Love By Another Name

By Rubberduckz84

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(Katie Bell Fanfic) Finn Marsh is certain her life is about to get back on track. So, she still occasionally... More

Author's Note
Fresh Start
Of Whiskey & Bonding
Learn to Let Go
Chance Meeting with Disaster
Cleaning Up Disaster
Ladies' Night Out
Fate Has Its Own Plan
Wing Women
First Dates & Awkward Mistakes
A Whole New World


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By Rubberduckz84

Finn took her time getting home from work that night. The weather was surprisingly mild for the season - usually by fall the city was a bit cold and wet. But she would take it while she could. Perhaps she and Katie could enjoy the balcony tonight as it might be one of the few last times they could before the miserable weather really set in.

It had been a few weeks since the party and despite feeling disappointed that she hadn't heard from Oliver, things were going rather well. Finn supposed it was likely all good and well he didn't contact her, as she wasn't sure just how she could handle seeing him again after she had covered his shirt in vomit. She and Katie had struck up a good routine, often eating dinner together when neither had other plans, talking about their days and such. They had gone out with Haley once and then with Alicia and Angelina. Finn decided that she really did like Katie's friends and was happy to see that Haley liked Katie. Even Taylor got on with her whenever he dropped by, which was seeming to happen a bit more frequently.

Finn had her own suspicions on that, but had yet to bring it up to him.

What's more, work had been going well. Really well. Charlotte had smiled a few times at Finn and complimented her work more than once this week alone.

Yes, things were looking up, she thought decidedly. Now if only she could get over her embarrassment about throwing up on Oliver. Honestly it was the first time she had been remotely attracted to anyone since the break-up. As such, she was slightly tempted to just buck up the courage and ask Katie for his number. Or not. She couldn't decide. Rationally, she thought she should take the fact that she hadn't heard from him since the party as a hint that he wasn't interested. But then she remembered that he had helped her home - abandoning his own party. Guys didn't just do that... did they? Maybe it was just who Oliver was. Which didn't help Finn's predicament at all as it only made her more attracted to him.

"Just.. to apologize. Yea. I'll tell her that I want to call to apologize. Better late than never right?" Finn muttered to herself before rolling her eyes and shaking her head.

It had been a few weeks. She should probably just get over it and move onto the next guy. If there was a next guy.

"Certainly not one with his eyes... and biceps..."

Finn slowed down as she heard her phone chirp, trying to locate it in her purse. When she pulled it out, she pursed her lips, debating whether she would answer. Of course, just because she was having a good day that would mean she would call and ruin it. Finally she accepted the call, knowing she would only call back until they finally spoke. Best to get it over with.

"Hello darling."

"Hi, Mom," Finn replied, starting to walk again.

"How are you?" her mother crooned.

"Fine, thanks for asking," Finn said dryly.

"Oh, please. You know how busy I am," her mother said. "Besides, it's not like you've come to visit in awhile. Or called."

Finn pursed her lips together again, though she knew her mother couldn't see her. Marguerite Carleton filled every stereotype of a blue-blooded socialite. She had always been rich. Always acted entitled. And, to Finn at least, saw her daughter as an accessory and tool to help move up the ladder. She collected husbands just as easily as she did Louis Vitton. Really, Finn couldn't understand how she had gotten her claws into her father long enough to have had Finn. All her other marriages never lasted that long.

Finn had sprinted to the airplane the day she left for London to attend university. At the time she told her mother that it was just four years, though she knew even then that it was unlikely she would return to New York.

"It's called I have a job, Mom," Finn said brusquely.

"Surely they can spare you for a week or two. Don't they give you vacation time over there in England? Though I really don't understand why you feel you have to work at that little magazine," her mother continued.

"It's one of the largest magazines in the country, Mom. And unlike some people, I actually enjoy having a job," Finn replied coolly. Her mother just laughed.

"Really, Fianna. You should come! There's this divine man that I've been wanting to introduce you to," Marguerite continued.

Finn rolled her eyes. If she wasn't criticizing her job, her mother was attempting to set her up with some stuck-up, prick trust fund guy that Finn couldn't stand within 30 seconds of meeting.

"Some of us haven't turned marriage into a living, Mother," Finn retorted.

