And It All Goes to Hell

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And I love what you do, don't you know that you're toxic?

Draco couldn't help as his smile grew the closer he got to the office. He then stopped, rearranging his face into his usual scowl. It wouldn't do to walk in looking like the cat that fucking ate the canary after taking the day off. It would be the fastest way to get himself and Liv into trouble. He wasn't even sure if their excuses worked.

But then he thought back to yesterday.

Liv had gotten up early and sent off her owl to her assistant, telling her to send everything to her house at lunch as she was sick. He did the same - sending word to Blaise to let him know that he was recovering from a nasty explosion. He was sure that Blaise wouldn't believe him, but at least he wasn't aware that he and Liv were together.

At least he hoped so. It was reckless, he knew this. But he wouldn't take any of it back.

He then made them breakfast - as promised. After a quick session on the island - they really couldn't keep their hands off each other - they managed to shower (again, took longer than intended) and get over to Liv's place before a frazzled Alexa showed up with a pile of paperwork. Liv managed to look miserable enough to sell her story that she was sick and the assistant quickly left.

They spent the afternoon working in her library, stopping every so often to snog, make love or just talk about their lives whenever they got stuck. It was surprisingly productive, all things considered. While he wanted nothing more than to spend another night with her, Liv had sent him off, saying they definitely could not show up at the office at the same time together and they both needed sleep. It took a bit of coaxing on both their parts, but he had finally made it back to his house, falling asleep with a grin on his face.

And now he struggled to keep himself in check, knowing that in mere moments he would see her again. He felt his cock twitch slightly as his thoughts veered towards a particularly hot fantasy he had of taking Liv on his desk. Maybe that could finally become reality if they worked late and charmed the hell out of his office door.

But as soon as Draco stepped into the office, something felt distinctly off. He stopped and looked around, noticing that everyone was huddled together whispering as they looked towards Liv's office at the back, all wearing worried expressions. Draco followed their gazes, seeing a pale Liv sitting at her desk, staring forward, as White stood before her desk, the look on his face strained as his lips moved.

Draco's heart stopped as his stomach dropped. Fuck. Someone had found out.

Glancing around, he thanked Merlin that no one seemed to have noticed him walk in. He then made his way over to Blaise, who was standing just outside his office, his brow furrowed in worry as he watched the scene play out through the windows.

"What's going on?" Draco hissed as he neared him. Blaise glanced at him and then looked back at Liv's office.

"Dunno. They were already in there when I got here," he said, his voice lacking its usual mirth. "Good to see you're healed up from the explosion."

"Yea... spent the day at St. Mungo's," Draco lied. "Wasn't fun."

He couldn't help as his stomach twisted into knots. White was now clearly yelling at Liv as she shut her eyes, the strain clear on her face. Her eyes then flew open, blazing as she jumped to her feet and started yelling back, her hands cutting through the air as she gestured wildly.

"Whatever it is, she's giving as good as she gets," Blaise said in awe.

They continued to watch in silent horror before White turned towards the door. Draco quickly shoved Blaise into his office as everyone else scattered.

ToxicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora