In You (A BounPrem AU)

By bounpremASMR

32.5K 1.2K 181

Boun had a girlfriend of eight years - they had planned their future together; adopting dogs, getting their o... More



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By bounpremASMR

My boyfriend gives me frequent headaches but I love him to bits. Sometimes he gets pretty crazy, though. He always makes sure that I get enough sleep everyday, that I drink at least eight glasses of water daily, and that I always wear my glasses to prevent my eyesight from worsening. He only means well, though. I love him and all his crazy, really.

I sent him a selfie just to put his worry-wart self at ease. I heaved a sigh as I smiled at his reply a cute little, "very good <3" on display.

"I SAID NO PHONES!!" Ohm snarls, grabbing my phone from my hand and putting it at the far end crease of Boun's sofa. "Ya'll just never learn, huh?" He shakes his head, tsk tsk tsk

"Just because you and Fluke fought, doesn't mean that you get to drag us with you in your sad, little pity party, man." I said with a raise of my eyebrow, gulping down the remaining contents of the bottle of beer in my hand. 

"I don't get you two." Boun shakes his head with a chuckle. "One day you're both attached to each other's hips, posting non-stop on your socials and the next day, you're nearly biting off each other's ears." Fluke's brother adds, cheeks tinted pink as he downs his fourth bottle of beer.

"And you made me lie to Coo. I swear if he catches us, it'll be the end for you." I taunted, a threatening finger pointing towards the tall guy. I was texting Coo because he wanted to hang out. I had to lie to him, telling him that I'm stuck at home and that I need to rush on finishing this reading thing for uni. He didn't like it whenever we drank during the weekdays so I resulted to lying. Not that I'm proud of it.

Honestly, the three of us had been drinking since four in the afternoon. Ohm just casually went to my house, quite literally dragging me out without so much of a choice, drove to the convenience store and bombarded Boun's place. Poor Boun was also in the middle of painting but, just like myself, he didn't have that much of a choice since Ohm here was too adamant to drag us into his self-made drama.

"I love him I really do... your brother, I love him, I really do!" Ohm exclaims, arms flailing in the air as he turns to Boun, nodding a little. His eyes are chinkier than ever, cheeks are a shade of red. "But- but he's a real pain in the a-s-s sometimes, y'know?" He slurs, tumbling through his words as he spelled out a three-lettered word, making Boun and I laugh. Boun grabbed another beer, handing it to me in which I mindlessly grabbed, tossing the cap on the messy coffee table in front of us.

"You both are a real pain in the a-s-s!" Boun retorts with a laugh, mocking Ohm in which he earned a light punch on the shoulder. "You two make me sick, really." Boun gulps. "Acting all lovey-dovey whenever I see ya. It's as if you both try to irk me or something." He chuckles, chugging his beer and I just watched him as he spoke, kind of worried now.

"Tss. You- you're just- just.. you're a buzz kill." Ohm laughs, nudging Boun's shoulder.

Boun raised his eyebrow, a lazy smile on his face. "Me? Why am I a buzz kill?"

Ohm shrugs his shoulder, "I don't know, maybe because of the fact that you- you just never got over-" 

"Hey, what's that show again? the one with the cakes and shit?" I intervened, knowing where this alcohol-induced bantering is going.

Ohm scrunched his eyebrows, deep in thought and I glanced at Boun, thankful that I managed to pull both their attentions away from the previous conversation. "Is It Cake?!" He proclaims, raising his hands in the air. "We should watch that. W-wait, we should turn it into a drinking game, a shot every time they mention fondant." He suggest, already scrolling through Boun's Netflix, seemingly enthusiastic about his dumb idea. 

I shook my head. "Whatever to get you to shut up."


I sent yet again a photo to my boyfriend, telling him that I'm just about to watch something to help me sleep when in reality, I'm still with my two idiot best friends, watching and waiting on who's going to get even more shit faced than they already are. Don't get me wrong, I've also been drinking but these two are like in their own little competition, bottle after bottle, no one's letting up.

"IT'S CAKE!" Ohm exclaims, startling both Boun and I. "I knew it!" He rejoices as he spots the real cake on the show correctly, trying his best on pulling himself up after downing yet again, another bottle of his drink. 

"You okay, bud? Need help?" 

"N-no, I'm good." He dismisses me off, waving a hand as he heads straight (or swerving) to the bathroom, nearly tripping over his own steps.

"Hey, you good?" I nudged Boun as he stares blankly at the TV.

"Yeah." He nods slowly, eyes still directed straight to the screen. He looks like he's heavily in thought and I wonder if he caught up to what Ohm was insinuating a while back. I know that they wouldn't have started a heated argument, we've been close friends since high school, I know they would never. But when a person is this intoxicated, you can never predict their reactions, really. And we all know that Boun's past relation ship was and still is a touchy subject. "You know, the other day, someone was here." He said, as if he finally had the courage to spit out his thoughts. 

I look at him curious. He rarely has any other guests other than us and the occasional business people that he sometimes deals with at home. "Hm? Who was it? Another contractor?"

He shakes his head, still seemingly deep in thought. "No, it's- well, it's this kid, Prem." The mention of Prem's name almost made me feel like an electricity jolted up through my skin.

"Oh? Who-who's he?" I ask, downing a big gulp of my beer.

"A friend of Earth, I assume." He says, now turning to look at me, eyebrows knitted together. "Don't you know him?" He asks.

I shake my head, raising my shoulders. "Doesn't sound familiar."


"Why? Did he need something? Why was he here?" I ask, now really curious. Coo didn't mention this to me. Why the hell was Prem in Boun's house?

Boun shrugged his shoulders, drinking his beer. "He borrowed a book, a review book." 

"Oh, okay, I see."

Boun nods slowly, "He's..." Silence. I waited for him to finish his sentence but he looked pretty deep in thought, as if he's trying to pick his words carefully, either he doesn't want to say something wrong or he's genuinely confused. He seems skeptical, even. "I don't know.." He sighs

We shrugged the topic off and soon enough, I was carrying this big of a baby, Ohm to his car, buckling him to the passenger seat as I sat on the driver's side, buckling myself. My phone dinged from my pocket. I heaved a sigh, grabbing it and reading the new message.


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