A To Z Greek Mythology

By ardaciccone

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A To Z Every Greek Goddesses, Gods, Creatures More



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By ardaciccone

Macar - Mortal king, son of Helios and Rhode, father of Methymna amongst others, King of Lesbos.

Maenads - Female members of the retinue of Dionysus

Medea - Sorceress, daughter of Aeetes and Idyia, husband of Jason and Ageues, father of several including Medus

Medus - Mortal king, son of Aegeus and Medea, king of Colchis

Medusa - Gorgon, daughter of Phorcys and Ceto, sister of Euryale and Sthenno. Personification of deadly submerged rocks.

Megapenthes -  Mortal king, son of Proetus and Stheneboea, father of Argeus and Iphianira, king of Tiryns and Argos

Melampus - Mortal king and seer, son of Amythaon and Idomene, husband of Iphianira, father of Antiphates, Mantius and Thiodamas. King of Argos.

Melanion - Mortal prince, son of Amphidamas, possible husband of Atalanta, possible father of Parthenopeus.

Melanippe - Nymph, daughter of Chiron and Chalico
Melanthius - Slave of Odysseus

Meleager - Mortal hero, son of Oeneus and Althaea, sister of Deianira, lover of Atalanta. Hero of the quest for the Golden Fleece and the Calydonian Hunt.

Melete – Elder Muse, muse of practice, daughter of Ouranus and Gaia.

Meloboea - Mortal. Daughter of Amphion and Niobe. Surviving Niobid who would become known as Chloris.

Melpomene – Younger Muse, muse of tragedy, daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne.

Memphis - Naiad nymph, daughter of Neilos, wife of Epaphos, mother of Libya.

Menelaus - King of Sparta, Greek leader at Troy, brother of Agamemnon, husband of Helen, father of Hermione.

Menestheus -  Mortal King, son of Peteus. Suitor of Helen and King of Athens.

Menesthius - Mortal hero, son of Spercheus and Polydora. Achaean hero at Troy.

Menoetius – Second generation Titan, son of Iapetus and Clymene. Greek god of Violent Anger.

Mestor - Mortal princess, son of Perseus and Andromeda, husband of Lysidice, father of Hippothoe

Metion - Mortal prince, son of Erechtheus and Praxithea, brother of Cecrops, Procris and Orithyia. Father of the Metionidae. Prince of Athens.

Minos – Mortal made immortal, son of Zeus and Europa, brother to Sarpedon and Rhadamanthys, husband of Pasiphae, father to Ariadne, Catreus, Deucalion et al. King of Crete and Judge of the Dead. 

Minyades - Mortal princesses, daughter of King Minyas of Orchomenus.

Mnema – Elder Muse, muse of memory, daughter of Ouranus and Gaia.

Mnemosyne - Titan goddess, daughter of Ouranus and Gaia, lover of Zeus, and mother to the Younger Muses. Greek goddess of Memory.

Molpe – Siren and Naiad nymph, daughter of Achelous and Melpomene.

Mopsus (i) - Mortal Seer, son of Ampyx and Chloris, Argonaut

Mycenae - Major city state of ancient Greece. Founded by Perseus, famous kings include Agamemnon and Orestes.​

Myrmidon - Mortal king, son of Zeus and Eurymedusa, husband of Pisidice, father of Actor Antiphus, Euoplemia and Hiscilla. King of Phthia.

Myrmidons - Mortal tribe associated with Aegina and Phthia, a tribe brought forth from transformation of ants.

Myrrha - Mortal princess, daughter of Cinyras and Cenchreis, mother of Adonis.

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