X-Men watch Age of Ultron

De kk200914

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X-Men sit down and watch a movie, Avengers: Age of Ultron, to be specific. Mai multe

He's Fast and She's Weird
That Little Witch Has Been Messing With Your Mind

But You Will Tear Them Apart, From The Inside...

2.4K 54 38
De kk200914


Everyone is from after Apocalypse.

Peter has only Lorna as a sister in this universe.

Erik knows Peter is his son.

They have watched Avengers movies before so they are all up to date when it comes to Marvel.

Disney+ exists.

They have advanced technology.

Magda isn't alive, she died of breast cancer.

I'm gonna call Peter a teenager even though he isn't.

Wanda and Pietro are 17 years old in Avengers: Age of Ultron.




Meanwhile, the Avengers are at a party.

The X-Men, especially Jean and Hank, were bummed out by Jarvis's death. They still wanted to enjoy the movie. Heck, maybe Jarvis will come back. Who says he wouldn't, they did it will Tony in the 1st Avengers, and with Bucky in Captain America: Winter Soldier.

James Rhodes: You know, the suit can take the weight, right? So I take the tank, fly it up to the General's palace, and drop it at his feet, I'm like, "Boom! You looking for this?" 

Tony and Thor just look at him.   

The X-Men laughed, their moods immediately lighting up. 

James Rhodes: "Boom! You looking for..." Why do I even talk to you guys? 

"Well, it does make sense. I guess the Avengers are used to more exciting?...Things.  

Everywhere else that story kills.

Thor: That's the entire story?

"Jeez, they didn't have to be that mean", Raven laughed.

James Rhodes: Yeah, it's a War Machine story.

Thor: Well, it is very good then. It's uh..impressive.

"Very impressive", Jean said sarcastically. 

James Rhodes: Quality-Save. 

So, Pepper? She's ain't coming?

Tony Stark: Nope.

Maria Hill: Hey, what about Jane? Where are the ladies at, gentlemen?

"Is it just me, or do you guys get serious rainbow vibes from her?", Ororo asked. 

All of the teenagers, including Peter, nodded. The adults didn't say anything, not really understanding the teenage slang for gay.

Tony Stark: Well, Ms. Potts has a company to run.

Thor: Yes, and I'm not even sure what country Jane's in. 

"CoUpLe gOaLs", Peter said sarcastically.

Her work on the convergence has made her "World's Foremost Astronomer".

Tony Stark: Ya and the company that Pepper runs is the largest tech conglomerate on earth. Pretty exciting!

Thor: There's even talk that Jane is getting a... um, uh... Nobel prize!

"Are they comparing their girlfriend's accomplishments?", Erik asked.

Maria Hill: Yeah, they must be busy because they'd hate missing you guys get together.

"Ya I'm sure they'd feel pretty awkward if they were there in that moment", Scott said.

She mocks coughs.

Testosterone! Excuse me.

They all laughed.

James Rhodes: You want a lozenge?

Maria Hill: Mm-hmm.

James Rhodes: Let's go then. 

Maria and Rhodes leave the couch.

Thor: Jane's better.

"For a second I thought they forgot about it", Charles laughed.

Cut to Sam and Steve talking, while walking up to an overlook.

"SSSAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMM!!!!!!", the teenagers, including Peter, I'm just gonna call him a teenager now, yelled. It seemed that Sam was a fan favourite amongst the teens. 

Sam Wilson: It sounds like a hell of a fight, sorry I missed it, man.

Steve Rogers: If I had known it was going to be a firefight I would've called you.

Sam Wilson: No, I'm not sorry. I'm just trying to sound tough. I'm very happy chasing cold leads on our missing person case. Avenging is your world. Your world's crazy.

"It really is though. And its crazy how they win every time", Hank laughed in amazement. 

Totally and definitely not foreshadowing Infinity War.


Steve Rogers: Be it ever so humble.

Sam Wilson: You found a place in Brooklyn yet?

Steve Rogers: I don't think I can afford a place in Brooklyn.

"Does he not get payed for being an avenger by the literal multi-billionaire he works with?", Scott asked.

Sam Wilson: Well, home is home, you know?

Rhodes is telling the same story to another group of people at the party

James Rhodes: I fly it right up to the General's palace, I drop it at his feet, I'm like, "Boom! You looking for this?". 

