Conveniently Inspired

By Swaggermcjagger101

45.4K 1.5K 465

Skylar Lin agrees to fake date Kaden Brooks for a deal of a lifetime. Kaden needs to get his ex-girlfriend of... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter Seven

1.4K 51 23
By Swaggermcjagger101

Skylar tapped her foot with nervous energy in English class. She waited for Ms. Singh to put them in pairs again, constantly looking over her shoulder at Kaden. He didn't notice. Unsurprisingly. But who did notice was Summer Marshall. She squinted at Skylar with a predatory look, trailing her line of vision towards Kaden with a furious glare, as if to say, Back off, he's mine.

This only made Skylar more skittish.

She let out a sigh of relief when Ms. Singh announced it was time to group up. Once again, Skylar and Kaden had the privilege of working out in the halls. Kaden walked out first, but he didn't have a backpack on this time, so thankfully she didn't have to worry about him ditching.

"Hi" Skylar said. Kaden was already seated on the ground with his back against the wall. He grimaced and nodded. What a great start. "Um, so, before we get started on the assignment, I just wanted to let you know-"

"Lin, speak up. I can't hear a word you're saying."

Skylar forced herself to make eye contact. She hadn't even realized she'd been staring at her shoes, her loose hair concealing her face in a curtain. "Before we get started on the assignment," she started again, voice turned up a couple volumes, "I wanted to let you know that I'm willing to partake in your deal."

He raised an eyebrow and sat up straighter. She was still standing which forced him to crane his neck higher. "I'm listening."

Skylar glanced behind at the classroom door just to ensure it was still closed. "I'll pretend to be your girlfriend. If you still want me to." She added the last sentence in a rush, as if he'd somehow changed his mind over the weekend. Although, if the roles were reversed and she was Kaden, Skylar would've chosen a better candidate as well.

"You're not shitting me right now?"

Skylar shook her head. Nobody spoke for a while. Then, a slow grin spread across his lips. "Can I ask what changed your mind?" She shook her head again and sat cross-legged next to him. Opening her binder, she unclipped a piece of paper and scribbled a wide title on the top: Rules. She wrote the 's' in a fancy, curvy way and underlined the word twice. "I'd rather not confide in my reasoning. But if we're going to go through with this, we need to set some boundaries."

Kaden scooted over, until their legs were nearly touching, and leaned his head closer to the paper. "Alright. Shoot."

Rule #1: This affair occurs strictly on school premises only

Kaden frowned but kept quiet. Skylar continued scribbling:

Rule #2: No PDA

Kaden scoffed. "You can't be serious. Summer won't believe we're dating if I can't even hold your hand."

Skylar squirmed. "I'm not used to touching."

"You're not a germaphobe, are you? I wash my hands, trust me."

"No. I just- I'm just not used to it."

Kaden sighed, like he was already regretting this. But then he wrung his hands in a 'continue on' motion.

Rule #3: This can end at anytime that either party desires

Kaden nodded in agreement.

Rule #4: Activities where either party is uncomfortable is prohibited

Skylar capped her marker and looked at him expectantly. She passed him the paper, which he glossed over with a quick scan. "Would you like to make any adjustments?" she asked.

"I think the first one needs to be amended." Without looking at her, he held out his palm, and she immediately passed him the marker. He added his tiny boyish handwriting at the end of the first rule, " ...with the exception of occasional public hangouts." When Skylar frowned, he explained, "There's this wedding thing that my parents are expecting I attend. I've already told them I broke it off with Summer, and they're still expecting me to bring a date, so..." he trailed off awkwardly, scratching his neck.

"Oh. So... so I have to go?"

"I'm not going to force you or anything. It's still not until next month, so if you plan on ditching then just let me know in advance."


Kaden then added, Rule #5: Nobody can know the truth

Skylar frowned at him. "But don't your friends at the park already know that this is fake?"

"Who cares? Once they see us hanging out more often, they'll eventually believe it. I can't risk them blabbing the truth to Summer. The second word gets out, I'm screwed."

He then tapped the marker on rule number three. "How long are you agreeing to this?"

Skylar shrugged. "How long do you need me to?"

"As long as it takes until Summer takes the hint and moves in."

Judging by the death glares Summer shot that day, it'd seem like decades before that happened. "Alright. And I assume this affair starts today."

