretched on her toes to kiss him.

"I promise, I will,"

After Michael had freshened up Althea had settled on an outfit, the couple headed straight to Hayvenhurst. Realizing it would be their first time at Hayvenhurst since they'd moved made her feel a little nervous but Althea was looking forward to seeing Opal again.

When they arrived at Hayvenhurst, the front driveway was full of so many cars, Michael could hardly find a place to park the Royce. The delicious smell of steak sizzling on the grill wafted in the air and shrieks of laughter and chatter were drowned out by Frankie Beverly and Maze blasting from the speakers.

The scene made Althea smile thinking about the fun rent parties she grew up attending in her neighborhood.

Althea carefully held the bowl of ambrosia salad she'd made as they made their way to the front door and Michael rested a hand on her waist as they waited for someone to greet them, causing the little flutters of nervousness in her belly to settle down.

"Michael! Althea! " Opal smiled as she pulled open the door. "What a surprise!"

Michael grinned as he leaned in to embrace the maid.

"We've missed you, Opal,"

The maid blushed.

"It's just not the same here since you two left. Let me take that from you sweet Althea. The party's in the back,"

Althea smiled as Opal took the bowl of ambrosia salad and stepped over the threshold.

"I have to find a way to sneak you out of this place to have lunch with me one day. Our new home is lovely but so lonely sometimes," She whispered to the maid, her voice competing with the music that lulled into the house.

"Just give me a call and I'll be right over," Opal smiled.

Michael grabbed hold of his wife's hand as they strolled into the backyard. There were many faces that Althea had not seen, some she had only seen at Michael's birthday party, the familiar, and then there were the Jacksons.

Kathrine lounged in a lawn chair adorned with a large sunhat and glasses while Joseph sat beside her with a plate full of food. Tito was busy by the grill, T.J was cozied up with his gal pal Vanessa on one of the sofas while a visibly pregnant Hazel glanced between her nephew and Stacy, she played ring toss with some of the other kids.

As always, Jermaine had to be the center of attention. He stood with an exaggerated posture as he chatted with a group of men. Althea fought the urge to roll her eyes when she noticed Whitney standing by his side, holding his arm tightly as if Hazel wasn't even in attendance.

She noticed his gaze drift to her and Michael and she pulled away from her husband, wanting to avoid interacting with her brother-in-law. Althea heard enough from him.

"Do you want me to make a plate for you, honey?" She asked, already a few steps ahead of him.

Michael chuckled as he grabbed hold of his wife's hand.

"Wait for me, baby. I wanna see what they have," He replied.

Althea batted her eyelashes in that bewitching way she'd mastered.

"You know I already know what you like,"

"Well look what the cat dragged in," Jermaine smirked, causing the couple to turn their attention to him. "I thought you two were done with this place for good,"

Michael sucked his teeth.

"Don't start, Jermaine. We came here to have a good time just like everybody else. Leave the bullshit at the door," He retorted.

The elder Jackson's eyebrows rose in faux shock.

"I haven't started, little brother. You're the one gettin' all defensive,"

Althea rolled her eyes.

"C'mon, Michael. Let's get something to eat,"

They headed towards the spread and filled their plates up with an assortment of delicious foods. Michael felt as if the heavy plates were too much for his lovely wife to carry so Althea bargained to get their drinks instead. As she poured ice cubes into each cup, she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Hi Althea, I haven't seen you in a while,"

Althea fought the urge to roll her eyes when she spun around to see Whitney and was surprised that she'd managed to tear away from Jermaine for a moment.

"Hi Whitney," she smiled politely as she poured strawberry soda.

Even if their last encounter had been strange and ended sourly, Althea didn't see any point in being mean to Whitney. At least not yet.

The younger woman eyed Althea's perfect hourglass figure as she leaned over the table. The off-the-shoulder dress she wore hugged her hips perfectly and Whitney just didn't think it was fair that she couldn't seduce her the way she wanted to.

"I heard you and Michael moved into a new place," Whitney smiled as she glanced down at her nails. "I'm looking for an apartment myself. Maybe I could come over and we could go house hunting,"

Althea picked up the drinks and spun around with a tight-lipped grin plastered on her face. Althea was still naive about many things but she wasn't so easily fooled. Jermaine's schemes had taught her to be more cautious and less trusting.

