Techno in Teora

By UltraMikeTechno

1.7K 14 47

Well... Mike's in trouble. He has landed in the land of Teora and unfortunately for him, He's all alone. Whil... More

I almost forgot a disclaimer ;-;
Techno In Teora Part 1: Ina where am I?
Techno In Teora Part 3: Guns? Against D.V?
Techno I'm Teora Part 4: Techno's Conflicts
Techno In Teora Part 5: Back to earth and down to Earth
Techno In Teora Part 6: Techno Training Testament
Techno In Teora Part 7: LUNArian Compromise (I'm so sorry)
Techno I'm Teoran Part 8: Japanese Festivities (part 1)
Techno In Teora Part 9: Japanese Festivities (Part 2)
Techno In Teora Part 10: Looks like My responsibilities are done here.

Techno In Teora part 2: Party Gone Wrong

198 2 6
By UltraMikeTechno

*At the school*

Mike: Hey, you 5 sorry it took me a while- why is everyone looking at you like that?

Geo: Here Techno!

Mike: I can see you. *Blitzes towards them* So, why are y'all here? Why is no one sitting beside y'all?

Deva: Don't you know the rules around here? Social status dictates the rules.

Mike: Just like my highschool. Looks like our worlds have something similar.

Marlow: Why did Queen Gwain let you off so soon?

Mike: Let's say, E has something to do with this. If you don't get it I'm the guy who's supposed to do something.

Ami: You mean the Blue haired chillax guy- oh... Sorry about that.

Mike: None taken kid. Just glad you understood. And Deva, Go on about your ramble.

Deva: Alright so, all of us here are on the lower end and by the way this is Lanney.

Mike: Nice to meet you.

Lanney: Nice to meet you too mister Mike.

Mike: Lemme guess why your on the lower end. Discrimination. Also Agni you peep on the woman's locker room.

Agni: Eh- what? How? Where? When?

Mike: Now we got that out of the way, tell me more in specifically why you're on the lower end.

Deva: I myself, am a tempered ice and water witch. Ami has a deadly sickness that many think is contagious. Lanney is here because she doesn't even know her own element. And Geo for attracting gigantic robots.

Mike: Now that's unexpected. I'll be on the lower end because of probably the same reason as Geo. But regardless who's at the highest- *Hears opera music* Oh there she is.

Deva: Electra.

Mike: Is there also an element hierarchy?

Lanney: Probably not.

Mike: That's a relieve-

*A loud burst of lightning shines the room*

Mike: *Falls off the chair* Bruh what was that?

No name: Sorry allergies.

Mike: *Mumbles* None taken.

Deva: Just like every year she hands out invitations to only the most popular people.

Mike: Just like the cool kids. *Lays back* I was never invited to it so I can relate.

Deva: Such an annoying girl!

Mike: I've met worse. And she's on the lower end for me.

Agni: Man you must've met with a lot of fancy women along your way.

Mike: Sure has.

Agni: Can you tell me all about them-

Mike: Nope.

Agni: Aw damn it.

*Electra walks to their table*

Mike: Yo.

Deva: Jokes on you we don't care-

Electra: I'm here to hand out the invites.

Deva & Agni: We're invited this year-

Mike: Don't get your hopes up. She's already seen you two and what you do.

Electra: This one seems to have a decent sized brain.

Mike: It's smaller than you think.

Electra: As I was saying I'm here for the president which I have no idea why is she sitting here and the princess because my father said to make good terms with royalty for his business.

Mike POV: Jokes on you I'm the Omni-King lol.

Electra: *Hands the invites*

Ami: Yay!

Mike: Would your mother let you go Ami?

Ami: Oof. I forgot. ;-;

Deva: Finally you know how strict she is.

Marlow: Here Geo go to the party and keep the princess comapany-

Geo: *Hands it to Mike*

Mike: Uhhh- I can keep them company without being there. *Gives it back to Geo* You're gonna need this more than I do.

Geo: Appreciate it-

Electra: That invitation isn't for that freak-

Mike: *Uses Haoshoku Haki*

Marlow: You really are annoying*

Electra: I won't let you-

Marlow: I'll tell the council that you're handing out invites without permission.

Electra: UGH!! *Walks away*

Deva: H-hey w-what wa-was th-that??? It felt real cold.

Mike POV: Ah shoot i forgot this affects everyone.

Mike: It's nothing. You're probably just feeling things. Nothing out of the ordinary really.

Deva: Now you have the invite and a plus one you just need Gwain's untouchable permission.

Mike: That's gonna be real hard.

Lanney: Come on, if you tell her maybe she'll-

*At the castle*

Gwain: No.

Mike: Figured.

