Secrets of the Wolves

By SKatInk

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After an irreversible encounter when she was young, Sigrid has had to keep her true self a secret. She's a we... More

Chapter 1: Merriweather High School
Chapter 2: Cinnamon Spice
Chapter 3: Dreaded Dine
Chapter 4: We're All Dogs Here
Chapter 5: Wild Goose Chase
Chapter 6: Just a Picnic
Chapter 7: Show Some Grace
Chapter 8: Under Pressure
Chapter 9: Bad News All Around
Chapter 10: And Run
Chapter 11: Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 12: Ready Fire Aim
Chapter 13: Arming for War
Chapter 15: The Kiss of Frostbite {end}

Chapter 14: A Midnight Affair

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By SKatInk

I reentered the kitchen donned in cotton shorts and a loose t-shirt with snowflakes on it. I kept my bra on-I felt weird without it in the presence of boys. I hurriedly went to the couch opposite Tobias and Raylor, where they were probably talking through the link, and Theo was on my right. I tucked my legs underneath me and started watching the reruns of some television show they'd all watched when they were younger.

However, I could hear Theo's heartbeat canter suddenly. I gave him a side glance and I saw his face was pink. His mouth was open a little bit and his eyes were fixed on my legs. I ran a lot, okay?

"You'll catch flies," I hissed at him, my face scorching. I saw him jerk back at my words and his eyes fix on the gorgeous window drapes. Raylor must've changed, too, for she was decked out in shorts as well and a v-necked cotton blouse.

My wolf yowled in delight at Theo's response. If my legs alone had this effect on him, she wanted to wear shorts every day. I, however, felt like I had exposed too much. It was already past nine on a school night. Wasn't it time for bed or something? Mercifully, we'd gotten only a little homework-nothing we couldn't finish in the morning before school-but I was antsy. The sooner we got to bed, the sooner I could sneak out. My fingers itched to make sure the ring was still in the bottom of my bag, but I knew that none of them knew I had it. They'd never think to guess.

We ended up watching Back to the Future since we didn't really know what else to do and halfway through the movie, I jumped at Theo's voice in my head. I didn't think I'd ever get used to that.

Sigrid, he said, nearly putting me into cardiac arrest.

I glanced over at him and mouthed 'what?'.

He gestured to the spot on the couch beside him. C'mere.

I swallowed hard. My mind went to that night in the cave, and the temptation almost became too much. But then I remembered that I couldn't attach myself to anyone tonight. I couldn't try to stay awake whilst in his arms. I knew it was impossible. I'm good, I told him and he frowned. Thanks, though.

After the movie, it was about eleven thirty, but Raylor was still wide awake. "Tobias, we have to watch the second one."

"Gaaah, Raylor. I'm so tired."

"Fine," she said, taking the controller from his hand and shrugged. "Sleep. I'm watching it anyways. What about you, Sigrid?"

I blinked multiple times. My fatigue was starting to poison my energy, but I had to stay awake. This dark room was drugging me to sleep and I had to get out. "No, I think I'll go do some homework," I said.

She pinched her face. "Seriously?" I nodded, getting up from the couch and feeling Theo's eyes drip down from my face and onto my legs. "Okay. There's a light switch on the wall for just the island light, if you want."

"Thanks," I replied, grabbing my backpack and toting it into the kitchen. Before I started my homework, I fixed myself a large glass of water and settled down for keeping myself awake.

On the bar stool, my butt was so uncomfortable it made it nearly impossible to fall asleep. That worked to my advantage and I managed to stay alert also by rubbing my eyes every five minutes and groggily fixing myself more water. More water meant more peeing and more trips to the restroom meant more movement which kept me awake. But every ten minutes, even as I finished my pre-calc worksheet and my French, I put my head down on the counter to take a quick power-nap.

"Goodness gracious," I muttered a few minutes later, pulling my head up from my arms. Everything was blurry and the light above me glaringly burned my eyes. The window was pitch-black and I could barely move my arms, they were so stiff. I squinched my eyes together to try and clear them and leaned back to stretch, releasing an almighty yawn in the process. My math homework was below me, nearly complete and I picked up my pencil. What time was is anyways? I rubbed my eyes again and peered at the clock over the stove.

"What!" I squealed. It was five o'clock! I stumbled up from my stool, almost pitching myself to the floor in my haste. No, it couldn't be five! It was one not ten minutes ago!

Oh my God, I was exhausted. I couldn't even manage to think about catching Grace, even though I knew I had to. I took several deep breaths, close to tears. I had missed my golden opportunity!

"You're so stupid," I berated. I could smell Roan upstairs, along with the Beta's wife, Lin, on the floor below. How could I have let myself sleep like that?

I collapsed against the countertop and pressed my cold hands to my hot face. What could I do now? After school-I would have to look for her then. I could do that, yes. A bit of a rush, considering I had less than twenty-four hours left.

"Oh my God . . ." I breathed, sobs catching my breath. My family. Their safety was ticking by while I had been so stupid! My eyes welled up with tears at the idea of them dying. I couldn't live without them. Cassidy . . . she had so much to live for. Barely on the cusp of her life and a mistake on my part could cut it short. And my parents didn't deserve this. They deserved so much more than the crappy life Uncle Zion had subjected them to. They should've ditched him years ago and I didn't want them to die unhappy. And Uncle Zion didn't deserve a job like this. I didn't care what had happened to Aunt Calliope; he was acting out of anger and fear and he needed to stop.

