Beauty In a Cage [L.S] - Shor...

By Maguii_Sol

2.9K 198 476

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1.2K 72 159
By Maguii_Sol

You guys don't know how damn excited I'm right now about this one.

I think I've never been this excited.

This is quite different from what I always do, so hopefully you'll enjoy it.

I need to say that everything in here is completely fictional.
It's an original world created by me, so go with the flow.

God, I'm truly excited.
This is the first part out of three, so maybe I'll update the second one this weekend or so.

Love you all.

Mag 🦋

𝐵𝑒𝑎𝑢𝑡𝑦 𝐼𝑛 𝑎 𝐶𝑎𝑔𝑒

[Louis' POV]

Being a healer was a hard task.
We had to deal with injured guardians on daily basis.

The war had been going on, tormenting us, for years.
Since our community, the Revolutionaries, split up with the Salvatores twenty years ago, we've been in constant war with each other.

And it wasn't getting any easier.

We were once one town. Revolutionaries and Salvatores all belonged together, just as the Phoenix had declared. We all shared our land and trained together, learned together.
The Phoenix gave us our powers, our capacity to control the elements, and we were eternally grateful for it. Both communities worked together to evolve, to give back to the nature what it had given us.

But I don't even remember those times, I was barely a kid. All of that magical era ended when the Salvatores captured the Phoenix for themselves. When He decided he wanted to control everyone and everything. When they started taking from us, when they stole from us, killed groups of Revolutionaries and violated our rights and laws every time they had the chance.

That's why our boss decided to cut strings with them. That's when all of our community moved to the outskirts of the territory to start over. Away from Him.

She was a hero to our community. She was our leader, and the only one who fought for us when our people were dying on Salvatore territory.

But when that happened, we were left short of people, having to train new healers and guardians from even younger ages, and making my job even more of a responsibility.
We couldn't afford to lose any guardians.

We had lost lots of them during the years. And now, I made it my personal goal to not let anyone else die.
It's been twenty years, and things weren't progressing.

Salvatores only wanted to destroy us little by little.
Almost as a long-term torture.

All our guardians had been separated strategically into different commissions and secured our territory constantly, because attacks could be expected at any time. But at the same time, there were groups on the field, trying to win back what once belonged to us.

Me, as a healer, had to make sure to cure, heal and keep in shape all of the guardians on duty.

In a world where everyone fights to survive, I had the chance to be one of the few actually doing some good by healing the guardians that protect our part of the town, our territory.
And it was hard, almost draining at times.
But I also happened to love it.

I saw death with my own eyes in every person that came through the doors of the clinic.
Salvatores knew how to attack us, knew how to weaken us.

But what they didn't know was that since Revolutionaries split up from them, had trained their healers better than before, that our team of healers was extremely prepared to cure whatever wound in whatever form and even with no resources.

We've been trained with the four elements and with the only goal of surviving.
That was our main priority.

Today, I was on call for twelve hours and I had had three guardians already fixed by my own hands that left this place looking better than ever.
Vera, my coworker and best friend, had four and one of them arrived here without a heartbeat.

She brought him back to life.

Some of the guardians, when they learn that we have more element skills than them, that we mastered every element just like our mother one, tend to ask us to go on the field, to use our elements to fight.

But that isn't how it works.
Our destiny is to heal, to help, to protect our own.
Not to attack.

That's why I've always been safe.
I see death, I avoid it, and I prevent it.

But me? It'll never reach me.
At least not on the field.

There had been an attack just this morning, and we were expecting more and more guardians to show up. We needed to be awake, energized and with our powers at their best.
I took my job seriously, and I was not letting anyone die in my watch.

Vera tapped on my shoulder, making me turn rapidly to the people entering the clinic.
We've barely finished with the last one and they were already sending more in.

But that was it, we need to be quick and precise. We just couldn't let anyone die.
And that was a requirement from our boss.

She made the calls, we followed.

Both man that were entering our healing room were severally injured, almost crawling while helping each other walk.
Blood was all over their bodies and they looked pale.

Good thing about guardians, they had more strength and pain tolerance than anyone else.

Vera helped one of them into one of the beds on her examination room, closing a curtain, and I took the other to the adjacent room.
The guy was almost drowning in blood, and he had a huge cut on the upper part of his torso.

"I'll help you. Just stay as still as you can." - I said, helping him lay down and giving him my best comforting smile.

