𝐓𝐑𝐒𝐬 𝐒𝐬 𝐈𝐭: 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌...

Por chickfilamamas

11.5K 267 1.1K

Imagines of you or an OC with our precious baby, Michael. (Y/N is a black woman) Not all imagines will take p... MΓ‘s

A/N (just spam tbh)
Beat at His Own Game
Hold My Hand, Feel the Touch of Your Body Cling to Mine Pt. 1
Hold My Hand, Feel the Touch of Your Body Cling to Mine Pt. 2
The Happiest Place on Earth
Dessert Pt. 2: Second Serving
Make Him Wanna Scream
When It's Cold Outside

Give In To Me

1.4K 36 284
Por chickfilamamas

This one is sorta inspired by the song but doesn't follow the exact storyline.

It is a smut/angst chapter, so if that bothers you don't read this one.

Y/N is kinda bitchy towards Michael so there's that ig.

Neverland Valley Ranch, July 1995

*Third Person POV*

You and your cousin were parked in front of the Neverland gates, her excitement to be here not rubbing off on you at all.

"How do we even get there?" You had asked her earlier, feeling that she was lost and just driving around until she found her way.

She smirked before replying. "It's quite simple. It's just second to the right and straight on till morning."

You rolled your eyes at her, looking out the window until you eventually got to where you needed to go.

The skies were clear, the temperature was in the high 70s, and there was a slight breeze. Tall brick walls circled the property, and you couldn't help but think this place seemed more like a prison than a place for fun."Not even perfect weather could fix this horrible day," you thought to yourself as your cousin drove up to the guards stationed in front.

A person who your cousin had addressed as 'Bill' as she pointed him out to you moments before greeted you both. "Laniya, it's good to see you. Mr. Jackson is waiting in the foyer for you and your accomplice."

Somehow, your cousin had become friends with the Michael Jackson back in the late 80s, and they had maintained a close friendship over the years.

You, however, had never met the guy, and quite frankly didn't care that much for him. Sure he had an amazing discography that you could play over and over, but you had no knowledge of his personality. And though you didn't believe he was a freak of nature or a criminal like the media portrayed him to be, you did assume him to be a pompous asshole like most celebrities.

Laniya could tell that you weren't excited to be here, but she had dragged you along anyway. She didn't know what sane person would pass up an opportunity to meet Michael Jackson, but you had given it your all to not go until eventually giving in to her persistent ways.

"Girl, what business do I have being in an amusement park? I'm twenty-eight years old, this shit is for kids."

"And? I'm thirty-something and prepared to have the time of my life. Lighten up and live a little, we're only gonna be here for two weeks anyway." That was the only assurance you got as she drove up the seemingly never-ending path to the house.

You gaped a little at the sight, seeing as you were an exterior and interior and this house was beautiful. "Maybe my stay here won't be so bad after all."

Your cousin got out and started collecting bags, you got out of the car to follow suit. Before you could, Michael Jackson walked out of his house, clad in a blue button-up and black slacks. You weren't a bit starstruck, though. "He's just a person like me, what reason do I have to get excited," you thought as he came over bowing slightly before extending his hand for you to shake, which you reluctantly did.

"Hi, I'm Michael, and you are?" he asked, a dazzling smile meeting your indifferent face.

"Trust me, I know who you are," you told him with a little edge to your voice, making his smile fade slightly. "But my name is Y/N."

"That's pretty, it suits you."

"Um... Thanks, I guess."

"Well, may I take your bag for you? I would feel bad having you carry it all the way upstairs."

"Sure, thank you." You handed over your duffel bag to him, and he effortlessly carried it into the house, conversing with Laniya on his way in. He was a lot stronger than you thought, seeing as he was so slender.

You followed behind, feeling awkward and out of place as you looked around the grand house. It was very rustic, and not what you expected from someone of his caliber. At the same time, it suited him perfectly. Paintings decorated the walls and interesting art pieces stood on end tables and the floor. To say you were amazed was an understatement.

You kept looking around the room before Michael came and got you a few moments later, Laniya nowhere to be found.