Before I knew it, the tears were overflowing and I leaned over the counter, my shoulder heaving with my quiet sobs. I shrouded my face with my hands and to drown out my cries from the rest of them. My heart ached and my chest was closing in on my lungs like a cage. Everything was so wrong! I never should've come to Merriweather. I never should've agreed to hang out with Raylor or to go on the stupid picnic with Theo. Every word I'd said to them knifed me in the ribs now, causing tears to blind my vision.

After twenty minutes, I finally managed to gather myself together. Since I couldn't go chase Grace, I needed to get as much sleep as I could. I silently padded back into the game room and grabbed a pillow. Maybe it was best I hadn't slept in here. Raylor and Tobias were linked around each other and Theo was passed out on the longest part of the couch, his face near my couch. I lay down and sniffled once before closing my eyes. I had set an alarm on my phone the night before and I knew it would go off around six thirty. Might as well to try and get some sleep, as pointless as it was.

After a minute, I heard some shuffling on the couch, but I was so exhausted I didn't care who or what it was. That is, until I felt someone kiss my hair tenderly and a hand caress over my hair a few times.

It'll be okay, Theo said softly.

It'd better be. Thanks, I replied, sleepiness even slipping into my thoughts. I couldn't even open my eyes to look at him I was so tired. Instead I kept the loved emotion I felt and tucked it deep into the recesses of my heart, dreading the day I'd have to give it up.


Later, after school, I burst into the woods, the ring on a chain around my neck. I knew how to find the pack house from here. If I really concentrated, I could hear several scouts running around the perimeter. I'd left the school behind about ten minutes ago and hadn't stopped running.

I felt more awake than I did this morning. I'd slept in study hall-barely waking up in time-and ate a large lunch, ready for action. I had no idea how late I'd be out and I was ready to do anything. My heart pounded through my ears as I neared King's Hill and I ducked behind a bush. I could smell a scout about thirty yards away, which meant he could smell me.

Ducking to the right, I silently swept a long trail around the house to the forest where Grace and Marshall had vanished. More scouts were around this area, but none were close. I could hear them about half of a mile away.

The moment I dashed to the Hex, I ripped my wolf skin off with a rapid change.

"Gahh," I moaned as my face stretched. For a moment, black spots bloomed across my eyes. I listened for any disturbances I might have caused and was thankful no one was coming towards me. I hated the bitter wind on my bare skin, but I didn't have opposable thumbs as a wolf and I needed those for what I was going to do.

With haste bleeding through my fingertips, I outstretched my claws and used them to scratch over the Hex that had been branded onto an oak tree. It proved to be difficult, however, when a single scratch from my claws barely disfigured the mark.

I wouldn't tolerate any obstacle now. I was so close to success. So with a renewed vigor and indignant grunting, I slashed back and forth across the Hex, reducing it to shreds on the forest floor. My fingers were raw and my claws rounded at the edges. I was panting and my thoughts were going a mile a minute. How had Marshall known that I would be able to evade the effects of the Hex? Had he set this on purpose? Was it even a real trail? If it wasn't, if this was another false lead, I don't think I could handle another disappointment. This was my family's lives on the lines; I wasn't going to fail. I was full of infinite fire and no amount of water could douse my fervor.

All at once, the pungent smell of blood and bleach swelled in my nose, along with the sweet undercurrent of Grace's scent. It was so heavy it basically hung in the air like a fog; I could almost see it. They had gone north, and so, I transformed-the ring still encircling my neck- and bounded north at top speed.

Left, I thought as my paws skidded across the forest floor. He seemed like he'd ran with her in his mouth for about five miles, which meant her fur had torn and she'd bled across the forest floor as a result of Marshall. I came across a road then, and saw tire tracks swerving to the right, farther north. I followed the road in the trees, careful to follow the scent.

I could almost taste the panic I felt in my mouth. It consumed me, swallowed me whole until I was an ocean of terror and ire. My trees beside me were nothing, the dearth that threatened to send me flying if I tripped-these were nothing in the face of saving Grace and protecting my family.

The wind smelled like pine and seemed to whistle in my ears faster faster faster. Most of the leaves had left their trees so the sunshine poured down on me . It was risky, running like this alone, but I had no choice. It was either this or let everyone I loved die because some stupid pack felt that some stupid heirloom was more important than people's lives.

Well, I wouldn't stand for it. No matter what Theo-

Suddenly, I yelped as I launched through the air, landing on my side with a crunch and a wolfish moan. I'd tripped over some stupid animal. I glanced back hatefully to see what had stopped my progress, but jumped to my feet at the sight of the familiar little brown-gray wolf. Her brown eyes were wide and she was quaking fervently.

GRACE! I cheered, barking in excitement. Oh my God, she was alive! She was okay!

She yipped back at me and nuzzled my legs. My heart accelerated with joy and I licked her face to show my thrill. She was alright, alive, and from what I could see, unharmed!

This was unreal. How was she alive? How was she okay? Did she run away? Marshall couldn't have let her go; he didn't have the ring. But that didn't make any sense. Did this mean that I could give the ring back? Surely it was fine. No harm done. I got the job of finding Grace done without sacrificing Theo's pack.

And then, like a breath on the wind, I smelled him. He was a few miles away and if he kept closing in on us, he'd catch both of us.

I stepped away from her and motioned for her to follow. We had to get out of here quickly. I'd done it and I still could not believe it. Here she was beside me, sprinting to catch up with me and I hurled myself back towards the pack house. There, she was untouchable. There were so many werewolves no harm would come to her. He'd die before he crossed the territory border.

