Love By Another Name

By Rubberduckz84

67 12 0

(Katie Bell Fanfic) Finn Marsh is certain her life is about to get back on track. So, she still occasionally... More

Author's Note
Fresh Start
Of Whiskey & Bonding
Learn to Let Go
Chance Meeting with Disaster
Cleaning Up Disaster
Ladies' Night Out
Fate Has Its Own Plan
First Dates & Awkward Mistakes
A Whole New World

Wing Women

2 1 0
By Rubberduckz84

Finn roughly flipped through dresses on a rack, earning frowns from a couple of the women working at the clothing store. Ignoring them, a furrow appeared in her brow as she couldn't help but think none of the dresses looked right. And they were all far more money than she wanted to spend on something she'd likely only wear once. But at the same time, she had torn her closet apart trying to find something to wear when she met her mother and was convinced there was absolutely nothing in there that would do.

She wasn't sure why she got like this every time she had to see her mother. Well, that wasn't true. She knew why. The woman lived to tear her down every chance she got. At least if she were wearing something deemed acceptable by her mother's exacting standards, it would be one less thing on the sure-to-be long list of complaints.

But who was she kidding? Her mother hated everything she chose to wear.

Sighing, she stepped back from the rack, taking pity on the dresses she had been manhandling in her stressed out state (it wasn't their fault) as her phone rang.

"Hey, Taylor," she said after answering it.

"You're angry shopping again. You know what happens when you angry shop," he said immediately, picking up on the note of frustration in her voice.

"I'm meeting my mother tonight. What did you expect?" Finn replied, looking around the store for something else.

"I told you I'd go with you to see her," Taylor said.

"And I told you, you just make it worse. She spends the entire time focused on why we aren't married and news flash - it's all my fault," Finn replied dryly. "Besides, I already asked Katie to go with me this time."

"Katie? To meet your mum?" Taylor asked, sounding a bit shocked. Finn continued perusing the clothes.

"Not like I had much of a choice. Can't bring you. And you remember what happened the last time Haley came with me," she said.

"Right, though... you haven't really known her that long," Taylor said. "Kind of a big request to make with someone you only met a few months ago."

Finn chuckled.

"Would you stop worrying about me and Katie. It's cool," she said. "It'll be fine."

"Alright. I trust your judgement," he said, giving in a lot faster than Finn was expecting. She stopped looking through the clothes as a grin filled her face.

"You like her," she sang.

"Christ, Finn. Are we in elementary school?" he asked, chuckling. Finn snorted.

"I have totally seen the way you look at her," Finn replied. "And besides, I need something to distract me from the sure disaster that's going to happen tonight."

"And you think talking about my love life is a good distraction?" he asked incredulously.

"Ah-ha! I knew it! You do fancy her," she nearly shouted, causing more than a few other women in the shop to look over at her.

She just continued on with her slow trek through the displays, stopping here and there to look at a few things.

"Shouldn't you be focusing on your own love life?" Taylor asked. Finn snorted again.

"You mean lack thereof?" she asked.

"What happened with that Oliver bloke?" Taylor asked. Finn sighed.

"I'm not sure. He's so confusing," she admitted. "We ran into each other the other day, actually. And he acted like he was really happy to see me. But at the same time, it's been weeks since we met at the party with no word. And some of the excuses he gives... I just... I can't tell if he's trying to let me down nicely or if he's just... hopeless."

Taylor started laughing loudly on the other end, causing Finn to frown.

"This isn't funny," she nearly shouted, earning more glares.

"I'm not laughing at you, Finn. I swear," he said. "Seriously. It's just... oh, Finn..."

"Really, what's going on?" Finn asked. "Have I gotten that clueless? Or is there something you know that I don't?"

"No, you haven't. I just... don't write him off completely," Taylor said. "Give him another chance. I get a feeling he might be... out of the game as well."

She tilted her head to the side a moment, thinking it over. The girls had said that he tended to only get into serious relationships. And it had been awhile since his last girlfriend - a breakup that he had taken rather hard. Maybe there was truth to what Taylor was saying.

"You're deflecting from Katie, though," Finn said, circling back around. She couldn't be distracted for too long.

"Finny, my love, please stay out of my love life," he said, though she could tell he was smiling as he spoke.

"Tay, my love, when have I ever done that?" she asked sweetly in return.

"She's lovely," Taylor said.

"And... you going to ask her out, or what?" Finn pushed. Taylor chuckled. "I know you want to..."

"I mean, you sure that's a good idea? She is your flatmate... What if it doesn't work out? Couldn't that make things awkward for you?" Taylor asked.

"While I appreciate the concern, I get the feeling that this is more you avoiding the situation," she said. "Which is, for some reason, dating terrifies you."

"I am not terrified of dating," Taylor scoffed.

"Terrified of relationships, then," Finn said.

"Seriously, Finn. You are a piece of work," he said.

"In the best of ways," she said, smiling. "And you know I'm right." He chuckled.

"Whatever you want to think. I honestly just called to wish you luck tonight. And all it takes is one text, I can be at the flat with that whiskey you like in 30 minutes. Already have it ready," he said.

Finn knew there was no point trying to get him to talk about Katie at this point. Not to mention she was going to be late if she didn't choose a dress or outfit soon and talking to him was distracting her.

"Thanks, Taylor," she said. "I'll let you know."

"You'll get through this," he continued. "Don't let her get under your skin."

"I'll try not to," she breathed, looking around the store. "Talk to you later."

She then hung up and slid her phone back into her purse. Looking around the store, Finn shook her head.

Who was she kidding? No matter what she wore, her mother was going to hate it. Spending an extra hundred pounds on an outfit that she wasn't going to wear again wasn't going to change that. Might as well go home and wear something she already owned and put the money towards something she actually liked.

Finn smoothed out her dress for the millionth time since she and Katie sat down at the table and then reached for her glass of wine, emptying it in one large swallow. They had only been sitting there for about 20 minutes and Katie was starting to get a bit worried. If Finn was this restless, what did that have to say about what was coming?

Perhaps she had gotten herself into way more than she bargained for by agreeing to come with her. Just why did she come with her?

"It'll be fine," Katie said, softly and giving Finn a reassuring look.

The redhead only managed to grimace, but didn't reply.

Katie then started to look around the restaurant, hoping that Finn's mother wasn't too late - she was starving. And she had to admit that when Finn sent her back to her room earlier to change into something dressier, Katie thought she was being paranoid. Finn hadn't been lying when she said that her mother only liked fancy things. Merlin, just what was this woman going to be like?

"That remains to be seen," Finn said softly, starting to tap her foot nervously under the table. She waved down a server, ordering another glass of white wine.

"You so sure about that?" Katie asked.

She had barely sipped at her own and at this rate, Finn would likely finish up two or three glasses before her mother even arrived.

"Trust me - I need a lot more than this," Finn said, glaring at her empty glass. "Should have let me have that whiskey."

"Are you honestly sure you want to go through this drunk?" Katie asked. Finn just raised her eyebrows at her.

"If you knew my mother like I do, you'd be getting drunk with me," she said, quickly snatching up her glass as soon as the server finished pouring it.

Okay, that did not sound good to Katie. The blonde looked at her own glass and picked it up, taking a decent swallow of it.

"There's my darling girl," a nasally voice screeched. Finn grimaced before standing, a strained smile coming over her face.

Katie immediately stood as well, turning to study Marguerite Carleton. While she had seen and been around plenty of rich purebloods in her time, she had never been around rich muggles, so wasn't completely sure what to expect. But she had to admit that Marguerite appeared about how Katie expected she would, though her expectations were largely informed by movies and TV.

Her red hair was short and curled, though it was a different shade than Finn's which had Katie wondering if she colored it. Where Finn had bright copper waves that fell down her back, Marguerite's was a deeper auburn and impeccably styled with no flyaways. Her black skirt and white blazer looked as though they had been expertly tailored to fit her tall, reed thin frame. While Katie didn't know much about muggle fashion designers, even she could easily recognize Chanel.

As the older woman walked towards them, she held her hands out towards Finn, revealing a few expensive - yet tasteful - rings on her hands. Though she was smiling, Katie couldn't help but feel like Marguerite was assessing a piece of property, rather than looking at her own daughter.

"Let me look at you," Marguerite said, taking Finn's hands and carefully looking her up and down. "You couldn't be bothered to fix your hair? How lazy, Fianna."

"Apologies, Mother," Finn said with a strained smile.

"And what's this dress? Why aren't you wearing what I sent you for Christmas? Really, Chanel looks good on anyone. I simply cannot understand why you prefer this... street trash," Marguerite continued, sniffing slightly in disgust at the simple, yet classy blue dress that Finn was wearing.

It was then that she turned her assessing green eyes to Katie, who had the sudden urge to squirm under her intense gaze. But for Finn's sake (and a bit of her own) she kept her back ramrod straight and her nose slightly up. She couldn't help but think that Marguerite gave Narcissa Malfoy a run for her money.

"And just who is this?" Marguerite asked Finn, though she continued to study Katie.

