A Whole New World

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Katie stood outside the door of the flat for so long, she lost track of time. At Taylor's suggestion, she had gone with Angelina last night and slept in the spare room at her flat with George. She had closed herself up inside as soon as she got there, mulling over everything that had happened and what was going to happen again.

She knew that she had hurt Finn by keeping the truth from her, which she felt horrible about. And Finn had (justified) trust issues as it was - Katie was sure she had probably lost her trust forever. Which meant that on top of losing a place to live, she had likely lost a friend as well. Not to mention, she still had Alicia running around in her head, telling her that she needed to obliviate Finn. Which she wasn't too happy about, though it might make things easier. Perhaps if she just made her forget everything about last night then they could continue on as they had been. Finn wouldn't know about magic, none of them would potentially get in trouble with the Ministry.

They could still be friends.

Even Katie knew that was taking the easy way out. And then she would live with the guilt that she had obliviated her friend. Which was worse than living with keeping magic from her.

Regardless, Katie knew it was time to face the music. Whatever she decided to do, she had to face Finn. At least she knew that she had gotten home safely last night, courtesy of Taylor. Perhaps if she was willing to talk to him, this meant she would be willing to talk to Katie.

"Buck up, Katie Bell," she muttered to herself as she slid her key into the lock and turned it, then pushed the door open and stuck her head in.

Finn was sitting on the sofa, her legs curled up underneath her and a mug of coffee in her hands. Upon hearing the door, she looked over, her eyebrows rising. Katie smiled nervously and walked in, shutting the door behind her. She pulled off her coat and hung it on the back of a chair at the table, then walked over, sitting in an armchair.

"How are you feeling?" she asked nervously.

"Been better," Finn said, lifting the mug to her lips. Okay, she wasn't yelling. This was good, right?

"I really am sorry," Katie said quickly. "I didn't like keeping it from you, but I didn't think I had a choice at the time."

"Yea, Taylor explained that whole Statute of Secrecy thing to me last night," Finn replied, her face and voice portraying nothing that was on her mind. She glanced over at Katie, a flash of something in her eyes. "Could you really get into big trouble for letting me know?"

"I dunno. Maybe?" Katie said, shifting in her chair. "I've never told anyone who wasn't supposed to know. Haven't really heard about it happening, to be honest... I mean, I'd get into some trouble, yes. Just not sure what exactly the punishment would be..."

Finn nodded and looked away.

"But you still wanted to tell me? Even though you knew you'd probably get into trouble?" Finn continued.

"Yes," Katie said firmly, thanking Merlin that she had gone over everything she wanted to say last night. "I wasn't completely sure what I was getting into when I moved in here at first. I thought I was just looking for a place to live that was away from the press and such. But then I met you, and there was this instant connection. Like I had known you for far longer than I have. And each day, I felt guiltier for keeping such a large portion of my life secret when you had been so open with me. Had become such a good friend."

Finn stared at her coffee mug, not speaking for a bit.

"Same for me," she finally said, though still didn't look up. "I don't let a lot of people close to me... always kind of been that way. And it usually takes me awhile to open up to someone. But then when you showed up..." Finn finally looked up, meeting Katie's eyes. "Still can't really explain, but I just feel like you're meant to be in my life."

Love By Another NameOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora