St Katherine's


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Follow Raven as she deals with a tragic past whilst in a new boarding school with a sexy enigmatic teacher, M... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 Part 1
Chapter 27 Part 2
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 29

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Chapter Twenty Nine
Blake's POV
I wake to an empty bed, and my first reaction is to sit up and look around, the sheets slipping off me as I do so. A sly smile fixes itself on my lips as I look down to see my exposed body, the memories of last nights events fresh in my mind.
I collapse back onto the bed, sighing blissfully to myself. I've made up my mind. Raven is going to be mine.
It makes me sick to imagine her with anyone else, and I can't even begin to imagine being with anyone but her.
She's worth any risk thrown my way. She worth more then just one chance.
I sit up again and slide off the bed, pulling on my underwear, my over sized sleeping flannel and my sorts before making my way to the door and opening it with care and tip toeing down the passage way. It is only 6am, and I don't want to wake anyone else who may be sleeping.
As I near the staircase I smell pancakes, telling me that Sarah is cooking breakfast. I also hear two voices, one that I know belongs to Sarah and the other one I recognize as Raven's.
I make my way slowly down the staircase, listening to catch a snippet of the conversation happening in the kitchen.
"I haven't seen Blake this happy in a very long time," I hear Sarah saying, "Rose really likes you. I've never seen her like someone Blake has brought home so much before."
"I'm glad," I hear Raven laugh.
"My ears are burning," I say, walking in, "are you talking about me?"
My eyes meet Raven's, and a small smile forms at the way her eyes light up and her cheeks tint over.
"We might've been," Sarah winks at me over her shoulder from the stove.
"I was just going to bring you some tea," Raven Says, picking up a mug from the counter. She sounds slightly nervous, watching me carefully.
"Thank you baby," I say quietly, walking over her and sliding my arm around her waist, pulling her towards me and kissing her softly, catching her completely by surprise. I pull away and take the mug
from her hands, taking a sip while holding her gaze. Her eyes are wide, probably taken aback from my actions.
"Cuties," Sarah comments.
"Sarah, I want to show Raven my fathers ridiculously large fish pond outside," I Say, taking Raven's hand and intertwining my fingers with hers, "call us when the kids wake up for presents."
"Will do," Sarah hums over her shoulder at us. I unlock the kitchen door and open it, leading Raven through. She continues to watch me with curiosity as I lead her to the gigantic fish pond down the hill in the corner of the garden.
I gesture for her to take a seat next to me on the wooden bench over looking the pond, and she does, still studying me.
"Last night," I start, only to be interrupted straight away, making me look over at Raven.
"I know, it can't happen again. It won't happen again. We don't have to discuss it further. I understand," she says, fiddling with her hands in her lap. She glances up at me, to see me smirking.
"What's with the smirk?" She frowns.
"Can I finish?" I chuckle, making her frown more, nodding slowly in confusion. I take a deep breath, and continue.
"I've.. I've tried to not fall for you, Raven, and I've failed miserably. Try as I might, I can't keep my hands off you. My feelings for you are so strong I can't even try avoid them anymore. I want to try, I want to try us," I Say, and as I speak her mouth falls open slightly, her eyes wide and filled with a deep look I can't interpret.
"However, there needs to be some rules-" her lips crash onto mine
before I can even finish my sentence, and I feel her straddling me, her hands cupping my face. I laugh, kissing her back, my hands sliding around her waist.
"Mmmhmm rules, totally," She says between kisses, "keep it secret, no one will know, I won't tell anyone."
I laugh more and kiss her back deeply, silencing her and making her smile against my lips.
She pulls back, studying my face, her eyes glistening and a pure smile on her lips.
"Best. Christmas. Gift. Ever." She whispers, making me laugh again.
"Your actual Christmas present is under the tree," I Say, and she sighs, shaking her head.
"I told you not to get me anything," she says, brushing her lips against mine.
"I told you the same thing and yet there's still something under the tree with my name on it from you," I chuckle. She smirks, biting her lip as she studies me.
"I can kiss you freely now," she states, making me roll my eyes but smile.
"And I can hold your hand," she says, her one hand leaving my face and fetching my hand the rests on her hip, slipping her fingers between mine. A soft smile spreads across my lips as I watch her, butterflies erupting in my chest.
"And I can take you on dates," she adds, her eyes on our hands before she leans forward and places soft kisses on each of my fingers, causing goosebumps to form all over my body, my heart warming at her actions and words.
"Speaking of which," she says, her hand letting go of mine and both her arms sliding around my neck, her eyes meeting mine again, "May I take you out on a date, my fair lady?"
"How formal," I laugh, both my arms sneaking around her waist and pulling her closer, "and yes, yes you can."
She beams, her face lighting up.
"Ah, the happy couple," Thalia says from behind us, making Raven look up sharply. I look around, my eyes meeting my sisters. I feel Raven slide off my lap.
Thalia's arms are crossed over her mid section, her eyebrow raised as she looks at me expectedly.
"Good morning to you too, Thalia," Raven says slightly sarcastically, standing up and walking around the bench, "merry Christmas. Hope you slept nicely."
I can't help but smile, and immediately try hide it.
"I'll let you and your sister have a little talk, I'll see you inside," she says to me, before walking back up to the house, stopping next to Thalia and saying something quietly to her that I don't catch.
Thalia glares after Raven, before turning her gaze back onto me, death staring me and making me roll my eyes and turn my body back around so that I'm facing the fish pond. I wait for her to sit next to me on the bench, which she does after several long moments.
We sit in silence, and 1 wait for Thalia to speak first, although I know exactly what she's going to say.
"So you're actually together now," she states. "Mmhmm," I reply.
"Did you sleep with her again last night?" She asks, and I answer her by giving her a look.
"I knew you would," she sighs. We resume silence for a few more moments.
"Why Blake," she sighs deeply.
"First of all Thalia," I say firmly, "I like her. A lot, might I add. I've tried to lose feelings for her, I've tried to control myself but I'm falling for her and I can't stop. Secondly, you can be happy for me or you can shut up. If you are not nice to Raven, there will be issues. You're my sister, not mom or dad, I do not need your blessing. Do not lecture me on my life decisions, I am an adult and can run my own life and fix my own problems."
I stand, giving her a strong look with a raised eyebrow. Her eyes are wide in surprise, never having ever heard me talk like this to her before.
"Are we clear?" I Say dangerously. She doesn't say anything, so I begin to walk away, taking her silence as a yes.
"Blake wait," she calls, stopping me and making me turn around.
"I'm sorry," she says, looking down, "you're right. It's not my place to lecture you about your decisions."
"I'm glad you see that," I Say, waiting for her to continue.
'As long as you're happier, I'm happy... I just need a little time to get used to it," she says, hugging herself as a cold breeze rushes by.
"I expect you to apologize to Raven," I Add, causing her to look up sharply at me.
"For what?" She exclaims.
"The entirety of last night you were cold towards her, and what you said to her wasn't nice either," I say, and she nods slowly, looking back at the ground.
"She's really nice, Thay," I Say, my voice softer now, "give her a chance and I really think you two will get along."
"Aunty BI Aunty T! Come inside we're opening presents and eating Pancakes!!!" Jaden's little voice calls our attention and we both look up at the house to see a small figure come bursting out the kitchen door and running down the hill towards us. A smile spreads to both of our faces as the little figure nears us and throws himself at me. I catch him and swing him into my arms, my heart swelling at the sound of his giggles.
"Merry Christmas my beautiful nephew," I nuzzle my face into his neck, tickling him and earning more giggles. Jaden jumps from my arms into Thalia's, planting kisses all over her cheeks and making her
We make our way back up the hill and into the warmth of the kitchen, the entire house awake now and helping move the pancakes that Sarah had prepared to the lounge, where my father is helping Ansel rekindle the fire. I find little Shay crawling on the carpet and I scoop her up into my arms, taking her with me and finding a seat on the couch.
I scan around for Raven, my face lighting up when I see her entering the lounge carrying plates which she sets on the coffee table next to the pancakes, cutlery and toppings before climbing onto the couch next to me and kissing my cheek.
"Everything Okay?" She asks me quietly, referring to my talk with Thalia. Shay eagerly crawls from my lap and into Raven's.
"Everything's perfect," I reply, staring at her softly, an adorable blush forming on her cheeks at my words.
"Presents presents presents!!!" Jaden runs into the room, yelling at the top of his excited lungs.
"Alright little guy," Ansel chuckles, walking into the room with an arm around his wife's shoulder.
My parents walk in, taking their seats in their matching arm chairs. My mother smiles fondly at Raven and I, a hand resting over her heart. This time I smile back at her.
We start off with letting Jaden open all his Christmas presents, including his LEGO set from Raven which he loves. I can't help but smile at her, my heart swelling at her thoughtfulness. After Jaden had opened all his presents he helps his sister open hers, adorably trying to get her to be interested while she attempts to eat the Christmas decorations.
Jaden then proceeds to hand it the rest of the presents to the adults from each other, starting with my gift to Raven.
"Babe," she sighs, the sound of that nicknames on her lips making me smile. It fits so perfectly.
"Just open it," I smile at her, watching her as she carefully tears the wrapping paper open. Carefully she opens the box, gasping as she does, her eyes widening. I smile, biting my lip as I do at her reaction.
"Cliche, I know," I say softly, watching as she picks the up the silver chain, the green crystal hanging lightly in silver clasp. She notices the inscription on the back of the pendent, and studies it closer, smiling as she does.
