Love By Another Name


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(Katie Bell Fanfic) Finn Marsh is certain her life is about to get back on track. So, she still occasionally... Еще

Author's Note
Fresh Start
Of Whiskey & Bonding
Learn to Let Go
Chance Meeting with Disaster
Cleaning Up Disaster
Ladies' Night Out
Fate Has Its Own Plan
Wing Women
First Dates & Awkward Mistakes

A Whole New World

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Katie stood outside the door of the flat for so long, she lost track of time. At Taylor's suggestion, she had gone with Angelina last night and slept in the spare room at her flat with George. She had closed herself up inside as soon as she got there, mulling over everything that had happened and what was going to happen again.

She knew that she had hurt Finn by keeping the truth from her, which she felt horrible about. And Finn had (justified) trust issues as it was - Katie was sure she had probably lost her trust forever. Which meant that on top of losing a place to live, she had likely lost a friend as well. Not to mention, she still had Alicia running around in her head, telling her that she needed to obliviate Finn. Which she wasn't too happy about, though it might make things easier. Perhaps if she just made her forget everything about last night then they could continue on as they had been. Finn wouldn't know about magic, none of them would potentially get in trouble with the Ministry.

They could still be friends.

Even Katie knew that was taking the easy way out. And then she would live with the guilt that she had obliviated her friend. Which was worse than living with keeping magic from her.

Regardless, Katie knew it was time to face the music. Whatever she decided to do, she had to face Finn. At least she knew that she had gotten home safely last night, courtesy of Taylor. Perhaps if she was willing to talk to him, this meant she would be willing to talk to Katie.

"Buck up, Katie Bell," she muttered to herself as she slid her key into the lock and turned it, then pushed the door open and stuck her head in.

Finn was sitting on the sofa, her legs curled up underneath her and a mug of coffee in her hands. Upon hearing the door, she looked over, her eyebrows rising. Katie smiled nervously and walked in, shutting the door behind her. She pulled off her coat and hung it on the back of a chair at the table, then walked over, sitting in an armchair.

"How are you feeling?" she asked nervously.

"Been better," Finn said, lifting the mug to her lips. Okay, she wasn't yelling. This was good, right?

"I really am sorry," Katie said quickly. "I didn't like keeping it from you, but I didn't think I had a choice at the time."

"Yea, Taylor explained that whole Statute of Secrecy thing to me last night," Finn replied, her face and voice portraying nothing that was on her mind. She glanced over at Katie, a flash of something in her eyes. "Could you really get into big trouble for letting me know?"

"I dunno. Maybe?" Katie said, shifting in her chair. "I've never told anyone who wasn't supposed to know. Haven't really heard about it happening, to be honest... I mean, I'd get into some trouble, yes. Just not sure what exactly the punishment would be..."

Finn nodded and looked away.

"But you still wanted to tell me? Even though you knew you'd probably get into trouble?" Finn continued.

"Yes," Katie said firmly, thanking Merlin that she had gone over everything she wanted to say last night. "I wasn't completely sure what I was getting into when I moved in here at first. I thought I was just looking for a place to live that was away from the press and such. But then I met you, and there was this instant connection. Like I had known you for far longer than I have. And each day, I felt guiltier for keeping such a large portion of my life secret when you had been so open with me. Had become such a good friend."

Finn stared at her coffee mug, not speaking for a bit.

"Same for me," she finally said, though still didn't look up. "I don't let a lot of people close to me... always kind of been that way. And it usually takes me awhile to open up to someone. But then when you showed up..." Finn finally looked up, meeting Katie's eyes. "Still can't really explain, but I just feel like you're meant to be in my life."

Neither spoke for a bit before Finn took a deep breath and stood, putting her mug down on the table. She turned to face Katie.

"So... if you need to take away my memories about magic to stay out of trouble, then... do it," she said. Katie stared at her with wide eyes.

"I... what?" she asked, shocked. This was the conclusion that Finn had come to?

"If you get in trouble, you'll have to leave. I don't want you to leave, so take 'em and stay out of trouble," Finn said. "But... leave the ones about us being friends. And it's not going to hurt, is it?"

"No, I don't think so," Katie said softly.

Finn nodded, then closed her eyes and waited.

Katie stared at her a moment and then slowly stood as she pulled her wand out. Was she really about to do this? She took a deep breath, raising her wand, the incantation at the tip of her tongue. But then she froze. She didn't want to take Finn's memories. Would it really be so bad if she knew about magic? It was just one muggle.

