Vampiria: A Gender-Bending Va...

By LisaAkahana

90.7K 617 167

In the fictional Stoker City, the life of a normal teenage boy changes forever when he is bitten by a vampire... More

1 - My First Kiss Goes Horribly Wrong
2 - The Day I Changed
3 - There Are Some Changes That Are Definitely Not "Just Puberty"
4 - My New Life, a.k.a. Being a Girl May Have Some Perks After All
5 - A Trip to the Mall Takes a Dangerous Turn
6 - My Aunt Discovers Her Nephew May Actually Be Her Niece
7 - A Therapy Session In Which My Therapists Probably Need Therapy
8 - New Clothes & Bigger Problems
9 - Shedding the Cocoon
11 - Adjusting to a New Me
12 - I Make a Career as a Gender-Bending Detective
13 - The Day Everything Changed
14 - The End of the Beginning

10 - Blood Sister

4.1K 40 5
By LisaAkahana

Laurel pushed open the large double doors. She led me into a large hall. Banners bearing the Laurent family crest hung from the walls and ceiling. The crest depicted a naked woman breaking free from a spherical shape. At the end of the hall where a long red velvet carpet led were two thrones. One red, and one black.

The black throne was empty, but in the red one sat a regal woman. She was adorned in a black gown, dark brown hair flowing just as long, and skin as white as snow. Mother Laurent.

Sprawled over her was maid, whose dress had been unbuttoned to reveal her neck which was gushing with blood.

'Mother is feasting,' Laurel told me. 'Maid's volunteer for this, don't worry. They aren't killed, only drained slightly. It is a great privilege to be bitten by a Pure-Blooded Laurent in this home, especially for our human servants.'

'You employ servants here?' I silently gasped.

'We rescue them from the dredges of society and give them new life among vampiric royalty. For them, serving us is no punishment. They like the work, and we treat them fairly.'

Laurel held my hand as we advanced closer to the throne. Mother Laurent shooed the maid away and wiped her mouth clean of blood. She smiled when she saw Laurel, but her eyes lit up when she saw me.

We arrived at her throne. I couldn't believe that the woman before me had given birth to Laurel. Mother Laurent looked like she was only ten-years older than us. I could still tell her age, not from her appearance, but from her aura. She exuded experience, and I was sure had lived a great many lives, not all of them filled with happiness.

Laurel curtsied while I bowed as instructed before. Mother Laurent looked pleased with the display.

'This is the new blood I've heard so little about, I presume,' Mother Laurent said. I stayed still and let Laurel do the talking.

'You are correct, Mother. She is the new Sister you requested to meet.'

'And a beautiful thing at that,' Mother Laurent said. She rose from her throne and faced me directly. Lightly, she stroked my face with her long black nails, which were more like talons. She was a raven, queen of the night.

She grabbed my chin, squeezing my face and lips, examining me, every painstaking detail.

'She has room to blossom, but you have done an excellent job preparing her today, Laurel. She has much potential as a Sister. You have chosen well, my dear.'

'Thank you, mother.'

'What is your name, dear Daughter?'

The raven woman was addressing me directly. I was about to say my real name, but Laurel's advice rushed back.

'I have not been gifted one yet,' I replied softly. Laurel sighed with relief.

'Than a name you shall receive,' Mother Laurent said. 'And please, call me Mother, for we are blood now.'

Mother Laurent examined me further, before sitting back in her throne and pondering. Her eyes lit up suddenly, and an excited smile stretched over her black lips.

'Your new name will be Evelyn Laurent, Evie for short. Evelyn fits you nicely, dear. Do you not agree?'

'Of course, Mother,' I replied. Evelyn? I'll admit, I like Brendan Fraser's Mummy movies as much as the next person, but apart from his girlfriend in those, Evelyn isn't the most common name. I was shocked and oddly pleased.

'I am looking forward to seeing more of you, my daughter Evelyn . I have faith that you will make a good Sister. I hope this means I'll be seeing much more of you as well, Laurel. I've missed you lately.'

Laurel didn't reply. She simply nodded and led me back down the hall.

'So my new name is Evelyn Laurent,' I said.

'It has a nice ring to it,' Laurel said. 'It fits such a beautiful girl. Don't worry, you will only be expected to be Evelyn when you're here. I know how much you like clinging to the life of Gavin Middleton. Becoming a Sister is usually a decision, not something you're forced into. I intend to keep it that way if you wish.'

