Love By Another Name

By Rubberduckz84

74 12 0

(Katie Bell Fanfic) Finn Marsh is certain her life is about to get back on track. So, she still occasionally... More

Author's Note
Fresh Start
Of Whiskey & Bonding
Learn to Let Go
Chance Meeting with Disaster
Cleaning Up Disaster
Ladies' Night Out
Fate Has Its Own Plan
Wing Women
First Dates & Awkward Mistakes
A Whole New World


12 1 0
By Rubberduckz84

Finn raced down the sidewalk, huffing slightly as she struggled to keep her heavy bag on her shoulder. She knew she would be late. In fact, she should probably try and text her potential new flatmate to let the poor girl know. But at the moment, it was a struggle between continuing to move down the sidewalk at a fairly rapid pace and slowing down enough to fish her mobile out of her purse.

As if sensing her inner turmoil, at that moment her mobile started ringing. Groaning slightly, she stopped and started to dig, quietly murmuring prayers for it to keep ringing if it were someone important while simultaneously cursing if it was someone who wasn't.

"Aha!" she said in triumph as she fished it out and then peered down at the screen. Rolling her eyes, she accepted it and put the phone to her ear. "Hello, Haley."

"You met her yet?" her best friend asked impatiently. Finn continued down the sidewalk, attempting to pick up the pace.

"Not even to my place yet," she managed to get out. "Charlotte kept me late."

"Again?! Your boss really is a wanker," Haley immediately replied. "She nearly made you miss my birthday party."

"It's called the media industry, Haley," Finn replied. Of all the times they had this conversation, Haley never seemed to catch on to the fact that her work schedule was often dictated by how close they were to print deadline - not her boss. Not to mention if she wanted to get offered an editor position the next time one opened up, then she needed to put in the work. As it was, she had worked her ass off getting from intern to her current position as an assistant editor.

"Whatever. So, what do you think she's like?" Haley asked, quickly moving to the more important subject in her mind.

"I don't know. Not like I'm psychic. We only chatted for a few minutes when she called to ask if the room was still open," Finn replied, silently happy to see her block come into view. 

She should have taken a cab, but passed on the somewhat luxury not knowing if this one would work out and she would be forced to cover the full rent by herself. Though if she didn't find someone soon, she would be forced to ask her father for help or dig into her savings again. Neither were favorable prospects in her book. Oh why had she chosen a flat that was way out of her price range to live in?

Duh - because she hadn't intended to live in it alone when she got it.

"Hopefully she's better than the last cu-"

"Hey now! Melissa wasn't that bad," Finn said quickly, cutting her off.

"She was constantly stiffing you on rent, Finn. And she ran off in the middle of the night without any notice. Not to mention all the weirdos she brought over. And let's not forget about the one before that," Haley ranted. 

Finn rolled her eyes. True, she happened to have had a quick turnover in the roommate department. But that didn't mean she wanted Haley throwing it at her right then.

"Look, I had a... momentary lapse in judgement with the last few. But I've been much more discerning this time," Finn said, rushing towards her building. Haley snorted on the other end.

"It was nearly a year. And you went through four. FOUR! Not to mention one of them stole your laptop, stereo and TV," Haley said. Finn stopped and frowned.

"Seriously, Haley," she said, starting to get a bit worked up.

"Not that it wasn't understandable - the lapse in judgement. I mean... breakups are rough," Haley said quickly, trying to backtrack a bit, suddenly realizing she had hit a nerve. "Sorry, Finn. What I meant to say is - I hope this one is a lovely girl and you two become good friends. But not best friends because that title belongs to me."

Finn chuckled and shook her head, focusing on the now not-so-crowded sidewalk in front of her. She probably should have moved to a cheaper place after her ex ended things and moved out, but she really was in love with the place and couldn't bring herself to leave. Not to mention, her father had helped them get it, putting in a good word with the building owner to push them ahead of the 10 other couples who were trying to get it. At the time she was so sure that she and Ryan were only steps away from marriage. They were engaged after all.

But such was life. Finn had been dazzled by his amazing smile and pretty promises. As well as the balcony that overlooked a back garden.

"Thanks. But I need to go meet her now, so I gotta go. I'm nearly there," she replied.

"Okay. What time should I come around with takeout and wine so we can dissect her," Haley asked. Finn laughed again.

"How about 8? I really don't think this'll take that long, if it's anything like the others," she said. 

She had showed the place to five others prior to this and for one reason or another, none had worked out. Mostly because she was a bit paranoid after the last run of bad roommates.

"Good, see you then!"

The phone went dead and Finn slid it into her purse as she straightened her back.

"Here goes nothing," she muttered. 

She then strode down the sidewalk, seeing a young woman with blonde hair standing just outside the gate that led to the building. She looked around Finn's age and despite wearing jeans and a leather jacket, appeared to be fairly in shape. What was it she said she did? Right, something in fitness. Hopefully something that made steady money so she wouldn't be late on rent. And hopefully she wasn't one of those militant vegans who would stare at Finn in disapproval anytime she made anything with meat in it.

"Hi, Katie?" Finn said as she drew closer. The woman turned to her and smiled in relief. "Sorry I'm late. Work." 

Finn held her hand out. Katie accepted it, shaking it firmly.

"It's not a problem. My work has me on weird hours sometimes so I understand," she replied warmly.

"Right, sorry but I forgot what you said it was - something in fitness?" Finn asked, stepping back from her. Katie's eyes widened slightly as she smiled nervously.

"Yes. Well, sport medicine actually. I work on staff for a professional sport team - Championship League," she replied. 

Finn couldn't help but think it sounded slightly rehearsed, but whatever. It seemed prestigious enough that she felt comfortable with her financial status. Granted, Finn knew next to nothing about soccer/football. She still preferred baseball. So far this Katie seemed decent. She was dressed nicely and didn't appear sketchy. Of course, a few of the last ones hadn't at first either.

"Well then, suppose I should take you up," Finn said, stepping up to the gate and pushing it open, then walked through, glancing behind to make sure Katie was following. "There's only four flats in the building, but everyone's really nice. If you move in, I'll be sure to introduce you. It's mostly young couples save Mrs. Watkins on the first floor..."

She knew she was rambling slightly, as she tended to do because silence made her nervous. She continued on, explaining the various amenities that came with the place as she unlocked the door and led Katie into the building's ground floor foyer and then to the stairs and up to the second floor.

"It's an older building, but they did a full renovation just before I moved in, so all the fixtures and appliances are still pretty new," she continued as she stepped up to her door and put the key in the lock.

"You said you've lived here two years?" Katie asked, finally getting a word in.

"Almost," Finn said, pushing the door open and leading her into the flat. Katie stopped just inside the door, her eyes widening as she took it in.

"Wow, it's really open," she said, starting to smile as she walked through the living room to the balcony. "Balcony as well?" 

She looked back over at Finn.

"Yea, the abundance of light and space sold me, but it was that balcony that made me fall in love," she replied as she shut the door and put her bag down on the floor then hung her purse on a coat rack. 

Katie nodded as she looked around the room, taking in the furniture and brand new TV and stereo system opposite the sofa.

"You watch a lot of movies?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at Finn whose cheeks had started turning slightly pink. 

She had returned from work one day to find that not only had her father gone and replaced her stolen TV and stereo system (that she had proudly bought herself... secondhand, of course) it was part of a top-of-line entertainment system.

"Bit of a habit of mine. That and music," she said. "But, I mean, I can definitely respect whatever hours you work, of course. More often than not I'm working in my room." 

Katie chuckled softly.

"Not an issue. I'm a heavy sleeper so it won't bother me. Not to mention I'm a bit of a movie buff myself," she said, walking over to take in Finn's extensive DVD and CD collection. "I love this one." 

She pulled out a copy of "The Princess Bride." A smile played across Finn's face. This must be a good sign.

"It's actually my favorite," she replied. "My friends say I drive them crazy quoting it all the time." Katie laughed as she put it back.

"Another thing that won't bother me. I do as well, though most of my friends have - most unfortunately - not seen it," she said, rolling her eyes. "It'll be nice to finally be around someone who - as it seems - enjoys a lot of the same movies." 

Finn gawked at her a moment.

"How the hell could you be friends with someone who hasn't seen 'The Princess Bride'? It's a classic!" she exclaimed. 

Katie's eyes widened as if she hadn't meant to say what she did, but she quickly recovered with a sheepish smile.

"They're a bit too preoccupied with work and... sport," she offered. Finn just shrugged and turned.

"Well, over here is the kitchen. Fully stocked with dishes and everything. I'm cool with you using anything and we can split groceries, if you want. Just label or leave a list or tell me if there is anything you don't want me using," she said, as Katie walked over and inspected the kitchen area. "Laundry machines are back here too."

She wasn't sure just why she was already speaking as though Katie was going to move in, but there was something about her. Finn felt as though they were already kindred spirits or something though she still didn't really know much about her.

"And then the room," she said, then walking over and pushing the door open, stepping aside to let Katie walk in after flipping on the light. "As you can see, it's just a bed and dresser. You can decorate how you want - the landlord is fine with us painting the walls or putting up new wallpaper." 

For a brief moment, she went back in her memories to the day she and Ryan had painted this very room, but she quickly pushed that aside. After he left, in a somewhat whiskey-fueled incident, she and Haley had gone out and bought paint, attempting to redo the whole flat.

Thankfully, they had passed out before they did too much damage and spent the following two months going through and redoing the whole flat to Finn's liking so that there were no more reminders of their incident. Or Ryan.

Katie silently walked around the room, taking it all in.

"It's got its own bathroom as well," Finn added. "And you don't have to worry about privacy. Can't hear a thing with the bathrooms and such. I'll stay out of your stuff as long as you stay out of mine and, you know, just give me a heads up if you have an overnight visitors so I don't accidentally walk around in my underwear."

"Trust me, you won't have to worry about that for awhile," Katie said, a bitter edge to her voice. Finn's eyebrows shot up in surprise, though Katie quickly shook her head. "I mean... kind of going through a break-up at the moment. Don't think I'll be dating for a time." 

"Oh, trust me... I get that," Finn said with a chuckle, looking around the room. "The reason I'm in need of a roommate is because I got this place with my ex-fiance... Imagine my shock when he upped and moved to South America with a friend of mine from university instead." 

Finn wasn't sure why she was telling this woman, a complete stranger, about her failed love life. But there was something in Katie's eyes that made her think she could trust her. Again, kindred spirits.

"Oh, god, that's horrible," Katie said, walking towards her. "What a horrid git. You seem lovely."

"Appreciated, but he wanted more excitement, apparently," Finn said dryly with a sardonic smile. "But... that was a year ago. C'est la vie, right?"

"Right," Katie said, smiling. She took another look around the room and then looked back at Finn. "I'm going to be honest - this is by far the best place I've looked at so far. And you definitely do not seem skeezy in the slightest."

"Complimented accepted," Finn joked. Katie laughed.

"Honestly, I feel like we're friends even though we've just met," she continued. "Bit strange, really. But in a good way."

"So... is this your way of saying you want to move in?" Finn asked.

"Are you saying that you'll accept me?" Katie asked.

"Only if you'll stay and have a celebratory glass of wine with me. That is if you don't have any plans or anything," Finn said, unsure of where that came from. Thankfully, Katie just grinned.

"That actually sounds lovely," she said.

"Alright, then it's a deal... roomie," Finn said, holding her hand out. Katie walked over and shook it. "When can you move in?"

"I believe I can start moving my things in tomorrow, if it's alright. Got an off day from work and honestly, I'm a bit desperate to get out of my parents' house," Katie said.

"Not a problem. I can give you the spare key so you don't have to worry about me being here. Got plans to go see my dad and I'll probably be gone until evening," Finn said, walking back into the living and dining room. She then stopped suddenly, turning to her with a worried look. "Oh god, unless you need help with anything?" Katie chuckled.

"Trust me, I'll be fine," she said. Finn smiled in relief and nodded.

"Good. Okay... wine..."

The two women were already on their second glass of wine when Haley burst into the flat at 8 pm, bags of takeout, another bag with wine, and a surprised look on her face.

"Oh... I take it this is the new flatmate," she said cautiously, already sizing up the petite Katie. 

Finn quickly stood and grabbed some of the bags, placing them on the table.

"Yea... we actually really kicked it off, so I asked her to hang out a bit so we could get to know each other more," she said, ignoring the look Haley was sending her. "This is my best friend Haley Timms. Haley, this is Katie Bell."

"It's nice to meet you, though Finn's told me a bit about you," Katie said as she stood and held her hand out to Haley.

"Nice to meet you too," Haley said as she shook her hand, still shooting glances towards Finn, who was now walking to the kitchen to get another wine glass. "Finn says you work in fitness?"

"Sport medicine," Katie corrected. "Attached to a pro team."

"What sport?" Haley asked as she sat at the table and reached for the open wine bottle.

"Football. Championship League," Katie said quickly as she sat as well and Finn returned with Haley's glass.

"I see... take it you must make decent money, then," Haley replied.

"Decent enough," Katie said nervously, reaching for her own glass.

"How's your credit?" Haley then asked. "Ever been arrested?"

"Oh my god, stop Haley," Finn said with a laugh as she sat across from Katie. "She's not an axe murderer." Haley just frowned at Finn. "Really. She's good people."

"You thought the last one was good people too," she replied dryly.

"I swear, I'm not going to do a runner in the middle of the night. Nor steal anything," Katie said quickly. "And please, feel free to do a background check if you want."

"I'm not doing a background check," Finn told her with a smile. "Haley's always been a bit protective of me. We've been friends since university."

"As smart and responsible as Finn usually is, lately she's had a few too many lapses in judgement when it comes to flatmates," Haley said, looking over at Katie. "So please forgive me if I just want to make sure that you're above board."

"Oh, it's fine. I'm sure I'd do the same thing with my best friends," Katie said. "So, I take it you moved here during university? American, correct?"

"Ah, was it my freckles that gave it away?" Finn asked jokingly. "Yea. My parents are divorced and I ended up growing up in the States with my mother, while my dad moved back here. But I really wanted to go to university here, so I did."

"What she means is, her mother drove her mad and she escaped the first chance she got," Haley said before taking a sip, seeming to have already warmed up slightly.

"She's not that bad. I mean, yea, she's a bit difficult, but-"

"Nope. That woman would drive even Gandi mental," Haley interrupted. She turned to Katie and leaned towards her. "New York socialite. It's ridiculous how she can get." Finn just rolled her eyes as Katie looked at her in a bit different light. "Thank goodness your dad is sensible. He's a rather good solicitor-"

"Dad drives me crazy in different ways," Finn interjected. "But yes, he is more reasonable than my mom." 

Katie just laughed.

"I think all parents are meant to drive us a bit mad at times," she said. She then looked at her watch, groaning slightly as she then empty the rest of her wine glass. "I really hate to run just as you got here, but I do have to go meet some friends." She stood and grabbed her jacket off the back of her chair and quickly pulled it on. "Really great to meet you, Haley. And I suppose I'll see you tomorrow, Finn."

"No problem. See you later," Finn said warmly as Katie grabbed her purse.

"And I'm fairly sure we'll see a lot more of each other," Haley said with a smile. Katie waved and then rushed out. "Okay, I like her. I think this one will work."

"Good," Finn said, reaching for her wine glass. "Because I like her too. We actually like a lot of the same things. And she seems really responsible. Just two years younger than me." Haley nodded and held her wine glass up."

"To Finn Marsh finally making better decisions," she declared. Finn rolled her eyes, but smiled as she held her glass out.


And where we are with the beginning of a beautiful friendship, yea?

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