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By wifeofkuroken

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Serendipity (n.) to find something good without looking for it; to discover something beautiful by chance... More

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Character Profile/Application
Season One Main cast
Taking a Break


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By wifeofkuroken

Salvatore Boarding House| Ariana

I looked at Elena head tilted and eyes wide. He paused for a moment before looking at her guilt present but looking at me a bit sadly.

"You know." I looked away from the saddened vampire refusing to feel sympathetic after everything he's done.

"No I don't" Elena respond while I on the other hand sensed the more reckless brother close.

"Yes, you do, or you wouldn't be here." Elena looked at me as I threw my hands up in surrender.

"Ari why aren't you as shocked and as worried as me?" Elena asked disbelief evident on her face.

With a sigh I looked at her, "Elena I know already I've known this entire time." She looked at me with a defeated expression.

"H-How long have you known why didn't you say anything?" She stuttered out as I rolled my eyes.

"Dad trained me to be able to protect myself from vampires. They're dangerous and unpredictable and he was going to train Jeremy next. However he told me that if he died then to train him myself." My dad didn't like vampires in fact he used to do experiments on them.

I didn't agree with his methods at first until I realized the vampires experimented on were the worst of the worst. I never joined in on the experiments it just wasn't ethical to me.

"Why didn't dad tell me?" Elena asked as I rolled my eyes. Rona gets too emotionally involved when it comes to things. Our dad don't think she would be able to handle it.

"No offense Elena but he felt as though you were too weak to train or handle the supernatural world. You can't handle your emotions and you get too involved. You're also too immature I mean you literally came to confront Stefan. The one who's more than likely behind the animal attacks." She looked at me with a bit of anger.

"So that's why you were so reluctant to leave Emmett? They know too don't they?!" She exclaimed you could see the anger spread across her face.

Sighing I looked away from her. "It's not possible it can't be" she began rambling a bit trying to believe her boyfriend and his brother cousins possibly be vampires. To top it all off her own twin knew.

"Everything you know...And every belief that you have is about to change. Are you ready for that?" Stefan asked bending down to see her face a bit.

"What are you?" Elena asked with a frightened face while I sighed from annoyance. "I'm a vampire" he blurted out rather hesitantly.

"I shouldn't have come" Elena said slowly backing away to go to her car. Stefan grabbed her both by the wrist "No. Please."

She tries to run away but he rushed in front of her. "No. No. How did you do that?" I sighed for the millionth time tonight.

"please don't be afraid of me" he pleaded looking between us both while I looked away. "Let me go" she said squirming around trying to get out of his hold.

"No. Elena, there's things that you have to know and understand." He said begging us both to which I avoided eye contact.

"Let me go!" She yelled finally pulling away I went to go after her so we could leave but his hand grabbed onto my wrist.

"Ari" I looked at him blankly before releasing my wrist by the time I turned around Elena was already driving off.

My blood boiled how could she just leave me here?! Before Stefan could speak to me I disappeared using a spell Ayana taught me that I haven't perfected yet.

Stomping into the house I slammed the door shut hearing footsteps rush over. "Elena you bitch!" I yelled eyes turning a golden color around the same shade as Jasper and Rosalies which I hadn't noticed.

I went to rush up the stairs but was held back by Jacob. "Hey hey what's going on? What happened?" Rosalie asked standing in front of me.

I was kicking and squirming trying to get out of Jacob's hold so I could go kick Elena's ass.

"Ari I'm sorry!" she yelled from the top of the stairs. Hearing her voice just made
Me more angry. "I'll fucking kill you you stupid, irrelevant, pick me as bitch!" I yelled.

Elena's Room| 3rd Person

"Elena" she tries to run out of her room she'd rather deal with a pissed Ari than Stefan. However Stefan pushes the door shut and corners Elena against the door.

"I would never hurt you you're safe with me" he said as they both could hear the pissed off Ari downstairs.

Although it made Stefan's inner vampire pissed off that the Cullens and Jacob were the ones with her he opted to worry about that later.

