Marriage Merger

By deetronite

223K 14.4K 787

Ximena Dos Ramos is the heiress to the Dos Ramos Cooperation and it is the sole preoccupation of her entire e... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 (Parte Uno)
Chapter 24 (Parte Dos)
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
New Book!
Andrea & Omar's Story.

Chapter 25

4.1K 278 14
By deetronite

Ximena had barely been in the room for half an hour and she had already talked so many people who wanted to wish her a happy birthday. Most of the people in attendance were her parents' friends and business associates so there really was no one she could converse with. Granted, some had brought their future heirs as well but they were too stuck up and conceited for her liking.

Scanning the room, she spotted her family along with Mr Dos Santos and Samara near the front, talking with a couple of other people. There was no way she would feel comfortable over there with them, if the bored looks on Andrea and Salvador's faces said anything. Among the tables, waiters and guests she easily saw Adriano's back since he was the only one wearing a white tux jacket and he stood tall. Ximena began to make her way towards him. He somehow made her feel safe whenever she was near him. It sounded totally strange, given they barely knew each other.

Once she reached where he was she called his name. He turned around at the sound of his name and that was when she got a glimpse of who he had been talking to. Two ridiculously handsome men stood before her. One was wearing a wine red tux jacket. He had sandy blond hair cropped at the sides, longer at the front and tan skin, with gray eyes that sparkled with mischief. Somehow he looked quite familiar. The other one was definitely Arabic, the skin tone and prominent features were a dead giveaway. He was wearing an emerald tux jacket. Unlike the former one, this one looked haughty.

"This must be the birthday girl. So ravishing," remarked the Arabic man in a thick British acccent, earning a scowl from Adriano. "Aren't you going to introduce us Adri?" he asked his friend, still not taking his piercing black eyes off her.

Adriano cleared his throat. "These are my friends. Santiago Fuentemayor," he said and pointed at the blond one. "And this is Omar Pedrad," he said and pointed at the Arabic one. "This is Ximena Dos Ramos, and yes she is the birthday girl."

Omar gave her a smile and then took her hand to place a kiss on it. The gesture made her very uncomfortable and by the looks of it, Adriano didn't like it either.

"I'd advise you to keep your hands to yourself Omar," Santiago warned in a low voice, glancing at Adriano and then he smiled at her afterwards. The gears in Ximena's head began to turn.

"I've seen you somewhere," Ximena stated and Santiago nodded in agreement. It finally clicked. "The opening of that club. You're that creepy pervert who wouldn't leave my friend and I alone!" she almost spat in disgust.

Santiago beamed. "Guilty as charged. Pleasure to make your acquaintance," he mused but she shot him a glare.

"I was wondering if," Omar began once again and got her attention once again. "You wanted to come back to my place after this party is over," he offered with a smirk and she blanched. Nobody had ever said such disrespectful words to her like that before, well not so bluntly. Adriano stepped in between Omar and her, fists balled at his sides and face dark.

"How dare y-" he was about to speak but a voice booming from the mic resonated across the ballroom. Ximena sighed in relief at the perfect timing because it looked like a crisis had been averted. Adriano looked like he was going to lunge at Omar.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen," said Andrea from the stage. She looked beautiful in a hot pink evening gown that fit her perfectly and accenuated her curves. Her hair was flowing proudly around her face. "I'd like to introduce you all to my sister's birthday gala. Now that the birthday girl is here, the night can truly begin. Happy birthday sis, I love you so very much and I look up to you a lot I wish you so many more years to come and nothing but the best for you in life," she commented gracefully and smiled at her from the stage. Ximena's heart soared. People were handed champagne flutes as Andrea went on with her speech.

"But," she went on with emphasis, her lips twitching. Ximena knew exactly what she was about to say next and it made her panick slightly. Without knowing, her body had gravitated towards Adriano and she grabbed his hand. He regarded her with a calm facade and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. Here goes nothing, she thought with a shaky sigh. "This is also her engagement party!" she chirped happily into the mic.