"This is my very good friend and roommate, Katie Bell," Finn said.

Marguerite cast a look of disapproval at Finn for a moment, as though the idea of having a roommate personally offended her, then looked back at Katie. A polite, yet obviously fake smile flinted across her face.

"Charmed," she said before sitting down.

With just that one word, Katie felt as though she had been completely dismissed from further conversation as she and Finn sat down as well and her mother reached for a menu.

"Where's the other that I do so love... Haley, was it?"

"Busy," Finn said, reaching for her wine.

"And that lovely man that I can't understand why you're not dating?" Marguerite continued, not taking her eyes off the menu.

"Also busy," Finn said.

"So you brought this one," her mother said smoothly, looking up at Katie with a raised eyebrow. "What quaint little village are you from, Ms. Bell?"

Finn's cheeks reddened. Though it was phrased nicely, both Katie and Finn could hear the implication in her voice.

"Good grief, Mother," Finn said, offering an apologetic look towards Katie.

"It's not far from London, actually. Just a few hours' drive," Katie said.

"But she went to an exclusive boarding school in Scotland," Finn interjected, causing Katie's cheeks to redden a bit. Marguerite studied her coolly a bit before turning back to her menu.

"Interesting," she said. "Perhaps you can help me talk some sense into my daughter. You see, I simply cannot get her to take an interest in any of the perfectly acceptable men that I introduce to her-"

"Probably because your definition of acceptable differs from mine," Finn replied, her voice strained.

Thankfully, a server stepped up at that point and they all placed their orders, though not without Marguerite commenting on Finn's selection, asking if that would fit into a "healthy" diet.

"So, tell me, Katie, just what do you do?" Marguerite asked, turning her green eyes to Katie, causing her to choke slightly on her wine.

For a moment there, she had thought the woman would forget she was even there.

"I'm, ehm, I work in sport medicine," she said. "For a professional football team."

Marguerite noticeably sniffed, causing Finn to narrow her eyes at her.

"Sounds... challenging," Marguerite said smoothly as she reached for her wine glass. "Did you ever consider medical school?"

"Christ's sake, Mother. Isn't it bad enough you have to rip my profession apart? You could at least refrain from doing so to my friends," Finn snapped. Marguerite gave Finn a cold look.

"It's fine," Katie said. "Thought about it, but I prefer helping athletes. I played football throughout school."

Marguerite raised her eyebrows. Katie was fairly sure what was running through her mind, the question at this point was whether she would vocalize it.

"Mother, why don't you tell me why you're here," Finn said, trying to cut her off before she said something else rude. "Let me guess... you've found lucky No. 4..."

"Actually, I have met someone," Marguerite said, temporarily distracted as she smiled at her daughter. "We're getting married in May."

"Wonderful, let me know where you're registered," Finn said acidly as she finished another glass of wine and motioned for the server.

"I was hoping that you'd be at the wedding," Marguerite said, her smile firmly in place. "Seeing as it'll be here at Henry's estate."

Katie nearly spit out her wine as she looked over at Finn. She went rigid for a moment before smiling her thanks to the server and then raising the glass to her lips.

"Henry's estate? Here?" she then said, her voice low.

"Yes, we intend to live there after the wedding," her mother continued. Finn took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

"Here. In England," she replied.

"Are you going to repeat everything I say?" Marguerite replied. "Yes, we will live here. Works out wonderful, if I say so myself. Means I can keep a closer eye on you."

"And just why is that necessary?" Finn asked, turning to scowl at her mother. Marguerite scoffed slightly.

"Thought that was obvious. You're working in a dead-end job. You can't keep a boyfriend. Lord knows just how you intend to make a suitable match - can't seem to do it all on your own," she said, chuckling. "I mean, Ryan may not have been your best option, but at least he was willing to marry you for a time..."

Katie sat in shocked silence as Marguerite continued speaking for the next 10 to 15 minutes straight, going on about Finn's failed relationship and how it was all her fault. Her inability to keep Ryan's interest and a load of other bollocks. All the while, Finn was silently staring at her plate, her cheeks getting redder and redder until it looked like her face was nearly the color of her hair. It seemed rather unlike the woman she knew. Finn had always been outspoken, but yet sitting here in front of Marguerite, she didn't even attempt to defend herself.

Katie was very near about to do it herself, when something seemed to snap in Finn. Suddenly, she looked up, her eyes blazing in anger as she turned to her mother.

"Shut up," Finn snapped.

Marguerite looked over at her, her eyes wide. Katie couldn't help as she hid a smile behind her wine glass.