"All those animal attacks, those people who died..." she started "No. That was Damon!" he said back trying to make sure she didn't get the wrong idea.

Then it clicked the reason Ari doesn't like him...is because she thinks it's him doing all of this.

He snapped back into reality when he heard Elena's voice "Damon?" she asked hesitantly but knew deep down it was true.

"Yes. I don't drink human blood. That's not how I choose to survive, but Damon does! I'll explain everything to you, but I beg you, Elena, do not tell anybody." He said hoping she'd believe him.

"How can you ask me that? I'm not Ari! She may not care...but I do!" both Elena and Stefan knew that if Ari would've heard that she'd come up here and harm them both.

"Because you knowing this is dangerous for so many reasons. You both can hate me, but I need you to trust me." he said and there goes those plural words again.

He didn't mean to say both because in truth he knows Ari doesn't trust him at all. "Why? Why do you keep pluralizing your words? Why do you always add Ari into everything you say when speaking to me?!" she yelled and now they both know Ari heard because they heard rushing footsteps but again people holding her back

"ELENA MARIE GILBERT I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" Elena took a big and loud gulp knowing that her twin was mad for leaving her there.

"Just go. Just go, please. Go. If you mean me no harm, then you'll go!" she said arms held up in surrender and head turned away.

"I never wanted this" he said before disappearing. Finally seeing him gone she rushed to the window and locked it.

Gilbert living room| Ariana

"Ari hey hey Ari I know you're mad but you need to calm down come on" Alice said to me who was even more pissed after hearing Elena yell about me to Stefan upstairs.

The door suddenly opened and in came my four best friends. "Ari oh my god what happened?!" Caroline said as the four rushed over to me.

"I'm going to kill her I swear to god guys I can't fucking believe she did that!" I yelled face red and body slightly warm, it's possible Im getting sick.

After all I hadn't perfected teleporting and was stuck far from the house in the rain. "What's going on?" Tyler asked looking towards the others.

"Me and her were watching tv and Elena came in and dragged her somewhere about two hours later Elena came back without Ariana and rushed to her room another two hours later Ariana stomped in slamming the door closed yelling about killing Elena but we stopped her and held her back she had explained that Elena and Stefan had got into a fight and broke up and Elena drove off and left Ari there and she had to walk back home in the cold rain." now I was even more mad after hearing the story again.

I began to sneeze and shiver a little, I didn't understand why I was beginning to get this way. I don't think you can get sick that fast...right?

"Ari you're shivering" Bonnie said putting the back of her hand on my head before quickly pulling it away.

"Your body is really hot and you're beginning to sweat" she said rushing to do god knows what.

"Guys I think she's sick from the rain take her to her room and make sure she doesn't go to Elena" Matt said following Bonnie out.

"I'm not-" I was cut off by a sneeze "sick" I said as I was ushered up the stairs. "Yea and you also aren't sweating, shivering, and burning hot either" Edward said back sarcastically earning a glare from me.

"Lay down Ari or so help me god I'll put you to sleep myself" Bonnie glared at me. Quickly and stubbornly looking away and laying in my bed I stuffed my face in my pillow. What a crappy night I'm still going to kill her though...

Cemetery| 3rd Person

Damon stood in the cemetery burning the bodies of some druggy teens. Pulling out his phone he called his dear old brother.

"Hello?" a males voice answered "I want my ring." Damon said walking around the pile of burning bodies.

"Where are you?" the youngest Salvatore asked. "I'm at the sizzler. I had the buffet. Where's my ring?" He responded as the night air nipped at his skin.

"I don't have it. Where are you? What have you done?" Stefan said he didn't lie technically he didn't have the ring why would he keep the key to his brother's freedom on him?

"No, what have you done? You're the one that locked me in the basement and starved me, so whatever I've done, whoever I've sucked dry is on you, buddy." Damon shot back clearly angry at his younger brother's actions.

