I Didn't Ask For A Bodyguard!

By luckistarz

909K 27.8K 8.6K

"When life gives you lemons, throw them back and yell: 'I WANTED SUSHI DAMMIT!" ~~ Aria has hemophilia. That... More

♀Aria of Air♀
♀: "Countdown."
♀: "I don't want a bodyguard!"
♂Aaron of Aces♂
♀: "I definitely can't trust him. Too good looking."
♀: "I Just Want Some Sushi."
♀ : "Deviled Eggs from Hell."
♀: "Let me cower in the bathroom in peace."
♀: "You're coming with me to the bathroom next time."
♀: "From one awkward situation to the next."
♂: "If you got hit by a train, I would be driving that train."
♀ : "No. NO. A fucking bunny rampage was NOT in the field trip form."
♀: "But you see, you guys DIDN'T die, so everything is okay!"
♀ : "I plan on crying my way out of here."
♀ : "Well- you're taking off your shirt off for a good reason?"
♂: "Don't fucking mess with me."
♀ : "You said, and I quote, 'kick the balls'. You didn't say which ones."
♀: "But Aaron. PANINIS."
♀ : "What. Just. HAPPENED?!"
♀: "Maybe if this is all over..."
♂: "You are now at 100%."

"Babies aren't collectables, Aria."

43.1K 1.3K 701
By luckistarz

^Aria blowing you a last kiss goodbye~

**Not Edited (Please ignore the grammar and spelling mistakes. ;A;)**

~7 years later~

"Today, the Marianes family held a private funeral for their father and mother, whose remains were found days earlier uncovered in a shed nearby the mansion in which 39 of the world's highest socialists were brutally murdered. 7 years prior, the sole survivor, the daughter of AIR company's CEO, testified in the court case against the murderers. The five remaining gunmen, as well as their assisting outside members, including policeman Jack Rivers, were caught and sentenced to life in jail indefinitely.

"The company was handed over to the CEO's sole daughter, who inherited the inheritance money, but decided to sell the company to NUIMAGE. She released a statement in which she cited her inability to run a company at such a young age without prior training or exposure to such a field as her main reason for selling the company.

"In other news..."


"Say hi to daddy!" Aria cooed, waving Ben's little arms at Aaron.

"Aria, let Ben sleep," Aaron sighed, looking at their one-year-old son who was babbling happily and waving a stuffed rabbit around.

"But he's so cute!" Aria squealed, hugging Ben to her chest. "Although I'm not sure if we got the right baby because he has blonde hair. Are you sure he's ours?"

"I already explained it to you about a million times," Aaron sighed. "My mom had blonde hair so I have the gene for blonde hair. Your mom also had blonde hair, so you also have the gene for blonde hair. That means we both have the genes for blonde hair, and although it was a 25%, it is completely possible that our baby is blonde."

"Even if he's not ours-"

"He is ours. Trust me."

"-I still love him very much," Aria hummed, rubbing Ben's cheeks. "He's so soft."

"Yes, we made a cute baby. Now let him sleep."

"Mommy, I got a white belt!" A two year old said excitedly, running out from behind Aaron in a karate gi.

"Awww, you're going to be so strong," Aria squealed, ruffling Hunter's hair.

"What's up y'all, look at my cute baby!" Rayni announced, bursting into their house.

"Rayni we gave you those keys for emergency purposes," Aaron sighed.

"This is an emergency. My baby is the cutest thing ever. Look at how cute he is!" Rayni said, proudly showing off her son. "Look at how cute his dinosaur onesie is!"

Leo trailed behind her, holding the baby bags and her purse.

From Aria's arms, Ben squealed excitedly and made grabby hands at the boy his same age.

"See, Ben loves Kris."

"They practically grew up together," Aaron stated, hauling Hunter into his arms and handing him a cookie.

"How are you dealing with the paparazzi by the way?" Aria asked, watching as Ben and Kris played with the Lego's scattered around the house.

"Eh, I came here by using three decoy cars. Don't worry," Rayni said, waving her hand in a dismissive manner.

"We barely hang out since your reality show got popular," Aria pouted. "I only see you and Leo on the front cover of magazines now. I see Kris more often than I see you guys."

"Speaking of," Rayni said, sitting up and turning to face Aria more directly. "How are Nana and Evalyn?"

