A Study In Anatomy

By BrathorCyr

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Miles, a human, finds himself overwhelmed with curiosity after moving to a city where the majority of the pop... More

I. Lecture
II. Homework
III. Study
IV. Practicals
V. Interview
VI. Sabbatical
VII. Field Studies
IX. Collaboration
X. Deviation

VIII. Dependencies

133 7 0
By BrathorCyr

Returning to normal life after visiting the Menagerie felt like stepping into an old movie – by contrast, everything felt washed out and unfocused. Miles did, however, feel more relaxed than he had in a long time. He hadn't realized how much he'd missed the social life he'd shared with his ex-boyfriend, and now that he'd had a taste of the Seneca City nightlife, he didn't think he'd be going back to spending weekends at home by himself.

Nevertheless, Mr. Riley's health class remained a unique challenge. The first problem was that the teacher continued to supplement his lectures with photos of models that could have been porn stars. For example, the high-definition images of a very athletic tiger, shown from the front and side, were currently being displayed on the large screen at the front of the class. The model's prominent erection was almost as admirable as his physique, and based on the way some of his classmates were shifting in their seats, he didn't think he was the only one to notice.

The images had been carefully cropped so most of the tiger's face wasn't visible, preserving his anonymity, but that just encouraged Miles' imagination. He pictured a cocky young zeta with a smirk, thick fingers slowly easing down his torso until they wrapped around his cock, thick and glistening in the photographer's lights.

And then Miles realized what he was doing and forced himself to focus on his tablet to take notes. During previous lectures, Miles had exerted a great deal of self control to keep those types of thoughts in check. He'd assumed that after the weekend, (and after getting laid for the first time in months, not counting that situation with Alec) that would have been easier. Instead, he found that his fantasies had grown more vivid.

With some hesitation, he began using the tricks he'd used before to keep his mind from lingering on the sensual details. No matter how comfortable he was starting to get around zetamorphs, there was no doubt that it would be a bad idea if his classmates put together what Miles' arousal scents in this class might mean. Alec had, after all. He'd been lucky that the wolf was open to the idea rather than repulsed by it. He couldn't count on his other classmates being so open minded.

"Sexually speaking, felinid males are most known for the presence of penile spines, more commonly referred to as barbs, located near the tips of their penises, as pictured here." The canine zeta, pacing near the front of the room, paused and used a small laser pointer to call attention to the anatomy in question.

The cock itself was mostly smooth, with a rounded tip. It was just human enough in shape to be appealing and familiar to Miles, but still exotic. Like the other zeta penises he'd seen, this one had a pink, fleshy color that made it stand out sharply from the fur around it. Unlike those, a collection of small, fleshy prickles were prevalent in an inch-wide ring near the tip. Miles inevitably started thinking about what the texture might feel like – first, just against his fingers, but that idle speculation quickly turned more intimate.

He also started to compare it to the others he'd seen recently. He thought Alec's might have been thicker overall, but the tiger was still hung by human standards. Without meaning to, that thought spurred him to glance to his right. The wolf, his dark brown fur looking black in the low light, was staring ahead with steadfast interest, tail down and curled under his seat while eyes and ears were stiffly focused on the front of the room. The human had the distinct impression Alec was ignoring him, which probably made sense after their awkward conversation in the bathroom of the Menagerie. He'd basically told Alec to fuck off and mind his own business. Now, he worried he'd been too severe.

"—are used to stimulate ovulation in females and facilitate reproduction. They are composed primarily of fibrous tissue called keratin."

Miles set his jaw and refocused on the lecture. He didn't usually have this kind of difficulty paying attention in his classes. He had the grades to show it. But the subject matter was too close to the other things his mind had been focused on, and that made it harder to keep his thoughts from drifting.

Later in the lecture, while Riley paused to let his students take some notes for an impending exam later in the week, a female cougar raised her hand. There was an uncharacteristic hesitation before Riley nodded to her in acknowledgement.

"Yes, Ms. Carson?"

"I have a friend who says that barbs make sex hurt. Is that true?"

The teacher pulled the gold-framed spectacles from his muzzle and produced a lens cloth from the front pocket of his tweed jacket. There were a few murmurs from other students.

"The short answer is yes," Mr. Riley said flatly. "Spines can cause discomfort and even injury.

"There is a procedure many felinid males undergo that dulls the barbs. This is commonly referred to as felinid circumcision, though that is not a technically accurate term, and should not be confused with human circumcision procedures we discussed last week." Riley replaced his glasses, then clicked forward to the next slide, which showed a slightly curved, tapered penis attached to a tawny sheath. The barbs on the end looked more like small bumps than spines, as they had on the previous slide. Miles had to admit, they looked more inviting than the unaltered spines the tiger had been equipped with.