*Michael's POV*

I walked over to Y/N, seeing the interest in her eyes as they drank in the room.

"Like what you see?" I mentally facepalmed, hoping she didn't think I was talking about myself. I'm not much to look at anyway, so of course, she wouldn't think that. She glanced over to me as I stood a respectable distance away, her face littered with confusion and then slight amusement when she figured out what I meant.

"Yes, your home is gorgeous. Whoever you hired to decorate is extremely talented."

I could tell from the way she spoke to me that there was an underlying distrust and extreme judgment. I tried my best to brush it off, but I hate when people assume the worst of me, and that's exactly what she was doing.

"Actually, for the most part, I decorated it myself," I told her proudly, trying to ignore the slight dig she made at me while also hoping I didn't come off sounding full of myself.

"Really? I guess entertaining isn't your only talent then."

I heard that same edge in her voice from earlier. "This girl really doesn't like me, wonder why." I straightened my posture and adjusted my hands behind my back, trying to ignore the uncomfortable tension in the room. "I brought your bag up to the room you'll be staying in. Would you like me to show you where that is?"

"Oh uh yeah, sure."

I pointed her over to the stairs, following behind her as she walked up to them, hoping to steal a glance at her backside on the way up.

It was hard not to look at her, she was gorgeous. From her full lips that sat in a perfect pout to her beautiful, piercing eyes, I couldn't help but stare when she wasn't paying attention. Everything about her screamed perfection, something that I wished to obtain every day.

What I didn't understand is why she disliked me so much. I've done nothing but be nice to her, and this is the thanks I get. All I could do was hope that eventually she'd give in to me and have a little fun while she was here.


*A few days later*

So far I had made absolutely zero progress with Y/N.

Every time I tried to talk to her she either glared at me and ended the conversation short or simply pretended to not hear me.

I wasn't understanding what I did to get on her bad side, but I was determined to find out or at least get her to like me

She was lounging by the pool, her smooth, brown skin glistening with water as she climbed out of the pool and laid down on a lounger. Her bikini clung to her so well, and I wanted to reach out and touch her.

I was mesmerizing by her aura. The way she made the simplest of tasks look refined and elegant was something that normally attracted me to any woman, but with her, it escalated to an absurdly high level. That fact alone scared me, yet I couldn't stay away from her.

I cleared my throat as I approached her, getting her attention. She pulled her sunglasses off, and her hypnotizing stare met me.


"Oh uh-" I struggled to find a conversation topic, hoping she didn't think I was an idiot for coming over here for absolutely no reason. "Laniya went to stay over at some guy's house and I wanted someone to talk to."

"Don't you have people for that? I'm sure it couldn't be that hard to find someone who would willingly talk to you."

I bit my lip, trying to hold back my frustration. "What is her issue?"

"Actually, I don't. You'd be surprised how few people actually want to hold a conversation with me."

"Well, I'm not one of those people. Why do you keep bugging me? It's bad enough I'm here against my will, so at least leave me alone while I'm being tortured."

"Look around you, girl. There's so much to do, and you're moping around. Let's have some fun!"

"I'm not a kid, Michael. I don't find joy in rides."

"I'm sure you'd find joy in riding me- Jesus, Michael, calm down." I shook away any sexual thought I had about her and grabbed onto her hand, yanking her up.

"Dude, take a hint. I'm not tryna hang out with you."

Looking around, I found the clothes she had worn over her swimsuit -a big T-shirt, small shorts, and sandals- and handed them to her. "Put these on, we're gonna have some fun. It'd be a shame to waste a wonderful day like this!"

I'm sure my excitement soured her mood even more, but at that moment I didn't care. I was determined to make this mysterious woman have a little fun.

After a little more coercing, she put on her clothes and I dragged her over to a golf cart, speeding us off over to the rides. She didn't look a bit amused, though I was hoping to soon change that.


"So what's this ride?" she questioned after we walked up to the one of her choice.

"It's called the Octopus, and it's a lot of fun! I'm sure you'll enjoy it, c'mon!"

We climbed into the seat, and I was buzzing with excitement though I'd ridden this a million times. Her face of disdain had settled into a small smile, and I took that as a win.