I moved quickly to grab a bucket of water and kept it by my side.

"I'll freeze part of your torso, so it'll numb your pain and you won't feel a thing of what I'm doing."

"Okay." - He coughed blood.

"It'll also stop the bleeding."

"Just do it."

"Stop talking." - I said, ripping his shirt open with both my hands and getting to work.

With a move of my hands, the water spiraled out of my bucket and separated in individual drops, falling softly on the patient's skin. The drops froze altogether right above the wound.

The blood froze too, earning me some time before I could find the source of it.

With another move of my hands, I splashed tiny drops of water all over his face, cleaning it and helping him to stop coughing.
Once the blood flooding from his mouth stopped, I could finally hear him breathing normally.

I nodded to myself.
It was under control.

"Now that the bleeding is contained. I need to fill in some data, before I can actually assist you and heal you."

"Yeah sure." - He hissed.


"Harry Styles."

"Guardian of which commission?"




"Which mission were you in?"

"I can't tell you."

"Excuse me?"

"Can't tell you." - He said, putting his hands over the wound and trying to search for his previous pain.

"Get your hands out." - I said firmly. - "You'll make it worse."

"I don't feel a thing."

"I told you."

"But I felt like a was dying just three seconds ago."

"You're still dying, probably slower. But still are."

"Why aren't you fixing me then?"

"Because I need to fill this."

"Just fix me already."

"I won't do a thing if you don't answer which mission you are on."

"I can't tell anyone."

"Well, then I guess you'll have to leave. We don't give our healing services if we don't have the necessary information."

"Boss told me I couldn't say a word."

"I believe we all have the same boss, and She wants all the files completed."

"So, you're not going to heal me?"

"You're not going to answer my question?"


"Then I won't heal you. You know where the door is."

"What? God, you can't do this to me! I'll die."

"Yes, I can. And yes, you will." - I smirked.

"And you're not going to do anything about it?"

"Look, Harry. I'm doing my work here. I can fix you in my sleep, but I can't do it if I don't fill in your data. That ice I put on your wound will melt in minutes, and your bleeding will continue. So, what's going to be? You answering my question or you going back out there to bleed to death?"

"I hate you." - He grunted.

"Well. I don't care." - I shrugged. - "Now if you don't mind, I need the bed free for the next patient."

"No! Heal me. I'm here and I'm dying!"

"I'll say it one more time. Answer. My. Question."

"Fine! My partner and I are on the Phoenix mission."

"What?" - I gasped.

"It's secret. We're the only two on it. Now please heal me."

"Are you guys saving the Phoenix?"

"Yes. But I won't be able to do it if you don't fix me!"

"Fine, you grumpy. I'll fix you."


With a swift movement of my hand, I melted the ice on his torso and took another stream of water in my fingers, sending it inside the wound and placing my hand flat on top of his abdomen, feeling the water spreading through veins and in between organs, quickly moving inside Harry's body, searching for the real damage and cleaning the wound completely from the inside.

I hummed, satisfied with the result when nothing major was found, no organs were damaged. When I removed my hands from Harry's skin, the used water evaporated and I firmly inserted my index finger where the hemorrhage was coming from, igniting it with a little flame to weld the vein close.

Taking my finger out of his wound, I found Harry's hand stopping me from continue doing my job, grabbing my wrist in the air.

"What?" - I arched an eyebrow.

"You control fire."


"And water?"


"But... how?"

I frowned.

"I'm a healer. I learned to control more than just my mother element."

"What was your mother element?"



I shrugged.

"Are you going to let me continue healing you or do you want to have a chat?"

"Sorry." - He mumbled, letting go of my hand.

I rolled my eyes and took another thin stream of water, guiding it up from the bucket and pressing it against the wound to check again if more blood came out.
It didn't.

I hummed in approval and continued to close up the exterior.
Joining both parts of skin, I froze them in place, then ignited both of my hands with controlled blue flames, placing them above the joined skin and welding the edges together.

The skin closed very well, and I could say it was one of my finest works so far.
To leave even a tinier scar, I blew some cold air on it, manipulating it with my fingers and exerting pressure on it to smooth the burn.

The ice had long melted at this point, and Harry's torso was good as new.

"It's done." - I smiled down at him. - "You can leave. Remember I numbed your pain with the ice, so you don't feel anything right now, but you will in a few hours. It's normal."