She stood there so long that Finn popped an eye open.

"Katie?" she asked.

"This is... mad," Katie replied as she dropped her hands to her sides. "I don't want to take your memories." Finn opened both eyes.

"But... won't you get in trouble?" she asked.

"As long as you don't tell anyone about magic or draw attention to yourself from the wizarding world, I won't," Katie replied. "Besides that... I've felt so guilty about keeping things from you... and I don't want to go back to that."

Finn's eyes widened slightly.

"Good news is, I don't think anyone would believe me if I did tell them," she said, starting to smile. And happy that she got to keep her memories.

"Not even Haley, Finn," Katie warned. Finn held three fingers up in the air.

"Scout's honor," she replied. Katie was unfamiliar with the phrase and gesture. "Wait, do you guys have Girl Scouts?" Katie shook her head. "Ah, whatever..."

"So... we're still friends?" Katie asked. Finn chuckled.

"Like it or not, I think we're stuck with each other," she said. Katie walked over and hugged her.

"Thank Merlin. I was worried coming over here. I thought I was about to lose you," Katie breathed.

"Well... you still have to make it up to me," Finn said, stepping back slightly. "For starters... Fill me in on everything?"

"Of course," Katie said, as the two moved to sit on the sofa.

Katie had to admit that Finn was a rather good listener. She could tell that she wanted to interrupt her often with questions, but she stayed silent for most of the story as Katie talked about her life - her entire life - starting from the moment she started doing magic, to Hogwarts, to playing quidditch, to the war.

Of course, there were then many - MANY - questions during that part. Mostly Finn not understanding how an entire war could have been going on right under her nose and she didn't know. She, like the entire muggle population, had thought all the accidents were just that - random accidents. Not acts of terrorism against muggles. She then went silent when Katie got to the part about being cursed and in hospital for six months, the battle at Hogwarts. How she, Alicia, Angelina, Oliver and everyone went back to fight. How they lost Fred and 49 others. It was during that bit that she pulled Katie in for a bone-crushing hug, tears streaming down her face.

Katie then moved on to life after the war. Playing quidditch professionally and getting that fateful hit with a bludger that ended her career. But then discovering her love for healing. How she met Roger at a party at Oliver's flat. Falling in love. Dealing with the wizarding press. The break-up.

"Wait, shit... that's why you moved in with me?" Finn exclaimed. Katie nodded. "Just how bad are these guys?"

"Horrible. Seriously. I couldn't go anywhere or talk to anyone in Diagon Alley without it making one column or another. But they tend to stay out of the muggle world. Think it's because it's difficult to hide their equipment from muggles," Katie said, reaching for her tea mug. "I just... wanted a break. Didn't realize I'd be getting a hell of a lot more than that."

Finn rolled her eyes.

"Well, I mean, you did get a pretty cool roommate out of it," she said casually. Katie grinned.

"Dare say you're more than that, Finn," Katie replied. Finn just grinned in reply.

"So... how should we break the news to Oliver that I know about all of this? I'm sure he'll be relieved," she asked. Katie laughed.

"You've no idea. He's constantly owling me with questions about this or that. Though it seems he's finally figured out texting," she replied, rolling her eyes. "Wasn't sure what to do if he couldn't get the mobile figured. Not like we have a floo here to connect to the Floo Network, though I suppose you can use my owl if you need to..."

"Ok - floo what? And what do you mean 'owl'?" Finn asked.

"Ah, right. It's how we communicate rather than using mobiles or phones or email. Floo is just that - a fireplace. You throw a powder in it, then it transports you somewhere or you can also use it like a telephone," Katie explained. Finn's eyes widened. "And we send our post by owl. I've been hiding one in my room this whole time. But don't worry - I keep her cage incredibly clean."

"A fucking owl?" she said excitedly. "You have a pet owl? Can I see it?!"

Katie nodded and stood, leading Finn over to her room. She opened the door and waved her wand, undoing the various spells she had put up to disguise anything magical. Finn stood with her mouth gaping as a large owl cage appeared in the corner and Katie walked over, opening the window.

"Pix spends most of the time out, but she'll probably be in a bit with the post," Katie said.

Finn just giggled as she made her way around the room, taking the moving pictures, quidditch posters and other magical items. Katie watched her for a bit, thoroughly amused by Finn's exclamations over just about everything. She really was excitable.

"Oh, by the way," Katie said after she had explained the quaffle she kept on a shelf. Finn turned to her, her eyebrows raised. "I think I know what to do for Oliver..."

"Do tell..."