After getting settled in, I pressed the button on the control remote to start the ride, and we were off. It started slowly at first, leading us in circles as the speed gradually picked up. We were tossed around so much and eventually ended up smooshed against each other. I couldn't help but savor the feeling of her smooth skin on mine, my smile becoming even bigger at the thought of being pressed against her.

Slowly but surely her excitement grew after every ride we rode, and finally, we stopped in front of the Ferris Wheel. She had warmed up to me a bit, and actually engaged in conversation as I led her around my park.

"The view from this one is amazing, I'm sure you'll love it."

"I better, or else your 'saving the best for last' mess was a lie." Ordinarily, I would've taken that as a diss, but I could tell she was joking with me this time. I laughed along with her and led her into the cage of the Ferris Wheel.

"You ready?"

"Negro, I'm no pussy. Startup the ride already." Her and that mouth- Jesus. I smiled and shook my head at her, pressing the button to start up the ride.

The sun was setting, and the view was beautiful, just like I said it would be. I paused the ride at the top so we could soak up this perfect moment.

Her skin practically glowed in the golden light, and I couldn't stop looking at her. I think she noticed but didn't say anything.

"Well I guess you were right, the view truly is beautiful," she told me while looking all around her.

And as corny as it sounds, while I was looking at her I said, "You're right, it truly is."

"Oh my God Michael, shut upppp." She laughed her beautiful laugh, but I couldn't help but flush in embarrassment at being caught staring.

"Sorry, that was very impolite of me."

"Don't apologize. I know I'm beautiful but it's nice to know one of the most gorgeous men ever thinks that too." She covered her mouth and looked away from me after saying that, realizing that wasn't a thought but said out loud.

I, however, didn't catch on, thinking she was talking about someone else. "And who's the guy?"

She gave me a 'really' face, and smiled before saying, "It's you, dumbass."

She turned back to look at me, and our eyes locked.

Between the perfect sunset, the confined space we were trapped in, and the compliments we had just given each other; the moment was perfect.

My eyes flickered to her lips before I bit my own, and she followed suit, also glancing at my lips.

I took that as a sign to lean in, and our lips brushed each other's for a moment before she quickly pulled away, leaving me confused and hurt.

"Dude, what the fuck?" she asked, wiping her lips.

I feigned a careless face, though on the inside my heart hurt. Maybe she was just feeding my head with lies. Clearly, I'm not 'gorgeous' as she said, because I had repulsed her.

"Just take me down, please." She scooted to the far end of the cage, and I pressed the button, bringing us back down to the bottom.

Once we were there, she climbed out quickly and took our golf cart back to the house, leaving me to walk the distance there. It gave me some time to clear my head and let out my frustrations, and I cursed myself at my stupidity, something I rarely do.

When I got back in the house I heard her door slam, and though I knew I should've left her alone, I walked up to her room and knocked anyway.

She opened the door and greeted me, thinking I was her cousin. "Hey, Lani- oh, it's you. What do you want?"

"You," I muttered, praying she didn't hear me.


"Nevermind, just- can I come in?"

"No." I disregarded her wishes and walked in anyway, sitting on the large bed that was positioned in the far corner of the room.

"What did I do to you?"


"You heard me. What did I do to you?" My voice choked up slightly, and I saw her face soften for a second before it went back to her cold expression.

"You're an asshole, that's what. You come up in here thinking we're all buddy-buddy and shit. Well, newsflash. We aren't."

"I came up in here? You're forgetting who's house this is girl." She let out a frustrated sigh in acknowledgment of me being right. "Second off, I was being a good host. What kind of horrible person would I be if I didn't welcome you?"

"Well still, I don't want your welcoming and I don't want you. So bug off."

I stood up, calmly walking towards her leaving less than an inch between our faces. I could feel her warm breath fan across my face, and I know she felt mine.

*Third Person POV*

"That's where you're wrong, love. I know you want me, you just need to admit it."

"I don't-" Was the last thing that was heard before he slammed his soft lips against yours. It was quite forceful, unlike the chaste almost kiss you shared earlier. You gasped against his lips, before finally realizing what was happening, and kissing him back with just as much force and aggression.