My heart thundered in my ears as we dashed across the forest floor. There was no way I'd let Marshall recapture Grace, to frighten-and more than likely kill-her. I could hear Grace panting desperately beside me, fighting to keep her paws moving. Her ears were flat against her skull and her terror washed over me, drowning me again and again.

We made it back in remarkable time, the white house rising in front of us, but then I skidded to a stop upon realizing I still had the ring around my neck. There was no way Roan would forgive me for this! If he even knew who had done, that is. No one knew what Marshall had said to me so no one should have had any reason to suspect me.

Except that you were one of the original suspects for killing members of the Knight Pack, I remembered bitterly.

Grace halted and rejoined me. No! I thought, wishing that I had a link with her. I threw my head towards the house and barked at her. Go!

She whined and I couldn't bear it. I bared my teeth at her. For goodness' sake, she had to save herself or her escape was for naught! I couldn't smell or hear Marshall, but I didn't want to take any chances. The sooner she was safe, the better.

Cowering, she ran for the house. I ducked behind a bush as she was let inside the house with an exuberant "Grace!" from Raylor. I closed my eyes in relief. She was safe. The Sunshade pack was safe. And Marshall wouldn't come after my family as a wolf because he was well aware of what he had trained my uncle to do. My family was safe.

As I made my way back to the woods near the high school, I pondered deeply. How was I going to return the ring? Everyone there would be on high alert for it. Somehow I would have to strategically plan when to go back and put it back. More than that, I needed to devise a way to get my smell off of it, otherwise Theo would be exiled on account of me. And I couldn't let that happen to him. His entire life was wrapped up in the Sunshade pack. If Roan was generous and exiled me for good, I would ensure that Theo stayed here in Merriweather. There was no chance I'd let him lose his entire life because of me.

My wolf howled and my lungs nearly burst at the thought. As much as I hated to admit it, I liked being around Theo. He was funny and lighthearted, but he never disrespected me. He was stubborn, sure, but so was I. The ring around my neck proved that.

I reached my pile of clothes and toted them to the bathrooms by the tennis courts. Opening the door was a feat therein itself, but I managed.

Sigrid! Theo crowed as I pulled on my pants a minute later. Grace's back!

I swallowed and feigned my excitement. Oh my gosh! That's so incredible! Theo didn't know that I'd stolen the ring and he had no reason to know now. It was going to be returned. I'd just borrowed it essentially.

Yeah! She managed to run away from Marshall and get all the way here by herself, he thought as I tugged my shirt over my head.

Wow, I thought. I'll have to come over and see her soon!

I thought you'd be excited. She can't wait to see you. He sounded a little off now, like he was running.

I slipped into my flats and pulled on my jacket. Tell her I said hello, I said as I left the bathroom, grabbing my keys from under a rock. I was no amateur at preparing to transform in public places.

I will. I'll talk to you later, okay?

Okay. Not. He'd never want to talk to me again when he found out what I did.

Theo stopped talking to me and I was thankful. My hands were already jittery as I drove home. I'd never considered Grace revealing that I'd helped her get home. That was so stupid of me, to not say anything to Grace. She'll have blown my cover before I could make amends.

"I'm so stupid," I muttered, pulling into my driveway. But it didn't matter as much as what else had favored me by finding Grace.

My family was safe. Uncle Zion could protect us and Marshall knew that from the last time he'd visited us. There was no way he'd take a chance. Besides, I'd be able to smell him and signal Theo for help. We were untouchable now.

"Hey, hun," my mom said with a smile as I walked into the kitchen. "Good day?"

"Yeah," I replied, smiling. It had been better than good. I'd managed to save everyone, except my own hide. But that was okay. I was the rogue for a reason. "What's for dinner?" I asked, walking over.

"Chicken, broccoli, and potato wedges," she said. "The potatoes have about ten minutes left and then we can eat."

"Sounds great," I said. And it smelled great, too. My dad was a wizard at cooking chicken. "Mind if I do Sudoku at the table?"

She looked at me, her eyebrows knitted. "Can you do the dishes first? I haven't been home very long and Cassidy didn't do them."

"She had karate, today, mom," I reminded her as I started putting the clean dishes away.

"Right," she responded as she checked the broccoli.

"Where were you today?" I asked. "Your job's on the computer."

"I worked a little in the morning and then I had multiple errands to run. Library, dentist, hair appointment . . ." She rolled her eyes. "It took forever."

"You're strugglin'," I said and she smiled.

"Can you watch the food? I'm going to go upstairs and work a little." She draped her light jacket on a chair and pulled the elastic out of her auburn hair.

"Yeah, sure," I said.

"Thanks, sweetie," she said and ascended the stairs.

I sighed and five minutes later, when I finished my chore, I settled down at the table and started some Sudoku. Soon, the buzzer rang and everyone sat down at the table to eat.

"How was your day?" my uncle asked, sitting across from me.

"Fine," I said. "School isn't exciting."

"Visited the shelter again?"

My eyes nearly bugged out of my head. I hadn't even though to take a shower! "Y-yeah," I replied, trying to keep my voice from wavering. How did I not think of that? "Godiva got adopted today, so that's good news." Did she? I hoped so. Did I know? Not a bit.

"Excellent," my uncle said, and took a bite from his chicken. "Derek, I don't know how you do it, but every time your chicken is delicious."

