Love By Another Name

By Rubberduckz84

67 12 0

(Katie Bell Fanfic) Finn Marsh is certain her life is about to get back on track. So, she still occasionally... More

Author's Note
Fresh Start
Of Whiskey & Bonding
Chance Meeting with Disaster
Cleaning Up Disaster
Ladies' Night Out
Fate Has Its Own Plan
Wing Women
First Dates & Awkward Mistakes
A Whole New World

Learn to Let Go

4 1 0
By Rubberduckz84

Katie sighed as she continued restocking the shelves in the clinic with various potions and salves. With the season now started, they were constantly going through them as practice and matches intensified. While she knew it was the nature of the game, she couldn't help but wish that the blokes would take a few less bludgers.

She stepped back and surveyed her work, happy with how everything was situated and organized. She really did love her work. There had been a time when the only thing she had ever wanted to do was to play professionally and never thought there was anything else that she could do. But being here, working as a mediwizard for quidditch players, she felt like she had found her true calling.

"Oi, did you read the latest?"

Katie turned slightly, hearing a chaser - Dominic Myers - in the hallway just outside the clinic. She took a step closer to the open door, slightly worried about what they were talking about.

"About how she was spotted furniture shopping in Diagon Alley and stormed out? Yea," the keeper Carl Lyons replied.

"It's ridiculous, mate," Myers said. "You'd think at some point they'd lay off her."

"Always knew Davies was a wanker," Lyons replied.

"You ever wonder what really happened, though?" Myers asked. "She never talks about it."

"Probably because it's none of our goddamn business," Lyons retorted.

Katie couldn't help but think she had always liked him for a reason.

"Yea, but... I mean, there are two sides to the story," Myers pushed.

Katie closed her eyes, feeling the tears start to well up again. Merlin, even her own team were talking about her. She couldn't escape it anywhere. And Myers was thinking that she was somehow at fault. Well, she supposed that technically she was at fault to some degree. But that was besides the point. She had been working with these blokes for years. Wasn't there some sort of loyalty there?

She then heard Finn in her head, repeating the very words that she had spoken last night.

Fuck 'em.

Opening her eyes, she wiped the tears from her cheeks and she squared her shoulders, striding towards the door.

"If you two are done discussing my personal life, it's time for me to look over Lyons' shoulder," she said harshly.

Both men jumped slightly, not realizing that she had overheard them. She started to turn to go back into the clinic, but then stopped and whirled back to face them.

"It's not any of your damn business what happened with me and Davies and I'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from talking about me behind my back."

Myers looked to the ground, seeming ashamed while Lyons shot him a glare.

"We're sorry, Bell," Lyons said. "You're right. None of our business. And you know we're on your side. Aren't we, Myers?"

He shot another dark look at the man.

"Yea, of course. Sorry, Bell," Myers said quickly.

Katie nodded and motioned for Lyons to follow her.

"Get in here. Need to make sure that shoulder is healing up nicely before I let you in the air today," she said, a small smile on her face.

She couldn't help as a surge of pride ran through her. More often than not, when she heard the whispers or felt the stares, she would run away from it. Hide. But she didn't want to anymore. Suppose it was time she started facing things head on.

"You're late," Katie said, glancing up from her menu to see Oliver Wood sit down at the table across from her.

"A thousand apologies, Kates. You know how it is," he said, smiling sheepishly.

"Ah, yes. Hard to get through the masses of adoring fans," she replied, a smirk on her face. Oliver sighed and picked up a menu, shooting her an annoyed look, though he was still smiling. "Must be so hard... being the famous Oliver Wood."

"If you're going to be like this the whole lunch, then I'll just go back to Puddlemere and eat in the canteen," he replied. Katie chuckled.

"I promise to be on my best behavior," she said. "So how's training?"

"The usual. You? Heard you've got a new place," he said, glancing at her worriedly.

"Yea, I did," Katie said, smiling. "In a really nice, quiet muggle neighborhood where no one knows a damn thing about me. It's perfect." Oliver just gave her a look. "Really, I'm happy. Even got a lovely new flatmate."

