
By sephlav

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"That being said, my sentiments were genuine. I've always thought of you as a Supernova." It gets dark, so r... More

Chapter One - Kacchan vs. Cacchan
Chapter Two - Winning by Losing
Chapter Three - Learn to Control Yourself
Chapter Four - Stronghold Family Values
Chapter Five - Heroes of a Different Breed
Chapter Six - The Price of Power
Chapter Seven - Recalibration and Blackmail
Chapter Nine - The Worst Human Being Ever
Chapter Ten - Where There's Smoke, There's Fire
Chapter Eleven - The Rain is Coming
Chapter Twelve - The Concrete Heart Jungle
Chapter Thirteen - That's Going to Leave a Mark
Chapter Fourteen - Welcome to the SHA!
Chapter Fifteen - The Strongholds' Stronghold
Chapter Sixteen - Pins and Needles (and Demon)
Chapter Seventeen - What Happens in the Dark
Chapter Eighteen - Deathmatch
Chapter Nineteen - One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Chapter Twenty - Gloves Off
Chapter Twenty One - This is a Test
Chapter Twenty Two - Paralyzer and Cassanova
Chapter Twenty Three - Did You Miss Me?
Chapter Twenty Four - One Hell of a Heaven
Chapter Twenty Five - Be Careful What You Wish For
Chapter Twenty Six - A Hand Forged Friendship
Chapter Twenty Seven - And Then There Were Three
Chapter Twenty Eight - I Want to Play a Game
Chapter Twenty Nine - Unhinged in the Early Mourning
Chapter Thirty - Smoke and Mirrors
Chapter Thirty One - Exceptions Do Exist
Chapter Thirty Two - I'll Take a Reign Check
Chapter Thirty Three - Supernova
Chapter Thirty Four - Cass and Nova to the Rescue
Chapter Thirty Five - Stronghold Safety Committee
Chapter Thirty Six - Playing God Makes a Monster
Chapter Thirty Seven - She's Got a Chip on Her Shoulder
Chapter Thirty Eight - Let Me Show You Something Breathtaking
Chapter Thirty Nine - Longing for Belonging
Chapter Forty - A Life Lived in Vein
Chapter Forty One - The Fallen Angel and a Taste of Heaven
Chapter Forty Two - Even Gods Cry
Chapter Forty Three - Power Comes Easy, Control, On the Other Hand...
Chapter Forty Four - Nova's Treason For Living
Chapter Forty Five - Paralyzer and Supernova (The Reprise)
Chapter Forty Six - A Fate Worse Than Deathmatch
Chapter Forty Seven - Family Emergency & The Solution Is Worse Than The Problem!
Chapter Forty Eight - Trouble in Paradise
Chapter Forty Nine - Cassie and the Bakugos Size Each Other Up
Chapter Fifty - We Are The Champions
Chapter Fifty One - Three's a Crowd, Even in Heaven
Chapter Fifty Two - Claeson Family Values
Chapter Fifty Three - Hook, Lie, and Sinker
Chapter Fifty Four - SHA's Scarcest Commodities: Love and Trust
Chapter Fifty Five - Who's Afraid of a Little Raid?
Chapter Fifty Six - Momo Visits the Switzerland Harem Academy!
Chapter Fifty Seven - Found Family Values
Chapter Fifty Eight - Here Lies Princess Cassie Stronghold
Chapter Fifty Nine - A Grave Mistake
Chapter Sixty - A Little Party Never Killed Nobody