"I've made it perfectly clear that I am in no way interested in indulging in your sapphic lifestyle, Whitney," she spoke sweetly as she stared up at the taller woman " My answer is still the same,"

Whitney scoffed feeling a surge of anger run up her spine.

"I wouldn't be too sure if I were you, doll," She retorted.

Althea happily huffed and strolled over to the table where Michael was waiting on her.

"Baby, what took you so long?" Her husband asked as she handed him a drink.

"Oh, I was just catching up with Whitney,"

As they ate, a few people passed by the table to say hello. Althea was waiting on Kathrine to be among those people but she stayed on her chair, glancing at their table every once in a while. This disappointed Althea. She and Kathrine had made so much progress to have a good relationship and because they'd moved out, she was icing her out again.

"Hey, Althea!" Pamela squealed as she rushed over to the table, her husband Bobby following close behind. "Havin any fun?"

Althea smiled at the couple as they settled at the table. They were one of the few people kind enough to entertain them.

"I think we're sitting at the loser's table," She giggled. "Not much is going on over here,"

Pamela smiled.

"That's not true. You can come mingle with us if you like,"

The song blasting through the backyard had changed from a slow groove to a recent hit by The Whispers and Pamela sat down her drink.

"This is my song!" She exclaimed, grabbing her husband's hand. "We'll be back,"

Althea smiled as she watched the couple join others that were out there on the dancefloor and turned to her husband.

"What do you say, Mike? Should we hit the dance floor?"

Michael was a great dancer and Althea knew he could easily cure the boredom of the party with a go on the floor.

She noticed her husband sweating profusely and frowned.

"Honey, are you okay?" Althea asked.

Michael wiped the sweat off his brow and stripped out of his sweater and button-up, leaving him in only a plain t-shirt as he nodded his head. The temperature had been fairly mild for a late California summer's day. By the way her husband was sweating, you'd think it was the hottest day of the year.

"I feel great, baby!" He exclaimed, yanking his wife up from her chair. "Let's dance,"

A strong wave of euphoria that Michael had never felt had suddenly washed over him. He felt like dancing, running a mile, and taking the world's longest nap all at once and he was more in love with Althea than ever. His head felt cloudy and dizzy and he could hardly hear the music but he kept his body moving.

While everyone had hit the floor, Hazel watched in jealousy as Vannessa shimmied and grinned against T.J. A part of her wished that it was her who was young and sweet and seventeen and had won the handsome boy away from the older woman. That she was young with a clean slate and had chosen a better Jackson brother.

Since she'd revealed her pregnancy and ended things with T.J she was practically invisible. Hazel had never wanted to end the affair, but she knew they'd gotten in way too deep and it hurt to see him move on to someone else.

The more he brought her around, the more accepting Hazel had become of Vanessa. What she wasn't prepared for was Whitney.

She'd had her suspicions that Jermaine had a new mistress but the barbeque was her first time laying eyes on her. They both had some nerve- Jermaine for inviting her and Whitney for openly showing him affection in front of his pregnant wife. Sure Hazel was pregnant but she wasn't a doormat either.

Hazel had knocked back her fourth wine cooler and fixed her eyes on the two. Whitney giggled as Jermaine grabbed her swaying hips only causing the scorned wife's rage to ignite. She was tired of being embarrassed and disrespected.

She tossed the glass bottle into the grass and pushed her way through the dance floor not caring if her pregnant belly bumped into a few people. Michael was beginning to lose control of his motor skills and Althea struggled to tear him away from the crowd but watched Hazel carefully.

Hazel did not hesitate to pull the couple apart before soundly slapping her husband across the face. The upbeat music continued to play but the guests had all stopped in their tracks, watching the circus unfold.

"Hazel," Jermaine hissed.

His wife ignored him and spun around to face Whitney.

"You slut!"

The words had hardly left her mouth before the younger woman had reached out to slap her lover's assailant.

Hazel held her face in shock for what felt like a second and in the blink of an eye all her fury unleashed. Fingernails and hair extensions from the tussle littered the ground and the fight almost distracted Althea from her husband's body growing limp in her arms.

"Michael?" she whispered frantically. "Michael, wake up sweetie,"

Her petite frame could not keep him up for long and it left Althea no choice but to lay his body on the ground. She had no idea what had happened and the panic consumed her, tears beginning to fall from her eyes. This just couldn't be the end.

"Someone help, please," 

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