"Let's narrow it down and say it starts as soon as we walk back into the classroom."

"That's a good idea." She went to clip the Rules page back inside her binder before taking out the assignment sheet. "In the meantime, we can work on these questions-"

Kaden yanked the paper from her. She froze, her hands still paralyzed in mid-air. "Um-"

"Hey, forget about the stupid assignment for a second. We still got like half an hour before class ends. What's the rush? Come on, we need to work on our backstory. If Summer or anybody else asks how we met, what should we tell them?"

He was looking at her, his body a couple inches closer than before, that she felt slightly suffocated. As subtle as possible, she scooted further away. "We could go the honest route and tell them we got close after being paired together for English. That way, the truth is still embedded in there and I technically won't be lying."

"Right. Okay, yeah. Smart. We both know you're terrible at lying." He gave her a teasing grin causing her cheeks to flush. She looked away. "Hey, so if I'm going to be your pretend boyfriend, I should at least know some things about you."

Skylar gulped. She knew where this was headed. The dreaded, "What do you like to do for fun?" question, mixed with the "Tell me something interesting about yourself." Classic ice breakers that nobody actually enjoys answering.

"What do you want to know?" she asked cautiously. Her finger found a loose thread by her jeans, twirling it round and round.

"Well, we could start with the basics. You got any siblings?"

Phew. Okay, these questions she could do. That's because they were black and white. Easy one worded answers that required no overthinking. "Yes" she practically sighed with relief. "One brother and one sister. What about you?"

"Lucky. I'm an only child."

Skylar tilted her head. "That must be lonely."

"Yeah. I've always wanted another person around the house. You're lucky you've got two of them."

"You can take one of them. I won't mind." Kaden laughed. A strange flutter erupted in her chest.

"What other classes do you have this semester?"

"I can just show you my schedule." She flipped to the front cover of her binder where the timetable was on display behind the plastic cover. To her bewilderment, he took out his phone and snapped a photo of it. She squeezed her eyes shut at the glare of the flash. "Did you just take a picture of my schedule?"

"As your fake boyfriend, I think it's customary to walk you to and from class, no?" She merely blinked. Several times. Did people do that? Were people that nice, to walk out of their convenience simply to accompany another person?

"You don't have to do that. I don't want to inconvenience you."

Kaden shook his head like she was being silly. "It's okay, Lin. I did this for Summer. It's only customary that I do it for you, too."

"But your classes... I don't want to make you late."

"I run fast." He winked. That flutter returned, only stronger this time.

She checked her watch. "We really should get back to the question." She recited it aloud, then explained her thought process. Normally, Skylar avoided talking. But discussing school related topics was different. She didn't have to overthink, nor did she have to worry about boring the other person, which usually led to her rambling on. "-so that's why their connection was more based off lust than love. Juliette and Romeo's familial feuds are what pulled them apart, creating a sense of forbidden proximity, which is ultimately what attracted them to each other again. Does that make sense?"

Kaden watched her intently. She was staring at the page, while he was staring at her. A bead of sweat trickled down her neck as she awaited his response. "Do you understand?" she tried again.

"You're so quiet in class" he muttered, almost to himself. "Why don't you put up your hand more often? Obviously you know all the answers." She stiffened. She hated it when people called her quiet. Did they not think she already knew that? Commenting on the volume of her voice only made her more self-conscious. It made her not want to speak up at all.

She didn't want to answer. Because she knew that her honest one wasn't worthy. If she had said, "Because I'm shy" it wouldn't make a difference. In truth, she wanted to put her hand up in class. Everytime Ms. Singh called on somebody who didn't know the answer, everytime she wavered "Anybody else want to give it a try? Somebody who hasn't spoken up yet?" while pointing subtle laser eyes in Skylar's direction, she wanted to jut her palm in the air and give it a shot. But once again, by the time she finally worked up the courage, it was too late. Ms. Singh never called on people, which worked in Skylar's favor because it meant that she'd only call upon those who never participated. Which singled her out.

"Sorry, forget I asked." She was thrown back to see that he appeared genuinely apologetic. He grabbed the paper gently from her hands, tore out a corner, and scribbled down several digits. "Listen, I feel bad that I never contribute much to this class. If you ever need anything, school related or not, just text me, ok?"

