
By Rubberduckz84

285 1 0

Draco Malfoy has found a calling in the Potions Research Department within the Ministry of Magic - department... More

Meet Cute
Just One Night
Decidedly Not a Meet Cute
Declaring War
Mother Dearest
Deep Dive
A (Not So) Good Day
Hot and Cold
The Other Side
Coming Clean
Awkward Mistakes
Making Decisions
Falling for You
And It All Goes to Hell
To Find a Rat

From Here on Out

20 1 0
By Rubberduckz84

Slowly, it's taking over me...

Draco took a deep breath and then slowly let it out before he stepped up and knocked on Liv's door. He prayed that he was able to get a few words in before she slammed it in his face, though he was still unsure as to what exactly he would say to her. Perhaps the best place was to start from the beginning?

After a minute or so, the door opened and Liv stared at him. The tears seemed to have stopped, finally. And she had changed out of her work robes. But her face was void of expression and he wasn't sure if that boded well or not.

"We need to talk, Liv," he said firmly.

"White was just here," she said, crossing her arms in front of her. "Said they wanted me to come back... that new evidence proving my innocence came up and while they were sorting things out. I could take back my position."

Merlin, that was quick. But why didn't she seem happy?

"That's... great news, Liv," Draco said, genuinely meaning it as he smiled softly. She remained frowning.

"Why did you do it?" she asked. For a moment, Draco hesitated, unsure of what to say. "Why did you get me my job back?"

"Ah, White told you then?" he asked. Liv shook her head.

"He didn't say anything, but I figured it had to be you," she said softly. "I mean, it's what I would do if I wanted to prove that I hadn't betrayed someone."

Draco held his breath, hoping this meant what he thought it did. He started to reach for her but stopped.

"It was the right thing to do. You're innocent and I could prove it," he said.

Liv studied him a few moments and then stepped back, pulling the door fully open and allowing him in. Draco walked in, waiting for her to shut the door before they both silently made their way up to the library.

"Today has been... a rollercoaster," Liv said with a sigh as she stepped a few feet away from him before stopping. She ran her fingers through her hair.

"I expect it has," Draco said, shoving his hands into his pockets. "But I swear, I had no part in the plan. It was actually Susan Bones."

Liv's eyes widened in shock. Draco reckoned that was likely how he looked when she had confessed to him.

"Susan?" she asked. "But... she always seemed so... harmless. I mean, she's meticulous with her work - not creative in the slightest - but... never thought she could scheme or anything."

Draco nodded and then looked to the ground.

"I believe she was bitter about having her project cut. And then... well, she said she did it for me," he said, feeling heat pool in his face.

"For you?" Liv asked. Draco nodded, still not looking at her.

"She wanted me to head the department... so she set out to get rid of you," he said. He finally looked back up at her. "I'm so sorry, Liv. I had no idea she was doing this, or I would have stopped her."

Liv stared at him a few moments before speaking, a few different emotions playing out over her face.

She then settled on relief.

"Well, I suppose it's over now, so nothing I can do about it," she said. "And it's not your fault. You didn't know she would go to such lengths. And I suppose I could have been a bit better about the projects I cut..."

"You've been a great leader. Have some in the department not enjoyed it? Yes, unfortunately. But most have come around to you, seeing the good that you have done. And I've found it's mostly to do with their own insecurity than anything in particular that you've done," he said.

A faint smile came across Liv's face.

"Thanks... I'm going to need as many in my corner as I can get when I go back in after this. Thank god I have the weekend to... process all of it," she said, starting over towards the liquor cabinet.

"Ah, so he didn't tell you everything," Draco said. Liv stopped and looked over at him, her eyebrows rising in question. "Liv... I quit."

"Huh? But... why? Why would you do that?" she asked, stunned. "It has nothing to do with framing me. Wait. Please tell me that this wasn't some sort of trade."

Draco smiled as he slowly walked over to her.