"Thanks." - He said, touching his scar in astonishment. - "Can I ask you something?"


"You control three elements?"

I raised an eyebrow at him and shook my head.

"You don't know much about healers, don't you?"


"I can control all four of them, but earth isn't something we actually use much being inside the clinic. It's more of a survival skill if we sometime are sent to the field. I also can control Electricity." - I smirked and Harry's jaw dropped.


"It was a plus in my Fire class. You could take the extra classes in the last two years and learn Electricity or any subelement. We all had to choose an extra at school. It could be animals, electricity, flying or underwater skills. I went for electricity."

"You guys can learn to fly?!"

"I mean, I didn't have to because I was born with air as my element. So, I already knew it." - I smirked.

"Air is my element and I don't know how to fly."

I rolled my eyes.

"Because you're a guardian. You guys learned how to fight, use your strength, and field stuff. We healers, on the other hand, we learn to heal all of you with every mean we can find, we are masters of the elements, and probably our community's future teachers."

"We can be teachers too." - He sounded offended.

"If you don't die out there."

"You know very well that there aren't many dead Revolutionary guardians nowadays."

"Thanks to who?" - I smirked. - "You would be dead right now if it weren't for me."

Harry huffed and threw his legs out of the bed.

"Can I leave now?"

"Sure. Try not to hurt yourself, because I won't help you next time."

"I'm sure I won't be asking you for help either." - He huffed.

"By the way, flying is easy. You only have to control the air around you to support weight, and then you know, move it in the direction you want to go. Maybe, even being a guardian, you could try it."

He raised an eyebrow and shook his head in disbelief, walking out of the room and slamming the door on his way out.

I smirked to myself.


"He didn't even know we could control more than one element! Isn't that weird? I mean how would we be supposed to cure people with only one of them? It's impossible!"

"Louis, he's a Styles. He comes from a long line of guardians. He probably doesn't have a healer in his family." - Vera said, slightly amused of seeing me that bothered.

"But he can learn! Didn't he go to school?"

"Of course he went to school."

"Then I'm sure he lives in a cage or something."

"But yet he's in charge of the most important mission in twenty years, so he must be good."

"Yeah, that... The other one told you?"

"Yes, Sean Styles." - She rolled her eyes. - "It was a challenge to make him speak though. Fucking stubborn guy."

"Harry too. Are they brothers or something?"


"And nobody in their family is a healer?"

"Nope. All Styles are guardians and are only allowed to marry guardians too, to keep it in the blood." - She rolled her eyes. - "Some tradition shit."

"That's insane."

"I know. Though, I believe there is a woman in the family that's a technician. But I'm not sure."

"Poor woman. If all the Styles are half as stupid as those two, she must be sick of that family." - I said and Vera laughed.

"But... wouldn't it be cool to finally get the Phoenix back? We could stop the war with the Salvatores. We could have what is ours and..."

"Stop dreaming. We've tried set it free for twenty years. Don't let your hopes up."

She huffed and folded her scrubs, shoving them into her bag.

"Let's get out of here."


With a little twirl of my finger, I made the fallen autumn leaves spiral in the air, resembling a little tornado before letting them fall again on the ground.

I was bored, sitting outside the clinic, and just waiting for something to happen.
Maybe a new patient, maybe the clock hitting twelve so I could finally leave, maybe rain over my head to make me move back inside.

Anything really.

But streets were empty at this time of night, and even if I was on call, nothing ever happened after ten in the night.

Some guardians were working on the security towers, of course, but without attacks from the Salvatores, it was impossible for them to be injured.

And so far, no attacks were done.

Until I saw a figure limping on the street and heading towards the clinic.

"You have to be kidding me."

I stood up from the little step I was sitting on and saw that was him indeed.

A week passed since I told him I won't ever help him again. And yet, here he was, looking at me with puppy eyes at almost midnight.

"What the hell did you do now?"

"I think I broke my leg."

"I can see that. How?"

"Can't tell you."

"I believe I told you that if you don't answer my questions, I won't help you." - I said, but taking his arm and helping him inside, nevertheless.

I sat him on the examination table, and he thanked me quietly.

"I was spying. And I fell."

"For your mission?"


"Were you on Salvatore territory?"


"And you walked all the way here with a broken leg?" - My eyes widened. - "Where the hell was your partner?"