"Darling you look perfect." she whispers as she reads the small elegant script, before looking at me, smiling softly.
"Thank you," She says, leaning in and kissing me gently.
"A necklace Blake? Why Not a ring?" I hear my mother ask, followed by the laughing of my siblings and their spouses. Raven laughs softly, pulling away, her cheeks red with embarrassment.
"Mother," I mutter, shooting her a warning glare. "I'm just saying," she winks at me.
Several more gifts are handed around, including some more for Raven from my family members. I can see that she's starting to feel overwhelmed, but in a good way. Hove my family, especially how welcoming they are, and clearly Raven feels extremely welcomed.
"Here Aunty B, this ones for you," Jaden says, handing me a small square box. I smile as I see it's addressed from Raven.
"I'm curious to see how well you know Blake," Ansel chuckles at Raven as I start to peel off the wrapping paper.
"She's impossible to buy gifts for," Thalia explains when she sees Raven's confusion.
"That's true, I don't think she's ever been happy with something we've brought her," my father throws in.
"You're making me nervous," Raven says anxiously, and I place a hand on her leg, giving her a reassuring smile.
"They're teasing," I say to her before looking around at my family and speaking to them, "stop making me seem like a terrible person."
By now I've opened the box, and I look in to see an exquisite black slate pen with gold cursive script down the side. My eyebrows raise as I lift the pen, examining it more closely and gasping as I recognize the brand. Mont Blanc.
"Raven no! This must have cost you a fortune! Are you out of your mind?" I look at her shocked, and she only laughs.
"Do you like it?" She smiles, and I look back at it, smiling as I see that the gold she had scripted on the side of the pen is the exact same I had
carved on her necklace. Darling you look perfect.
"I love it," I whisper.
"What is it?" My mother asks, and Derek leans over to get a better look.
"Oh shit, is that Mont Blanc?" He exclaims, also recognizing the brand of the pen. I nod. He lets out an impressed chuckle.
"Well now we know Blake's Girlfriend is loaded," he says. Raven blushes at his comment.
"There's something else," she gestures for me to explore the contents of my gift. I look inside, and notice something wrapped in silk cloth. Carefully I remove it and unravel it, letting a small key fall into my hand, not just any key, but a key that I recognize comes from a type writer. I give Raven a curious look.
"I didn't want to log the whole thing around," She says, "it's back at your apartment."
I stare at her, at a loss for words. Instead I kiss her softly, whispering "thank you" against her lips.
We continue to open gifts, laugh, share stories and eat pancakes, which has been the tradition in my family since I was small. With Raven by my side the whole thing seems a lot more meaningful, and my family feels complete.
"Alright, Jaden can you fetch that last present over there? Yes that one, that's for uncle Derek from Me," Thalia says, and Jaden proceeds to do so, carrying the small rectangle box to Derek.
"Read the card first," Thalia says, biting her lip nervously as she studies her husband, "out loud. It's also for everyone else."
"What is this babe?" Derek chuckles curiously, slowly opening the card and beginning to read, "Dear Derek and family, I hope you have place in your hearts for one more person."
My mother, Sarah, Raven And I all gasp, our hands all clamping over our mouths, immediately understanding what the present is.
Derek on the other hand is a little more slow, and goes on to unravel the gift, opening the box it holds. He stares blankly for several long seconds into the box before looking up slowly, her mouth slightly agape.
"Babe are you serious?" He says quietly.
"You're going to be a dad," Thalia says softly, the whole room silent, tears of happiness running down my mothers face and my father beaming.
Quietly Derek gets up and walks over to his wife, pulling her into his arms and kissing her deeply before kneeling down and pressing his lips on her lower stomach over her shirt, Thalia's hand running through his hair.
"Oh this is the best Christmas news ever!!" My mother exclaims and we all get up and form a group hug around Thalia and Derek.
"What's going on?" Jaden asks, a very confused look on his little face.
"You're going to have a cousin," Ansel explains to him, scooping him up in his arms.
I get up and rush over to my sister, my baby sister, and pull her into my arms, my heart swelling for her. It's been her dream to be a mother, and 1 could not be happier.
"I know I said I was going to wait until after you're married but I couldn't," Thalia says into my hair as she hugs me back.
"Don't be silly," I mutter, laughing and pull back, looking over her and beaming.
"You're going to be a mom," I whisper, and she starts crying and laughing at the same time as our mother and Sarah hug her too, all crying with happiness.
"I'm going to be a dad!!" Derek yells, jumping up and down like a child.
I smile, true happiness flowing through me as I look around at my niece and nephew, at my siblings and their spouses, my parents and finally, Raven. My heart skips a beat and my chest flutters.
Authors Note.
Whaaat? Three chapters in one day? Crazy, I know. So Blake and Raven are together, happy? I hope so.
As always, thanks for all the reads and votes xx I hope you're enjoying the story.

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