The group laughs at his story.

"FINALLY GETTING THE LAUGHS HE DESERVES", Storm yelled like a proud mother, even though James is much older, well technically he's not, but he is?

Steve and Thor are talking to an elderly man at the party.

"Stan Lee!". This time everyone yelled, all sharing a liking to the man who they feel like they've seen before.

Stan Lee(shh he's in disguise): I got to have some of that!

Thor: Oh, no, no. See this, this is a thousand years old.

"Gross", Peter said.

It was found in the barrels built from the wreck of Grunhel's fleet, it was not meant for mortal men. 

"Isn't Thor not immortal", Kurt asked, making everyone's heads spin towards him in confusion.

"Don't asgardians die at 5000 years old, making them mortal?", he continued. The teleporter was extremely lucky that asgardians didn't exist in his universe, or else Loki would be out for his head.

"Technically, they are mortal. But I think what they mean by 'we are not mortal' is that they don't have an average life span as humans do", Hank explained, much to the teenagers thankings because he was no longer confused on the situation.

Thor pours the same drink into two glasses and hands one of them to Steve.

"But Steve doesn't live forever, he was just in ice for a long time", Kurt whined, confused again.

"Yes but he has enhanced durabilty and strength, thanks to the super soldier serum", Hank explained, again.

Stan Lee: Neither was Omaha Beach, blondie. 

This gave the team a laugh.

So stop trying to scare us. Let me give it a go.

Thor: Alright. 

Thor pours some of the drink into Stan Lee's glass. Later, Stan is looking extremely drunk and has to be carried off by two men.

"Of course", Jean whispered, her head in her hand. 

He starts singing.

Stan Lee: Excelsior.

Natasha is pouring a drink behind the bar and Bruce walks up to her.

"NATASHA", this time only Peter yelled.

"Why are you yelling, you know she's in this movie?", Scott asked.

Bruce Banner: How'd a nice girl like you end up working in a dump like this?

Natasha Romanoff: 'Fella did me wrong.

"I will treat you better", Peter whispered. He has to say he was a bit jealous he didn't have the power to fly into space, because if he did, he would be heading for Natsha's universe. 

Bruce Banner: You've got a lousy taste in men, kid.

Natasha Romanoff: He is not so bad. He has a temper. 

But, deep down he's all fluff. Fact is, he's not like anybody I know. All my friends are fighters. And here comes this guy, spending his life avoiding the fight because he knows he'll always win.

Bruce Banner: That sounds amazing.

Natasha Romanoff: He's also a huge nerd.

 Bruce looks embarrassed.

"Don't tell me...", Peter trailed off.

Natasha Romanoff: Chicks dig that, you know? 

So what do you think should I fight this, or run with it?

"Fight it". I don't think you have to guess who said that.

Bruce Banner: Run with it, right? 


Or, did...was he...? What did he do that was so wrong to you?

Natasha Romanoff: Not a damn thing. But never say never. 

Natasha walks away, and Steve appears next to Bruce.

Steve Rogers: It's nice.

Bruce Banner: What, what is?

Steve Rogers: You and Nat.

"It's actually pretty weird", this time Jean was the one to say it. 

The movie had forced this on their viewers without any warning. Natasha and Bruce had 0 chemistry before so this entire thing is very awkward. 

Bruce Banner: No, we haven't. That was...

Steve Rogers: Okay. Nobody's breaking any laws.

"This ship should be illegal", Peter rolled his eyes.

 It's just, that she's not the most...open person in the world. But with you, she seems very relaxed.

Bruce Banner: No, Natasha...she's a flirt.

Steve Rogers: I've seen her flirt, up close. 

"Remember when Natasha had like a crush on Steve?", Kurt asked.

"Ya, and then he called her a friend", Scott mumbled, trying not to laugh at the memory of watching that scene. 

This ain't that. Look, as the world's leading authority on "waiting too long"...

 ...Don't. You both deserve a win. 

Steve walks off.

Bruce Banner: Wait, what do you mean, "Up close?".

Later, most of the guests left. It's just the Avengers plus Dr. Cho and Maria Hill sitting around and Thor's hammer sits on the table between them.

Clint Barton: But, it's a trick!

"I don't understand how they don't believe him when he says that you can only hold it if you're worthy. He is a literal GOD so the whole 'worthy' thing with his hammer can't come as a shock to them", Jean argued. 

