A To Z Greek Mythology

By ardaciccone

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A To Z Every Greek Goddesses, Gods, Creatures More



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By ardaciccone

Lacedaemon - Mortal king, son of Zeus and Taygete, husband of Sparta, father of Amyclas and Eurydice, King of Laconia

Ladon - Monster, offspring of Phorcys and Ceto. Guardian of the Golden Apples and the Garden of Hera.

Laertes – Greek hero, son of Arcesius and Chalcomedusa, father of Odysseus and Ctimene. King of the Cephallenians. Occasionally named Argonaut and Calydonian Hunter.

Laestrygon - Son of Gaia and Poseidon, ancestor of the Laestrygonians.

Laestrygonians - Monsters, tribe of cannibalistic giants, descendants of Lastrygon, encountered by Odysseus.

Lamia - Mortal queen, daughter of Belus or Poseidon, lover of Zeus, mother of Acheilus.

Laocoon - Mortal seer, father of Antiphantes and Thymbraeus. Seer associated with Troy.

Lapithus -  Mortal king, son of Apollo and Stilbe, husband of Orsinome, father of Phorbas, Periphas and Diomede. King of the Lapiths

Lelantos - Second generation Titan, son of Coeus and Phoebe, brother of Leta and Asteria, father of Aura. Greek god of unseen breezes.

Lelex - Autochthonus king, father of Meles and Polycaon amongst others, king of Laconia.

Leto - Second generation Titan, daughter of Coeus and Phoebe, mother of Apollo and Artemis, Greek Goddess of Motherhood.

Leucippus -  Mortal king, son of Perieres and Gorgophone, husband of Philodice, father of Hilaira and Phoebe, King of Messenia.

Lipara - Hesperides nymph (occasionally named). Daughter of Nyx (occasionally Atlas). Greek goddess of the Evening and the Golden Light of Sunset, name means Perseverance.

Lips – Minor Anemoi god, possible son of Astreaus and Eos. Greek god of the Southwest Wind.

Lupa - Algea goddess, daughter of Eris. Greek goddess of Pain and Grief.

Lycomedes – Mortal king, father of Deidamia, and six other daughters. King of Scyros.

Lycneus (i) - Mortal hero, son of Aphareus and Arene, brother of Idas, Argonaut and Claydonian Boar hunter

Lynceus (ii) - Mortal king, son of Aegyptus and Argyphia, husband of Hypermnestra, father of Abas. King of Argos.

Lyssa – Early goddess, daughter of Nyx and the blood of Ouranus. Greek goddess of Mad Rage.

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