My dad laughed, his light blue eyes smiling. "It's the spices from that fair in Wisconsin. Remember how I bought four containers?"

"I remember. I also remember how your tall socks were made fun of by middle aged boys."

The rest of us laughed while my dad scowled playfully. "Well now I wear ankle socks, so it's all good."

Thank goodness we're protected, I thought. I don't know what I'd do without this. For the first time in my life, I was actually grateful for my uncle's job. I was thankful for his menagerie of guns and his incessant nagging to put protection Hexes on everything.

We finished dinner around seven and after doing the dishes again, I went upstairs to do homework. A little after eight, Cassidy came in my room and I put down my pre-calc homework.

"'Sup," I greeted her.

"Okay so you remember how I mentioned Brett a couple weeks ago and how he was super cute well OH-MY-GOSH Penny came up to me today and told me he likes me!" She almost screamed with delight and sat down on my bed across from me. "I mean I know we move a lot so it doesn't matter but you dated when we were in Washington, so I mean why couldn't I?"

"Cass," I began slowly, leaning my head against the pillow behind me. "If you only knew what love meant."

She tickled my knees. "So you and Theo, huh?"

I rolled my eyes, my stomach tightening. "Not really, no."

"But I thought you were mates!"

"Keep your voice down!" I said harshly, sitting up.

"Sorry," she said bashfully. "But I thought mates were special!" she continued in a hissed whisper.

I sighed. "They're supposed to be, I guess. But I'm special. I'm not a normal you-know-what."

"You're a Farty McFart-Pants," she teased.

"I do not stink," I retorted.

"Did you hear what Uncle Zion said to you tonight at dinner? He could totally smell you. He's a friggin' Hunter, Sigrid!" Her light blue eyes widened behind her glasses.

"Wow. I had no idea."

She rolled her eyes. "But anyways, back to more important things. Do you think I should ask Brett out?"

I gaged her face and thought it over. "On a group date, sure. Just so that it's not awkward if you two run out of things to talk about. Bring Penny and what's her boyfriends' name? Mitchell. Ask them to go with you." Jason and I had gone on a single date first and boy, that had been incredibly awkward. Neither of us really knew how to act first.

"Really?" she asked, but then her face fell. "But what if he says no?"

"He could say yes, though. You did say he likes you."

She grinned. "Okay. You're right. I'll talk to Penny about it. Thank you, Sigrid!" she sang and practically bounced out of my room. Her problems sounded so innocent and simple compared to mine.

I cast a glance over at the ring perched under my lamp before jumping in the shower, taking extra time to scrub all traces of werewolf off. That had been too close for comfort. I could still feel my heart rushing at the idea of Uncle Zion knowing what I truly was and how anxious he'd be to kill me off. I vigorously shampooed and conditioned my hair two times with scalding water. I couldn't have any more close encounters.

An hour and a half later, after I'd finished both my shower and my homework, I turned all my lights off to go to bed. I climbed under the covers and looked at Roan's ring glittering even in the absence of light. My life, Theo's life, my family's lives, and the Sunshade pack's lives had depended on this little thing.

I curled my hand around it and brought it closer to me. I would give it back and beg for Roan to pardon Theo. After all, I had saved Grace, hadn't I? Without my help, she wouldn't have made it back to the pack house. Everything had to be okay. I'd sneak it back in tomorrow-or maybe Wednesday-and life would resume. It'd be alright.

It had to be.


Around two in the morning, I was awoken by the urge to pee. My ears were burning, like they'd heard something, but I was kidding myself. Groaning, I blearily stumbled to the bathroom. After relieving myself and washing my hands, I was on my way back to my bedroom when I noticed the kitchen light was on.

"What?" I mumbled, groggily thumping down the stairs. Had mom forgotten to turn it off before she went to bed? That was likely; she'd done it before. I blinked multiple times before entering the kitchen, preparing myself for the bright light.

Luckily, only the light over the table was on, so my eyes didn't burn quite so much. And underneath the beams, sitting at the table was Uncle Zion, eating a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

"Uncle Zion?" I said, rubbing my eyes.

I heard a crunch. "Hey, Sigrid," he said and he pushed the box of cereal towards me. "Want some?"

I swallowed. "Sure." Why not? Why was he up anyways? Ignoring my raging thoughts, I grabbed a bowl and a spoon before sitting at the table. Uncle Zion had left the milk on the table; nobody in our house likes dry cereal.

"Why are you up so late?" I asked, taking a bite.

He ran his hand over his hair. "Can't sleep. I've been thinking." He squeezed his dark blue eyes shut and sighed. "I've been thinking about my job."

Oh, I thought, crunching on more cereal. Mmm, the sugar. "What about it?" I asked, feeling anxious. Was this good or bad?

He grumbled before taking another bite. "I just . . . I'm starting to feel really bad about dragging you-and your sister and your parents-wherever I go. You don't deserve that. I know an apology won't mean much, but I am sorry."

I stopped chewing, taken aback. He was sorry? Tidal waves of rage, hurt, and loneliness crashed over me. I never had friends because of him! Does he expect me to forgive him with a sorry? Terrorizing me, threatening my sister into his career, and subjugating us all to his ridiculous work schedule! There were no words to say to him.

But then again, I reminded myself. At least he is sorry. He realizes his mistakes.

He sighed in frustration. "I just . . . Cassidy is starting to like a boy and you are making friends for the first time ever and I just don't think it's a good idea to drag you with me anymore."