"I don't understand why you have to be like this, Fianna," her mother stated, no longer amused.

"Maybe because you keep calling me Fianna," Finn said with faked cheerfulness.

"Well, I just called to tell you that I'm coming to visit since you can't seem to take the time off to come to me," her mother said. Finn stopped walking, her eyes going wide.

"What? Why?" Finn asked.

"Do I have to have a reason to come visit my daughter?" her mother asked. Finn was silent. Of course she had to have a reason. She always had a reason. "I expect that you'll make time for at least dinner."

"How long are you planning on staying this time?" Finn asked with a defeated sigh.

"Don't sound so thrilled," her mother said dryly. "Just a week. Planning to do some shopping and making sure that you're not working yourself to death."

"Fine," Finn replied curtly.

"So are you seeing someone?" her mother then asked.

"Are you really going to go there?" Finn asked.

"Heaven forbid you act like other women your age. And really, Ryan left you ages ago. It's time to move on. Did you hear that Marsha Lakes got married? Beautiful wedding," her mother continued on. "Though they really did overdo it on the flowers. Shouldn't have hay fever at a wedding..."

Finn began silently counting to herself, trying to keep her cool. She could only handle so much of her mother, which is why she moved to another country just to get away from her in the first place. At least this time she wasn't analyzing everything that Finn had supposedly gotten wrong in her relationship, hence pushing Ryan to take up with her former roommate. That was, of course, her mother's opinion on how things had happened.

"Sounds great, Mom. I need to go," Finn said, cutting her off as she was mid-sentence in ripping the bride's dress to shreds figuratively.


"Just email me the details of your trip and I'll work out when we can meet. Bye," Finn said just before hanging up.

She knew that if she didn't get off the phone then, she would be forced to listen to her mother go on and on for hours and that would only make her mood fouler. Outside of the snide comment here and there, she had never been able to really stand up to her. Her whole life she had just taken it.

And here she had been having a good day.

Katie stumbled slightly as she stepped out of the floo in the Leaky Cauldron. While she had to admit she missed the days when she could floo or apparate directly to the stadium from her place, she was getting used to the extra steps. In fact, most days she would apparate a few blocks away from the flat, enjoying the walk through the neighborhood.

After straightening her clothes, she pulled out her wand and transfigured them into something that was more muggle in appearance before turning and making her way towards the door. The pub was rather crowded today and she kept bumping into people as she tried to get through.

"Pardon," she said after running into someone a bit more roughly than intended.

"It's no-"

Katie froze as she looked up and into the eyes of Roger Davies. Her cheeks colored as she stepped back and looked away. Not far off she saw the witch he was currently dating.

"Sorry," she said, starting on her way again.

"Katie," Roger said, taking a step towards her.

She stopped and looked over at him, studying him coolly. He looked the same, of course. Same brown hair, perfectly styled and framing his perfect face. Warm brown eyes that could go from a twinkle to a smolder near-instantly. Those lips.

"You look good."

"Th-thanks," Katie managed to stutter out.

She really just wanted to go and get home. The longer they stood there, the higher chance this would end up in Witch Weekly. Or worse - in Rita Skeeter's column.

But the other part of her wanted to stare him down. To shout at him. To tell him all the ways he had hurt her and stand up to him. Say everything she had wanted to say when they broke up, but instead stood there a crying mess. However, even now, the words were barely forming in her head and her tongue just wouldn't cooperate.

"I, ah, I heard that you moved," he said, taking a step towards her.

"I did. Found a place," she replied, not wanting to share too many of the details with her ex.

She could already feel her heart start to pound. Merlin, why had they broken up? The way he was looking at her now made it hard to remember.

"Roger, come on!"

Ah, there it was. Katie looked over as a tall, lean woman with long, dark hair walked up to his side, sliding her hand into his. Mary Letwhistel. Chaser for the Kestrals. Beautiful and a wicked good quidditch player, with her own fame to boot. That's why Katie and Roger had broken up.

"I'm off then," Katie said, offering him a tense smile.

He sighed and nodded, though the look in his eyes told her that he had wanted to speak to her more. She wasn't sure just why when he had the perfect girlfriend on his arm. Katie gave him a small wave and then turned, walking quickly out of the pub before anyone could see the tears already forming in her eyes.