Gasps echoed throughout the grand hall and many eyes turned to look at her, including Adriano's friends. Santiago gave her a smug smile but Omar looked totally baffled by the sudden announcement. "And her fiance is that gorgeous man standing right next to her. I'm sure most of you know him. He goes by the name Adriano Dos Santos," Andrea pronounced proudly. By now everybody was practically looking at them.

And then a round of thunderous applause exploded. It became too real for Ximena, so much so that she could feel herself begin to hyperventilate. Sensing her nervousness, Adriano slid his arm across her waist and pulled her to him. He dipped his head and whispered into her ear, "Tranquila, carina." His lips brushed her earlobe in the process and it sent shivers down her spine. When she looked into his entrancing green eyes, they held an emotion she couldn't quite decipher.

Then he smiled his bright and dazzling smile at her. She smiled back. Her nerves dissipated.

"Congratulations you two," said Santiago with a lopsided grin. "I guess you're gonna be my sister in law," he directed at Ximena and she chuckled despite herself. There was something about him that made her feel at ease. She could certainly feel like they would be getting along quite well in the future.

A guilty look flashed across Omar's face. "Adri, I'm really sorr-" he had wanted to say but Adriano cut him off abruptly.

"Save it," he huffed curtly and then turned to leave with Ximena still in his arm. As they left, she looked back over her shoulder to see Omar sighing and then Santiago gave him a pat on the back. Although she ought to have been mad at him, she somehow felt bad for the guy.

Before they got far her parents, Mr Dos Santos came into view. They were all dressed finely, in tailored suits and expensive evening gowns. Her mum was the first to rush to them and then gave both of them a tight embrace. Ximena laughed and hugged her back, so did Adriano but he seemed slightly uncomfortable. He was probably not used to such blatant display of affection. Once Dolores had let go, she lightly cupped both their faces with her hands. "You two make such a splendid couple!" she gushed, earning a blush from Ximena. Adriano just smiled at her.

Her dad came and gave Adriano a handshake to congratulate him and an awkward side hug to Ximena. Emilio was never one for hugs but she knew he loved her nonetheless. Next was Samara who wouldn't stop complimenting both her outfit and hair. Adriano had began to converse with her dad about something that she couldn't hear. Mr Dos Santos came into view. Granted he was handsome like his son but there was something sinister about him. His hollow green eyes raked her entire body and she felt repulsed by his lack of shame.

"Congratulations my dear," he said in Spanish then he pulled her into a hug. She stumbled forward and went rigid when he spoke once again, "Welcome to the game," he said so lowly and menacingly that her veins filled with ice. He stroked her back with his cold hand and then let her go, giving her a malice filled grin. Startled, Ximena looked down at her shoes in alarm as she felt her heart beat spike. What had he meant by game?

Emilio spoke up once again. "I'll introduce to everyone," he said and then motioned for them to follow.

It felt like hours elapsed as they went around the ballroom. Others had began to sit down and put their desired dishes in with the waiters. It seemed her siblings had disappeared into thin air, along with Adriano's friends. Feeling her feet starting to hurt from all the walking and standing, Ximena excused herself and made her way to her designated table. She sat down and sighed as the pain in her legs began to fade. She hunched over the table so she didn't notice the person who walked up behind her.

"Good evening miss Dos Ramos." She didn't need to see who it was to recognise that voice. Turning around, she gave Dominic a grin.

"Dom, you came!" she exclaimed in excitement and he chuckled, taking a seat next to her.

"I just got here though. That's why you invited me, right?" he teased and she giggled. Dominic was looking handsome in a grey suit, with his curls slicked back. "I even brought my favorite boss a gift but I was told to put it with the rest," he said pointing to the corner in the back where there was a huge pile of wrapped boxes in various shapes and sizes. Her eyes bulged at how many they were. "I hope you like it," he said shyly, his brown eyes twinkling.