"Okay" she lied. This is where Skylar resembled her mother- both of them refused to ask for help. Still, Skylar tucked the paper into her pocket, despite her intention to never look at it.

Ms. Singh poked her head out to call them back inside. Kaden nodded and stood up first, offering his hand. Skylar ignored it, pushing herself off. "Right" he said, shoving his hand back into his pockets. "Forgot."

During class, Kaden had scooted his chair over to Skylar's desk. This action didn't go unnoticed by his classmates. Summer in particular must've got whiplash for the amount of times she swirled her neck to glance their way. Then, when the bell rang, Kaden made a show of carrying Skylar's backpack for her. "No, it's fine, I can carry it-"

"If I can't hold your hand, at least let me hold your stuff." And as promised, he walked her to the next class. They climbed the two flight of stairs, silent the whole time, and while Skylar was struggling to catch her breath, Kaden was unfazed. Outside Mr. Geoffry's world history class, he returned her bag. She muttered a polite thank you. "So, where's your locker?"


He rolled his eyes. "So I can meet up with you after school? You know, like normal boyfriends do?"

"Oh." She kept glancing at the other students trickling past the threshold. They were eyeing the interaction between them like it was the most interesting sitcom they'd ever seen. "Why do you need to meet me?" Then, lowering her voice, "I told you, this is just on school premises only."

He leaned in, matching her tone: "Summer usually asks me for a ride. If you're there with me, you'll act as a Summer-repellent."

"Well, I don't need a ride. So..."

"You take the school bus?"

"No. I walk home."

"You walk home?"

"It's not that far."

"Where do you live?"

"Just about twenty minutes away. I need to pick up my brother and sister from the elementary school down the street."

"Okay." He bobbed his head, contemplating something. "I'll come with you."

Skylar jerked her head back, alarmed. "What-"

"Don't leave without me." He tugged a strand of her hair, and she couldn't even be mad at him because it wasn't technically breaking rule #2. PDA typically involved touching. Skin-to-skin contact. Hair tugging was fine, by legality.

She didn't see him again until after school, as promised. Coming out of French, he was there lingering against the doorframe, one hand flicking through his phone. He didn't notice her at first and so she took it as an opportunity to slip by him. As she started speed walking, he flicked his head up last minute, catching her by the elbow. "Hey-" he let go immediately, staring down at her with hurt. "Geez, Lin. A guy waits for you outside of class and you don't even acknowledge him?"

"I didn't see you."

"Tsk, tsk. I thought we already established what an awful liar you are." They started walking in tune now, and Skylar no longer tried to fight it. She knew going into this arrangement that she'd be spending time with him. The 'commitment' was something she explicitly wrote in the 'cons' section of her list. There was no use arguing. She just accepted it at this point.

"How did you know what class I had?"

"I have a picture of your schedule, remember?"

"Oh. Yeah."

"Do you need to go to your locker or anything?"


"Well alright then." The afternoon sun blazed over them as they swung open the doors. For a while there was nothing but the sound of their shoes scraping the pavement and the clank of keys as Kaden swung his lanyard around. Passing through the gate, they continued down the stretching sidewalk where the occasional car would honk and the passenger window rolled down. Kaden had many admirers, it seemed. Skylar counted four times that a vehicle sped up and stopped in the middle of the road, pulling up close to the sidewalk to chat with Kaden and do a quick handshake with him through the passenger window.

Skylar was terrible at continuing conversations, always afraid that she'd say the wrong thing and people would find her weird. "You have a lot of friends" she remarked.

He suddenly looked sheepish. "Nah. Most of them are just buddies I know from lacrosse or people I sit with in class." Skylar stared at the sun. It was two seconds before the glare was too much to handle.

"I think that's what the definition of having a friend is."

"Is it?"

"Well, I think of it as somebody who you're in close proximity with."

He lightly bumped her shoulder with his. "So, what, are we friends then, by your textbook definition?"

"No." She said this too quickly, and even though he didn't seem the least bit offended, she felt the need to clarify. "Only because I barely know you."

"We've gone to the same school since, like, the first grade." Skylar gaped at him. She didn't think he knew of her existence. Huh. "Did you not know that?" Now, Kaden seemed hurt.

"Of course I know that. I just didn't think you knew that."

He frowned. "How would I not know that?"