He pushed his tongue in between your lips, moving his against yours as he backed you into the wall. You breathed out into his mouth from the pleasure his tongue against yours brought, fueling his desire for you even more.

Finally, you pulled him off, which frustrated him. He began to attack your neck now, making you let out soft sighs at the feeling of him sucking on your sweet spot.

"Tell me you don't want me and I'll stop Y/N." He paused all his actions, looking into your eyes as he asked you again to confirm you were okay with all of this. "Tell me you don't feel the connection between us. Tell me you don't feel a spark when I kiss you. And tell me when you look in my eyes you don't feel butterflies because I damn sure do."

You were stunned at his confession but couldn't deny your lust and possible feelings for him any longer. "Don't stop... please." You desperately told him, still trying to catch your breath from the kisses he'd given you.

"Please what? Tell me what you want, baby." he teased. He obviously wanted you to beg, but your pride would take an immediate hit if you did. You couldn't form any sentences, though, still recovering from the magic he worked on your throat.

"Damn if he got me tripping over neck kisses then I'm definitely not gonna be able to walk tomorrow," you thought, mesmerized by the look of lust his eyes held as they bore into yours. "Dammit, Michael just fuck me," you told him, throwing your pride out the window.

"You're gonna regret saying that baby." He went back to smothering your neck in kisses, bringing his hands under your shirt at the same time. You felt his cold palms run across your stomach, shivering at the sensation. "I want this off of you," he muttered into your neck, tugging at your shirt. "Please," he added, going back to running his hands all over your torso.

Shoving him off, you lifted your shirt over your head, letting his big brown eyes roam over what was exposed of your breasts. From his pupils being dilated, they looked more of a black color, blown on just his lust for you alone.

His eyes met yours, and he looked for your permission to continue any farther. "God, he's too sweet... Why did I hate him again?" You reached behind you, untying your bikini top. He pulled it down your arms, letting it fall to the floor, drinking in your half-naked appearance.

"So pretty..." You heard him mutter in a deeper tone than his usual speaking voice. He licked and kissed from the base of your neck to the space between your breasts, nibbling on your flesh there. His tongue licked over every bite mark he left, soothing any slight pain it had caused.

"This man is so sexy...," you thought while he sucked hickeys onto your soft skin, leaving you gasping and breathing heavily. He continued marking you up, your chest being left littered with discolored spots once he finished.

Your panties...? Wet. Your desire...? Undeniable. Hotel...? Trivago.

His tongue licked over to your right breast, swirling around your areola as he looked up and made eye contact with you. You swear you were boutta bust just from that. Every time you looked away from his gaze or shut your eyes in pleasure he would pause all actions, forcing you to keep staring into his beautiful ebony eyes.

Finally having enough of teasing you, he, unexpectedly, started sucking on your nipple causing you to gasp and moan lowly at the feeling. He heard, though, and couldn't have been more turned on by the sound.

His right hand was situated firmly on your hip, rubbing slow circles onto it with the pads of his thumb. The left one came up in front of your mouth, and he quietly told you, "Lick them for me, baby."

You did what he asked, licking and sucking on the tips of his fingers as he did the same to your breasts. Once he'd finally had enough, he yanked his hand away from your mouth with a pop and began to roll your nipples in between his wet fingers. Low moans began to pour out from you as you still tried to keep your gaze focused on his.

After a few minutes of this, he came up attacking your lips again, kissing you fervently. "That mouth of his..."

His left hand continued to play with your left nipple, and he began to grind his slack-covered crotch on your stomach, trying to satisfy himself as well as you.

He was rock hard.

Your right leg lifted so he could push directly on you, the thin fabric of your bikini bottoms and shorts allowing you to feel tremendous amounts of pleasure from his ardent grinding. The hand that was on your hip came to hold your right leg around his waist.

"I can't take this anymore." He quickly ripped your shorts off and untied the sides of your bikini bottoms just as fast. You were scooped up bridal style in his surprisingly strong arms, and thrown onto the bed. He climbed on top of you and stared down into your eyes for a moment before connecting your lips again.