"I realized that I didn't really need the Ministry of Magic to make great discoveries in the field of potions anymore," he said casually. "And... there were some things I wanted more than a big office or fancy title."

He didn't stop until he was standing over her, his grey eyes boring down into hers.

"You didn't have to do this for me," she said softly.

"I didn't do it for you," Draco said. "I did it for myself... and for us." Liv blinked a few times and looked away. "I told him everything. That the reason why I knew you couldn't have done it was because I was with you during the times mentioned, that we were working on research together. And well, I suppose I could have left it at that, but I ended up telling him that we were involved, which is another reason I knew you couldn't do any of it. So really, it was in both of our interests that I resign. Frankly, I don't think either of us would get much work done if we were still in the office together..."

Liv looked at him and then started laughing softly.

"May I remind you that I was the epitome of a professional when we worked together," she said. "I may have wanted to rip your clothes off half the time, but no one - including you - noticed. And we did get a lot done despite all that."

"This is true," Draco said with a sigh. "But I would rather not have to hide the fact that I'm madly in love with you." Liv stared at him, her eyes slowly starting to glisten. "That is... if you'll still have me."

Finally, a grin broke out and she stepped up to him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Only if you can forgive me for acting like a total bitch this morning," she said.

"I think it was completely understandable. No need to apologize," Draco said lightly. Liv rolled her eyes.

"No, there is. I screwed up. I'm sorry. I'll do better," she said.

"Fine, I forgive you. Do you forgive me?" he asked. Liv started to open her mouth to protest. "Seriously, Liv. We both screwed up in some way here. We need this to move on." She sighed.

"I forgive you," she said softly. "And yes, I'll still have you."

Draco grinned as he bent down to kiss her, his hand resting on her cheek as he gently stroked it with his thumb.

He could have gone on kissing her forever if she let him, that Draco felt very strongly about. But after some time, Liv pulled back from him, smiling though she was trying to catch her breath. Draco felt his heart racing.

"So, what are you going to do?" Liv finally asked.

"It's about time that I stood on my own feet," he said, smiling at her. "Blaise said he thinks I'm better suited for private research and I think he's right. I've got the resources, the space. I don't need the Ministry to continue my research and I might, in fact, be able to do more now that I'm not under them."

Liv thought it over a few moments and then smiled brightly at him.

"I think it's a great idea," she said. "And it does suit you. You don't take orders very well." Draco snorted, though couldn't help but chuckle. She did have a point.

"My first decision as my own boss is to offer a formal research partnership with one, O. A. De Loughrey," he said, raising an eyebrow. Liv chuckled and then pecked him on the lips.

"I accept," she said.

"Perfect," Draco replied. Liv then furrowed her brow, as though something just came to her. She glanced at Draco a few times before a small smile appeared.

"Actually... do you think you might need some help with... oh, I don't know, everything? It's a bit of an undertaking, starting your own research firm," she said casually. "And I mean... I have resources as well and we have established that we do work well together..."

Draco's grin grew as he understood just what she was asking him.

"Liv... I will always need your help," he said, bending down to her. "Always..."

Two Years Later

And I love what you do, don't you know that you're toxic?

Liv took a deep breath, trying to steady her hand as she held it over the conical beaker, a stopper with a solution containing Night Heather in her grip. It was the last bit of their latest supply and if this didn't work, it would take months for her father to get them more. Months that they couldn't afford to lose.

They needed this to work.

Holding her breath, she squeezed, watching as three drops fell into the potion in the beaker and then stepped back. The two liquids swirled together before the whole thing changed color, becoming a deep purple.

"Okay... didn't explode. Now to see if it works," she said, Draco quietly watching at her side. He had learned long ago that she talked a lot when she worked, and it wasn't always directed at him.