I nodded.

'Are there any more relatives you want me to meet?'

Laurel thought for a second. 'I think that should be enough for today. The Laurent's Ball is coming up, so I'll show you off there. You can meet the other Sisters there, and possibly my father if he shows up. I'll make you the Belle of the ball!'

I kept a mental note of the Ball. As much as I didn't want to betray Laurel's trust, I needed to report everything back to Helsing. Mother was nice to me, but I knew for sure she took part in the Blood Feasts, maybe even organized them. And even though Laurel said they were fine, the servants still felt off to me. There was something strange about them, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

'I guess I probably have to go now,' I said. I had a lot to tell the Good Doctor. Not only had I successfully infiltrated the Laurent family and met with the Mother, but I needed to report the two vampires, Strahm and Hoffman, who attacked us last night. Somehow, they knew I was on good terms with Helsing, it couldn't be a coincidence. Hopefully, I had seen the last of them. Strahm looked very dead, but I thought I was and here I am. Regardless if they were alive or not, I was pretty sure Hoffman ingested some of my blood. If I ever meet the two again, I figure we'd have more in common than before.

'You could stay here for a bit if you want,' Laurel said. She looked hopeful. I could tell she felt uncomfortable at her family's home. I didn't want to leave her, she needed a friend, but I had to report to Helsing. 'If you have no other plans, you could even sleep over.'

I shook my head. 'I'm sorry Laurel. I have to get home and-'

I couldn't believe I forgot. I wanted to kick myself.

'Laurel, what time is it?'

'Almost 6.00pm, why?'

'I promised Walt and Ramone I'd meet them for a movie! I have to get changed, now!'

I raced towards Laurel's bedroom as fast as I could in high heels, but Laurel pulled me back.

'That would be impossible,' she said. 'What would you change into?'

'My normal clothes.'

'They're stained with blood, remember?'

'What else am I supposed to wear?'

Laurel smirked, eying my body. 'Do you not like the clothes you have on?'

'Of course I do!' I clasped my hands over my mouth. Why did I say that? 'What I meant to say, was that I appreciate the clothes, but they're not me.'

Laurel scoffed. 'They are so you, Evie. Red suits you perfectly. You're pretty, deal with it. I'm sure Ramone and Walt wouldn't care. They're shallow as can be.'

'Hey! Only Ramone is shallow. Walt is perfectly normal.'

'Listen, the only way you're leaving this property is as you are now. It's not my fault you planned a meeting with your friends. If they really are your friends, they won't care too much. Trust me.'

'Obviously, you don't know Walt and Ramone very well.'

'What's the worst that could happen?'

Laurel's words repeated in my mind as I approached the meeting place the two goofballs had assigned. It was Central Stoker Crossing, a large, elevated pathway overlooking the city's main highway. It connected both sides of the mega mall. It was quite high for a large path, especially one with a fountain in the center, but nobody ever fell.

The worst you'd see is a body hung from beneath, usually a turncoat of some vampire gang killed as punishment. Central Stoker Crossing had always been our designated meeting spot. It was close to the cinema and had the best view of the city by far. Especially at twilight, the evening sky was unreal.

The view almost distracted me from my predicament. I could see the two boys from afar, loitering around the fountain, waiting for me.

'I can't do this,' I said.

'Of course you can,' Laurel said. 'They're your friends.' I was on the phone with her. She had escorted me out of the Laurent's mansion which was located on its own block downtown. We had a limo drive us to the mall where she left me. I called her when I got too nervous to go on. I was surprised I made it through the mall dressed like this but seeing my two friends terrified me.

'What should I say to them? How can I explain my appearance?'

'Tell them your trans. That's what I would do.'

'Absolutely not!'

'Fine. Just say your Aunt made you do this. Make up some excuse like that. Listen, I've got another call coming through, so you're on your own now, Isabelle. Tell me how it goes.'

Laurel hung up, leaving me alone against one of the greatest obstacles I've faced in my teenage life. I put the phone back in my purse that Laurel had given me. I took a mirror out and checked my reflection. My makeup was still immaculate. I still looked cute...unfortunately.

I sighed and walked towards my friends. Hundreds of potential excuses filled my mind, none of them good. My steps became smaller and smaller, not because of the shoes, but my nerves. I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it.

