A Vampire's Kiss and Touch of...

By phoenixstarr

424 42 2


Girls Just Want to Have Fun
A Brief Escape Only to Be Caught
She's so Cute When She Sleeps
Between The Truth and The Lie/The Truth Hurts Worse
Thanks For The Memories/ New Beginnings
Goodbyes, Packing, And A Frosty/Why Do You Have To Be The Voice Of Reason?
The New Girl On The Block/I Set My Clocks Early Cause I Know I'm Always Late
It Takes Two To Make A Thing Go Right
Still So Young, Desperate For Attention
An Odd Encounter With A Blast From The Past
I Don't Need This Right Now
An Evening For Two
Nothing Like A Water Balloon Fight To Break The Ice
Girls, Girls, Girls
Brendon's Dilemma
Sam's Bad Day
A Day In The Life Of.../Once Bitten, Twice As Shy
An Old Aqaintence, A Familiar face
Not You Too
Crazy And Delusional Are You
Matters Of The Heart
Boys Will Be Boys, Baby
Homeward Bound/What Have You Done To Me?
The Jealous Factor
Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have
Swear To Shake It Up If You Swear To Listen
House of Cards
Wipe That Smile Off Your Face
Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder/Torn Between Two Lovers
We Learned From The Best
I'm A Survivor/Time To Dance
Chaos, Panic, Confusion, And You
Kiss Me Like You Mean It
Take One For The Team/Three Words Say It All
One Last Kiss Before I Go
Goodbye To You And Everything That I Knew
Long Live The Car Crash Hearts/I Miss You
Followed/Family Reunion
Anyone Have A Plan To Get Us Out?/Time For A Little Mother-Daughter Talk
Crush Crush
Jenny To The Rescue
Q and A Time And It's All On Me
The Attempted Rescue

The Answer To Mom's Death Revealed

4 1 0
By phoenixstarr

I sat quietly in my chair anxious to hear how my mother turned into a vampire. I started to think about the time before her supposed car accident to the time she told me he had gone crazy earlier before he was turned. As I sat now prepared to hear how my family and my life had been torn apart, I thought about ways to stop my father.

Hate is a strong word, yet hate is what I feel for my father at this moment. He took my mother away from me and became a monster long before he was turned. Apparently, he stopped being my father a long time ago. Now all that is left of him is a monster, which I have already seen.

"Your father started acting differently and staying late at the office for several months before the accident. I suspected that he was cheating on me. You never knew about our fights because I kept them from you. I made sure that you were out with friends, school, or out in general." Mom said; as I quietly listened to her speak.

"I wanted you to think you had a normal family life until I found out what exactly was happening with your father. Well, one night he came home at almost three in the morning. I heard voices and you were asleep as I checked on you. I went downstairs to see him with some men I have never seen before. One of them looked at me coldly. The other turned away not to face me. Had I known then that the one who looked at me with piercing cold eyes was the vampire that eventually turned your father, I would have grabbed you and ran." She said making sure I was paying attention.

"Your father pulled me away and said that he would explain later that he needed to take care of some last minute business deals. We argued for a few minutes and he promised to take me out to dinner in the next few days to discuss things. I nodded my head and went back up to bed. Little that I knew, your father went back out with those vampires that evening and was turned. You had night classes the evening that your father took me out to dinner." Mom said.

"I remember. You called me to tell me to make sure that I ate out or something. That was the last time I spoke to you." I said sadly.

"Well, he did take me out to dinner that evening. He proceeded to tell me that we would have a better life and that people were starting to take him more seriously at dinner. I noticed there was a change in his appearance and that he picked at his food. He ordered his steak rare and drank red wine, which he hated.

When we got to his car, he pushed me up against it becoming violent in a way and telling me that he had a plan for me and for you. I got scared and was already worried about how he had been acting lately. When I told him to let go of me that I was going to call a cab home, he pushed me back and bit me hard. He pulled away long enough for me to grab my neck. I started to get dizzy and felt like I was going to pass out. The next thing I knew he was telling me that we could now be a family and that he would help me ease into my transition as he had put me in the car and drove off driving really fast.

Lights and things that passed by in the window were all a blur. He kept speaking to me. I managed to ask what he was talking about but I still felt like I was drugged. Your father told me he was a vampire and flashed his fangs. He said we could rule the city and possibly the world. I would be his queen and you, Amanda would be his princess but that he needed you to be happy. He wanted someone to turn you, someone he approved of. I had just enough strength in me to tell him I would not let it happen that I would fight him with every breath in me.

He whipped out his fangs again as he continued to drive fast. I was not dying yet for your father hadn't bitten me enough to kill me. He did manage to place something in my drink at the restaurant when I had left for the bathroom, which was making me act dizzy and such. I know from legends and television what can kill a vampire but at the time, I had to do whatever I could to stop him from hurting you and turning me. I managed to grab the wheel with what strength I had.

Since we were going so fast, he lost control. I managed to hear him say, "Bitch!" Then I heard glass shatter as I closed my eyes for the worst. I felt blood, my blood and injuries all over. I knew I was dying then. I turned my head so slightly to see your father uncut and unhurt. He climbed over me and bit me with what blood I had left then forced me to drink his blood as I laid there already dying.

The next thing I remember was being in a room tied up. I was hungry for blood. Your father came in and untied me from the chair I was sitting in. He threw a few blood packets at me. He explained to me what had happened to me hoping I was just like him.

I shook my head and nodded that I understood all the while processing the information he was telling me. I felt in my heart that this was wrong. Then, I remembered you, and the plans he had in store. You see, at first when you are turned and come to, you have a slight case of amnesia. When, he said what he wanted to do to you, I remembered everything and what he said about how I was turned was a lie.

I played along to his game until I was able to break free. I managed to find help in some friends, which were humans who trained me how to fight. They are still apart of my crew. They helped restore my humanity even though I still have the vampire tendencies at times. They also taught me how to control the hunger and how to find blood without killing anyone. We seek out vampires and kill them who are bad all the while trying to bring down your father.

When my funeral arrived, I was there. I just did not let you see me. I wore a disguise. I tried so many times to approach you or kidnap you but your father had his men everywhere. It pained me to see you so upset.

I had to hide and think of a plan to get you away from him and wait for the right moment when I could get you alone. My men followed you everywhere they could and when the opportunity arose, I told them to take it, which resulted in you being here now, a year after my supposed death.

That is everything that has happened to me. I am so sorry for not being there for you and such this past year, but I could not let your father know I am still in this city. He thinks I have left according to my spies. So, with all that I have told you, I am sure you still have questions." Mom said looking at me sit there quietly.

I got up and walked over to mom. I grabbed and hugged her tightly. I wrapped my arms around her and started to cry. My father has taken a year away from me being with my mother. I had waited for this moment for so long.

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