Chapter Sixty One - A Stumble Down Memory Lane
Chapter Sixty Two - Who's To Say Demons Can't Be Heroes?
Chapter Sixty Three - The Art of Being Heavy Handed
Chapter Sixty Four - The Wind Beneath My Wings Is Ice Cold
Chapter Sixty Five - Slow Dancing in the Dark
Chapter Sixty Six - Animal Instincts
Chapter Sixty Seven - Cultural Differences or Sick Game?
Chapter Sixty Eight - Boys Will Be Boys (Or Not)
Chapter Sixty Nine - It's a Girl Thing
Chapter Seventy - Long Walk, Short Cliff
Chapter Seventy One - Drunk Girls Don't Lie
Chapter Seventy Two - The Insane Apple Doesn't Fall From From the Insanity Tree
Chapter Seventy Three - Do You Believe In Soulmates?
Chapter Seventy Four - Cassanova the Spy Hero
Chapter Seventy Five - Problematic Princess is Being, Yes, Problematic
Chapter Seventy Six - Do You Ever Think About Leaving?
Chapter Seventy Seven - How Many Idiots Does It Take to Ruin a School Festival?
Chapter Seventy Eight - You Are Now Leaving the SHA!
Chapter Seventy Nine - Too Good to Be True
Chapter Eighty - Down the Mountain
Chapter Eighty One - Caught Red Handed
Chapter Eighty Two - This is an Ambush
Chapter Eighty Three - Public Enemy Number One
Chapter Eighty Four - Dead Girl Walking
Chapter Eighty Five - Night Changes
Chapter Eighty Six - In Loving Memory
Chapter Eighty Seven - Blood is Thicker Than Water
Chapter Eighty Eight - Supernova and Red Riot in Life or Death Match
Chapter Eighty Nine - Heroics Beyond Borders
Chapter Ninety - Twisted Sister
Chapter Ninety One - In the Lion's Den
Chapter Ninety Two - Evil is Independent
Chapter Ninety Three - Trigger Warning
Chapter Ninety Four - Stronghold Family Values (The Reprise)
Chapter Ninety Five - Invisible Strings
Chapter Ninety Six - Invincible Object vs Unstoppable Hero
Chapter Ninety Seven - Does God's Grace Reach the Back Pew?
Chapter Ninety Eight - Something Explosive This Way Comes
Chapter Ninety Nine - The Queen & The Commoner
Chapter One Hundred - Double Date Between Best Frenemies
Chapter One Hundred and One - Back and Forth Like a Pendulum
Chapter One Hundred and Two - The Mourning Of
Chapter One Hundred and Three - Thank You All For Everything
Chapter One Hundred and Five - According to Plan
Chapter One Hundred and Six - Supernova (The Reprise)
Chapter One Hundred and Seven - We Call This a Denouement
Chapter One Hundred and Eight - Forgiveness of Sins
Chapter One Hundred and Nine - Birds of a Feather
Chapter One Hundred and Ten - One Down
Chapter One Hundred and Eleven - The Asshole Formerly Known as Heir Stronghold
Chapter One Hundred and Twelve - Guardian Angel
Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen - Introducing Queen Miko Stronghold
Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen - Back From Hell
Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen: A Family as Real as Any Other
Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen - All's Well that Ends Well
We Deserve A Soft Epilogue, My Love