"I beg your pardon," she said.

"You heard me. Shut up. I happen to love my job. And I'm good at it. And there is plenty of opportunity for me to move up," Finn said. "And Ryan - you know as well as I do that he cheated on me. With Gwen. And that was not my fault."

"I'm sure you-"

"I'm not finished, mother," Finn spat. "You want to get married to some guy here. Fine. But do not think that this means you get to insert yourself into my life. Because you can't. In fact, I don't even want to so much as hear from you while you're here."

"I don't understand where this is coming from," Marguerite said, frowning at Finn. "It's most unbecoming."

Finn laughed loudly, drawing the attention of the people sitting at the tables nearby. She pulled her napkin off her lap and tossed it on the table.

"This has been lovely, Mom. But I'm done," Finn said, turning to face her. "I'm done with you. With... this. Move here if you want, but I'm not going to see you. I came here to get away from you, in case you haven't noticed, and I'm just. I'm done. You have never once said a kind word to me in my life and I don't have to put myself through this anymore."

She then stood and grabbed her purse, Katie following.

"Nice to meet you," Katie said, smiling smugly before they turned and walked off.

Once they had gotten their coats and were outside, Finn laughed a bit maniacally.

"That was... oh my god," Finn said.

"Wait, you've never spoken to your mother like that before?" Katie asked, her eyes wide. Finn just grinned and shook her head.

"No! I just... I don't know why, but I've always taken it. But I don't know... something just... came over me and enough was enough," Finn said excitedly. She stopped and turned to Katie. "I think... Just seeing you the other night with Roger and... really, thank you so much for coming with me tonight."

"I didn't do much," Katie said, shrugging.

"No, really. Just you coming help out so much," Finn said, linking her arm through Katie's and leading her off down the sidewalk. "Since that ended a lot earlier - and on better terms - than expected. Let's go get drinks. On me." Katie chuckled.


Katie laughed as she swiveled on the stool to face Finn.

"Seriously, I mean, I knew your mum was bad, but really? She did that for prom?!" Katie shouted as Finn reached for her glass. "I mean, after tonight, I suppose I can see that. God, you were amazing. You've honestly never done that before?"

"Well, I mean, we've never gotten along, but I've never just... let her have it like I did tonight," Finn said after taking a drink. "It felt... so good."

"I imagine so," Katie said, grinning in return. Finn sighed and sat back in her chair, smiling.

"Well, told my mother to fuck off. Work is going well. Suppose maybe if I can go on a date with Oliver without that being a disaster, then life is good," Finn said lightly.

Katie nearly spit out her drink. She was worried about this particular topic coming up.

"Oliver?" she asked, putting her glass down.

"Yea, we sort of ran into each other the other day," Finn said, blushing slightly. She then sighed and turned to face Katie. "Be honest with me - is he really interested in me? Or is he... too nice to come out and turn me down out right?"

Katie thought for a moment before speaking. While she didn't want to step in the middle of it, she also knew that it would be difficult. And she had to say something, didn't she?

"He's... I wasn't lying when I said that he's a bit on the shy side," she started.

"So... it's not me and the whole thing at the party," Finn said. Katie chuckled and shook her head.

"No, the party definitely is not it," she replied. "Just... you've had that whole thing with Ryan and while he hasn't had something nearly that drastic happen to him, he's... he hesitates to get involved... so, take it slow. Maybe start as friends and see where it goes."

Finn thought for a moment and then nodded.

"Okay... I can do that," she said. She then started grinning. "Speaking of guys... what do you think about Taylor?"

Katie choked a bit on her drink.

"I... what?" she asked, her cheeks going red. Finn giggled.

"You like him, don't you?" she said. Katie just stared at her. "Oh, come on. He's a great guy! And he's hot. It's totally fine if you want to meet up with him or something. I'm completely fine with it. More than fine, actually."

"I just... Finn... you know that... I just got out of a long-term relationship. I'm not sure if I'm ready for... anything, and I know Taylor is wonderful, but I just... you know..." Katie rambled.

"Relax," Finn said, chuckling. "It's okay! I'm not saying you need to marry him! Just... if you're interested... go for it."

Katie took another long drink before speaking.

"I'll think about it," she finally said. Finn nodded. She then waved down the bartender.

"Okay, one more shot," she said gleefully.

"Finn... we have plans tomorrow!" Katie exclaimed.

"Yea, and one more shot isn't going to kill you," Finn said. "We're celebrating!"

"Okay, fine," Katie replied. "One more round and then home."


I loved writing that scene. Finn finally stands up to her mother with Katie at her side...

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