Waving her wand, the beaker detached from the chemistry set and floated over to another table. With another wave of her wand, the glass cooled enough that she could touch it without burning her skin. Grabbing another stopper, she lowered it into the potion and drew out a small amount. She then stepped to a tank where a large rat was lying in the corner, the only movement that showed it was alive was the slightly twitching of its nose.

"Okay, Ratikins. Let's hopefully make you better," she said.

She reached into the tank and pulled it out, cradling it in her arms. Gently, she put the tip of the stopper in its mouth and administered the potion and then put the rat back in the tank.

They would need to do scans and tests to know fully, but if it worked, there would be some immediate signs. Liv held her breath as what felt like an eternity passed. But slowly, the rat began looking around the tank a bit more. Liv's eyes widened as it scurried across to the water bottle, still slowly but with more energy than before.

"Oh my god," she said, her heart stopping. She turned to Draco. "OH MY GOD!"

Throwing her arms around him, he swung her around as she laughed wildly. When he placed her back down, she grinned up at him as he held onto her.

"I think the boss is going to be happy with this," she quipped.

"Ehm, I think you mean partner. And yes, he's incredibly happy," Draco said before kissing her.

He was happy now, but she hoped it extended to other things. Especially with the latest news she had to share with him.

Liv had to admit that despite being excited about leaving her job at the Ministry to start a private research company with Draco, part of her had been terrified. What if they couldn't stand each other after a while and broke up? What if they fought too much? What if everything fell apart around them and she lost everything?

Even her own father was skeptical about the idea when she told him, advising her to never mix business and pleasure - especially if she was going to be investing money.

But something inside her told her it would be okay. And now she had proof - the first viable prototype of a potion to repair the brain. They could now finally move onto human testing.

Granted, this wasn't the only project the two had taken on over the years. From the moment Draco asked Liv to be a partner in the venture, they had wasted no time. They decided to use Liv's library as their main lab since it was already set up. After months of practically living with her, Liv convinced Draco to just move in.

And then for a few months, they only stopped working on potions to eat, sleep or make love. While it made for a nice return on their investments, they both received too many complaints from their friends so started to lighten up a bit, finding a better balance of life and work.

Of course, even when they were in the lab, Liv found ways to get Draco to lighten up. What started out as an innocent prank war between the two of them ended up landing them a generous contract with Weasleys Wizard Wheezes, though Draco swore he thought it beneath them to work with a joke shop. (Liv knew behind closed doors, he loved coming up with the concoctions and was rather creative.)

Standing in their now shared lab, looking up at him, Liv couldn't help but feel as though her heart would burst from happiness. Since her mother died and her father took her to live with him, she had spent her life trying to prove her worth and looking for somewhere that felt like home.

And then she found Draco. Liv never thought that going home with a man she had never met before would be quite possibly the best decision she ever made. But here she was, his arms around her, finding herself finally feeling as though she had found her home.

And it wasn't the townhouse.

"I think we should celebrate," Draco said. Liv chuckled and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Really think we should get all the notes down while it's fresh in our minds before we do any celebrating. And we need to run tests on Ratikins," she said, starting to step out of his arms.

"I didn't mean right now or that, though now you've gone and put the idea in my head," he quipped, pulling her back to him as he nuzzled her neck. "Really is all your fault..."

Two years together and with one look or word, Liv could have him burning for her in a second.

Usually they were rather good at sticking to work during the day, the both of them sharing a laser-like focus while in the middle of a project. But today, Draco couldn't help as an excited buzz filled him. Getting this prototype was a massive breakthrough and he wanted nothing more than to celebrate getting this far in the process.

And well, it was Liv.

Liv laughed loudly as she attempted to extricate herself from his arms, but Draco was stronger and managed to pull her closer, brushing his lips down her neck as he tickled her. Liv shrieked in response, trying harder to get away from him.

"Seriously, Draco! And you say I'm the one who's distracting" she shouted as she grinned at him.

"You are far more distracting than I am," he said, finally stopping as he smiled down at her, wondering just how it was he had ended up with her.