"You're being careless. How many more animal attacks is this town gonna believe, huh?" he replied trying to get Damon to spill his whereabouts with no luck.

"I know how to cover my tracks, Stefan. Where's my ring?" Damon was telling the truth he just didn't care. All he wanted was his ring back.

"I gave it to Zach to hide. Probably shouldn't have killed him." Stefan bluffed.

"...Ah, you almost got me. Where is it?" Of course he didn't believe him Stefan is clearly a terrible liar.

"I'll get it back, but I need time." Stefan said a plan in mind. If he was going to make things right with Ari...and Elena he needed to start from the beginning.

"What, did you FedEx it to Rome?! Where is it? I want my ring, Stefan, or my next stop's Ari's" Damon said back pissed because deep down he knew damn well he wouldn't lay a hand on the girl.

Elena on the other hand well she was kinda just dead weight. Much to Stefan's theories Damon really did love Katalina and god Ari reminded him of her everyday. There was also Katherine though and Elena reminded him of her.

He hated to admit how much love he held for both girls and one point. He hated to admit he still does which is why he'll release them one day. Release them from the tomb in which they were shoved in.

"I already want you dead. Don't give me another reason to make it happen." Stefan knew he wasn't strong enough to kill Damon.

Without human blood he was way weaker than Damon who survived off human blood. So in reality it was just an empty threat.

"Don't give me another reason to rip you apart." Damon responded looking at the dead body of Vicki Donovan.

"Yeah? Is that gonna be before or after you get your ring back?" Stefan said
"Just get it." Damon responded before ending the call and walking over to Vicki's body and pouring alcohol on hero burn her body well that was until she woke up..."You just don't wanna die, do you?"

Gilbert Residence| 3rd Person

Ari who is obviously officially sick is sleeping with the Cullens, Jacob, and her best friends with her.

Outside stood Stefan who was guarding her and her family from Damon. He didn't know it but Damon would never lay a hand on Ari...

Mystic Grill| Ariana

"You said you would explain everything. That's why I asked you to meet me here. When you Google "vampire" you get a world of fiction. What's the reality?" Elena said while I sat wondering why I was here...

"I can tell you both whatever you wanna know." Stefan said while I sat bored and uninterested Elena seemed very into it.

I was trying my very hardest not to kill her after yesterday. There were...consequence if I were to hurt her in any way, shape, or form...there's also the fact that I was still sick and was pale as hell...

I had to keep remembering I unfortunately needed Elena alive and healthy. If my future plans were going to work she needed to stay human. With the bitch being self centered and accident prone who knows.

"uh actually I don't really care the only reason I'm here is because she dragged me and the only reason she's not dead is because if I hurt you there will be consequences I'd rather not face..." I looked away siping my milkshake.

Elena ignored me while a flash of hurt was shone in Stefan's eyes. Did I care? No. This man has been killing people for gods sake.

He or his brother almost killed Vicki if it wasn't for Matt I'd say good riddance and let's not forget Tanner.

"I know you eat garlic." I looked at Elena this dumbfounded. "Yes" he responded shortly "And somehow, sunlight's not an issue." before he could responded a waitress came over.

"Hi, here are your drinks." she said placing another milkshake in front of me and coffee in front of Elena before walking away.

"We have rings that protect us" he said showing the bulky blue ring with the letter S on it.

Then she began to just spout bullshit while he responded bored eyes trained on me. "Crucifixes?" "Decorative." "Holy water?" "Drinkable" why would you drink- never mind.

"Mirrors?" "Myth." now that was just a dumb question he's been in your room before in front of your mirror I face palmed.

"You said you don't kill to survive." Elena said making me interested in the topic now which didn't go unnoticed by Stefan.

"Animal blood keeps me alive, but not as strong as Damon. He can be very powerful." I placed my elbow on the table and propped my chin on my fist.

"So you weren't behind the 'animal' attacks?" I questioned leaning forward. "No..." I hummed as Elena began again.

"And yet you let him get involved with Caroline?" the first smart question she's asked today.