"The procedure makes penetrative sex more comfortable for a felinid male's partners, but there are some complications. First, the functionality of the spines is reduced, making it harder to induce ovulation and thus reducing fertility. That can be easily remedied with medical devices, so don't be overly concerned about that issue. The other concern is that many males who have undergone the procedure as an adult claim reduced sensitivity. This last issue doesn't seem to occur in males who have the procedure performed before puberty, but this is, of course, controversial.

"For the felinids in the room, I wish to stress that you will be able to lead a normal sex life regardless of whether you have natural or modified spines. For those who haven't had the procedure, there are specialized condoms among other solutions you can use to reduce discomfort for your partners. As I said during our discussion on the canid 'knot,' it's most important to plan ahead. Spur of the moment decisions are what lead to unwanted consequences."

This was a statement Riley had issued before, and Miles was starting to think of it as a mantra. Superficially, the human agreed with the sentiment. All this unpleasantness with Alec could have been prevented with a blunt conversation about the mechanics of what they wanted to do.

But, Miles had always enjoyed the thrill that came with acting on impulse and the feeling of being wanted that often came when a relationship became sexual. It was hard to imagine those moments surviving in a world where the entire act was planned out in advance. He imagined what it would have been like if he'd had to sit down with Tyler before their first time and talk through the mechanics and boundaries and possible complications. He doubted he'd have been able to work up the nerve.

The zetamorph situation added an extra layer of complication. He remembered Coach Card's story about his ancestor all too well. He supposed it would be worth sacrificing some of that thrill if it would prevent things like, say, getting forcibly knotted in a public place.

He risked another glance towards Alec and caught one of the wolf's ears angled towards him, if only for a few seconds. That brought an unexpected warmth to Miles's chest. He'd worried the wolf had given up on him, but maybe there was still something there.

"Another important thing to know is that most male felinids have an extremely short refractory period. They are instinctually driven to pursue ejaculation multiple times in an encounter. This instinct is born out of the need to stimulate ovulation to successfully impregnate a female. In feral felines such as lions, this can be taken to extremes – for example, when mating, wild lions copulate three to four times per hour over the course of several days. For lion-zetas, the frequency is about the same, but the process typically only takes a few hours."

There were some murmured exclamations and at least one giggle as the class processed that. Miles tried to imagine what it would be like to do nothing but have sex for three or four days. He knew he would never have that kind of stamina. But maybe some zetas did. He could see it from Virgil, the zeta he'd hooked up with at the Menagerie over the weekend. The hare hadn't been boasting about his virility. He'd exhausted both Miles and the fox, Simon, by the end of the night, and he'd still looked disappointed when Miles said he was done.

At some point between the hare's escapades, Miles had taken the opportunity to ride Simon. Virgil had suggested it as "practice for your wolf," and the sex-drunk Miles had liked the idea enough to give it a try. The relatively gentle and lazy sex had been a nice contrast to some of the other other activities for the night. Although, Simon had gotten fairly loud and even a bit grabby when he'd finally been able to take the vulpine's knot. But he didn't have any bruises or claw marks to show for the encounter, and that was an improvement over what had happened with Alec.

Miles had a hard time shaking off memories during the rest of the lecture, but he did make the attempt. When the bell rang, he was embarrassed to realize he hadn't taken as many notes as he should have considering that they were just a few days away from a midterm. He'd need to spend some time with the textbook tonight to make sure he hadn't missed anything. Although, a part of him mused that there was a more exciting way he could study felinid anatomy.

He again glanced to his right, wondering if now would be a good time to try talking to Alec again. The wolf had already packed his things and was walking out the room without so much as a look of acknowledgement. Miles watched him leave, frustrated at the wolf's attitude. He supposed he'd just need to give it a few days. Sighing, he began to pack up his own things.

"Mr. Hawley, I'd like a word, if you don't mind."

A cold feeling momentarily seized Miles and he looked up at Mr. Riley, who had moved over to his desk in the front corner of the room. The human finished securing his textbook and tablet, then shouldered his bag before walking to the front corner of the classroom where the teacher appeared to be typing an email.

This close to the german shepherd, that cold feeling he'd felt earlier grew into a general tightness in his stomach. The zeta was intimidating up close, and he had a reputation around the school for being stern and unforgiving. Despite this, Miles quickly realized he was feeling something else that he wasn't entirely comfortable with. Not with a teacher. He decided it must have been a product of the way his mind had been wandering a few minutes earlier and tried to ignore it.

"Relax, Mr. Hawley," the zeta said, apparently picking up on his tension without even looking away from his screen, although he did have an ear pointed at the human. "You're not in trouble."

He took a deep breath and tried to take the teacher's advice. He didn't want the zeta to realize that at least some of the tension in Miles's scent and body language was more than anxiety. "Oh. Then is it about the paper we turned in last week? I know it was a little longer than you asked for, but I felt the subject needed–"

The dog tapped his screen once to send the email, then turned his full attention on Miles, who suddenly realized he'd been babbling. The zeta's muzzle parted in an expression Miles was surprised to recognize as a wry grin. It was the kind of expression he wasn't used to seeing from a teacher, especially Mr. Riley, who always seemed so strict and serious.

"Humility may be a virtue, Mr. Hawley, but false modesty doesn't suit you. You've only been here a few months, but now that your credits from New Garden have been applied, you've established yourself as one of the top students in this year's class of seniors. You shouldn't be afraid to show that."

Some of the warmth and tightness he felt returned as he opened his mouth to respond, unsure whether he should start with a thank you or an apology. When he failed to make the decision, the teacher just waved a hand. "Well, that's something we can discuss another time. This is about another matter."

Briefly, he wondered if Coach Card or Alec had talked to Riley. Would this be another lecture on the dangers of zetasex?

"I wanted to see if you might be interested in some extra credit work. It would look good on your college applications, if nothing else."

Unbidden, his mind immediately went to the dirtiest gutter it could find in the form of a surprisingly vivid fantasy. A part of him was disgusted at himself, the teacher was probably older than his father. But, Miles couldn't help but feel like the slight salting of gray on his muzzle and cheeks made him look handsome. The mental imagery caused the warmth he'd felt earlier to spread to his cheeks, ears, and groin.

At Miles's silence, the teacher cocked his head ever-so-slightly, and the human cringed inwardly as he saw the dog's nostrils flare a few times. A tan eyebrow rose, though Miles wasn't sure how to interpret that. "Not that Mr. Hawley. I understand the subject matter for this class might be exhilarating, but I would appreciate you exercising some self control."

Miles shifted his stance and hoped the slight pressure between his legs wasn't obvious. "Sorry, Sir."

The teacher sighed. "It's all right, Miles. I remember what it was like to be a teenager. Let's just focus on the matter at hand, yes?"

The human nodded, and Riley continued.

"I'll keep this simple. There are several students in this class that are struggling. I believe one in particular would benefit from peer tutoring, and Mr. Card has asked that I find a student who might be a good fit."

Miles had a sudden suspicion he knew where this was going and he wasn't sure how he felt about it. "It's Alec, isn't it."

The unflappable Riley's eyes widened, but he nodded. "An impressive deduction, Mr. Hawley. Is this an issue? I saw the two of you speaking after class last week, and you seemed to be getting along. Did I misinterpret things?"

Miles resisted the urge to laugh. They had gotten along. That was sort of the problem. Did he trust himself to spend any time alone with the wolf without feeling the same urges he'd felt in that shower on Friday? Not for a second.

"We kind of had an argument."

Riley's disappointment was plain enough for Miles to read it. "Is that a no, then?"

Miles shook his head. "I'm willing to do it if he needs the help, but I don't want to make things worse since there's some tension between us."

"I see," Riley adjusted his glasses, then leaned back his chair, regarding Miles with slightly narrowed eyes. "Well, I suppose the next step then is to see if he'll agree to this arrangement. Should I arrange a discussion, or would you like to speak to him first?"

He hesitated. "I think it would go easier if you're there. If that's OK, Sir."

"That's fine. I'll let Alec know that I need to see him this afternoon. Please be here at 3:30."

The teacher looked like he was about to dismiss Miles, but the human had one more question.

"Is this tutor thing why you called my dad last week?"

He seemed taken aback by the question.

"Oh. Well, yes and no. I did mention that I was interested in you tutoring a student, and your father seemed to think you'd be good at that. But there was another routine matter. Nothing you need to worry about."

Miles looked back at Riley, unsure if he should push. "I'd still like to know. Unless it's confidential for some reason."

There was another pause as Riley regarded him, then after a short sigh, he shrugged and explained.

"Next week, there will be a lecture that discusses zetasexuality, or at least as much as I'm allowed to cover by state law. It's mandatory for zetas, because they need to understand the legal ramifications. Human students are required to get parental permission to attend, which means they usually don't."

Miles blinked. "Isn't it my decision? I'm an adult, right?"

"That would be my preference. But the school board has informed me that in this case, the permission requirement applies to all human students with no exceptions. If I were a lawyer, I might argue that such requirements are a violation of the 22nd Amendment, but I've learned to choose my battles."

