Unforgettable//Teen Wolf

By AmaliaTw09

2.8K 43 7

S5a Hope Martin Hale. She's now not just a tribrid, her humanity is also off. The pack has to fight against... More



240 5 0
By AmaliaTw09

"Sorry, but I'd never even heard of the Kanima until a few days ago." Theo said.

"You want us to read it? That's why you needed me?" Hope looked at the book irritated.

"Well, not yet. I'm still only on chapter one." Scott replied.

"You guys do this a lot, huh?" Theo asked.

"Do what?"

"Get involved."

"Yeah, I guess."

"What about the author? If he knew all about these guys, shouldn't we be talking to him?" Theo asked.

"We thought about that, but it's pretty much a dead end." Scott replied.

Hope took the book and started flipping the pages.

"What about this guy?" She asked pointing at something in the book.

Scott grabbed it.

"For providing scientific perspective and invaluable insight this book is dedicated to Dr. Gabriel Valack." Scott read a loud.

"Do you know him?" Theo asked.

"Yeah. And I know where to find him." Scott replied, "I just need your help."

"Didn't you say I'm not part of your pack anymore? Why would I help?" Hope raised her eyebrows.

"Because you don't want these guys here either."


They were infront of the Eichen House.

"Hello? Anyone there?" Lydia spoke to the speaker.

No one responded.

"Are you going to be okay in there?" Scott asked looking at Stiles.

"Yeah. Why?" Stiles asked.

"You just seem a little off." Scott replied.

"Yeah, maybe it's because.." Hope started talking but Stiles interrupted her.

"I think we're all a little off."

"Maybe some of us more than others." Scott said.

Hope laughed. They looked at her confused.

"I'm sorry. It's just.. It's kind of ironic, you know. Because my humanity is OFF. So, I'm a little off." She laughed.

Scott and Stiles looked at her annoyed.

Scott started staring at Kira and sighed.

"What?" Hope asked.

"When the other Chimera, Lucas, when he came after us, I heard Kira say something in Japanese." Scott replied.

"Isn't she from Japan?" Hope frowned.

"Yeah, that doesn't sound too bad." Stiles added.

"No. She's not. She doesn't know any Japanese." Scott replied.

"Still not terrible." Stiles said.

"I also think I might have stopped her from killing Lucas." Scott said.

"People are getting killed all the time." Hope said.

"Wasn't he trying to kill you, though?" Stiles asked "I mean that just sounds like self-defense."

"It was more than that. I mean, she nearly took off his head." Scott replied.

"Still not that bad." Hope said.

"And maybe she had no choice. There's gotta be a point where self-defense is justfied. Tracy killed her own father. And Lucas would have killed you." Stiles said.

"They're not the bad guys. They're the victims. We shouldn't be killing the people we're trying to save." Scott said.

Hope looked at Stiles. He was thinking about Donovan, she could feel it.

"All right." Hope sighed.

She walked towards the main door and used her powers to open them. They all looked at her.

"You could do that the whole time?" Lydia asked her irritated.


"Please empty your pockets into the container." The receptionist said.

"We're here to see.." Scott tried to speak but he interrupted him.

"Please empty your pockets into the container." He repeated.

They put their phones, keys and everything they had in the container.

"Please remove your belt and place it into the container." He said looking at Kira.

"I kind of need the belt. I mean, it's crucial to the outfit." Kira said.

It was her sword.

"Please remove your belt, which patiens will attempt to take from you and use to strangle either themselves or others."

"Right. Got it." Kira sighed.

She took of her belt and put it into the container.

The man started looking at Hope and Lydia.

"You like little girls?" Hope frowned.

The man was about to say something, but suddenly, the door opened. It was Dr. fenris.


"I'll remind you that I'm only doing this as a favor to Deaton. And I'm doing it against my better judgment." Fenris said.

"Hey, what's the etiquette fot talking to this guy?" Stiles asked. "I mean, do you ever look at the other eye?"

"I wouldn't. In fact, while you're down here, try not to make eye contact with anyone or anything." He said.

"Well, that's lovely." Hope said sarcastically.


Kira and Scott stopped. Hope started feeling something.

"You didn't think you were all going, did you?" Fenris asked.

"It's Mountain Ash, isn't it?" Scott asked.

"Everywhere, but heavily concentrated down here." Fenris replied.

He took out his keycard and opened the door.

"Valack's cell is the last one at the end of the hall." Fenris said.

Lydia and Stiles looked at Scott and Kira. They couldn't go there.

"We'll be right here." Scott assured.

Hope, Stiles and Lydia walked in. They walked down the hall to Venrick's cell.

Hope looked around, she saw Allison. With sword in her stomach. She blinked several times and Allison disappeared.

They kept walking and saw Venrick sitting on the ground.

"Tell me what you just saw." Venrick said.

"Me?" Hope asked.

"The creature in the previous cell. The Sluagh. The myth is that they can take on the appearance of the lost souls that have become inextricably bound to it." Venrick explained. "Happen to see any lost souls, Ms. Martin?"

"The only lost souls I'm seeing is you." Hope smiled ironically.

"Don't give up on us yet. We're all works-in-progress." Venrick said.

"Where did you hear that from?" Lydia asked.

"Wise words from a former cellmate." He said and started walking towards the glass, "Did you bring the book?"

Stiles pulled the book out of his jacket and he showed it to him.

"Very nice. First edition. Of course, there was only one printing." He said.

"There is no T.R. McCammon, is there?" Lydia asked.

"No." He smiled.

"You wrote the book." Hope realized.

"That's right, Hope." He replied, "Maybe you've already guessed that it's not just a book."

"What is it?" Lydia asked.

"A tool. Designed to open your eyes." Valack replied.

"To what?" Stiles asked.

"To them." he replied, "The Dread Doctors."

"Why did you use a pseudonym?" Lydia asked.

"I had a professional reputation once. I wasn't interested in ruining it by putting my name on a second-rate piece of trash." Valack replied.

"Why did you write the book, then?" Hope asked.

"You haven't read it yet, have you?" Valack asked, "I wrote it because no one believed me. Because no one listened. They're here, aren't they? In Beacon Hills."

"Yep." Hope said.

Lydia looked at her irritated and sighed.

"What are they?" She asked.

"Not entirely human. At least, not anymore. They were scientists once. Scientists who worshipped the supernatural. Tesla said, ¨If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.¨ They found their secrets in electromagnetic forces. Ways to prolong their lives, give them power, and most importantly, making you forget you ever saw them." Valack explained.

"I did that once." Hope smiled. "I compelled this girl to forget I bit her."

"When your humanity switch is off, it makes you stronger, but also a lot stupier. They're nothing like you." Valack said.

"What do they want?" Lydia asked.

"A good question, Lydia. Everybody wants something, don't they?" Valack asked.

Stiles sighed.

"Okay, so, what do you want?" He asked.

Valack passed them a tape recorder and a empty jar throught a compartment.

"I want the scream of the Banshee and a blood of a Tribrid." Valack said.

Lydia grabbed the recorder and Hope the jar.

"No way. Not happening. Sorry." Stiles said snatching the jar from Hope.

"He knows something." Hope said.

"The guy is a nut-job who drilled a hole into his head. He's probably lying his ass off." Stiles said.

"How many have died so far?" Venrick asked, "All of them teenagers. Am I right? Want to know how many died the first time they came here? I wonder how many will die if they succeed?"

The light flickered.

"This did happen before." Lydia said.

"And now they're back. All because a few teenagers, who never even considered the consequences, decided to reignite a supernatural force they barely understand." Venrick said.

"The Nemeton." Hope realized.

"How do you even know about that?" Stiles asked.

"I know because I saw it."

They all looked at him confused and he removed the bandage from his head revealing his other eye.

"Who did you come with?" Venrick asked.

"Our friends." Lydia replied.

"What are they?" Valack asked.

"Don't answer." Stiles said.

"Kitsune and a wolf." Hope said.

Stiles gave her a bad look.

Suddenly, one of the light bulbs exploded.

"What's happening?" Hope asked.

"She's disrupting the building's defenses." Valack replied.

"What do you mean? How?" Lydia asked.

"It's not just the Mountain Ash that keeps this building secure. It's the electromagnetic energy. Eichen is built on the convergence of telluric currents. Ley lines. It's what allows it to keep certain supernatural creatures in. And certain others out." Venrick explained.

"They knew we were coming." Hope realized.

"They're here." Valack said her. "And you unlocked the door for them."

Valack walked closer to the glass.

"Hit the record and give me the blood. Do it now. It costs you nothing." Valack said.

"But it's worth something to you, so you're not getting it for free." Stiles said.

"What does the book do?" Hope asked.

"Tell us." Stiles raised his voice.

"I told you. It opens your eyes." Valack replied.

"How?" Lydia asked.

"It triggers the memory centers of the brain, claring the fog and bringing the images of the Dread Doctors into focus. I wrote the book in an effort to find out if anyone else like me had ever seen them before. I thought I could circulate it, an effort to trigger someone... Anyone else's memory. They'd see the cover, a hint of a memory... They pick up the book, read it. The suppressed memories surface, and they'd find their way to me to discover more." He explained, "Just like you did."

Hope started seeing images of the Dread Doctors in her head. She blinked quickly.

"Did it work with anyone else?" Stiles asked.

"You didn't see it on The New York Times Best Seller list, did you?" Valack asked ironically.

"So we have to read your boring book?" Hope frowned.

"If you've seen them, if they've done something to you, then the book will help you remember. Now give me what I want." Valack replied.

Lydia looked at the recorder. She was about to do it.

"I'm not giving you my blood." Hope said.

"Hope." Stiles called her.

Hope looked at him and sighed.

"How do we stop them?" She asked.

"You'll missing something, and you need it back." Valerick answered.

He meant her humanity.


Lydia put the jar full of blood and the tape recorder in the compartment. The alarms went off.

"Tell us what they want." Lydia said.

"Hey, I think we need to get out of here." Stiles said.

"I gave you my blood. Now tell me what are they trying to do." Hope said looking at Valack.

"Lydia, go." Stiles ordered and Lydia ran to hide.

"Read the book." He said. "Anyone who's come into contact with them."

"That's not a answer." Hope said.

"Read the book." Valack repeated.

"Hope, we gotta go. Now." Stiles looked at her worried.

He grabbed her arm and they quickly walked down the hall to hide.

"Read the book!" They heard Valack yell.


"I'm going to kill them." Hope said but Stiles stopped her.

Stiles hugged her tightly from behind. They heard footsteps near ther hiding spot. Hope looked besides them and saw Lydia leaning against the wall scared.

Suddenly, they heard Valack scream. Stiles hugged her even tigher. Hope closed her eyes and started breathing heavily.
After that, there was a sudden silence.

"They left." Hope sighed in relief. "We're okay."

"No, it's not okay. All of this, it's on us. Everything that's happened, everything that's going to happen, it's out fault." Stiles said.

"It's our responsibility." Lydia added.

Hope sighed and stepped back from Stiles.

"Actually, it's your responsibility. I'm fine. I'm immortal, they won't hurt me." She smiled.

"Are you serious, right now?" Stiles frowned.

She nodded smiling.

"This is not you. This is not the girl who sacrificed herself for those she loves." Tears filled Stiles's eyes.

"For you?" She asked sarcastically, "I never loved you."

"Guys, can we not doing this now?" Lydia asked annoyed.

Hope looked at her and moved her hands throwing her against the wall. She fell to the ground.

"Lydia!" Stiles looked at her worried.

"You should leave" Hope said looking at Stiles.

"You think you can scare me?" He stood infront of her.

She smiled and looked down at Lydia.

Dark red energy started coming out of her hands and she looked back at him.

"You should be scare of me." Hope's eyes started glowing.

"You won't hurt me." Stiles insist.

"I hurt Lydia. And Malia." Hope smiled.

"But you didn't kill them. Even though you could." Stiles said. "Your humanity might be off but you're still the most emotional person I know."

"I feel nothing." She said.

"You felt something."

"You should help, Lydia. She hit her head pretty bad." Hope smiled.

Stiles looked at her disappointed and walked over to Lydia. He helped her up.

"You know, I won't try anymore. You're now just a monster. A killer with no regrets. You're not the girl I used to love." He lied.

Hope looked at him in shock and he left.

She looked at him speechless as he was walking towards the enterence. He just left her there.

And in that exact moment, Hope realized she has no one to hold her anymore. Her humanity switch was flickering, trying to return back on. It was the feeling of loneliness that made her feel something.

She remembered what she's done. She hurt the most important people in her life. Her sister, Malia and especially Stiles.

That feeling made the switch turn on. She was back.


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