Lanney: Why the hell not!? Oops! I'm sorry, slip of the tounge.

Mike: Not a good way to speak to a Queen don't ya think?

Lanney: Sorry.

Gwain: Don't even think I'll let her go alone.

Lanney: That is why master Techno-

Mike: Call me Mike.

Lanney: Mike and young master Geo will be there.

Gwain: I trust Techno but not Him.

Mike: Technically I'll be 500 meters away cuz I'm not invited. So in reality Geo has gotta go.

Gwain: He won't come.

Deva: Come on she knows how to defend herself!

Gwain: That's noteworthy but I do not know many of her moves.

Deva: You're worried about moves? We taught her, show her Ami.

Agni: *Plays music*

Ami: *Does a semi-cringe dance*

Mike: Looks exactly like the dance I did on my first prom.


Mike: *Drops his mountain dew* BRUHHH!!! Come on!

Gwain: *Sighs* I don't understand you to be totally honest.

Assistant: Queen Gwain, Queen Twain is currently on hold on the visual portal.

Gwain: *Visibly concerned*

Mike: hmmm... Sibling relationship?

Gwain: Shut up! *Pushes everyone out of the castle*

Deva: Does that mean we can go?

Gwain: Yeah yeah yeah whatever.

Mike: I can only see this going one way...

Rampage POV: You need me?

Mike POV: To watch Queen Gwain? Sure.

Rampage: *Quickly splits with Mike* I'll be off.

*At a changing house(?)*

Deva: We need to get you changed! Let's take those-

Mike: Star finger!!! *Points at Agni's eyes*

Geo: *Sweating*

Marlow: Impressive speed.

Mike: Not my best speed feat but can consider it.

Deva: Stand still Ami!

Agni: MY EYES!!

*5 mins later*

Mike: Well hopefully that'll pass the dress code. We still need a gift.

Ami: We already got one. *Shows a small electric stone*

Mike: It looks cool not gonna lie, but I think we need something better to impress her. *Opens a rift*

Deva: You can make portals too!?

Mike: Yeah, remember, possibilities, endless. *Grabs something* There it is. *Pulls out the object* Here. This should do.

Geo: What's this thing?

Mike: A Gale stone. It is stone that possesses very concentrated and condensed elements. Giving it this mythical color. There's only a few in existence at the moment but I can make an exception this once.

Ami: She's gonna like this for sure.

*At the party*

Mike POV: *Telepathic comms* Geo, I am in position. Stay cool. I'll be right there when you need it.

Geo POV: I got it. Thanks for the help.

Mike POV: Now just stay put and act normal. Stay safe and don't die.

Electra: Do you hear me!?

Geo: Y-yes ma'am.

Electra: Good. *Walks away*

Mike POV: Well gotta split. *Breaks connection*

Rampage: *Arrives back to Mike* Well, that was awkward to say the least.

Mike: What's up?

Rampage: Well you see... *Explains everything*

Mike: Not to dismay you, I thought it was something more... Serious.

Rampage: Honestly, I feel the same.

*Meanwhile Elsewhere...*

Deva: Wear this helmet, it'll help use sneak in.

Agni: They'll be furious when they find out we took their instruments

Deva: They look friendly.

Musician 1&2: *Frozen in ice*

*With Ami & Geo*

Geo POV: *Telepathic comms* Mike, She's here.

Mike POV: Who's here?

Geo POV: I forgot to explain but there's this woman who's planning to ruin the party. I need your help.

Mike POV: You mean that large van thingy over that says Moon Tech?

Geo POV: How did you-

Mike POV: Don't ask just keep the princess company and don't do anything dumb while I take her down. Comms out. *Breaks mind link*

Geo: *Run to Ami* Hey Ami, I need to talk to you about something. Can you stay put for a while? I have to do something. I'll be back as fast as I can though.

Ami: Sure. *Drinks more punch*

Geo: Thanks. *Runs off*

*With Deva & Agni*

Deva: Alright, grab some snacks and let's get outta here.

Agni: I just want those giant shrimps-

Electra: Great, about time you came here. Get up now and play, that's what I paid you for.

Deva & Agni POV: Well [REDACTED].

Agni: Why are they all the same?

Deva: Normies. Forget about it. Just play something before they figure us out.

Agni: *Plays a random music track*

Agni & Deva POV: Well [REDACTED] again.

*Techno time*

???: Now time to wait.

Mike: Hey lady!

???: Who's there-

Mike: Up here! I'm up here.

???: Shoot him down.

*Turrets begin to fire at Mike*

Mike: *Dodges all the bullets* NEVER GETS OLD!!!

???: Such speed. Nevertheless you're going to have to go down.