Later that night, Katie opened the door to let Oliver into the flat, accepting the bottle of wine that he held out.

"You going to tell me what's going on, Kates?" he asked softly as he hugged her.

She had contacted him just a few hours ago to let him know that they had a sudden change in plans for the night. Rather than going out, she and Finn were going to cook a large, fancy dinner.

"Nothing special," she replied with a smile as she stepped back and shut the door behind him.

"Good to see you again, Wood," Taylor said. "Get you a beer?"

"Ehm, sure," Oliver said. "Where's Finn?"

"In here!" she called out from the kitchen.

He started towards it, but stopped as a beer zoomed out and landed in Taylor's hand. Oliver's mouth dropped open as the color started to drain from his face and he whipped his head towards the kitchen, panicked that Finn had just seen the flying bottle. His mouth opened and shut a few times before Katie lost it and Finn popped her head out, smirking as she took in his expression.

"Oh, you were right. That face is priceless," she said, looking over at Katie. "Kinda like a fish, I think..."

"But... what?" Oliver exclaimed loudly. "What's going on? Why are you calm?!"

Finn chuckled as she walked out.

"So... Taylor and Katie let me in on the secret last night by accident," she said. "Though... you weren't really helping yourself."

"Huh? But-"

"Don't worry. I'm not going to say anything," Finn said. "And these two assure me that as long as I don't tell anyone, we should be good. Though I still think it's stupid that I can't go see what this quidditch is."

"Finn... we can't just take you into a quidditch stadium for a match," Taylor said, rolling his eyes. "First of all, they'll all know you're muggle in a heartbeat." Finn pouted slightly. "And you hate sport."

"I could like this one," Finn retorted.

"We still get together and play for fun sometimes in a park. Sure you could come watch that," Katie said.

Though she glanced over at Oliver and gave him a knowing look.

"I'm... okay," he said, attempting to recover and ignore the look she was sending him. "So... you know about magic?"

Finn looked at him and nodded. She then rushed over and gave him a large hug.

"I know everything," she said softly. "About what you did during the war." Oliver frowned at Katie.

"Didn't do much," he said, his cheeks turning slightly pink. Finn stepped back and looked up at him.

"Uh, fighting in a war? That's a bit more than 'didn't do much,'" she replied. "But... we can talk about that later. First dinner."

She then walked back into the kitchen.

"I'll help," Katie said, following her with her wand out. Taylor walked over and held the beer out to him.

"How do you feel?" he asked. Oliver sighed and opened the beer.

"Relieved," he said. "I mean, I was spending all my spare time trying to go over everything I learned in muggle studies, but this certainly helps... Still don't understand just how you kept the secret for so long."

Taylor just shrugged and looked towards the kitchen where laughter could be heard.

"Some days were harder than others," he said.

"But I was ready, you know... to learn it all. Remember it," Oliver said. Taylor looked back at him, noticing that he was staring towards the kitchen as well. "Some of my mates thought I was mad, but... I wanted to at least try..." He looked back at Taylor. "She's worth it."

Taylor just smiled and nodded, then slapped Oliver on the back.

"That she is..."

A few months later, Finn walked out of the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn in her hands and went to place it on the coffee table that was already overflowing with food and bottles of alcohol. Haley and Alicia were on the sofa, laughing hysterically over an embarrassing story from school that involved Katie, some boy and a broom closet. She skirted over some of the details, of course - Haley didn't know about magic and no amount of pleading with the three witches could get them to change their minds on that. But as time passed, it got a bit easier. And Finn still had hope that someday they would come around to the idea.

"So... Angelina," Haley said, turning her attention to the woman in question, who was on the floor next to the table, a glass of wine halfway to her lips. "How's wedding planning going?"

Alicia snorted in laughter as Katie and Finn grinned and Angelina rolled her eyes.

"I love my future mother-in-law, let me get that straight," she said. "But the woman is driving me mad..."

"There was a bit of an... incident at the last Weasley wedding," Katie explained. "So, suspect she's trying to make up for that..."

"Oh," Haley said, a knowing look coming into her eyes. "Let me guess... drunken brawl? It's always a drunken brawl."

"Something like that," Alicia replied before taking a drink. But then she set her sights on Finn. "Little birdy told me that Oliver's taking you as his date."

Finn's cheeks turned slightly red as all three four women turned their attention to her.

"Well... yea," Finn said before burying her face into her glass.

Truth be told she was incredibly nervous. It was her first magical wedding and she really wasn't sure what to expect. She had met George and immediately liked him, despite the near constant teasing he directed towards her and Oliver. Turns out the man really was obsessed with sports in school.