"Nana's going to release her Spring fashion line soon. It's called Spring Champagne and the dresses are so pretty, you're going to love it when you model it. And Evalyn is doing well, she's in Haiti right now doing volunteer work to help aide the sick."

"I can't believe she's choosing to stay in college for so long. I would die," Rayni said honestly, shaking her head.

"I know. That's why I studied to be an airline hostess."

"You're not that good from what I've heard."

"That's just Aaron making up lies so I don't go back to work," Aria hissed, glaring at Aaron.

"You're pregnant. You're staying home," Aaron shouted from the kitchen.

"I refuse! I am in my prime!" Aria yelled back.

"You are 21 and three weeks pregnant, no way I'm letting you on a plane."

"I want a girl," Aria said with determination. "Not that I don't love sons but I want to get the whole collection."

"Babies aren't collectables, Aria."

"But they're so cute!" Aria cooed. "I mean, they're a lot of work to take care of, but who cares when you have people to help you take care of them!"

"You have your neighbors help you?" Leo asked, picking up Kris and giving him a kiss on the head.

"Doesn't your neighbor hit on Aaron?" Rayni inquired.

Aria narrowed her eyes. "Yeah, she does. Especially when Aaron comes back from teaching his mixed martial arts class. That lady is totally out to steal my man- but she also makes the best brownies ever."

"Girl, all the mothers who enroll their kids in Aaron's class are out to steal your man. Why do you think Aaron's class is so popular?"

"Hey, I'm a good teacher," Aaron defended.

"Ssssh," Aria hushed, holding up a finger and looking deep in thought. "Rayni might be on to something here."

"I am a good teacher! And Ben, don't you dare put that Lego in your mouth."

Ben looked up at his daddy with his chocolate brown eyes, his little hands gripped tightly on the Lego.


Ben gave his best puppy eyes, Lego halfway to his mouth.

"Ben, drop it."

The blonde boy hesitated for a second but stuffed the tip of the Lego into his mouth and sucked on it happily as Aaron groaned and walked over, removing the Lego.

"No, bad, don't do that," He reprimanded, handing him a glowing stuffed worm. "Here. Play with this."

Ben crawled onto a bean bag chair, playing with the glowworm with wide eyes. Every time he squeezed and it lit up, he would wave it around excitedly.

Leo laughs as he settles Kris on his chest, while shifting his position on the sofa. The small boy laid on his belly and amused himself by playing with the strings of his Leo's hoodie, staring in wonderment.

Aria smiled as Aaron picked up all the Legoes, content with how perfect her life was.

"What are you smiling at?" Aaron asked, dumping all the Legoes back in the box.

Aria just giggle and tilted her head back to signal that she wanted a kiss from Aaron, who kissed her softly on the lips while Hunter made a noise of disgust and Ben giggled happily.

"Serious question," Aria hummed happily as their lips parted.

"Yeah?" Aaron asked, arching an eyebrow.

"When am I going to get to eat sushi?"



And that's the end of 'I Didn't Ask For A Bodyguard!" Thank you guys so much for the support throughout the whole story, you all have been so amazing! <3


I know the epilogue was short, so I'm going to give you some more insight on the character's lives (also because I had their whole family planned out and I want everyone to know XD)

Aria and Aaron have five kids in total (Aaron refused to have any more than five, no matter how much Aria wanted a girl) Their kids, in order of age:

Hunter Hayes (21 Years Old/ a con artist:  Appears in 'The Disney Con')

Benjamin Hayes (20 Years Old/ popstar:  appears in 'I Rented  A PopStar' and the books rewrite, 'Heartbreak Headlines'*/ three chapter appearance in 'Hello, Baby')

Matt Hayes (19 Years Old/ twin of Jace Hayes/ performing art student: appears in 'Hacking Into the Heart')

Jace Hayes (19 Years Old/twin of Matt/ hairstylist: appears in 'Checkmate, Game Over'*)

Noah Hayes (18 Years Old/ florist: appears in 'Love Me Not'*)  

*indicates that the story has either not been written yet (HH and LMN) or the character has not yet made an appearance (Jace in CGO)

Look forward to their future appearances, and thank you all so much for following this story, it means so much to me <3

So for one last time in this story, comment, vote, and thank you all so much for reading!!!! You all have been amazing!

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