Two years ago, Draco was convinced there was no one out there who could see beyond his past long enough to truly get to know him. To fall in love with him. Of course, he also hadn't predicted someone like Liv coming along.

"I meant, we should have a party," he said, gazing down at her lovingly. "Invite all our friends and celebrate our breakthrough with them."

Liv looked contemplative a few moments and then nodded, smiling.

"Yea, I think that's a good idea," she said. "I know for sure Katie and Lucian will be in. Assuming Blaise, Theo and Margot will come?" Draco nodded. "And George, Angelina."

Draco grimaced slightly, earning a swat from Liv and a playful glare.

"I know, I know," he said, rolling his eyes slightly.

It wasn't as though he hated them or anything - in fact, outside of Katie, George was the first of the Gryffindors to accept having him around. Liv had apparently spoken to all of them and said if they wanted to continue hanging out with her and being friends, then they had to accept that she was with him. While George Weasley lived to aggravate everyone, at least it wasn't cold stares of distrust.

And eventually the rest of them - even Wood - got used to it. Though they mostly spent their time with Liv's cousin Katie and her fiancé Lucian Bole, who had been in Slytherin with Draco. Or Blaise, Theo and his wife.

Draco still couldn't quite believe just how much his life had changed since he met Liv. They were living together. They were seeing amazing output with their company in just two years. He was even spending more time with his mother and finally had a conversation that lasted longer than five minutes with his father - all of which was because of Liv in some way or form.

But speaking of fathers...

"Is your father still coming next week?" Draco asked as he let go of Liv and walked over to the liquor cabinet. While they still had a bit more work before they could call it quits, a small celebratory drink wouldn't hurt.

"Yep. He's bringing Gramps and Grams with him," Liv said, walking over to the tank and then bending over to look closer at the rat. "Figured we could run more tests, but Gramps says she's been doing good on what we've had her on the last six months."

"Perhaps we should do the party when they're here," Draco called out.

"That's an idea. Though do not tell Dad anything before then, otherwise he'll do something big, unnecessary and completely mortifying," she said.

Draco chuckled as he started towards her, his eyes trailing down her body and then back up.

Merlin, he hoped that things were always like this between them.

Liv straightened, turning to face him. A small smirk appeared as she took the glass from him.

"You know I can always tell when you're staring at my ass," she said.

"You did, quite literally, stick it up in the air just a moment ago," Draco said, stepping closer to her. "You're going to tell me that you didn't do that on purpose?"

Liv just shrugged, though didn't speak, somehow keeping a look of innocence on her face.

"I was just checking on the rat," she said.

Draco's smirk only grew as he leaned closer - Liv was now pressed up against the table - and he put one arm down, nearly boxing her in.

"We both know you're not that innocent," he said, his voice soft.

"Well damn, you caught me," Liv said, putting her glass down on the table and sliding it away, though it struck him odd that she hadn't drank from it. In fact, he just realized that she hadn't drank at all the last week. "So, what are you going to do about it?"

A wicked grin filled his face as he put his own glass down and held her waist, his mind now on one thing.

"Oh... so many things," he said, his voice low.

He then backed away, pulling Liv with him so that she was far enough from the table before bending down and throwing her over his shoulder. She shouted and shrieked with laughter as he turned and started towards the doors.

"God, Draco... put me down," she shouted.

"Nope," he said cheerfully.

"Oh, I'm serious. You need to put me down or I'm going to ralph all over your back," she said, sounding serious all of sudden.

Draco quickly put her down, looking her over for any sort of injury or illness. Had it been the potion fumes? Other than looking a bit green, she seemed fine. And he felt fine. Maybe it wasn't the potion fumes.

"I'm okay," she said. "Just... got a bit queasy when you threw me over your shoulder." Draco put his hands to her cheeks.

"You feel a bit clammy," he said, his brow furrowed. "Maybe we should take you to the healer."

"I swear, Draco, it's okay," Liv said, smiling.