She had also met George's younger sister Ginny as well as a few other family members. But she wasn't exactly sure how the rest of the guests would react to having a muggle at a wizard wedding.

Not to mention, attending a wedding - that was a big step in a relationship, she couldn't help but think.

"It's just our friends and family. Nothing big or anything," Angelina said reassuringly.

Finn glanced at her, reading in between the lines. She meant no wizarding press. And it was supposed to be a small affair at the Weasley family home. Plus Katie and Taylor would be there too. Maybe she was worrying about nothing.

"Just friends and family - that's huge!" Haley nearly shouted. Finn shot her a glare. "I mean... an intimate wedding... he really likes you, Finn." The redhead just rolled her eyes. "So much fitter than Ryan... let me tell you..."

"Dear god, woman!" Finn exclaimed with a small smile.

"I'm speaking the truth, and you know it Fianna Marsh," Haley retorted, causing the other women to laugh. "Say... he got any fit, single friends he could introduce me to?"

"Dunno about Oliver, but George's older brother is still single and he'll be in town for the wedding," Angelina said thoughtfully.

Alicia, Katie and Finn all shot her looks of warning that Haley thankfully missed as she leaned forward towards her.

"Tell me more," she said, grinning. Angelina's eyes widened slightly. "Not looking for an invite to the bloody thing, just tell me about him and perhaps we could slip him into the hen night."

Everyone sighed in relief. Finn wasn't sure how they would deal with Haley at the wedding. Though thankfully she seemed to think they were just a tight-knit group and Finn was only going because Oliver was part of said tight-knit group.

"Well... he lives in Romania. Works in animal preservation," Angelina started.

Finn had to admit that she was rather good at keeping to the truth without actually saying the truth. And Haley was eagerly eating up all the information. Glancing around, she noticed they were out of wine and stood to go get a couple more bottles. Katie got up and followed as Haley peppered Angelina with more questions.

"Never thought this is what would happen when I moved in," Katie said as she helped Finn.

She just chuckled in return and looked into the living room, seeing the three women now completely wrapped up in the conversation. Alicia was now suggesting potential guys they could introduce Haley to.

"Me neither," Finn said. "But I'm glad you guys finally let me in on the secret." She winked at Katie who laughed softly. She then stopped.

"You really okay about the wedding?" she then asked. "I mean, I understand why you're nervous and all."

"I'm really not going to get in trouble for knowing? Or any of you?" Finn asked. Katie waved her hand.

"We've spoken with the Weasleys and others. It's fine. Though took a bit of convincing when it came to George's other brother Percy. He works in the Ministry. But even he finally came around in the end," she said breezily. "But we both know it's about more than that."

Finn stopped uncorking the bottle and turned to face Katie.

"It is a big step," she said, worry filling her eyes slightly. "And you have to remember... the last time I took any sort of big step with anyone... it got me hurt."

"And you have to remember, Oliver isn't like that," Katie replied. "He really is a good bloke. Clueless at times, but he'd never hurt you like that." Finn nodded slowly. "It's okay to move on, you know."

Finn stared at her a moment before smiling and turning back to the wine bottle.

"It's okay for you too, you know," she said. Katie's cheeks turned slightly pink. "Don't think I didn't hear you tell Haley that Taylor was just coming with you as a friend. And I have walked in on you two making out a couple times now..."

Katie's cheeks turned a bright shade of red.

"I... well... I just..."

"Relax. Remember, if anyone understands, it's me," Finn said, pulling the cork out of the bottle and reaching for the next bottle. "But we both know that Taylor is a good guy too. Definitely not a Roger."

"Or a Ryan?" Katie asked, raising an eyebrow at her. Finn laughed and nodded. She then stopped and looked into the living room.

"We needed this," she said after a few moments. Katie frowned in puzzlement.

"New blokes?" she asked. Finn laughed.

"God no, well... maybe. But what I meant was, we needed this," she turned Katie to look into the living room. "Them. Us. This. I think that's what's helped more than anything."

Katie studied their friends for a moment and then looked back at Finn.

"You know... I think you're right. Who needs blokes when you have a kick-ass group of girlfriends?" she replied.

"My thoughts exactly..."

I went through so many options with how Finn found out about magic and how they told Oliver that she knew, but I'm quite happy with the decisions I've made. It had to be big magic that couldn't be easily explained. And god, I loved writing that Oliver scene.

Thanks for reading!

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