"Muggle or witch?" he asked.

"Muggle," Katie replied, putting her menu down.

"You sure, Kates?" he asked. "You haven't lived muggle in a long time..." Katie rolled her eyes.

"Have you been talking to Alicia and Angelina?" she asked. He shook his head.

"Ran into Angie the other day and she mentioned that you were finally moving out of your parents' place," he replied. "But really... a muggle? You sure you can hide it from her?"

"Yes," Katie said with a smile. "Besides, you have no room to talk. You don't live in the Alley either."

"Yea, but I don't have a muggle flatmate," he replied. "Much easier to hide things from the neighbors than someone living in the flat."

"And you also don't have a muggle parent," Katie said. "I do. I've lived in that world for a long time, so I know I can do this. Besides, I need to get away from..." She stopped and looked around the restaurant, seeing more than one person glancing at the two of them, "this. It would be nice to have a place to go where I'm not hounded by reporters or have people stare at me while I do my shopping. To be able to go out for a cup of coffee in peace."

Oliver stared at her a moment and then sighed. Katie smiled to herself, knowing she had won the argument. She felt happier. And just the fact that she had even agreed to meet him for lunch in a public setting was in and of itself a miracle. She had been avoiding any and all public places for the most part over the last few months.

When he had heard what happened, Oliver wanted to go over and beat the shite out of Roger and nearly had until Katie stopped him. Partly because he had always looked out for her - ever since Hogwarts - and partly because he felt guilty that they had met at his party. While he hadn't played any sort of role in getting the two together, he had provided the setting. From the look on his face, Katie could tell he was still feeling badly about it.

"Stop it, Oliver," she ordered.

"Stop what?" he asked.

"Feeling guilty about everything. None of this was your fault," Katie stated. "You have no reason to feel any sort of guilt over the situation."

"But it was my-"

"We could have met at any party. Probably would have at some point," Katie said with a sigh as she waved down a server. "And what happened between us... that definitely wasn't your fault."

"You know I can't help but look out for you, Kates," Oliver said softly.

"I know," she replied with a smile. "And as I recall, that's landed me in the gossip columns a few times as well."

Oliver just shook his head.

"So tell me more about this roommate," he said.

The two ended up chatting through the entirety of lunch as Katie told him all about Finn and the last few days of living with her. They had finally managed to get all her furniture together, though it cost them a hangover the next day. Of course, then Finn had put together a rather fantastic hangover brunch for the two of them that included bloody marys. The muggle woman insisted that the best way over a hangover was hair of the dog. Truthfully, Katie was surprised to see her so chipper the next morning. She had only survived because she had a stock of hangover tonic hidden in her bathroom.

But soon enough Oliver and Katie had finished their food and it was time for the two to head back to their respective stadiums.

"Think we could go back to making this a regular thing?" Oliver asked as he hugged her. She smiled up at him and nodded.

"Yea, I think so," she replied.

"Good to see you really smile again," he said. "See you Saturday night?"

"Wouldn't miss it," Katie said before stepping back and apparating to the Magpies' stadium.

She couldn't help as she had an extra spring in her step while heading to the clinic. Perhaps she would stop by the shops tonight and get something to throw together a thank you dinner for Finn.

Yes, that sounded like a lovely idea.

Finn sighed as she sat at her desk, poring over the latest spreads that the design department had put together for the next issue. Her boss, Charlotte, had already sent them back twice to be redone, so she was making certain that they were good before passing them on this time.

While she respected Charlotte, the woman could be difficult at times. She demanded excellence and near perfection in those who worked for her. Finn had more than one tense argument with a freelancer who was put out that their work had been sent back multiple times for re-writes and edits. But at the same time, you didn't become one of the top magazines in the country without hard work and standards.

"Finn! Are those spreads ready or not?!" Charlotte yelled from her office.

Finn sighed and picked up the pages, walking them into Charlotte's glass-enclosed office.

"Stop being nervous, you idiot," she mentally scolded herself. Charlotte could sense fear in others and didn't much like it. Finn had learned the hard way over the years to toughen up thanks to the demanding woman.

"Here," she said, holding them out to Charlotte.

The editor looked up from her desk, a pair of dark-rimmed glasses perched on her nose. Her dark hair was short and sleek, stopping at her chin. She reached out and took the spreads, looking over them though she glanced up at Finn occasionally.

"Fine," she said, putting them down. "Now go to beauty and see where the hell their features are and why they aren't on my desk." Finn nodded and turned, starting out of the office. "And get me a coffee!"

"Yes, Charlotte," Finn said, though she was fighting from rolling her eyes. As she walked, she pulled out her phone and quickly typed up a text.

SOS. Meet 4 lunch?

It didn't take long for the response to come back.

Boss on warparth?

Finn snorted.


CU @ 12.

She then slid the phone back in her pocket and smiled to herself. Even though Charlotte seemed to be making today close to a living hell, at least she could take a short break from it.

"Good, you already ordered for me," Finn said with a grin as she slid into the booth.

The man - her other best friend Taylor - sitting across from her only chuckled as he ran his fingers through his sandy blonde hair and leaned back.

"Well, kind of had to since you're late," he replied. "What, she only give you 30 minutes?"

"No, I get an hour," Finn scoffed. "Though I'm seriously tempted to break my no drinking rule." The man laughed.

"I won't stop you," he replied.

Finn just narrowed her eyes at him. Like Haley, she had met Taylor in university. Initially he had asked her out on a date, but after two rather dreadful dates and an ill attempt at snogging, they had decided it was best to just stay friends. They had been near inseparable ever since. Over time, Finn came to see him as the brother she had always wanted. Or well, sibling in general. She was always jealous of Haley and her close bond with both her sister and brother. Finn hated that she had been an only child. She supposed that's what drew Taylor to her as well, being another only child.

"No. She'll smell it on my breath. She's got an insanely good nose," Finn replied, though she seriously wished she could get away with a beer or glass of wine. She would just have to wait until after work like every other normal person.

"So, outside of your boss, how are things? The new flatmate settling in?" Tyalor asked.

"Yea, things are actually really good in that department," Finn said. "I really like her."

"You sure she's not going to steal your shite?" Taylor asked, a smirk on his face. Finn rolled her eyes.

"Seriously, not you too. She's perfectly normal. Nothing weird or off about her at all," Finn said. "Really. I'll even introduce you to her."

"If you say she's good, then I'm sure she is," Taylor said with a smile. "Still not sure why you'd want one in the first place-"

"Don't even, Taylor Carter," Finn said, cutting him off.

"I know, I know. So... what is the Dragon Lady demanding of you today. Since that's the real reason you're meeting me?" he asked. Finn sighed heavily.

"Oh, you know. The usual," she replied. "Demanding this. Sending back that. Lamenting poor workmanship of this, this and that. Then she wants her coffee."

"And you're sure you want to stay there?" he asked. "Surely you could work at any other magazine."

"No, I want this," Finn said sitting up. "It's one of the best magazines in the country and despite my complaints, I am learning a lot from Charlotte. I think I've almost won her over."

"I don't think anyone can win her over, from what you've said. And you've been working there for years. If it hasn't happened by now..." Taylor said. Finn snorted.

"Charlotte's not that bad. Even though I do complain," she said. "I mean, she doesn't keep me late for stupid reasons. And the other day, she said I did well with a spread. Didn't even send it back for changes. And well... if I'm really going to make it in this industry, I really do need to learn from the best." Taylor sighed. "I do love my job - really. Just some days are difficult. You have difficult days, I'm sure."

"This is true," he said. "So, what are you going to do?"

"Go back to work. Put on a smile and try and get it right the first time around," Finn replied. "Hope she doesn't hate everything that I do."

"That's the spirit," Taylor replied with a cheeky grin.