It had been months. She had left the neighborhood. Found a new home. Was moving forward in her life. So why was it that just one look from him could set her right back to where she started?

She needed to get home.

Music was playing when Katie walked into the flat, but Finn was nowhere to be found. She put down her bag and looked over, seeing Finn bundled up on the balcony, the door open so she could hear the music. Seems she hadn't had much of a good day either.

Sighing, Katie walked to the kitchen and grabbed a wine glass, then made her way out to the balcony.

"Rough day too?" Finn asked without looking at her as Katie reached for the wine bottle on the small table between them.

"Yea," Katie replied as she poured. She then sank into the other chair.

Neither of them said anything for a time, both of them lost in their thoughts. They would do this at times. When they weren't up for chatting, they would just sit in companionable silence, not pushing the other to speak before they were ready.

"My mom's coming to visit," Finn finally said.

Katie's eyebrows rose as she looked over at her. Finn had complained enough about her mother for her to know that this wasn't going to be an enjoyable visit for her. Granted, Katie still wasn't completely sure why mother and daughter didn't get along. Just that Finn preferred her father.

"She say why?" Katie asked. Finn shook her head, a dry laugh leaving her lips.

"But there's some reason. There's always a reason," she said, bringing the glass to her lips. "Heaven forbid she's found some lord she wants to force me to marry or something. Or maybe it's just to criticize my life choices in person."

Katie frowned. She had always been close to her mother. Couldn't imagine ever getting into an argument over something so bad that she would move to another country to get away from her.

"Surely it's not that," Katie said softly. Finn glanced over at her, a sad smile on her face.

"You'd be surprised," she replied. "My mother hasn't ever liked anything I've done. And isn't afraid to tell me just that... she's always criticized me. 'Why would you wear that, Fianna. Makes you look fat. No boy would ever date you looking like that.' Or... 'Really, journalism school? It's so... beneath us. You should do something else'. Or... 'Yet another of your prep school friends is married. Why can't you be more like them?' It's always something."

Finn took a long drink from her wine glass, her eyes still trained ahead.

"And don't get me started on school, Christ. I hated private school. Girls can be so mean in general, but rich girls.." she said. "But did Mom care? Nope. Too busy trying to land her next husband. Or keep him. Or divorce him. I spent more time with our housekeeper and she had her own damn family to look after."

Katie wasn't sure how to respond. She hadn't come from a rich family and to be honest, she had never thought Finn did either. At least she didn't act like a lot of the pureblood, rich students had at Hogwarts. But at the same time, she had always assumed they had life fairly good. But there was one thing she understood - being bullied. She was half-blood after all.

"Was it bad? School?" she asked softly. Finn glanced at her and then back at the garden.

"At the time I thought it was the end of the world," she said, a sardonic smile on her face. "I suppose the only advice my mother ever gave me that I took to heart was that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. The bullies, my own mother basically ignoring me unless it was to benefit her in some way, that made me stronger. More independent."

"How long is she staying?" Katie asked, her heart going out to her friend.

"Just a week, thankfully. I can avoid her for most of it," Finn said with a sigh. "Haven't even told Dad yet. He's going to love this news."

"What happened between them?" Katie asked, slightly intrigued.

Divorce wasn't very common in the wizarding world. And she couldn't imagine someone just... falling out of love with their partner. Her own parents were still madly in love with each other after all their years together. Though she was wondering if Finn's mother was even capable of love.

"Oh, I suppose when you think about it, it was a miracle they married in the first place. Dad says there was a time when he did think he was in love with her. She can be rather charming when she wants to be. But then... he saw who she really was," Finn said. "But they had me by that time, so he stayed to try and make it work. For me. But couldn't fight it anymore, I suppose. They split when I was in middle school and he came back here. Handed over control of the US branch of his law firm to someone else."

"And he left you with your mother," Katie stated. Finn nodded.

"He wanted to take me - I knew that and I wasn't angry about it. But Mom had the better lawyer and got full custody. Probably just because she wanted more money out of him," Finn replied. "And I resented her for it. She spent more time at social events and searching for husband No. 2 and No. 3 than me. Though now that I think about it, I suppose I prefer it when she was ignoring me. It's better than the criticizing."