"He's still back there. He's fine though, but we couldn't risk it both of us getting here." - He sighed. - "The Salvatores can't know I'm working against them, so I can't exactly show up at their clinics and explain this."

"What? You are a Salvatore?"

"An infiltrate. I'm working from inside to get the Phoenix free."


"Yeah. Are you healing me or not?"

"Yeah, sorry." - I mumbled, picking the folder and filling his data once again. - "I can't promise you you'll be able to go on a mission again right away though."

"How much do I have to wait?"

"Probably a week. And still, you'll have to be very careful."

"What? No! No way. I heal fast, it won't take that long."

"I know guardians heal fast. That's why I said a week. Are you going to listen to me or do whatever you please?"

"I can't stop the mission for a week."

"Then I guess your leg will be broken again even before it healed." - I shrugged, placing my hands on his leg and feeling the damage.

"Why are you like this?"

"Like what? Realistic?" - I smiled and caused him to roll his eyes.

"No. Annoying."

I laughed.

"Learned from you."

Harry rolled his eyes and laid down on the table.

"Just fix my leg so I can get out of here and never see your face again."

"Charming." - I muttered, grabbing some of my tools and a bucket of clean water.

With a pair of scissors, I cut the fabric of his pants, leaving the injury in the open.
Moving both of my hands up, I made the water fly out of the bucket and travel through the air to be easily placed around Harry's broken leg as a way of immobilizer, a cylinder.

I froze it on spot.

Then, grabbing rocks and the flames coming from my fingers, I managed to spread some lava over the frozen piece of ice, causing the makeshift cast to solidify and turn into a white rock at normal temperature.

"Okay, Harry. That's it. You can't move it now. In a week come to see me and I'll break the cast. In the meantime, I'll give you some healing herbs for you to drink and relieve the pain."

"This is torture." - He sighed.

"It's not my fault you fell while spying. I pretty much believe it's yours." - I smirked. - "If anything, is deserved torture."

Then, I moved back to the little lab where Vera and I kept our herbs.

With a little twist of my hand, the three types of leaves I was thinking of, flew up from their respective jars and into the bowl I had in front of me, rapidly ripping themselves into pieces and falling on the bottom of the bowl.

My free hand motioned tiny drops of water into the bowl and with a single twirl of two fingers, it all started mixing, the pieces of leaves and the water getting together as one green liquid.

I took the bowl in my hands and verted the liquid into a little medicine bottle, handing it to Harry.

"I'll see you in a week, Styles."

With a snap of my fingers, I turned all the lights of my house on, finding Vera fast asleep on my couch, almost drooling and I laughed.

"Love how you always wait up for me." - I said, looking that she was already waking up from the lights.

"Yeah, I'm the best." - She yawned.

"Your shift starts in two hours. I'm going to sleep."

"Easy night?" - She asked, moving to the kitchen to prepare the coffee machine for her breakfast, but I went ahead and turned it on with another snap of my fingers.

"You're welcome." - I smiled and she rolled her eyes. - "Was an easy night, yeah. Until that Styles showed up. He was alone this time though."

"Which one?"

"Harry." - I said and she hummed.

"It's so weird, I've never seen those two before and now they show up twice in a week?"

"Yeah, he kind of explained me why."

"Did you drug him to get an answer out of him?" - She laughed.

"Not drug him, but threaten him with not healing him." - I smirked. - "He lives on their side, the Salvatores side, as an infiltrate. That's probably why he didn't know about us healers."

"Oh God, really? That must be hard."

"Guess so. I kind of feel like I should check his story with someone though. I tried to check in our old records at the clinic and I found nothing. What if I'm unknowingly helping a Salvatore and he's just lying to me?"

"I don't think so... I mean, our frontiers are secured. Someone must know them. Someone had to let him in."

"Is still weird, isn't it? I've never heard of anyone working in the Phoenix mission before. And now these two just show up? Where had they been all along?"

"I don't know." - She frowned. - "Maybe you could ask for a meeting at the general office, you know, with Her."

"You think so?"

She shrugged, pouring the coffee in a mug and sipping on it.

"You have nothing to lose."


So, the very next day, before work, I stepped by the general office in search of answers.
I took a deep breath and walked towards the front desk, smiling politely at the kid behind it.

Probably a technician student.

Everyone that worked on administration or strategy were known to be technicians. The third category of our community. Technicians were trained in a lot of fields, but with only one element. The one they were born with.