Every teenager in the country was well aware of the 22nd Amendment, which firmly established adulthood as beginning at age eighteen. It had been ratified during the war, mainly for draft purposes. In the decades since, the amendment had been used to strike down nearly all legal age restrictions set above eighteen.

"So, what did my dad say?"

Riley shrugged his large shoulders. "It's rare for human students to be allowed to participate, and he seemed to think it would be best to have you follow suit."

Miles wasn't sure how to interpret that. Again, he wondered how his father, who had always been supportive of his sexuality, would handle learning what he had been doing on Saturday night. Riley misinterpreted Miles' discomfort.

"No need to worry, Mr. Hawley. No one will think less of you. As I said, it's rare any human students are allowed to attend. You'll be excused from class and sent to the library to complete an alternate assignment when the time comes."


For the rest of the day, Miles continued to find it difficult to concentrate. It didn't help that his last last class of the day was pre-calculus. The teacher, an elderly human named Ashby, didn't put much effort into anything. He suspected she'd taught the same way for three or more decades. Each class, Ms. Ashby would dim the lights, and then she would sit on a stool next to an old fashioned overhead projector and meticulously demonstrate math problems. She would talk through her process, and try to explain new concepts, and she would pause periodically for questions. But Miles found that after twenty or so minutes of this, everything sort of blended together.

His thoughts kept drifting to Alec. It had been surprising to learn he was struggling with Riley's class, but then he realized that he knew almost nothing about the wolf. They'd only known each other a few days, after all. After everything that had happened, it felt like it had been a lot longer.

He felt guilty as well. Alec had taken the time to ask about Miles's family. He'd walked around his home and asked about his hobbies. And Miles hadn't bothered to return the favor because he'd assumed Alec was just doing it as a pretense for sex. Now that Miles was trying to process how he felt about the wolf, he wished he'd taken the time to get to know him better. He resolved that this tutoring thing might give him that opportunity. That is, if they could get over all the baggage surrounding their encounter in the locker room.

When the electronic chime sounded the end of the class and the school day, he found he was eager for the conversation. But it was only 3:00, which meant he had time to kill before anything else.

He made his way to his locker and changed out a couple of textbooks he'd need for the night, then wasted a few minutes near the cafeteria, where he bought a Coke, ignoring the imagined protest from his father, who'd always disapproved of sugary drinks. Miles just wanted the caffeine, though he secretly enjoyed the ultra-sweet taste and the way the carbonation stung his tongue.

He watched the clock tick by as a few other students passed on their way out, or to extracurriculars like marching band or football practice – where Alec would probably need to be soon. At 3:29, the human made his way to Riley's classroom, ignoring the slight tingling in his fingers and the jumpy feeling in his stomach.

The heavy door to Mr. Riley's classroom was open as he approached it from the hallway. When he was a few feet away, he realized the teacher's deep voice was carrying out into the corridor, even though he was keeping his voice low. The tone in Riley's voice was surprisingly tender, laden with genuine concern. Miles hesitated, stopping just outside the door frame so he could listen without being seen. He told himself he wasn't eavesdropping, he just wanted to make sure he wouldn't be walking in on the middle of a personal conversation.

"—know you have a lot of pressure on you at home, but your father can't expect you to bear that kind of burden by yourself."

"He doesn't. But someone needs to." Alec's voice. Defensive. "Mom's already working two jobs. It's still not enough."

Miles glanced down the hallway, immediately feeling like he was invading Alec's privacy. Should he leave and come back in a few minutes? He almost did just that, but curiosity kept him in place.

Hearing Alec speaking about his home life shifted Miles's entire perception of the wolf. He realized then, he'd been making a lot of assumptions about Alec based on the humans he'd known back at his old school. Because the majority of students were zetamorphs, Alec was one of the most popular students. He was an athletic senior. Charming. Attractive. And the starting quarterback for any high school was always a minor celebrity by high school standards.

Riley let out a slow breath. "Alec, the bottom line is you're failing my class, and Mason – Coach Card says you're not doing well elsewhere either."

"No offense, Mr. Riley, but your class just isn't that important. It's not like the plant is going to give a shit about my GPA. If mom wasn't making me finish high school, I'd probably already be working there."

A pause. "Alec, you're bright enough to do something with your life. I know money's an issue, but Mason says you've had a few college scouts expressing serious interest. If you keep playing as well as you have been, you could have a scholarship."

"That only solves half the problem. I could find a way to pay for college if I had to. But, the settlement my dad signed only gives us about six months. After that, if I'm not bringing in money, my brothers and sisters are going to start going hungry."