"I'm sure I will," she assured him and then pat his arm. "So, update me on what has been going on in the office." And then he began telling her all the office tales that had occurred in her absence. He had been carrying out part of her workload for her and she was immensely grateful for it. Every time she talked to Dom, she always found herself laughing and smiling so much it hurt. He was the funniest and most easy-going guy she'd ever met.

They had been talking for about twenty minutes. Her parents, Adriano, Mr Dos Santos and Samara were still chatting with some people and she was starting to feel irked by it. She knew if she placed her order in, she'd be deemed rude by her father so she decided against it.

"Wanna dance?" Dom suggested and Ximena found herself nodding. Some other couples, having finished their food, were swaying to the elegant jazz music. Dom stood up and extended his hand to her. Smiling, she took it and stood then let him lead her to the makeshift dancefloor in the center of the room. Placing her hands on his shoulders, he put his on her waist and they began to move to the rhythm. Dom smiled softly at her but the was pure adoration in his eyes. He wasn't much taller than her so in her heels they were almost the same height.

Feeling a sudden confidence boost, Dom pulled Ximena closer to him. "You know, you're really beautiful Ximena," he admitted with that shy smile of his. Ximena giggled, heat rising up her cheeks.

"Thanks Dom," she said coyly. They were so close that she could smell his cologne and aftershave. He smelled nice, but not as good as Adriano. Adriano smelled divine, like mint and spice. Everything about him excited her senses. Even in his absence all she could think about was him.

Dom cleared his throat, "I've been meaning to tell you something," he began. "I-"

Suddenly Ximena was ripped out of his arms by a livid looking Adriano. Ximena was so surprised by the action that she barely got time to react. Adriano snaked his arm around her waist in a possessive, vice like grip. He didn't look at her, instead he was shooting daggers at Dom, who seemed just as stunned as she was. Without a word, he whisked her away past the tables, and eventually out the entrance to the hall. Adriano continued to drag her and happened upon an alcove somewhere in the huge lobby.

Her back hit the wall behind them with a soft thud. Pain shot through her back and she winced lowly. When her eyes met his, they held so much rage that it frightened her slightly. "Wha-" she said but he cut her off.

"What the hell do you think you're doing dancing with another man so intimately just after we announce we're engaged? Do you know how bad that looks?" he seethed at her, his tone daunting.

Refusing to show him fear, she settled with indignation. "Hey, I can do whatever the hell I want with whomever the hell I want! You don't own me!" she barked back with just as much fury.

His eyes narrowed into slits. "On the contrary, mi amor, the ring you're wearing on your special finger says otherwise. You.Are. Mine," he spat and she felt her blood begin to boil. Taking a step forward, he pinned her to the wall. They chests were touching, both heaving frantically and their faces were so close she could see the flakes of blue in his jade orbs.

"I don't belong to anyone, you brute! How dare you insinuate that just because we're getting married!" she said but her voice came out weaker than she had intended. It was then that she became supremely aware of their proximity and the way his hands were still on her hips and hers were on his chest. This is not good, she thought with a gulp.

He laughed but it lacked mirth. "I'm glad you're still aware we're to wed. Who is that man you were with?" he asked, his voice menacing.

"None of your business," she replied and then smirked. If he thought only he could get a rise out of her, then he was mistaken. She was willing to see just how far he was willing to go with this encounter of theirs.

"Is he your lover?" he inquired, words strained. Ximena couldn't help but laugh at that. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Was he seriously jealous? Something about the thought of it made her feel cocky, so she decided to play along.

"And what if I said he was?" she dared to ask, her lips still tilted up in a smirk.

Adriano's eyes flickered to her lips and then back to hers. Gone was the anger in them but replaced by intense desire it made her heart leap. "I'd be very upset," he whispered and then moved to his lips were brushing hers. "I'd even punish you for such a fault," he said before his lips came down crushing onto hers.


So...that happened. I know you've been waiting for this moment and it has finally happened. But will this kiss lead to good or bad things?

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