"But what about mom and dad?" I asked, trying to encourage the conversation. But as I realized what he meant, my stomach dropped like a lead ball. He was going to leave us here in Merriweather unless mom or dad wanted to move somewhere else.

We'd be around Theo, I thought, dumbstruck.

Yes! My wolf cooed, ecstatic.

My heart started fluttering like a hummingbird. No, no. We couldn't stay here. I'd planned all of my moves based on the assumption that we would be going, that all of this would be behind us soon.

"I have to talk to them about it," he replied, swirling his spoon around his bowl of sugary milk.

Oh my God, I thought. We might be staying here.

On one hand, I was thrilled. I could actually keep my friends! I could have sleepovers and build lasting relationships. But on the other hand, I was terrified. If Uncle Zion had come home tomorrow and announced we were leaving, then I could've told Roan that I was leaving, too and not to worry.

But Uncle Zion had to go have his epiphany. Which was good, I guess. It just meant I would hurt more people.

Which is why you've never made any friends anywhere else, I thought. The ceiling whined, like someone was walking upstairs and both of us turned our heads upwards.

"You hear that?" he asked, looking mildly surprised.

"Yeah. It sounds like Cass in her room," I answered.

He waved his hand dismissively and shook his head. "Anyways, what do you think?" he inquired, pouring himself just enough cereal to finish off his milk.

I couldn't speak. What did I think? I thought he was a monster-or at least, at the beck and call of one. "If you leave," I said, "we'll all miss you."

He leaned back in his chair, defeated.

I took another bite of my cereal and swallowed. "Is this a matter of regret concerning us or are you still not over Aunt Calliope's death?"

"I dunno. I'm just . . . tired of doing this. No matter how many werewolves I kill, more just pop up. It's a relentless battle that Marshall Kingston doesn't understand."

Oh he understands, I thought bitterly. "Then why not quit?"

"I know of nothing else. I used to be a plumber, but . . ."

"You could be a plumber here with us." Did I want him to quit his job? Heck yes! Did I understand his ambivalence now? Yeah.

"But Marshall's here. And he's brought in more hunters over the past few days and I don't know why," Uncle Zion said, gritting his teeth. "When I first started out, he told me everything, but now . . . recently he's been guarded and I've been kept out of the loop. Maybe he's telling me I should quit."

More hunters? I started and almost choked on my cereal. Why on earth would Marshall need more hunters here? My stomach churned at the thought of him assigning numerous hunters to exterminate the Sunshade pack and suddenly, my cereal tasted like blood.

"Maybe-" But I was interrupted when out of nowhere, a bloodcurdling scream resounded through the house. It chilled my bones and ignited my blood in horror. It bounced off of the walls and slammed into me like a ton of bricks.

Instantly, Uncle Zion and I leapt to our feet and launched ourselves up the stairs. My heart just about skipped into overdrive and then when I sniffed the air and listened, I understood.

"Marshall," I choked, diving towards Cassidy's room. The smell of blood pervaded the air and I almost vomited when I opened her bedroom door.

Cassidy was sitting on her bed, her legs still entangled in the sheets. Her hands were around her throat and a knife was at her neck. Her head was tilted upward and tears were streaming down her face. Marshall stood behind her, gripping her hair.

My throat seized up, but my teeth elongated into my sharp canines. My breath faltered and my heart nearly stopped beating. My little sister . . .

"I've waited too long, Sigrid," Marshall growled, his own canines extended. His eyes were black and I felt useless, powerless, helpless.

I stepped forward into the room, trembling.

Cassidy whimpered as Marshall jerked her head up and she clawed at the blade, but to no avail. She didn't know why he was so powerful.

"Sigrid, Cassidy!" my parents shouted, flanking me at Cass's door.

"Oh my God," my mom said.

"Get off of her!" my dad commanded but a sick smile twisted itself around Marshall's lips. He advanced into the room, but froze at Marshall's next words.

"Stop or she dies," he ordered and I swallowed hard. My mom gripped my hand.

Cassidy! I screeched. He couldn't kill Cass! He couldn't! After I'd tried so hard to protect my family, he couldn't just kill her!

Marshall tightened his grip on Cassidy and her chest heaved with terror. "Do you have the ring?" he asked me gruffly.

My fists were shaking. I didn't have a choice. It was either my family or the Sunshade pack and to me, there was no competition.

He could die! My wolf wailed.

Cass could die! I retorted.

"Yes," I griped, my voice weakening. I couldn't take my eyes off of the knife at my sister's neck. I smelled blood and saw red. How dare he hurt her! She was not a part of this! She never had done anything wrong! He couldn't kill her-I wouldn't allow him! He'd die before she did, even if I had to wring the life out of him myself.

"Let's go," Marshall said and he yanked Cassidy back in order to get her to stand. She almost stumbled to the floor and she wailed when he kept pulling her head up. "Walk," he ordered and shoved her in front of his body. He pushed past my parents, threatening them with his canines. They stood at Cass's bedroom door and watched, horrified.

I led the parade back to my room, past Uncle Zion's office, with a thundering pulse. Blood ran in my ears, but I was more terrified than angry. With one wrong move, I could end Cassidy's life and I doubt I'd be able to live with myself.

I bit back a sob and reached for the ring. Marshall stood outside of my room, holding my sister in front of him in case I got any ideas. Blackness shadowed all of our faces and I'd never felt so small in my life. All of my heightened abilities were useless now. I couldn't use a single one to protect my own kin.