Chapter Eight - Fake Love, Real Lies

310 20 7
By sephlav

Something I should really tell you about America is that it's largely a wasteland. It was once a lot like Japan, or so it seems from the stories we learn as kids, but a lot can change when ruthless leaders come into power during the hecticness of quirk emergence. What was once an open country became a collection of large areas that locked themselves away into compounds, creating a stark inside and outside of haves and have nots. People both within and outside of the walls them began training vigorously, reproducing strategically, and stabbing people in the back. Most of the compounds eventually fell, except for one in California and another in New York.

My father was born and raised in the wastelands. He doesn't remember his parents, or at least claims not to. The way his story goes is that he developed his quirk early, trained it day and night, and snuck his way into the compounds, where he only survived by impressing some of the higher ups of the council at the time. He entered the school system and went on tour. Heir Stronghold paints himself as quite the underdog in these stories. I've heard many tales of his being left on battlefields, bloody and battered, after his stamina had run out, and having to be rescued by his comrades, and nursed back to health from the brink of death a number of times. How much of it is true, you may ask? Good question. I don't know, and I don't care.

Family monarchy had already been introduced before he'd even entered the compounds. He wasn't anything prestigious, but he claims that he'd gotten a few courtship proposals. It might be true. It wasn't against any rules for monarchy kids to marry someone outside of it. Many impressive individuals from insignificant families got into family monarchy this way. If he'd accepted, he would have been instantly recognized as a King and his children as immediate Princes and Princesses. However, he went on a tour, one of the last before he graduated into the adult hero program, to aid in a villain attack in some country he never bothers to name. One of the people he'd saved had been a young Japanese woman on vacation with her family, every one of which had died in the catastrophe. She had had an empty home to return to, but her and my dad fell so deeply and quickly in love that she decided to go back to America to be with him instead.

The council was outraged. They didn't tend to accept newcomers in general, my powerful even was a legendary exception, but allowing entrance to someone quirkless was ludicrous and unthinkable. The compounds were about achieving and maintaining the power against the wastes; they housed only those who could pull their weight, either in raw power or influence. A quirkless woman had neither, and my father hadn't yet acquired enough of either to have much sway. He had been a good talker, though, and he somehow convinced them to allow my mother to stay on the compound. She was the only quirkless person there, and it was extremely disgraceful. My dad had had to fight for both of them on his own. He claimed that they both had the dream of wanting to have a family, belong to the compound, and enter family monarchy. It's not the whole truth, of course, but I trust enough of it not to question it.

The two of them proceeded to have two phenomenal children. He'd trained his own quirk into something incredible by the time they were born, and it came through greatly amplified in them. My sisters were prodigies. They mastered their own quirks at a much faster rate than the rest of their classmates and joined my father in his side business of training others. As you can imagine, there was a high demand of people that found it helpful to train with an indestructible partner. Even the higher ups noticed and praised them. However, they were girls.

And my mom was tired from having them. My dad has never audibly acknowledged it, but they have done studies on what bearing children with quirks, especially powerful ones, does to quirkless women. It's hard on their bodies and it's hard on their minds. She was still some kind of conscious though, because Melanie used to tell me stories of how she took them to the park, brushed their hair, and spoke and taught Japanese to them. But then she gave birth to me, Cassiopeia Stronghold, a baby whose quirk had been active in every single fucking cell constantly since the first fucking one. She really fell apart after that. And the kicker was? I was a girl too. I was the last chance, and I'd fallen short.

To his credit, my father had often treated me as a means to an end, but he had never treated me as if he hated me for it. That's one of the reasons I seek his approval so viciously, maybe. I want him to feel like it was worth it. Like there was an equivalent exchange. But what we have between us is too selfish to be love. He too, is a means to an end to me. It's a respectful agreement. We silently allow it to be that way.

What I had with my sisters was closer to love than what I had with my dad, but it was still not quite it. From the very beginning, I watched the two of them fight and compete for my father's attention and affection through their training and obedience. I joined this battle as soon as I could. There was a special kind of ruthlessness we shared, being offspring of the best. We clawed at each other more than most sisters do. And it wasn't just that, either. No matter how much time we spent together, and no matter how much of it may have counted as bonding, I had taken their mom from them. There were times when our competitions would peak and their tempers would flare and they would remind me of it. I didn't blame them for feeling that way. I might have too, if the roles were reversed. Raina felt and acted out on it more so than Melanie, but I understood that. She'd had her longer and had lost more. My sisters and I did genuinely like each other, I thought, but there was a lot of tension underlying our relationships.

I can recognize all of this as not being love because I love my mom. I love her so purely and selflessly because she has never and could never give me anything in return. Even though I don't know her, and I probably never will. Not really, anyways. I live in my father's fantasies about their incredible love story and I don't question it because I want to believe it. I want that for her. I want to make her proud. I want to be someone that she would have been proud of. I'm probably not, but I want to believe that I could be. Maybe one day.

I love Momo too. She's the only other person I feel that way about. I feel it for certain, and I have never questioned it. She's the only person I have in my life that I say it to out loud or allow to say it to me. I used to say it to my mom so that she would repeat it, but it broke my heart so badly that I'd only ever heard it a few times. Momo is someone who has always been by my side and allowed me to exist entirely beside her. She's the long-lost sister every lonely little girl hopes she has. She's the Melanie that never left. She's my family. She's perhaps more family than the rest of them.

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