"Forcing Damon not to do something is much more dangerous, believe me." I mean I could always just kill him...right? Nope can't do that still need him.

"He was hurting her!" Elena yelled gaining the attention of others as I smacked her in the back of her head.

"Stop being so loud dumbass I'm already sick don't give me a headache to" I glared at her while she rubbed the back of her head.

" He was feeding on her. He was able to take away her memories of being bitten using a form of mind compulsion. She never knew what was happening to her. If he wanted to kill her, he would have." I looked at him in disbelief.

"Is that supposed to make it ok?" Elena asked face contorted into shock. "No. No, none of this is ok, Ari- Elena. I know that." I raised one eyebrow an amused smirk forming. Elena didn't notice the slip up but I did.

"Are there any others, aside from you and Damon?" Elena asked while I pulled out my phone bored out of my mind.

"Not in Mystic Falls; not anymore." I released an inaudible yawn while they continued speaking.

Group chat:Fine ass mfs

I'm going to off myself

Ari don't just say things like that!

What's wrong?

Stefan is over here answering all of Elena's questions while I'm sick as hell with a headache .

Didn't we tell you to stay home when we left this morning?!

Care Bear
Yea if I'm not mistaken we put you on bed rest until your fever dies down.


Ariana Sophia Gilbert.

Bon Bon
Full name? Good luck Ari.

Ari has gone offline

Tuning back into the conversation I could feel the vibrations from the group chat of constant messages and hear the ping sound that came from each message

"Elena...Give me today. I will answer any questions that you have, and when it's over, you can decide for yourself what you wanna do with what you know. It'll be your choice." wow this is the first time he didn't mention me in some way thank god.

Cemetery| 3rd Person

Logan arrives and starts talking to sheriff Forbes looking at the charred bodies of the druggy teens. "Never smelled one this bad before." said man responded observing the scene in front of him.

"It tried to cover its tracks." Stated worriedly now that the vampire seemed to realize they were onto it.

"Are you sure?" Logan asked one eyebrow lifted arms crossed. "I'm positive. You only burn a corpse to try to hide cause of death, and there are no shell casings." She replied with a serious expression.

"We know who they are?" He was referring to the charred bodies of course since they were no longer recognizable.

"Doc'll have to check their dental records." She sighed feeling a bit defeated knowing innocent teens died and they could do nothing to prevent that.

"What story should I run?" already ready to cover up the deaths or in their mind murder. "Drug deal gone bad. It's not too big a stretch." She figured it'd be good enough and believable but if the parents were to ask to see the bodies well how would they explain their child was charred from a 'drug deal gone wrong'

"I got the Gilbert watch." Logan said of course feelings bad still about the fact that he used Jenna his ex to get the watch.

Though he found it to be to easy that he was able to get the watch. He ran into Jasper during the time he was snooping around and was almost caught.

In the midst of that Ariana ended up walking out as well eyeing him suspiciously. They both questioned him and he responded with 'looking for the bathroom' of course he knew where the bathroom was but they don't know he knew or so he thought.

Again it seemed to easy that he was able to find the watch. Even though he felt as though someone let him take the watch he threw that thought to the back of his mind as Sheriff Forbes responded back of his early statement. "Good." she said.

He didn't know that the watch was a fake and lace there specifically for him to find. Ariana couldn't let anything ruin her plans that included the council.

If the brothers were discovered to be vampires they'd be killed. Unfortunately she still needed them for the future.

As much as they seemed to dislike Elena they seemed to have an interest I herself. She figured because of that fact they would protect those she cares about.

Not long after police officers came over showing them an ID Vicki Donovan's to be exact.

Not knowing whether or not her body was here they just hoped she wasn't seeing as though the sheriff went to school with her mother.

Even if she was alive it's possible they'd have to put out a warrant for her arrest as a suspect of course.

The town of Mystic Falls that was so quiet for years everyone knowing everyone was now being destroyed all because of two century old brothers who couldn't leave the past in the past.

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