"You never talked to me or anything."

"It's not like you ever talked to me, either." She opened and closed her mouth. That was true. She couldn't argue against that. "But you always called me the wrong name."

"I did?" He wrinkled his nose. "Sorry. I don't mean to." He tapped his head with his closed fist. "I mix people up all the time. Ask anyone."

They walked in silence, nothing but the tread of their sneakers against the pavement. Kaden broke the quiet next. "Hey," he started, "can I ask why you're not comfortable with people touching you?"

Skylar slowed her step, caught off guard by his question. Nobody had ever asked her that before. Perhaps that's why it took her so long to answer. "I guess I'm just not...accustomed to it."

"So if I held your hand right now, would you freak and pass out?"

"You're going to hold my hand right now?"

"No, no, I'm just saying if. Hypothetical and all that."

"No. I don't think I'd go so far as to faint. I'd just be weirded out."

"Weirded out? So, not scared or anything, right?" He looked relieved. She was confused.

"No. Why would I be scared?"

His throat made a gravelly noise as he hesitated. "Nothing." They walked in silence before Skylar politely asked again. He sighed. "I didn't want to assume things, but- I don't know. You flinched that day in the park when I put my arm around you. I just wanted to make sure things were fine and everything."

Skylar wanted to laugh. He thought her family was abusive? Far fetched hypothesis for sure, but, at least he took the initiative to look out for her. For a fake boyfriend, he was a pretty good one so far. Kaden leaned in once again. "Okay. Now I'm asking if I can hold your hand."

She was startled by the warmth of his breath, not jerking or pulling away, but tensing up. Moving her eyes a little to the left, she saw why. A couple teenagers were pulling up in a red jeep. Summer's friends. If there was ever a good time to perform the fake dating act, it'd be now.

The passengers were so very clearly staring in their direction. It didn't help that they were stopped at a red light. Kaden wasn't looking at them though. His eyes were locked onto Skylar's, searching, begging, waiting for her to say yes. Finally, she nodded, and the next second she felt his hand, twice the size of hers, grasping on tightly. He then laughed. Out loud.

"Kaden? Is that you?" The girl from the passenger seat had a sucker in her lips. She glared at Kaden with a radiating viciousness.

Kaden lazily turned his head. "Oh. Hey, Vanessa." He sounded bored. This made Vanessa growl.

"Don't, hey Vanessa me. Is it true, you jackass? You dumped Summer and broke her heart?"

"We were over a long time ago, Ness."

"You piece of shit!" There was a commotion in the car. The driver, some guy who was likely Vanessa's boyfriend, started pulling her back. "I told you what I'd do if you broke her heart again! Come over here so I can rip out your spleen-" before Vanessa had the chance to, the jeep sliced away, Vanessa's words moving with the wind.

Skylar cleared her throat. "Summer has some very loyal friends." Kaden snorted, and she realized that he still hadn't let go. His grip tightened a little, like he was scared she'd blow away. "Listen-" his voice was all serious now, "-why don't you come sit with me at lunch tomorrow? I know you're all introverted and anti-social, but it's just for a little while. Until Summer and her friends back off."

She could feel her hands getting sweaty. Another bead trickled down her back, slowly, so slowly. "That wasn't a part of the arrangement."

"Technically, it is. Rule #1: This occurs strictly on school premises only. Lunchtime is on school premises, Lin."

"I- I don't know."

"Okay. Real talk for a second." He stopped abruptly, yanking her waist gently so Skylar pivoted and was facing him. "What you just saw back there? With that crazy girl in the red car? Summer's friends stay true to their word. I'm fine if they come after me, whatever, I'll deal with it. But you.... You're.... You're different, Skylar. I don't think I could handle it if they started picking on you. Especially if you're outside, alone with your book, with no one to defend you." He tilted his head. "You get what I'm saying?"

All Skylar could focus on was the fact that he noticed she was always outside with a book during lunch. Still, she sighed and nodded. Her social battery was quickly running out. Plus, if they had to stop one more time, she'd be late picking up Lena and Ben. She was a fast solo walker, and normally at this time she'd already be at the schools. "I understand."

"Good. So it's a deal then? I'll meet up with you after the second period and walk you to lunch, kapeesh?"


He tugged a strand of her hair. "I'll see you tomorrow, Lin."

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