And there it was, the instigator of all of this mess, resting like a star in my hand. I wanted to smash it, to shatter it and render it useless. But I knew the price of failing Marshall and I refused to pay it.

"Give it to me," Marshall said and I stretched out my quaking hand to-


Marshall was flung forward and nearly landed on his shoulder. My mom shrieked from in the hall and I yanked Cassidy into my room. She was hyperventilating, her eyes wide.

"Si-Si-Sigrid," she panted.

"Cass, it's okay," I said, putting my hand on her shoulder. "It's okay. You're here. Stay in my room, okay?"

"Okay," she said, tears pouring from her eyes.

"Try to breathe deeply," I advised and then I went out into the hallway. My dad had turned the lights on, and I saw my uncle, a gun positioned at his shoulder, and Marshall on the other side of my bedroom door, blood oozing from a wound in his side.

"I knew you were a hypocrite," Marshall spat. "Hiding a werewolf for nine years. Did you think you could outsmart me?"

My mother gasped.

Uncle Zion kept the muzzle of the gun trained on Marshall's face. "She's kin."

And you're the hypocrite! I screamed mentally. You're a werewolf killing other werewolves!

Marshall laughed darkly. "I'm done waiting for insufficient hunters to do their jobs. I wanted everyone who stood in my way taken care of, Zion. And that means her," he said, spitting blood on the carpet and pointing to me.

I shrunk in the doorway, my hand clasping the ring. My heart felt like it would burst in my ribcage and breathing became difficult. I looked at Uncle Zion, waiting for him to turn the gun on me, but he didn't. He didn't even look shocked.

"Not a chance," he muttered.

Tension hung in the air as blood slithering onto the carpet. "Fine," Marshall said, advancing towards me, "then I'll-"


Marshall howled and jumped in the air, his transformation choppy. He collapsed on the floor as a black wolf, his muscles rippling under his fur. His flanks were scorched with gun marks and there was another hole in his shoulder. He growled, his fur standing on end and he trained his eyes on my uncle.

What could I have done? Nothing. I knew Marshall's strength and though I hated just sitting on the sidelines, I didn't know how to stop him.

My mom crowed "Zion!" but he kept his gun up.

"One move and you die," Uncle Zion ordered, his voice stone.

Marshall hunched down and with a mighty leap, he vaulted himself at Zion, his teeth bared.

And then so many things happened at once. My mom screamed as Marshall landed on Zion, knocking him to the floor and a mighty BANG! ricocheted around us, blood spurting up in a fountain from Marshall's back. The bullet pierced the ceiling and fell at my feet.

For a moment, the only thing to be heard was my family's quivering breath and stampeding heartbeats. But then my mom wailed and lunged for the bloodied bodies of her brother and Marshall.

"Alice!" my dad exclaimed and went to his knees to help my mom shove Marshall's body off of Uncle Zion.

"Alice," Uncle Zion wheezed and my mom gripped his hand. His jugular had been bitten almost completely out and every breath was forced. Blood oozed from claw marks on his body and his chest heaved at a rapid pace.

I went to my knees beside him, drowning in the scent of blood. Uncle Zion glanced at me and said quietly, "I knew. I loved you anyways." And then he coughed, blood trickling out of his mouth and his eyes went blank.

My mom bawled and rocked her body back and forth. My dad wrapped his arms around her back and I saw tears on his face too.

I could only stare at my uncle, completely in shock. A sudden cold had overcome me, freezing me to the ground. He had known? I had spent nine years living in fear and he had known all along? He had never once threatened me or given me a reason to fear, except for when he came home with souvenirs. He'd never belittled me or ratted me out and oh my God Uncle Zion had died protecting me.

My hands began to shake and I squeezed my eyes shut, violently shaking my head to get rid of the image of Uncle Zion's grotesque neck but nothing worked. I could see blood blood blood blood on Cass and blood on my mom's hands and blood on mine and blood on the carpet and blood on Uncle Zion.

My heart started pulsating in my ears and I gripped my head, sobs exploding from my mouth. He was dead and Marshall was dead and Cass almost died and I could've died and everything slammed into me all at once and I couldn't breathe.

I heard sirens squealing outside of my house and the front door opened with another BANG that caused me to jump seven feet in the air and watch, trembling, as paramedics flooded upstairs. They peppered me with questions, but I didn't hear a thing. I didn't know my name or my age or where I was I just knew that Uncle Zion had protected me from his boss for nine years and I hadn't been able to protect my family when it had mattered the most. If I'd only given the ring to Marshall! Everything could've been different if I had just given it to him!

A pair of feminine hands helped me to my feet and my head swirled, unable to comprehend why I was tilting towards the wall until the woman who had helped me stopped me from plowing into it.

"Cass," I managed. If anyone needed help, it was her. "Cass . . ."

"Someone is taking care of her," the woman reassured me. I noticed her white clothes were already stained with blood. "Let's go downstairs, okay?"

I couldn't make sense of anything. I was in a fog, stranded in my shock and despair. I stumbled down the stairs, thinking of if only we hadn't come to Merriweather. Of all places, we had to come here . . .

And then I was sobbing again, hiccups popping out of my mouth. I was blinded by tears, and the woman had to help me out of the door. What looked like my parents were being tended to by other paramedics and my sister was being bandaged on a gurney.


I couldn't even look up. My entire body wanted to fall down and it didn't even register that Theo was running towards me until his arms were wrapped around me and my face was buried in his chest. I only knew it was him because the moment he stepped to me, the scent of cinnamon overpowered the scent of blood suffocating me.