Mike: I'm down though.

???: What-

Mike: HADUKE- *Hit by a large metal ball* That did not hurt as much as I thought it would.

???: Take him down bots.

*The large metal balls form into robots*

Mike: What do I call these things? I know, metal thingamajigs. Let's tango.

???: Huh?

Mike: *Makes multiple hand signs* Chidori! Rasenshuriken!! *Cuts up most of the bots in seconds* Really? That's all?

??? POV: This man can use multiple elements at once!? What an interesting find.

Mike: Ew. No experiments please.

*With Geo*

Geo: *Throwing presents out of the window into the pool* Sorry Mike, not taking chances.

Electra: SECURITY!!!!

Security Guards: FREEZE!!!

Geo: ... *Shot in the head* This isn't good!

Security Guards: *Fights Geo midair*


Mike POV: Why? What's up? Something happened?

Geo POV: Uhh...

Mike POV: *Punches ???* Well she's knocked out. Be right there. Hold out for 1 min and you'll be fine.

Geo POV: Alright I'll try.

Mike POV: Comms out! *Breaks the mind link*

Geo POV: *Fights off most of the guards* There are way too many of these things. *Runs away* I need to get back to these- *Punched in the face*

Security chief: You sneak into the presents room and throw them out into the pool? Just another rowdy teenager like you. Stun him and take him in.

Security Guards: *Aim at Geo*

Mike: *In gear 2nd* Tsk. Isn't that an overkill move?

Security chief: Were high rank elites so we give our enemies no break.

Mike: Now that's no fun. Let's make things balanced here. Us 2 against all of you. How's that???

Security chief: Fine.

Mike: *Infront of the chief* JET RIFLE!!! *Punches the chief in the stomach*

Security Chief: *Knocked out*

Mike: That was way to easy.

Security Guards: *Shoots at Mike*

Mike: *Dodges the shots* That was close-

Electra: There's still one more present- *Shot out of her hand*

*A gigantic octopus robot sprouted from the pool*

Mike: Oh Chocolate fudge cake. *Slammed into the ground* I'm ok!

Geo: *Pinned to the wall* This is not going according to plan!

Mike: Tell me about it.

???: Alright then. I forgot to introduce myself to you. I am Luna Moonlight Manen.

Mike: The names Mike Techno. Should've checked if I knocked you out huh? Well can't do anything about that now. *Blows on his thumb* Gear 3rd!


Mike: Grizzly magnum- *Hit by an arrow*

Geo: Who did that shot just now-

Ami: *Drunk* Y-yo-y-you stay a-away... L-luna. *Hiccups*

Mike: Geo, *Pulls out the arrow* What did I say?

Geo: Keep the princess company I get it. Sorry.

Mike: No time for apologies. Grizzly Magnum!!! *Grabs the Mecha octopus* Now, normally I would smash this thing. But this is a very populated area. So we go up!! *Throws the robot into the sky* *Create light spears* Lock on. *Fires at the robot* VOLA VOLA VOLA VOLA VOLA VOLA VOLA VOLA VOLA VOLA VOLA VOLA VOLA VOLA VOLA VOLA VOLA VOLA- This may get me a weird reputation but... *Creates a lighting spear* VOLARE VIA!!! *Throws the spear at the bot* Take cover. *Sips on a mountain dew*

Deva: Mike where do you get this stuff?

*The robot explodes midair*

Luna: Not gonna lie that has got to be the coolest way to destroy a robot ever.

Mike: That's much better- *Looks at all the destruction*

Electra: Because of you Techno...

Mike: WAIT I CAN FIX THIS I SWEAR!!! It'll only take a few seconds!!!

Electra: Fine! I'll give you a minute.

Mike: More than enough. By the way, here's proof I'm not human. *Goes D.V* Arrivederci! *Begins to fix the entire setting*

*1 minute later*

Electra: Tch. Can't believe I gave you a minute to- Fix the entire party!?

Mike: What am I supposed to say? Did pretty remarkable work. *Sips on mountain dew*

Party Guest 1: That fix was super awesome dude.

Mike: Taken as a compliment. All the gifts have been restored too. I've added my own gift to say sorry for the harm and damage I've caused you Electra.

Electra: I'm still mad at you. But I guess you put your end of the bargain. So thank you.

Mike: No problem.

Deva & Agni: *Sneaks away*

Mike: Well, we'll be taking our leave. We wouldn't want to harm your party anymore than we already have. Geo, Ami let's go.

Geo: Got it. *Carries Ami on his back*

Ami: *Gives Electra her gift*

Electra: *Takes it*

Mike: *Smirks* Alright let's get you back before your mom gets furious.

--------To be continued...

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