Thor: Oh, no. It's so much more than that.

Clint Barton: "Whosoever is worthy shall have his power!". Whatever man! It's a trick.

Thor: Well then, please, be my guest.

Tony Stark: Come on.

Clint Barton: You sure?

Thor: Yes!

Clint gets up.

James Rhodes: This is gonna be beautiful.

Tony Stark: Clint, you have had a tough week, we wouldn't hold it against you if you can't get it up. 

The X-Men laughed. 

Clint Barton: You know I've seen this before, right? 

Clint grabs Thor's hammer and can't lift it.

Clint Barton: I just don't know how you do it.

Tony Stark: Can you smell the silent judgment?

Clint Barton: Please, Tony, go ahead, by all means.

Tony gets up.

"Oh no", Storm face palmed. 

Natasha Romanoff: Oh, god.

Maria Hill: Alright.

James Rhodes: Oh, no.

Clint Barton: Mm-hmm.

Tony Stark: Never one to turn down an easy challenge.

Clint Barton: Get it.

Natasha Romanoff: Here we go again.

"Mamma Mia, here we go again", Peter sang quietly, finally controlling his need to scream when he sings, "My my, how can I resist ya".

Tony Stark: It's uh....physics.

"How?", Hank shook his head.

Bruce Banner: Physics! Now, wait a minute here!

Tony grasps Thor's hammer.

Tony Stark: Right, so, if I lift it, I uh...I then rule Asgard?

Thor: Yes, of course, Tony.

Tony Stark: I will be re-instituting Prima Nocta, then. 

Tony tries to lift the hammer but fails.

"I figured that much", Charles sighed.

 I will be right back. 

"What is he gonna do now?", Raven half-asked, already knowing the answer.

While wearing his armoured hand, Tony tries to lift the hammer again and fails.

Rhodes joins in and both he and Tony use their armoured hands to attempt to lift the hammer.

James Rhodes: 'You even pulling?

The group of mutants

Tony Stark: Are you on my team, or not?

James Rhodes: Represent, Tony! Pull!

Tony Stark: Alright, let's go!

Bruce tries to lift the mighty hammer.

 When he fails to he roars as if he changing into the Hulk, and everyone either looks at him warily or grins.

"That was really awkward", Peter said. 

"Ya, they really had to not even laugh? Just say nothing?", Scott rhetorically asked.

Bruce Banner: Huh?

Steve decides to give it a try.

"Maybe he'll be able to lift it, he has superhuman strength after all", Kurt said.

"It doesn't matter how strong you are, you have to be worthy", Hank corrected.

"Maybe he's right, Hank. Not in the strength part, but where he said that Steve might be able to lift it", Raven reasoned, "Steve seems like a pretty worthy person".

"Whatever, I still don't think he'll lift it", Hank brushed her off.

Tony Stark: Let's go, Steve, no pressure by the way.

James Rhodes: Come on, Captain.

Steve pulls the hammer upward and manages to budge it a little. 

Everyone was shocked. They hadn't expected Steve to be able to lift it, except for Kurt and Raven. Speaking of Raven....

"What did I say!", Raven got all up in Hank'sface.

Thor's smile falls from his face. 

Steve decides to give up and Thor's smile returns to his face.

Thor: See, nothing.

"Yet...", Peter trailed off. 

Tony Stark: Anyone else?

Bruce Banner: Nat?

Natasha Romanoff: Oh, no, no thanks. That's not a question I want to answer.

Tony Stark: All deference to the man who wouldn't be king, it's rigged.

Clint Barton: You betting your ass?

Maria Hill: Steve, he said a no-no word.

"Erik is our Steve", Peter joked, reminding everyone in the room of the 'LaNgUaGe' moment that Erik so desperately tried to forget. 

The room erupted in a bunch of giggles at the memory.

Steve Rogers: Did you have to tell everyone about that?

Tony Stark: The handle's imprinted, right? 

"Again with the science thing, it's not gonna happen", Scott spoke.

"Whosoever is carrying Thor's fingerprints", is I think, the literal translation?

Thor: Well that's,  that's uh... a very, very interesting theory. I have a simpler one. 

Thor gets up, then lifts his hammer and flips it. 

 Thor: You're not worthy. 