"Oh my God, Sigrid," he said as he rubbed his hands up and down my back. "Are you okay? You're not hurt, are you?"

I closed my eyes and cried against him, unable to answer. My fists were against my stomach and the ring dug into my palm. The knowledge of how close I'd come to betraying my friends hit me like a train and I felt dirty, standing there in Theo's arms. I felt like a traitor and I sobbed harder, knowing how much I'd hurt him.

"He knew," I sniveled against Theo's bare chest. "And he's dead." Dead because of me. I was a murderer, no better than Marshall himself.

Theo held me closer and buried his face in my neck. "I'm sorry," he murmured.

My chest heaved. How could he be sorry? He had no reason to be! I was the one that had put his entire pack at risk I was guilty guilty guilty! He should have been ashamed to have a mate like me. He deserved a perfect girl who had no inhibitions about loving him.

"Th-Theo," I managed, pushing away from him. His presence had calmed me down significantly, but I still had to tell him. His hands were still on my shoulders his jade green eyes speared me. "I . . . I stole Roan's ring," I said, uncurling my right hand to reveal the gold-set quartz. "I thought . . . I thought I could save everyone but-" I choked back a sob. "I can't and now he's dead and it's all my fault!" I covered my eyes with my left hand as I struggled for breath.

"Sigrid," Theo said calmly. Why was he calm? He should've hated me! I looked at him and he looked a little relieved. "It was a fake. I knew you'd try to take it, so Raylor, Tobias and I planted a fake ring."


His eyes glimmered with unreleased tears. "I heard what Marshall said to you and I knew you'd take it."

"Then why d-don't you hate me?"

He ran a hand through his unkempt black hair. "Because . . . I understand. I was angry at you for picking your family over the pack, but we stand by the same principle. Family first."

I ogled at him, his steady breath calming my own. He understood? "I'm s-sorry," I said, my chest collapsing in on itself with breath.

He hugged me again. "It's okay. You left the link open and I heard what was going on, so I got the paramedics who are werewolves to come to your house. Alpha Roan is over there by your parents. Did they really not know?"

I shook my head and sighed. "No. But now they do." I sniffled against his warm skin and then pulled away. "I need to go check on them and my sister." I wiped my eyes and became very aware of my bedhead. I tried to smooth it down, but I knew nothing was going to work. "Thanks," I said, averting my eyes. "For all this."

Theo stepped forward and kissed the top of my head. "Anything."

My heart fluttered and I saw him smile before I turned to go over to my parents. They were both sitting on gurneys, facing each other and clasping hands as paramedics tended to them.

My dad saw me first. "Sigrid," he said and he rushed towards me, enveloping me in a bear hug. "My dear girl." His hands held my head and he nearly crushed my ribcage. "Are you alright?"

I nodded as he pulled away. "Yeah. How are you and mom?"

Mom said from a few feet away, "Alive."

My dad looked at me. "She's pretty broken up about it." He took a deep breath and flicked his eyes over my face. "So you're a . . . a werewolf?"

I extended my canines and said, "Yeah. Since I was six."

He looked away and I felt ashamed. "Wh . . . who did it?"

I swallowed hard. "Marshall Kingston. He scratched me and infected me with his blood."

My dad nodded.

"Honey," my mom said shakily, referring to me. "C'mere." I walked over and stood beside where she sat. She looked me dead in the eyes. "I don't want you to think we're mad at you. We don't blame you for . . . for what happened tonight." She cleared her throat and looked at the ground. "We love you anyways. Z-Zion loved you anyways, despite what he did for a living." She breathed deeply and her voice cracked. "It'll-It'll take some getting used to."

Not really, I thought. You've been living with me for seventeen years and you never once guessed I was a werewolf. But I appreciated her making an effort. I couldn't imagine what she and my dad must've been thinking. Their whole world was shattered in one night, in ten minutes no less. "It's okay," I said.

Five minutes later, the paramedics packed us all up in ambulances. We took two to the hospital, Cassidy and my mother in one and my dad and I in another. Theo was driving alongside Alpha Roan in our ambulance and the tension was as thick as pudding. No one said anything, but I watched the ring in my hand the entire time. It was a fake? He had doubted me that much to plant a fake ring?

I felt hurt, but I knew it was true. And I hated to imagine what might have happened if Marshall had asked me for the ring and I hadn't had it.

After we arrived at the hospital, they put us in rooms near each other for the next hour and a half, doctors and nurses came in and out, asking us questions and double-checking that our eyes were okay and our responses were normal.

Roan came in at some point and he crossed his arms. I felt miniscule in my shorts and t-shirt against he who looked angry.

"Theo told me what you did," he said.

I was mute. What could I possibly say to him? I didn't want to deal with his temper when I had just lost my uncle!

"He told me when he and my son were making their plans," he elaborated. "I agreed to do it and though I would exile you-if you were in the pack-I can't and-"

"Please don't hurt Theo!" I burst out frantically. "He didn't do anything wrong!"

His blue eyes flashed. "Don't interrupt. I am not going to punish Theo. He did the right thing by coming to me." He sighed. "And since you're not in the pack, I can't really punish you either."

I furrowed my brow. "But who's in trouble?"

Was that a hint of a smirk on Roan's face? "He's dead," he replied. "Both your uncle and Marshall Kingston."

