Dystopian zombie era

By CatFroste

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Darcy's life was finally getting good. She felt like personally thanking the universe for her luck, really. T... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 24

95 3 0
By CatFroste

I don't know how much sleep I get but I'm woken up by Noble's cries. "Sleep. I'll take care of him." Jay tells me as soon as I open my eyes. Everyone still seems to be sleeping and the sun is up. Rays of light flood through the room and through the windows.

I close my eyes again and rest my head back against the chair. I hear some shuffling and try to fall back asleep but Noble's cries go on and on. "I don't think his diaper needs to be changed. He's hungry." I hear Brandon say and I open my eyes again.

"Here, let me feed him." I say holding my arms out and Jay places him in my arms. "Wait." Jay tells me as I'm about to take my boob out of my top.

Brandon rummages in a bag and pulls out a small blanket. "Use this to cover." He says, passing it to Jay who hands it to me. I'd almost forgotten about that.

I place the blanket over my chest and Noble's head and get to feeding him. "We have a problem." Says Silas getting to his feet. I notice him wince and he looks at the doors. Now that it's quiet, I can hear something being moved.

"The crying attracted a whole bunch of them. They're all pushing against the desks and they might come in." He says calmly but I notice the look of fear on his face.

The zombies are all pushed up against the door and I see the desk moving every few seconds. Jay curses and runs to the door, pushing his weight against the desk. "Should we move more desks against the door?" I ask. My heart is beginning to race. There are a lot of zombies outside and even though we have guns, that's not enough to kill all of them. "We have to leave." Says Jay. Silas is limping over to help Jay.

"But how?" Noble is still feeding and I don't want to move too much or panic just yet. "We have to look for a window. A back exit. Anything." Says Jay. "I'll look." Says Brandon. "Yo! Get up! We've got a problem!" Jay shouts, trying to wake the others up.

I rock back and forth and look down at Noble to try and calm myself.

We'll be fine Darcy. No need to panic just yet.

"What's happenin'?" Asks Duncan, rubbing his eyes. I look around the room. Wait, where's Coral?

She's literally nowhere to be seen. "I found a window. It's small but we should be able to escape out there." Says Brandon frantically. I stand up and put my boob back inside my top.

I put Noble's head on my shoulder and pat his back lightly. "Go to the window. See if there are any zombies outside before you go out." Jay instructs. "Where's Coral?" I ask. Storm gets up and helps push the door against the desk.

The sight of them so close is making the zombies even more feral. They're snarling loudly, smearing blood against the door and scratching at it and each other.

"What do you mean where's Barbie?" Asks Duncan. "Can any of you just go to the window and make sure there are no zombies out there?" Asks Jay who's now pushing with all his might to keep the door closed. "Where's the window?" Asks Lex and Brandon directs him to the back somewhere. "It's the only one that can open and is low enough." He says.

I'm full on panicking now. "Darcy go follow them okay? You and Noble have to get out safely." Says Jay. "Wow, thanks man." Mutters Storm. "But where's Coral?" I ask. Just then, a door opens and she literally walks out. "What's all the noise for?"

"Where were you?" I ask. "Can you please move? We don't have time to talk." Says Jay and Brandon rushes out. "It's clear."

"Wait, oh no." Coral hurries to the bags on the floor and Scarlett carries the backpack that Storm had. Ruby takes out her knife. "No, you go too. We'll hold them back. Just hurry." Says Jay. Brandon and Coral are ushering me to a place back where I see an open window. "That's not low. I'd have to hoist myself up with both my arms and I can't do that with Noble."

"I'll go first and then you pass him to me." Offers Lex and I'm surprised. I hope he handles Noble with care. After what I've seen him do to those people...

I shudder. Coral puts her hand on my shoulder. "It's fine. If he does anything, I'll kill him myself." She says softly for only me to hear and I can't help but smile. Lex is already halfway out the window and I hear him jump down on the other side. "Do you think you can reach up and give him Noble?" Asks Coral. "Not really."

"I'll get a chair." Says Ruby before going out. She appears soon with Jay, Silas and Storm. She puts the chair under the table and I get up to look out the window.

Lex stretches his arms out and I reach over to put Noble in them. I hoist myself up and through the window before landing down. I'm so nervous and keep looking around and hope there aren't any zombies lurking. Lex hands me Noble and takes out his gun.

I'm so scared that I think he's going to shoot me but I figure it's for protection. Coral is next. She tosses the bags over first which I hold in my hand as she climbs out. After her is Scarlett, Brandon then Ruby. "We have to move fast. They're almost in." I hear Duncan say before I hear a shot being fired.

I flinch and Noble starts crying from the loud sound. This is not good at all. Storm comes next. "Come on. I'll help you up." I hear Jay say. "No. You and Duncan go." Says Silas. "Sir Duncan to you." Another gunshot goes off and I hold Noble close to me. "I'm sorry baby. I really am." I whisper.

"Shut up and let me hoist you up." Says Jay. "Can you two just move?" Says Duncan. "I won't get far with this leg. You guys go first. I'll hold them back." Duncan curses. "They're through and they're coming."

I'm shaking from fear. "Jay come on." I call out. Noble still hasn't stopped crying and I spot a few zombies approaching us. Ruby moves with her knife and stabs the one closest to her. Lex lifts his gun up. "Please don't shoot. His ears are too sensitive." I tell him.

Coral lifts one foot up against the wall and hoists herself up, looking into the room. "What the hell is taking you guys so long? There are zombies-" She lets out a shriek and Jay curses loudly.

Coral jumps away from the window. "Go now!" I hear Silas yell. Duncan is halfway out the window. "What is it?" I ask Coral. "It's Silas. He's keeping his body between the door and them and the zombies are biting him and-"

My eyes widen. Oh no. No, no, no.

Jay comes out after Duncan. "And Silas? Did he really get bitten?" I ask Jay as soon as he's out. "We have to go now!" Exclaims Storm. Jay grabs my arm gently. "Come on Darcy."

We take off running.

Does this mean Silas is dead?

I feel the tears in my eyes. We weren't supposed to lose anybody. Why did he do that? If he had just listened to Jay and gone out, everything would be fine. I look behind me to see if there are any zombies and I stop in my tracks.

"Darcy-" His eyes widen.

There's no one behind us. It's just Jay and I. He curses.

"No. Where the hell are they?" Noble's cries have died down and I rock him slowly, trying to comfort myself. A zombie comes into view and spots us. "Crap. Let's go." Jay takes my arm again and we run.

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