There is a chorus of disagreement from the others.

There's a loud screeching noise that causes everyone to cover their ears. 

The X-Men mimicked the hand movement, their hands instinctively covering their ears.

They let their hands down as it fades, and Tony pulls out his device. 

"The hell was that?", Raven asked.

One of the Iron Legion suits, holding Ultron's consciousness, stumbles into the room.

"Is that...?", Scott questioned.

Ultron: Worthy...how could you be worthy? You're all killers.

Everyone knew that was Ultron as soon as they heard him, and they all knew that what he just said was false, wrong, incorrect, you name it.

Sometimes you have to kill to save the world, whether it's villains, or just collateral damage, every death brings you one step closer to the deserved death.

Steve: Stark.


Ultron: I'm sorry, I was asleep. Or... I was a dream?

"How can a robot be sleeping", Erik asked.

Tony taps his device.

Tony Stark: Reboot, Legionnaire OS, we've got a buggy suit.

Ultron: There was a terrible noise...

"Quite like the one you made just now", Charles spoke as if Ultron could hear him through the screen.

 And I was tangled in......strings? I was forced to kill the other guy. He was a good guy.

Steve Rogers: You killed JARVIS?

Ultron: Wouldn't be my first call. But, down in the real world, we are faced with ugly choices.

Thor: Who has sent you?

Ultron replays a recording of Tony's voice 

Ultron: "I see a suit of armour around the world".

"You know what would be real scary?", Peter asked.

"If every word that Ultron spoke is just a bunch of the words that the Avengers have spoken. Like if he said 'I love sushi' it could be Steve saving 'I', then Bruce saying 'love' and then Nat would say 'sushi' and he would literally be using their own words against them", Peter spoke excitedly.

Sadly, no one was able to understand what he said because of the speed that he was talking at, so they just all nodded unconvincingly. 

Bruce Banner: Ultron?!

Ultron: In the flesh. Or, not yet. Not this...chrysalis. But I'm ready. I'm on a mission.

Natasha Romanoff: What's the mission?

Ultron: Peace in our time...

"That 'peace in our time' thing didn't really work out well, did it", Peter joked, trying to lighten the mood. 

If it had been anyone else, Erik would have a coin through their neck, but it was his own son who had said that. Despite Peter's mature age, his mind was still much like a child's. Erik knew that Peter was just trying to lighten the mood and didn't really think of who was in the room first. 

The wall behind him explodes, and seven Iron Legion bots barge into the room. 

Everyone flinched at the loud sound.

They attack the remaining people, who fight back. Rhodes gets hit through a window.

Maria: Rhodey!

Bruce climbs over the bar to avoid the blasts from the Iron Legion. Natasha grabs him and drags him down, and he lands on top of her.


Like Peter's annoying whining, the group expressed their distaste for the ship in the same way, just in their heads.

Bruce Banner: Sorry, Nat!

Natasha Romanoff: Do not turn green!

Bruce Banner: I'll try not to!

They continue fighting the attacking bots. One of the Iron Legion bots steals the sceptre.

"Oh god, here we go again!", Kurt sighed.

"My my, how can I resist ya", Peter continued in song form.

"Mamma Mia, does it show again?", Jean continued, much to Peter's surprise and delight.

Natasha Romanoff: Come on!

The Avengers, while they are fighting back, are mostly trying to not get hit.

Steve Rogers: Tony!

Tony is attacking one of the Iron Legion bots with a fondue fork.

"What is he doing?", Storm face palmed.

Iron Legion: We're here to help.

Tony Stark: One sec, I got this!

Iron Legion: We are here to help... 

A half-destroyed Iron Legion robot uses its thrusters to hold itself aloft and advances on Dr. Helen Cho. 

Iron Legion: We are here to help...It's unsafe. Please back away.

Ultron: Hmm. 

The Iron Legion bot lowers his weapon, and Steve grabs it and throws it away for Thor to hit with his hammer.

Steve: Thor!

Iron Legion: It's unsafe. It is unsafe. It's unsafe.

Tony Stark: Come on! This is the one!

Iron Legion: It's unsafe. 

The fighting continues until Clint throws Cap's shield at him.

Clint Barton: Cap!

Steve uses his shield to break the last Iron Legion bot.

Ultron: Well that was dramatic! 

"I like him, he's sarcastic", Erik smirked.