My chest panged with hurt. He was just following orders, I thought miserably. I opened my hand again and watched the fake ring glitter under the fluorescent light. "This is yours," I mumbled and he reached out to take it, the real ring almost glowing on his hand. "I'm sorry," I continued, fretfully fiddling with my fingers.

"I know you are," he said.

Interrupting the first decent interaction I'd had with Roan was Theo coming through the door, followed by a woman who looked like Raylor.

"Hello, Sigrid," she said, holding our her hand. "I'm Dr. Osenberg, Raylor's mother."

"Oh," I said, brightening and shaking her hand. Nice to meet you."

"You, too," she said. Her black hair was pin straight and braided down her neck. "My reports say that you're all good to leave and there's no reason to keep you here. It is four in the morning, though I suspect you won't be going to school today."


"Your sister is fine. Your parents are too. Some scouts retrieved your uncle from your house and he's in the morgue right now," Dr. Osenberg said gently.

"And Marshall?"

"Other scouts took his body to the woods and burned him," Alpha Roan interjected harshly.

My stomach tightened and Theo took my hand, rubbing circles on my palm with his thumb.

"But you are free to go," Dr. Osenberg said perkily. "And of course, if you or your family needs any more medical attention, I'm here to help, free of charge."

"Thank you," I said. It was still pitch black outside and I just wanted to sleep. But where could I? I didn't want to go back to that house for anything right now.

Theo, where do we go? I asked him.

He squeezed my hand. Just wait.

"We have some rooms in the pack house that aren't occupied," Alpha Roan said to me sincerely. "If you want to use them temporarily."

For the first time tonight, a small smile broke out across my face. "Really?"

He nodded. "You're not a threat anymore."

"Thank you," I said. "I'll have to tell my parents."

"They already know," Dr. Osenberg said pleasantly. "We're going to drive you there whenever you're ready. Your family's in the waiting room."

"I-I'm fine to leave," I said and so we went. Cassidy had a bandage on her neck, but at least she had steadied her breathing. She fell asleep on my arm on the way there and Dr. Osenberg, who was in the passenger seat, turned around to tell me it was the medication they'd given her. Theo carried her inside and I walked with my parents.

"Are you okay with this?" I asked my dad.

He swallowed thickly in the darkness. "Yeah. They were very kind to us to offer a place to stay."

I agreed with him. They gaped around the house as Alpha Roan led them to their room on the first floor and I stood in the kitchen with Theo.

He coughed. "You can come to my place if you wa-"


Raylor bounded off of the steps and launched herself at me. "Oh my God, Sigrid!" She tightened her arms around me in a death grip and I winced. "I was so worried! Theo didn't tell me very much, but my mom told me you were okay but I didn't really believe her until I saw you."

I grunted and she released me, holding me at arm's length. "I'm alright," I said, blushing from Theo's suggestion. I need to stay with my family right now, I told him. My ears burned scarlet and I couldn't face him.

Okay, he responded.

"I'll take you to your room," Raylor said, grabbing my hand and pulling me forward.

"Wait," I protested and I turned to Theo. We watched each other tentatively and for a minute, didn't say anything. I was lost in the jungle encased in his eyes. But then I took a breath and hugged him. "Thank you," I said quietly as he embraced me in response.

He didn't say anything back. He pressed a kiss to the top of my head before letting me go. Mates help each other, he said to me through the mind link. I'd do anything for you.

I blushed and said goodbye before following Raylor to an empty room next to Grace's.

"She doesn't know yet," Raylor said, pointing to Grace's room. "You can see her tomorrow. You're staying with your sister, by the way." She led me into the room, the only light coming from a lamp in between two twin beds. Cass was already tucked under the blankets with pillows propping her head up. Her eyes lit up at the sight of me. It was a very plain room, with white walls and a wooden dresser, but it had exactly what I needed. A bed to sleep on.

"Thanks, Raylor," I said and we bid each other good-night.

I crawled into the bed next to my sister's. The sheets were soft and my head sunk into the pillow. I stretched my hand across the space to Cassidy. "Are you alright?" I asked.

She grasped my hand. "Yeah. A little scared and a little bloody, but I'm okay."

Tears budded in my eyes. "I'm so sorry this happened to you."

She took a breath and settled down into the bed. "It's over now. And most of us are safe."

Most of us. I guess her fears of being forced into Uncle Zion's career were gone now. My heart smarted with pain. I didn't want to think about Uncle Zion's death anymore tonight. I didn't want to remember how he was telling me how sorry he was before he died protecting me and how he felt bad that he had dragged us-

"Can you turn off the light?" she asked, breaking my train of thought.

I reached over and turned it off, submerging us in darkness.

"Good night," she said.

"Good night, Cass," I said, releasing her hand and curling into a ball. It was over, she had said. That was true, but the pain would be everlasting. And now came the challenge of my parents accepting exactly who I was ad figuring out where to live and how to handle life without Uncle Zion. Tonight marked the end of horrible things, but there would always be horrible things. Tonight was a beginning of a new life, shaken and frightening, but it had brought us closer together as a family. There were no more secrets between us.

And maybe that's why, for the first time in a while, I slept soundly, with no fears and no worries. Inside the pack house with my sister beside me, I felt truly safe for the first time in nine years.



A/N: I have waited two years to write and post this chapter. Sorry it's excruciatingly long. 18 pages on Word. But anyways, thank you for reading! There's one more chapter and then sayonara to SOTW. :(

Have a great day :) xoxo, Skatink

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