"For what it's worth, I think you've turned out rather well," Katie offered. Finn looked over at her, smiling slightly. "I don't see what she has to be embarrassed about."

"Thanks," Finn said softly. She then turned in her chair, facing Katie. "So what happened with you today?"

"Oh, well... ran into Roger and his new girlfriend while I was on my way home," Katie said. Finn's eyes widened.

"Holy shit, Kates. Why didn't you say anything sooner?" Finn asked. "Jesus..."

"Yea, it wasn't all that great," Katie said. "I got away as quickly as I could." Finn reached over and squeezed her hand. "I just... for once I wish I could finally stand up to him. When we broke up, I just... stood there and... took it. Sobbing and such, but I didn't say anything."

"You will," Finn said. Katie looked at her. "Sometimes we just... need a bit of time. But someday you'll tell him everything you need to say." Katie nodded. "Some day it won't hurt as much."

"Really?" she asked softly. Finn sighed and looked back out at the back garden.

"Eventually. But it's a process," she admitted.

"Does it still hurt for you?" Katie asked, though she already knew the answer.

"Yea," Finn said. "I mean... you saw what I was like a few weeks ago after seeing him..."

"Was that the first since you broke up?" Katie asked. Finn nodded.

"It was easier when they were off in South America," she confessed. "At least I didn't have to see it."

"Have you run into him again?" Katie asked.

"Thank god, no," Finn responded. "I'm hoping this means they aren't staying around here."

"I can't believe that he would move back to the same neighborhood, knowing you'd be here," Katie scoffed. Finn chuckled darkly.

"Probably thought I finally got rid of the place and moved," she replied. "Either way, at least I haven't seen him."

"What would you say to him? If you had the chance?" Katie asked. Finn shrugged and shook her head.

"Don't know... maybe I would... tell him how much he hurt me. And then thank him," she said.

"Thank him?" Katie asked, perplexed. Finn looked over at her.

"Yea, for ending things before we made the world's biggest mistake by getting married," she said. "That would have been worse, I think. At least I found out what an ass he was before we wasted money on a wedding."

Katie thought it over, finding that it made some sense.

"I can see that," she said. "Maybe... maybe it's the same with me and Roger. Him dumping me was... a good thing. The more I think about it, the more I wonder just how we stayed together as long as we did. The only thing we had in common was qu-sport."

Katie looked down at her glass, mentally chiding herself for the near slip-up. They were happening more often than not, but at least Finn had never caught on. She glanced over at the redhead, who was looking out over the back garden thoughtfully. She then turned to Katie, smiling.

"Can I say something that might come off as a bit weird?" she asked.

"Go for it," Katie replied.

"I think we were meant to meet each other. Become friends," she said. "I just... yea. We're supposed to be friends. Right now at this point in our lives. I've always thought that people come into your life for a reason, and I think this was the reason you came into mine and I came into yours."

Katie found herself smiling and agreeing with the sentiment and not finding it strange in the slightest. In fact, it made perfect sense.

"I don't think that's odd," she said.

Though she couldn't help as guilt snuck in. While she found herself being open and honest with Finn, wanting to share all aspects of her life with her, she knew that she couldn't.

She wished that she could talk to her about everything - being cursed, the war, surviving, then losing friends. About working in quidditch. But she couldn't. Finn was muggle and couldn't know about magic.

The guilt started worming its way around her stomach and Katie had to look away. She was so sure that this would work. That she could live here and be friends with the muggle woman without telling her everything. But there was something about her that made her want to spill her guts and it was getting harder to fight.

"Hey, Kates. What's wrong?"

Katie looked over, seeing Finn leaning towards her, a worried look on her face. She shook her head, smiling.

"It's nothing... just... thinking about Roger, is all," she said, feeling tears prick at her eyes.

"Hey, don't let that jerk get to you. You're much stronger than that," Finn said. "You'll be just fine."

Katie nodded and looked out at the garden.

"Yea... I will be..."

Honestly, I feel like there's nothing that turns a day around than sitting down and sharing a bottle (or two) of wine with a good friend. At least that's what me and my roommate do...

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