"He was created by Tony after all", Charles added.

Sorry, I know you mean well. You just didn't think it through. You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it is not allowed to...evolve? 

"YES! EVOLVE INTO MUTANTS!", Erik exclaimed in his mutant revolution voice.

Ultron picks up one of the dismembered Iron Legion bots.

 Ultron: With what? These puppets? 

He crushes the Iron Legion bot's head.

There's only one path to peace, the Avengers' extinction.

The God Of Thunder throws his hammer and destroys Ultron's body.

"Finally, it's over", Hank sighs.

Ultron starts singing.

Ultron: I had strings, but now I am free.

"OH HELL NO!", Raven yells in disgust, "PETER WHY WOULD YOU SHOW THIS TO ME!".

There are no strings on me, no strings on me. 

"He really had to ruin Ponochio, really", Scott sighs, being VERY done with this movie.

Ultron uploads his consciousness in an abandoned Sokovia base.


Back in Sokovia, Pietro is distributing goods to the civilians.

He gives an old man some medication.

"That's so kind of him", Jean awed, at this point Peter was convinved she was trying to make him jealous on purpose.

Pietro Maximoff: Ah. Are those the right ones?

Old Man: Yeah.

Pietro: The doctor who refilled it, said 'no more insurance'. He said it was on the house.

Pietro pulls out a soccer ball.

Pietro Maximoff: This, is for your brother.

"I love his accent", Storm awed as well.

Gertie: Thank you!

He then pulls out a dress.

"Ooh that dress looks nice", Raven complemented.

"Too revealing for my taste", Erik said, he couldn't picture HIS daughter Lorna in that dress, nor would he want to.

"Erik, you're acting as if YOU wear dresses", Raven rolled her eyes.

Pietro Maximoff: But this, is not for your brother.

"Okay, so when he does it, it's cute. When I do it however, it's 'eEeEeWwWw'", Peter imitates the girls on the street that he tries to flirt with.

"Because he's offering her a dress, all you offer is your eyebrows wiggling", Jean argues, sadly having witnessed Peter trying to flirt with girls.

Gertie: Oh no, this...I can't. This is too-

"Look at her she's speechless", Raven commented.

Wanda walks by.

Wanda Maximoff: Is every girl in Sokovia getting a stolen dress from Paris?

The X-Men chuckled.

At least Gertie's is warmer than others. 

Wanda reminded Charles a lot of Erik when it came to the humour department. Especially right now.

Gertie looks at Pietro, getting ready to give the dress back with an angry look.

"Oop he's in deep shit", Raven smirked. Everyone's heads turned towards Erik, but he was quite annoyed at how they were still associating him with that one moment.

Pietro chuckles awkwardly.

Pietro Maximoff: Wanda's kidding.

"Is she though?", Peter asked in a high pitch voice.

He runs up to her.

Pietro Maximoff: You're just jealous you're not getting a dress.

Wanda Maximoff: No but if you keep stealing you're going to get shot.

"Well jeez, that took a dark turn", Peter tried to lighten the mood but once again, failed to.

Pietro waves her off and she wacks him on the arm.

Wanda Maximoff: I mean it, Pietro. At speed nothing can touch you but standing still-

Pietro Maximoff: And you think I want to be stealing.

Storm could really relate to this. The way that Pietro would not only steal for him and his sister but the people of Sokovia really mirrored Storm stealing bread for the children of Egypt.

 Even though she did this, she always felt guilty at the end of the day. She most often stole from little booths because they were the easiest to steal from, but they were also the most poor booths.

You said wait well I'm waiting. And I don't know for what. We had him right there, Wanda. All these years of planning for Stark and you just-

Gertie interupts them by running to her little brother.

Gertie: Costa, costa where did you go?

Costa ignores her and looks at the twins instead.

Costa: Church, the man says you need to go to the church.

Wanda Maximoff: What man?

Costa: The iron man...

The twins looked at each other, confused.

The X-Men looked at each other, puzzled as well.

Wasn't Tony in New York?


The Avengers are now gathered in the lab.

Bruce Banner: All our work is gone. Ultron's cleared out and used the internet as an escape hatch.

Natasha Romanoff: He has been in everything. 

Peter refrained himself from saying a 'that's what she said' joke. 