"Shut up," Finn said. At that moment, their food arrived and Finn attacked her burger with such ferocity that Taylor sat and stared at her for a few moments. "What? You never seen a girl eat?"

Taylor just laughed and shook his head.

"I'm not sure if that qualifies as eating - more like inhaling," he said before taking a bite of his own burger.

"And everyone wonders why you're still single," Finn shot back.

"Because I'm waiting for the perfect girl. You know this," he replied lightly, winking at her. Finn just rolled her eyes and took another bite of her burger. "So... tell me more about the roommate... maybe she's the perfect girl I'm waiting for."

"Okay, you cheeky git..."

The news was on in the flat when Finn walked in that night. Charlotte had kept her a little late, but it wasn't that late. A wonderful smell floated throughout the place.

"Oh good, I wasn't sure when you'd be back," Katie said, walking out of the kitchen with a smile. "Just about finished... Thought I'd cook dinner as a thank you for helping me with my furniture and... everything... this weekend."

"That's really sweet of you, thanks," Finn said, walking over and hugging Katie.

The blonde still wasn't quite used to the American's penchant for physical affection, but was slowly coming around to it. Finn then put her bags down and pulled off her jacket, hanging it up.

"Anything I can help with? Setting the table?"

"Sure," Katie said, returning to the kitchen.

"Oh, this smells amazing," Finn moaned as she stepped in and went for the cabinets with plates and such.

"Thanks. It feels good to cook again. Haven't done a lot of it lately," Katie admitted.

It did feel good. And to have someone come home and be excited about it. Roger had at first, but eventually barely acknowledged it. Gradually she had stopped wasting her time on cooking, picking up takeout most nights while he was out supposedly doing late training - which she now figured was when he was meeting his new girlfriend. It started happening so often that she took to going out with Alicia and Angelina. Or eating at Oliver's flat.

Katie didn't realize just how much she missed cooking for someone until that moment as Finn continued raving about the food that she hadn't even eaten yet.

Soon enough, the table was set and the two women were seated and dishing out food onto their plates. Finn took a bite and closed her eyes as she moaned yet again.

"My god, Katie. I seriously think I lucked out getting you as a roommate," she said once she opened her eyes. Katie just shrugged.

"Just something I threw together," she said casually. "How was work?"

"God, I do not want to ruin this wonderful meal by talking about work," Finn said. Katie raised her eyebrows in surprise. She was under the impression that Finn liked her job. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I do love my job. Just today was a difficult day."

"I thought you were still a few weeks from print," Katie said, thinking back to everything that Finn had said about her job.

"We are, but my boss is a bit... picky," Finn said. "We've got a couple days, I think, before she gets into seriously OCD mode and then you probably won't see me most days. But enough of my day - how was yours?"

"Well, overheard some of the blokes on the team talking about me and Roger," Katie started out.

"Dear god," Finn exclaimed.

"But it was fine," Katie hurried to say. "Better than fine, actually. Normally I run off and pretend I don't hear it or cry in my office or whatever, but today, I finally said something about it. And... it felt good."

Finn grinned at her.

"Proud of you," she said.

"And then I had lunch with one of my good friends - Oliver. We used to meet up for lunch all the time, but well, haven't done it in awhile. But today... just felt like a good day to start that up again," Katie said.

"Oliver, huh?" Finn asked, cocking an eyebrow at her. Katie chuckled.

"It's nothing like that," she replied. "We've been friends since school and he's always kind of looked out for me. Kind of like a big brother. I mean, he's about four years older than me and all, so really nothing could have happened between us in school anyway. He plays qu-football too."

"I see," Finn replied, seemingly missing her near slip. Christ, she was going to have to be more careful about that. "Well, I ended up venting to my other best friend at lunch as well. Taylor."

"Gotta love those venting lunches," Katie replied. Finn chuckled as she continued to eat.

"Up for a movie after dinner?" she asked, glancing across the table. Katie smiled.

"I'm in." 

So, now we've met all the best friends. Everyone has a role to play later on in the story. ^_^ And more bonding!

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