'Helloooo, sexy,' Ramone called out when he saw me. I don't think he recognized me at all. Walt was looking at me, slowly figuring it out. 'What brings a cute little lady like yourself here at this hour?'

I smile nervously at them. 'Hi guys,' I said softly. 'I hope I'm not late.'

Walt's jaw dropped, but Ramone was still figuring it out.

'Wait a second,' he said. 'I know you?'

I continued smiling nervously, looking at Walt. He slowly approached me until he was uncomfortably close to my face, examining it like Mother Laurent had just done.

'Gavin?' he said. He looked at my breasts which were poking out from under my blouse. 'Is that really you?'

'I guess so,' I said.

'GAVIN!' Ramone yelled. He shoved Walt away and grabbed my shoulders. 'Who gave you permission to look this cute? Why are you dressed like this? Not that I'm complaining, but I'm confused nonetheless.'

'I, um, well, you see, I...wanted to surprise you?'

'Consider us surprised,' Walt said. 'But why like this?'

'You were talking about how I dressed up for Wacky Wardrobe day recently, so I decided to surprise you with Wardrobe day?'

Walt raised an eyebrow.

'Why didn't you tell me?' Ramone said. 'I could have dressed up as well! Now it just looks like you enjoy cross dressing but needed an excuse to cover it up.'

'No way!' I exclaimed. 'That's not what this is, at all. Don't even say that!'

'Whatever you say,' Walt said, not looking convinced.

'How about we get to that movie,' Ramone said, thankfully easing the tension. 'Only if I get to hold your hand on the way there?'

'Why?' I asked. 'So it looks like you have a girlfriend?'

Ramone smiled and grasped my palm. 'Exactamundo, milady. What an outfit I might say. I'm surprised you went with such high heels. You walk pretty well in them.'

'Like I said, everything is a surprise!'

With my hand in his, Ramone led me along to the cinema, Walt tagging closely behind. It was weird having my best friend so close to me like this. He wanted to make it look like he had a girlfriend by using me, it was insane. So far, it had gone better than I hoped. Walt still seemed unsure about my reasons, and Ramone was still acting like a pest, but at least they didn't take it negatively. Ramone was making sure I was having fun at least, maybe that was his way of easing me into dressing like this. Maybe he thought the same thing as Walt, that I was secretly a cross dresser and this was my way to coming out to the two of them.

Or maybe Ramone was just a sex obsessed idiot. Either way, none of them were throwing any insults my way.

We arrived at the movie theatre shortly. The movie had just begun by the time we made it in. Ramone had made it so that I sat in-between both him and Walt. From afar, it probably looked like I was involved in some teenage polyamorous relationship which amused me a bit.

We were seeing a screening of Ghostbusters in line for a Halloween celebration. October 31st was only a week away. I could have used that as an excuse for the way I dressed!

About halfway through the movie, Ramone put his arm around me. I nudged him to stop, but I don't think he noticed. Walt sure noticed and glared at Ramone for the rest of the film. Walt even put his arm around me! For some reason, both of my best friends were dueling over who got to put their arm around me. It was complete madness, so I was relieved when the movie ended.

'That was a sweet flick, but I have to head home,' Ramone said as we exited the theatre. 'I gotta go bust some ghosts at home if you know what I mean.'

'Please don't educate us,' I said.

'Oh! How about a picture before I go. You and me!'

I blushed. 'I'm not sure about that. I don't really want this moment immortalized-'

Ramone rushed over and took a selfie with me before I could argue anymore.

'My cousins can't say my fake girlfriend isn't real now,' Ramone said. He smiled and fired a finger gun at me. 'See you at school, babydoll.'

I raised an eyebrow at him.

'I mean, see you at school, amigo.' Ramone caught the bus home, leaving just me and Walt to walk. Walt lived in the apartment right across from mine. It was actually how we met. We took the same route to school so we saw each other every day. It made sense for us to be friends.

'Ramone's such a jackass,' Walt said as we walked down the dark Stoker streets, shivering in the cool autumn air. 'Why didn't you tell him to stop?'

'Stop what?'

'Treating you like a girl.'

'I don't know. It seemed to make him happy.'

Walt looked at me. 'Did it make you happy?'

'No! Well, I don't know. I'm happy whenever my friends are happy. Is that good enough?'

Walt went silent. We reached my apartment before long, but Walt wasn't ready to say goodbye. There was more weighing on his mind, and he wanted to talk.

'Is it okay if I come over to your place for a bit?' he asked. 'For studying!'

Aunt Jenny was still out. She wouldn't be back until tomorrow night. My keys were in my bloodstained clothes, so I would have to pick out the extra set from the woman at the front desk. I was already nervous about that, so having Walt with me might help.

'Sure,' I said. In truth, being home alone terrified me. Strahm and Hoffman had found me easily, and Laurel was off doing her own thing, so having Walt around eased my mind.

We walked into the lobby and went up to the front desk. The front desk lady eyed me.

'Hello,' I said. 'Can I have the key for Room Fifteen on the Seventh Floor. I live with Jenny Parkinson. My name, Gavin...Middleton.'

The front desk lady's eyes widened. We had spoken many times before, usually when she scolded me for running in the lobby. Thankfully, she recognized me and didn't say a word. She handed me the key and left me with a knowing nod and a warm smile.

We rode the elevator up to the seventh floor. I led the way slowly down the hall, careful not to alert anyone of our presence. My neighbors on the seventh floor always seemed to hanging out near the front door, waiting for someone to pass. They were a bit too eager for conversation.

I unlocked the front door and let Walt in. The apartment was empty, no sign of any break-in or any other vampires. I was safe. I was useless during the encounter with Strahm and Hoffman so I wasn't sure how well I could defend myself, let alone Walt, against a vampire attack.

'Is your Aunt not home?' Walt said, admiring the view.

'She's out. It's just the two of us.'

Walt looked at me, then away very quickly. 'Do you want to play some video games or something?'

'I thought you said you wanted to study?'

'Yeah, but that gets boring fast. It's not like we're going off to some Ivy League college anytime soon.'

'I thought you wanted to go to Harvard?'

Walt went red. 'I...did, but not anymore.'

'What? Why not? That's where your parents want you to go.'

'Well, I'm not my parents, am I?' Walt snapped. 'Can we please talk about something else? Like maybe why you're coming on to me?'

I almost laughed. That's what he thought it was, my reason for dressing up. I shouldn't have used Wacky Wardrobe Day as an excuse. He mentions I look like a girl, and next time he sees me, I'm dressed head-to-toe in feminine attire, pretty as a blossoming flower.

'Excuse me?' I suitably answered.

'You dressed up for me, didn't you? You've known all this time that I had a crush on you when you dressed up as a girl for Wacky Wardrobe day.'

'Excuse me? What!'

He went tomato red. 'You mean you didn't know?'

'Not until now I didn't!'


We said nothing for a while. I went to my room to change. Now that his secret was out, I didn't want to stay dressed like this. It was too uncomfortable. Walt followed me, presumably to apologize.

'Why are you dressed like this?' he asked.

I wasn't able to take a single piece of clothing or makeup off before he spoke. 'I can't tell you,' I said. 'It's my secret.'

'It has something to do with Laurel, doesn't it? You two have been getting friendly lately. I feel like I've barely seen you this past week.'

'Things have been...complicated. I'm sorry.'

Walt chuckled. 'Complicated is an understatement. You're beautiful.'

I don't know what came over me after that. I looked back at him, and he saw the happiness in my eyes, I didn't let the emotion break through to my face but he saw through it.

'You think I'm beautiful?'

'I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.'

He looked down in sadness, so I wandered over. I lifted his chin up and smiled. I planted my lips on his. It was only meant to be a sign of friendly encouragement, whatever lame excuse that was to kiss my best friend. It went on for longer than it should have. We moved to my bed the intensity of our passion increased. He put his hand down my blouse, feeling my breasts.

He shot back up. 'You're a girl.'

I said nothing. He rose from my bed and put his shirt back on. I didn't want him to leave but I let him go. Aunt Jenny would be home soon, and if she found us sprawled on each other's bodies, she would have freaked. Walt said goodbye and left me to curse myself for what I let happen.

The temptation took over and I nearly had sex with my best friend. I liked him as a friend, but not like THAT. At least, I didn't used to, but the longer I spent in this body, the more I began to see how attractive Walt was, even Ramone to a degree.

'I have to find a cure,' I said to myself as I returned to my normal clothes, doing my best to hide my breasts with a hoodie. I didn't want to see any sign of my female form, which was getting harder as my face looked more feminine as each day passed.

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