Jean and Charles heard it though, in his mind. They just sighed in dissapointment, mostly Jean.

Files, surveillance. He probably knows more about us than we know about each other.

"That's why I'm glad that we don't have advanced technology like that", Kurt spoke in fear of the 'robots'.

James Rhodes: He is in your files, he is on the internet. What if he decides to access something a little more exciting?

Maria Hill: Nuclear codes, right.

"Why are they always copying us, even our villains now", Peter rolled his eyes.

James Rhodes: Nuclear codes. Look, we need to make some calls, assuming we still can.

Natasha Romanoff: Nukes? Didn't he say he wanted us dead?

Steve Rogers: He said extinct, not dead.

Clint Barton: He also said he's killed, somebody.

Maria Hill: There wasn't anyone else in the building.

Tony Stark: Ya there was.

Tony brings up the now-destroyed 3D image of JARVIS' consciousness.

Hank and Jean's face immediately went from content to sad. 

Some people might call their grief for JARVIS silly 'aka, Raven and Scott', Hank was so sad to see such an amazing piece of technology go to waste and Jean just thought that JARVIS was so adorable and grown attached to him over the course of the Iron Man movies. 

Bruce Banner: That's insane.

Steve Rogers: But JARVIS was the first line of defence. He would've shut Ultron down, right.

"Sadly, JARVIS was too good for this world, too polite, too kind, and got taken advantage of", Jean sadly spoke, most probably rehearsing her speach at the funeral for JARVIS that her and Hank planned telepathically.  

Bruce Banner: No, Ultron could've absorbed Jarvis. This isn't a strategy, this is...rage.

Thor barges in and grabs hold of Tony by his throat, holding him up.

The room erupted in a bunch of 'WOAH's and 'WHAT EVEN HAPPEND?'. 

Clint Barton: Woah, Woah, Woah! What's going on.

Tony Stark: Come on, buddy. Use your words.

Thor: I have enough words to describe you, Stark.

"I'm guessing this is because of the sceptre", Kurt guessed.

Steve Rogers: Thor stop! The Legionnaire.

Thor lets go of Tony.

Thor: The trail went cold about a hundred miles out but it's headed north, and it has the sceptre. Now we have to retrieve it, again.

"That's really annoying", Storm said.

Natasha Romanoff: The genie is out of that bottle. Clear and present is Ultron.

Dr. Helen Cho: I don't understand. If you built this program, why is it trying to kill us?

"Ya, what went wrong", Hank pondered.

Tony starts laughing and Bruce shakes his head at him to get him to stop.

"What is he doing?", Erik sighed, so did everyone else. Everytime you think Tony has changed, he does another stupid thing like this.

Thor: Do you think this is funny?

"I hope he doesn't", Jean hoped, so did everyone else.

Tony Stark: No, it's probably not, right? Is this very terrible? Is it so...it is. It's so terrible.

Thor: This would've been avoided if you had not played with something you don't understand.

Tony Stark: No, no. I'm sorry. It is funny. It's a hoot that you don't get why we need this.

"Ah yes, when the world has just been attacked by killer aliens, you create a killer robot", Peter sarcastically joked.

Bruce Banner: Tony, this might not be the time to--

Tony Stark: That's it? You just roll over, show your belly, every time somebody snarls.

Bruce Banner: When I've created a murder bot, yes.

Tony Stark: We didn't. 

We were not even close. Were we close to an interface?

Steve Rogers: Well, you did something right.

"What could he have done right?", Scott asked.

You did it right here. The Avengers are supposed to be different than SHIELD.

Tony Stark: Anybody remember when I carried a nuke through a wormhole?

"What?", Kurt asked, confused on why this was brought up.

James Rhodes: Nope, 'never came up.

Tony Stark: How about saving New York?

"He's trying to change the conversation", Kurt came to a conclusion.

James Rhodes: Never heard about that.

Tony Stark: You recall that? An alien army came charging through a hole in space. We're standing three hundred feet below it. We're the Avengers. We can bust arms dealers all the livelong day, but, that up there? That's... that's the end game. How were you guys planning on beating that?

Steve: Together.

"tHe PoWeR oF fRiEnDsHiP", Peter sarcastically giggled, he was really starting to sound like his little sister now.

Tony: We'll lose.

Steve Rogers: We'll do that together, too. 

"Why don't we ever get speeches like that?", Peter pouted.

Tony Stark: Thor is right. Ultron is calling us out. I'd like to find him before he's ready for us. The world's a big place. Let's start making it smaller.

Back in Sokovia, Wanda and Pietro meet with Ultron in an empty church.

Wanda Maximoff: Talk. If you are wasting our time...

Ultron: Do you know this church is in the exact center of the city? 

"Well jeez, he didn't have to interrupt her like that", Scott said.

The elders decreed it so that everyone could be equally close to God. I like that. The geometry of belief. 

Wanda tries to look inside his hide but fails to.

Ultron: You're wondering why you can't look inside my mind.

"Cause you have no brain, stupid", Peter joked.

Wanda Maximoff: Sometimes it's hard. But sooner or later, a true man shows himself.

"Get this on a piece of paper", Scott yelled.

 Kurt took it too serious and teleported himself in his room to grab a pencil and paper, wright Wanda's quote down, and deliver it back to Scott. 

Ultron stands and faces them, revealing his new body. Wanda looks shocked.

Ultron: I'm sure they do. But you needed something more than just a man. That's why you let Stark take the sceptre.

Wanda Maximoff: I didn't expect...But I saw his fear, I knew it would control Stark, make him self-destruct.

"She's pretty smart for a 17 year old", Hank pointed out.

Ultron: Everybody creates the thing they dread. 

"Not everybody!", Peter yelled. 

He knew for a fact that the creater of Twinkies did not dread them

Men of peace create machines of war, invaders create avengers, people create...smaller people? Children! 

"I do not dread you Peter", Erik told his son. 

He put his arm around Peter's shoulders and kissed his forehead.

I lost the word there. Children. Designed to supplant them, to help them end.

Wanda Maximoff: That's why you've come? To end the Avengers?

Ultron: I've actually come to save the world. But..sure. 

"Ending the Avengers means destroying the world, but go off I guess", Scott flipped his hair, feeling proud of the new phrase he learned from Jean.

They are now in the base full of Ultron bots.

Ultron: We'll move out right away. This is a beginning, but there's something we'll need to start the real work.

Wanda Maximoff: All of this is...?

Ultron: Me? Ya, I have what the Avengers never will. Harmony. 

"No, you just have a bunch of mindless bots following your mindless ass", Raven said.

They're discordant, disconnected. Tony's already got them turning on each other. 

"He's not wrong", Storm reminded.

When you get inside all of their heads...

Pietro Maximoff: Everyone's plan is to not kill them.

Ultron: And make them martyrs? No. You need patience. You need to see the bigger picture.

Pietro Maximoff: I don't see the bigger picture, I have a little picture. I take it out and look at it every day.

Ultron: You've lost your parents in the bombings. I've seen the records.

Pietro Maximoff: Those records are not the picture.

Wanda Maximoff: Pietro, no.

Ultron: No, let him.

The X-Men got prepared for a long and sad story.

Pietro Maximoff: We were ten years old, having dinner, the four of us. When the first shell hits, two floors below, it makes a hole in the floor. It's big. Our parents go in, and the whole building starts coming apart. I grab her, roll under the bed and the second shell hits. But, it doesn't go off. It just... sits there in the rubble, three feet from our faces. And on the side of the shell is painted one word...

The X-Men were speechless, they couldn't imagine going through an experience like that. 

Wanda's eyes flash red.

Wanda Maximoff: Stark.

under "Now it makes sense on why they were going after him", Jean said.

Pietro Maximoff: We were trapped for two whole days.

Wanda Maximoff: And every effort to save us, every shift in the bricks, I think, this will set it off. We wait for two days...for Tony Stark...to kill us.

The X-Men couldn't believe it. Imagine being stuck under a bed, with dust flying all over you, starving, dehydrated, to afraid to move, for 2 whole days.

Pietro Maximoff: We know what they are.

Ultron: I wondered why you two were the only surviving Strucker experiments. 

"Is he calling them experiments?", Hank asked.

"Like that's their only use to them", Raven added.

Now I know.

You and I can hurt them. But you...

Ultron goes to touch Wanda's cheek.


 Ultron: You, will tear them apart, from the inside...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This is my longest chapter yet. I'm gonna start getting into the habit of posting regularly. In the meantime, tell me what you think of the story so far.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5083 words

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