They were in charge of organizing, communicating, providing and directing.
They were the guides and the brains.

And She was one of them. Always the head of the population.

Trying not to feel nervous about meeting her, I approached the desk with my best smile.

"Hello, I'm here because I need to talk to the boss."

"Sure, you have an appointment?" - The kid smiled back at me.

"No. But this is kind of important. You'll see, I'm a healer at the clinic, and yesterday I helped someone that I'm not sure is part of the Revolutionaries. I believe he might work for the Salvatores. So, I need to know if the boss actually knows this guardian or if he lied."

"I see." - The kid nodded. - "Though I can't let you talk to her without an appointment."

"But didn't you hear? If this guy is lying, then we have to do something."

"I understand, sir. But the boss is very busy, and she can't see you without an appointment."

"I heard that, but this is urgent."

"I can't let you in, sir. I'm sorry."

"Luke, the man said it was urgent, I'm sure I can speak to him for five minutes." - A female voice came from the top opened floor.

I looked up and saw Her leaning over a balcony above us, looking down and smiling at me.

"Sorry, boss. I'll let him up, then." - Then Luke looked back at me and smiled. - "You have five minutes, sir."

I ran up the stairs, meeting with our boss in person after many years of idolizing her from a distance.

"Boss, it's a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for making this little time for me." - I bowed my head as a showing of respect.

"If it's an urgent matter, then I'm all ears." - She smiled, comfortably leaning against the balcony railing.

"Thank you. I'm here because I've received and assisted a guardian this week that I have never seen before. He also didn't want to give me much information about himself to fill the required data. And yesterday, I took care of his broken leg, and he told me he was an infiltrate in the Salvatores territory; but he had to be healed here to not draw any suspicions from them. I'm sorry Boss, but I really need to make sure this guardian is really who he said he is, and if he's really on that mission."

"What's your name, dear?" - She smiled.

"Louis Tomlinson, Boss."

"Louis, did he tell you what his mission was?" - She arched an eyebrow.

"Yes Boss. He said he was on the Phoenix mission." - I whispered.

"What was this guardian's name?"

"Harry Styles." - I gulped and She smirked.

"Then, it's alright. Harry is a Revolutionary just like us. You did good in assisting him. Thank you."

"So, I have nothing to worry about? What he said was true?"

"I don't know what he told you. But I'm sure he works for us. Now, Louis, can I ask you a personal favor?" - She asked and I nodded. - "Since you now know about him and his mission, you must understand how important this is and its confidentiality. Right?" - She asked again, and I nodded. - "Great. So, I'll ask you to make sure he always receives his healing from you and nobody else. I can't let more people know about this."

I sighed and nodded.

"My friend and I know. She assisted his cousin, Sean. But I'll make sure she doesn't say a word either." - I said and She nodded.

"Thank you very much, Louis." - She smiled.

I smiled back and bowed my head, turning back and going down the stairs again with a feeling of relief.


"You have a very insistent patient out there." - Vera said, almost laughing as she peeked through the door of the examination room.


"The Styles one? He's practically yelling at the girl up front to let him see the healer with blue eyes."

I rolled my eyes.

"Let me." - I said, pushing her aside and looking outside the door. - "Styles." - I called and he turned around, his face expression quickly shifting from a tense one to one of relief.

"Thank goodness." - He said, limping towards me. - "Cut this rock out of me."

I laughed.

"Sure. Come in." - I said, letting him enter the room and sending Vera a look that meant get out now.

She snorted and left the room.
Harry accommodated himself on the table and stared at me.

"So, Harry. How have you been this week?" - I smiled.

"Don't mess with me. Just get this off so I can go back."

"Why? I thought we could have a little chat. Maybe some tea, would you like a cup of tea?" - I teased.

He rolled his eyes.

"You're unbearable."

"It's so easy to annoy you. It's kind of funny."

"Your face is funny." - He huffed.

"Good one, Styles." - I laughed. - "Okay, let's get this over with."

I placed a metal tray under his leg and swiftly, my whole hand up to my wrist burst into fire. And, with only a sharp movement over the cast/rock, it started to melt again, dripping on the tray and freeing Harry's leg.

"There you go. Ready to go out on the field again."

"How the hell did you do that?!"

"You've never seen a master of fire, did you?"

"My cousin is a firerer, and he had never done that."