"Michael," you pulled away from his face, trying to get his attention. "I'm naked, and you're fully clothed. That's not exactly fair."

"I-" he paused, blinking his eyes quickly while looking away from you. "I don't want to scare you away..."

"Scare me away? You're the least frightening person I've ever met."

"Yeah but you haven't seen all of me. I'm a monster Y/N." He bit his lip, trying to hold back the tears that were welling up in his eyes. "You'll be scared when I get undressed."

"Michael, let me see you baby."

"Just- just don't laugh..." He sat up and threw his hat on the floor, then reluctantly started to unbutton his black dress shirt, revealing his smooth, pale chest along with brown patches and splotches. His skin was beautiful, a work of art. Nothing about it was scary.

"Michael, you're-"

"Ugly, I know."

"Beautiful was the word I was going to use." You ran your hands up and down his chest in an attempt to show how beautiful he truly was. Undoing the last of the buttons on his shirt, it was shrugged off as you continued to gaped at his beauty.

His cheeks flushed and you could see the pink tint to his face in the moonlight. It illuminated his whole body, making him look as if he was glowing. Ethereal was the only word you could use to describe him.

You sat up as well, wiping the tears from his eyes. "Now off with those pants, I don't know how much longer I can wait."

He obeyed, unbuttoning his slacks and then pulling them down, showing off his toned thighs and hard dick. "This nigga for real went commando all day? Wowwwww."

After his pants were all the way down, you took in his naked form, him doing the same to you. God was he beautiful. You were then pushed down on your back, and very suddenly went down on, sucking and slurping felt on your pussy. His thumb pressed down hard on your clit as he tongue-fucked your entrance.

When he finally pulled away, his chin was covered in your essence, though he didn't seem to care. "Hands and knees, cmon."

You did as he said, hearing a condom being torn open before the head of his dick pushed up against you. You nodded your head to let him know you were ready, and he slowly pushed into you. Both of you moaned at the feeling, but his was a little louder and more high-pitched.

Hands were felt gripping both of your hips as he harshly thrust into you at a fast pace, not giving you time to adjust to him. "Michael slow downnn.. fuck."

"Nah, you wanted to give me shit earlier, take shit back." Your mouth hung open from pleasure and shock. "Did he just cuss? Damn..."

His hips kept snapping into yours, never breaking his tempo. His thrust game on stage was just as good as it was in bed. You buried your face in the pillow at the feeling of him repeatedly filling you up, tapping against your sweet spot effortlessly.

A hard slap came down on your ass and the moan that you were about to let out got caught in your throat. His pace was relentless, and you didn't how much more you could take. He kept slapping that same spot, and you tried to crawl away.

He pulled you back onto him but stopped moving. "Fine, you wanna do shit the hard way. Bounce back on this dick." You could practically feel his eyes staring at your ass as it bounced every time you pushed back on his dick. You kept the pace slow and steady, but this wasn't good enough for him as he slapped your ass again. "Speed up, I don't got time for your games."

You again did as he said, but he took over, going back to his fast pace. His balls tapped against your clit with every thrust into you, and you both moaned with every push and pull.

"Michael... I'm close."

"Cum then, girl." He started to push harder into you, trying to get you to orgasm while holding off on his own. His fingers rubbed up against your clit, and that knocked you over the edge. You came with a violent shake, clenching and squeezing around him.

He continued to fuck into you for a few more minutes before finally cumming into the condom, stilling all his movements.

After getting you both cleaned up, he settled you both under the covers, laying his head on your chest as you played in his hair.

"You still hate me?"

"Nah, I guess you're more bearable than I thought."

"Admit you had no reason to hate me in the first place."

"I didn't have a reason to hate you, Michael," you finally told him with a roll of your eyes, but he didn't hear you as soft snores met your ears moments later. "Sleep well, baby," you whispered, kissing the top of your head as you fell into your own deep slumber.

Hope y'all liked this one. It was a little long so idk

Also I got too lazy to edit this so if u see anything weird please lmk 💀💀

Till next time...

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