"You know, the only reason that plant even operates in Seneca City is because the zetamorphs don't complain about all the safety violations," Riley said, a slight growl creeping into his voice.

Alec chuckled darkly. "I know all about that thanks to my dad," his voice broke and the wolf took a steadying breath before continuing. "But they hire people without experience, and they give you plenty of hours."

"There are other jobs, Alec."

"I mean, I know that too. I actually have a. . . thing I've been doing on the weekends. I've been trying to set the money I get for that aside. If I can lean into that, I might be able to put some away for my family."

Miles remembered the way Alec had been dressed at the Menagerie. The tight shirt. The jeans cut to show off the athletic curves of his legs and ass. The way his fur had looked styled. The scent of some kind of cologne clinging to him. That shirt had been red.

No one said anything for several long seconds. Miles heard the minute hand on the old clock over the door move. "Alec, I know what kinds of jobs zetas work in this city when they're desperate for money."

When the wolf remained quiet, Riley let out another sigh. "I can't condone it, but If it gives you a chance at a better life, I'm not going to tell you to stop. Just, be careful. Hell, if there's any class you should be paying attention to, it's this one."

After a few more minutes, Alec spoke up again. "So, how do I get my grades up?"

"I'm not going to go easy on you. I won't offer you opportunities that I wouldn't give to anyone else. That said, I have found another student who's agreed to help tutor you for my class, at least."

"Who? Cara?"

"I considered Ms. Carson, but I worried her extracurriculars would be an obstacle, especially since your athletic schedule is also a complication." Riley cleared his throat, "You can come in, Mr. Hawley."

He hadn't realized he'd been noticed, and he felt slightly ashamed as he stepped around the door frame. Riley and Alec were standing a few feet apart at the front of the classroom, Riley leaning against his desk. Alec had turned to face them, tail down and ears flat as Miles stepped in.

The wolf's body language immediately stiffened, and his wide eyes darted from Riley to Miles several times, as if trying to decide if this was some kind of coordinated trap. "Jesus, how long have you been standing there?"

Miles knew his cheeks were turning pink, but he couldn't stop it. "Sorry. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, it just kind of happened."

The wolf let out a low growl of annoyance, and Riley had moved closer to put a hand on the wolf's shoulder. "Alec, I understand the two of you were involved in some sort of argument. Mr. Hawley told me he's willing to put that aside to help. He has fewer extracurriculars than most other students, and he is one of the top students in your year."

Alec dipped his muzzle and his ears flicked back. He pointedly avoided making eye contact.

"It's not a big deal, Alec. I can still help, even if we're not exactly best friends."

The wolf opened his mouth to say something, but he stopped himself. After a few seconds, he tried again. "You made it pretty clear you didn't want to be around me," he said, ears dropping again.

Miles heard some emotion creeping into his voice and fought it back as he spoke. "I told you I was just trying to figure things out. You're the one who won't even look at me now."

The wolf's golden eyes met Miles's for the first time, and despite his clear disquiet, his tail wagged a few times. "Miles, I don't want to do something that might hurt—" His ears flicked towards Riley and he cut himself off.

The teacher was looking between the two of them, his head tilted slightly in the same curious expression he'd used when he'd noticed Miles's arousal earlier in the day. He realized the zeta might be piecing together the exact nature of their "argument" and Miles felt a need to interrupt that train of thought.

"I've thought about that. Look, we can just meet in a public place so we can stay focused." He looked to Mr. Riley, "Do you know a place like that where we could study in the evenings?"

Riley considered a moment before responding in a slow and measured tone. Miles suspected his bid to distract the canine hadn't worked. "There's a coffee shop within walking distance that could work. I stop by there when I need to work late and usually see a few college students."

The wolf's ears were still low. "We'll need to work around my game and practice schedule. I doubt I'd be able to meet before 6:30 most nights."

Miles nodded. "Would before classes be an option?"

The wolf's eyes dropped. "I don't think I could get here early enough. I need to help my brothers get ready for school before I leave."

"So, evenings then?"

The wolf sighed. "That's probably the only option. That's when I—" he hesitated, glancing at Riley, "I usually work two or three nights a week and on the weekends."

"That's fine. I can make that work," Miles said. His dad might have an issue with it, but Riley said they had discussed it already. And it wasn't like they were going to be alone. "Like I said, I want to help. We could start Wednesday night, if you want. A good grade on Friday's midterm will be a good start."

The wolf looked to Riley, ears and tail still down. He then looked to Miles, eyes searching for something. Finally, the wolf let out one more breath, then dropped his arms. "Where's this coffee shop?"

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