"Let's just say I'm special." - I shrugged one shoulder, focusing now on cleaning the rest of rock and lava off his leg with a splash of water.

"You know, you could help us out there."

"I don't fight."

"But you're a master of the four elements and electricity too!"

"But never to fight, Harry. I do this to heal and survive."

"That's why we could use you!"

I laughed, removing the tray from under him and looking him dead in the eye.

"Nobody is going to use me."


"You're not going to take advantage of my powers for yourself. I have people to help, from here."

"But we need someone like you!"

"Don't you have enough people already?"

"Actually, no. Sean and I are the only ones that are left. All the others were killed when they found out they were infiltrated."

"What?! The Salvatores killed your commision?"

"Why are you surprised?" - He frowned.

"And you fucking want me to join you in your suicidal mission?" - I snorted.

"It's not suicidal if we have your powers."

I rolled my eyes.

"Not happening."


"Tell me why are you so important to this mission and why the boss trust you so much and maybe I'll consider it."

"Because she believes that I'm the best man for the job." - He shrugged.

"Then why do you need my help now?" - I smirked.

"Because it's impossible for me to do it all on my own."

"Then go find another guardian."

"Nobody else can know about the mission. And you already know, so that makes you the only person I can have."

"That you can have? Stop talking about me like a fucking object."

"Look. You know things you shouldn't. So now you're on this too."

"I'm not going to put myself at risk out there. I can't fight. I'll help you if you come with injuries or something, but nothing else."

"I'll protect you if needed. But we could really use your skills."

"Tell me the real reason why She trusts you so much. And because I trust her, I have promised her I'll help you. So, she clearly sees something in you. But I don't trust you."

"You promised her what?"

"That only I will be your healer."

"Ha! God, I knew she had something planned." - He shook his head. - "She assigned me this mission years ago because She is my mother. She prepared me for this mission since I was a child, She is our boss and She's a Styles even if She doesn't want people to know. Is that enough answer for you? You can't tell anyone I told you that, even less Her." - He whispered, looking at the door in concern and I frowned.

"Wait, what?"

"Do I have to repeat myself?" - He whispered in annoyance.

"But she's not a guardian. She can't be a Styles."

Harry rolled his eyes.

"She's a technician. The only one in the family. When she took over the Revolutionaries twenty years ago, she left me with the Salvatores as an infiltrate. I grew up there, but always remained loyal to her. As a guardian, the Salvatores had sent me here to attack multiple times. Instead of that, I managed to give her information. Do you believe me now?"

"Uhm... maybe?"

"And apparently, she now wants you to join the mission, because she asked me to take a healer with me, and since you pretty much offered yourself, guess you'll be the one."

"No shit. She wants me to go out there?"

"She wants someone loyal and powerful." - He shrugged. - "Guess she saw that in you."

"She didn't see my powers, she can't know."

Harry laughed.

"She sees everything."

"I can't... wow, I mean. I don't completely understand yet. Why does She want a healer? Why me? What's the plan?"

"I can't explain you the plan here. But as for the rest, she wants a healer because right now it's only me and Sean, air and fire. We really need more than that and our strength to get the Phoenix. Things are coming to an end soon." - He said, hopeful. - "But we can't afford bring more people because it'll be suspicious if all of a sudden there were three more guardians with us.
I mean, her idea makes sense. You're powerful, you're easy to hide, you don't seem like a threat."

"And I can help you and Sean heal if something goes wrong."

"Heal, and probably escape too. We need to be ready to escape."

I sighed and nodded, taking it all in.

"So?" - He asked.

"How will I get inside their territory? They'll know I'm a Revolutionary."

Harry hummed in thought.

"I know a way. That means you're in?"

I thought for a second, biting my lip and swallowing.

This was a once in a lifetime opportunity for our community.
The opportunity to finally be free.

And if She planned this, then I guess I'll just have to trust her. To trust Harry.
She practically asked me to do this.

"If it is to finally be free from their attacks and keep our community safe, then yes."

Harry smiled and nodded.

"Thank you. Promise you'll come back in one piece."

"You better. I can't heal myself."

"You won't even need to."

I nodded, still a little insecure by my sudden decision.

"When are we leaving?"

"At night?"

I took a deep breath and nodded.

"Let me ask for a few days off then."

"Awesome, I'll meet you tonight at the west frontier."


"One more thing."


"What's your name?"

I chuckled.

"Louis. Louis Tomlinson."

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