"You look green," he stated. She started chuckling.

"I don't need to see a healer. I already know what's wrong with me," she said.

Merlin, something was wrong with her? Why was she smiling about this? Something was wrong with her and she had kept it a secret.

"What is it?" he asked, worry filling his eyes.

"Completely normal. Nothing out of the ordinary. There's going to be a bit of nausea for a few weeks, but that'll clear up on its own," Liv said casually, a mischievous spark in her eyes. Draco frowned.

"And then it's gone? You'll be fine?" he asked.

Why wouldn't she bloody tell him what was wrong? Liv grinned up at him.

"Going to take a few months total to get over it... about 9 to 10 months to be exact," she replied. Draco opened his mouth to demand that she just spit it out when it hit him.

His mouth dropped open as he stared down at her a moment and then looked down to her belly. It was still rather flat, but he had noticed she seemed a bit more tired the last week or so. Then there was the fact she had been begging out of alcohol - which really should have struck him odd before now. And just this morning hadn't he thought that her breasts had gotten a bit bigger when they were in the shower?

Holy shit. He was going to be a father.

"You're pregnant," he said in shock. Liv nodded.

"Eight weeks," she said, though her smile started to fade slightly. "Draco... are you okay? I know that we hadn't really discussed kids that much and we're not even engaged or anything, but... I thought maybe you'd be happy..."

"I'm... it's... Sorry. I think I'm in shock," he said, fighting to get some sort of control over his head. He wanted to cry, jump, shout, kiss Liv, and so many other things that his brain had completely shut down and he couldn't move.

She was pregnant. With his child. He was going to be a father. They were going to be parents. He and Liv. They were having a baby.

Draco blinked, filling tears beginning to fill his eyes.

"Fuck... this is the most amazing news," he said, his voice cracking as he smiled. Liv smiled in relief.

"You mean... You're okay with this?" she asked.

"Am I okay with it? Merlin, yes! We're having a baby!" Draco shouted. He then pulled her to him and kissed her soundly. He then let go and rushed over to his desk, reaching for parchment and a quill. "We need to tell my mother. And your family. Oh, Grams is going to be thrilled, I think. And then... there's so much to do. We need to start on the nursery. Get clothes and toys... nappies. Do you think you'll want a nanny or something? Personally, I wasn't a fan, but if you want to get back to work we'll need one and-"

"DRACO!" Liv shouted.

He looked up, realizing that he had been speaking so quickly, his thoughts churning so fast, that he was starting to feel a bit lightheaded. He braced himself against the desk as Liv ran up to his side.

"Oh, god, are you okay?"

"I just... I think I should sit down," Draco said, falling back into his chair.

"I'm the one who's pregnant and you're the one who's about to faint," Liv said wryly.

"I'm not about to faint," Draco said, bending over slightly.

He closed his eyes a few moments and breathed in and out slowly. Once it felt like the world had stopped spinning, he looked up. Liv was smiling, though there was an edge of concern in her eyes.

"Are you sure you're happy about this?" she asked.

Draco smiled as he reached out for her hands, pulling her towards him. He positioned her between his legs as he let go of her hands and placed his on her waist.

"I am beyond happy about this, Liv," he said. "I mean, I always thought that we were complete, but now we're going to be even more complete." Liv began grinning as tears filled her eyes. Draco looked down to her stomach as he massaged her waist, leaning forward to kiss it. "Hello little one... I'm your daddy..."

Liv sniffled as she laughed softly.

"Oh, Draco..." she whispered. He looked back up at her, feeling his own tears starting. Liv bent down and leaned her forehead against his. "I love you so much..."

"I love you too," he whispered in return.

He had thought it was impossible to love her any more than he already did, but holding her right now, knowing that she was carrying their child, it was as though he had reached a whole new level of happiness.

And Draco couldn't help but think he couldn't have conjured up a better happily ever after if he tried. 

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