A perfect plan

By _itsginaa

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Mikasa x reader x Jean A oneshot in which you find yourself stuck between a couple you've been meaning to sp... More

Chapter 1 - Rivalry
Chapter 3 - A perfect plan

Chapter 2 - Dinner

114 3 1
By _itsginaa

You could hear both of their loudly annoying voices from your own room.

They didn't even care enough to speak at a civilized tone. Not when they actually didn't know you were desperately trying to take a nap before dinner.

Sereral hours had passed since you've known he had arrived. You were aware
of the fact that it wasn't exactly polite to not greet a guest but you still couldn't
care less, honestly.

Just as much as they didn't care to keep their voice down while also having sex in your living room. On your own couch, the one you were sitting on with his girlfriend just a couple of hours ago.

It felt like a betrayal, even though you didn't have any right to be so dramatic over something like this.

They were a couple. An official one. What were you and Mikasa? Nothing. Friends maybe, but nothing more.

At least not officially like her and Jean.

You were confident she just didn't have the guts to confess her attraction towards you.

The one you've been sharing for months, even before they were a thing in the first place.

And now they were fucking on your couch. Disgusting and also quite rude, actually.

They were acting as if you weren't right in the next room. Yeah, pretty disgusting.

They had to know you could hear them loud and clear. Didn't they?

You actually wouldn't even be surprised knowing Mikasa and how much she loved to test you.

This wasn't exactly the first time something like this casually happened.

You could vividly remember each of the many times you had heard the two of them having sex.

Yeah, it was also pretty clear that she was always faking her moans.

Once, you had just came back late from work and just by slightly opening the
front door you were able to catch the image of them fucking on that same couch, even though you had immediately closed back the door.

It was an embarrassing accident that would have never be forgotten by none of you no matter how much you wished it would.

Now it was happening again but you were fortunately aware of it, so you knew
better than to repeat the mistake of that one awkward time.

Unfortunately, even though you were trying as hard as you could, you just weren't able to ignore the two of them and their loud asses.

While Mikasa was faking, it was quite obvious that on the other hand Jean was genuinely enjoying it. You literally could hear him whimper desperately.

Whatever her girlfriend was doing she must have been doing it right.

You felt disappointed in yourself for finding all of it honestly... hot.

But you also felt kind of envious that you had no one to share moments like this with and that the only person you truly wanted sexually was taken and very much doing exactly what you wished to do, with someone else, right next to you, just a wall away.

But that's how Mikasa had planned it all. She wanted you to hear each of her cries, all of her sounds.

She wanted you to feel exactly what you were already feeling, so everything was going just according to her plan.

It had crossed your mind that it was another one of her mischievous plans and, oh, you were so right.

Since the moment she had first talked to you about her sex problems with Jean, that same afternoon, she had a plan on that perverted mind of hers.

It was very clear what she wanted.

And it would have been clear to you too after dinner.


You had never found yourself in a situation more awkward than the one you were currently living and it felt absolutely annoying.

«Hi» you told him, once you had entered the living room.

The smell of hot pizza had taken over the whole place.

«Hey there, y/n» he casually said, as if you hadn't been hearing him whimper for a whole straight hour.

He didn't seem ashamed at all.

On the other hand, Mikasa was acting the exact opposite way of her boyfriend, shyly and quietly watching the two of you exchange greetings.

It was unlike her, but you knew it was just another part of her plan. It all was a facade that sooner or later would have crumbled just in front of your eyes. She was patiently waiting.

«Looking good» he then jokingly went on saying.

«Yeah, yeah. Wish I could say the same for you...»

«Rude as always, I see.»

«Maybe to you, Jean. See where's the problem?» you smirked, while slowly approaching Mikasa.

Now holding her from behind, as she started cutting slices of pizza for each of you, you didn't quit looking at Jean not once.

Your eyes remained on his the whole time you were cutely hugging her girlfriends' waist.

He rolled his eyes annoyed, but decided not to interfere.

Sincerely amused by your little shows and not surprised that the two of you were already battling, Mikasa laughed

«Instead of acting like babies, why don't you two cooperate for once and start
setting the table while I finish cutting your pizza?»

You sighed, annoyed by the fact you couldn't keep enjoying her sweet perfume there glued to her back, but decided to actually listen to her.

And so did Jean, placing glasses on the table.

You then helped by grabbing three plates and putting them on each of your seats.

Once you had both finished, it was time to actually have dinner.

Finally, the three of you were all seated at the table, but the atmosphere had gotten way too awkward, just like you were now realizing what was going on less then two hours ago.

It was Mikasa who found the courage to break the silence «It's really good, isn't it?» she hummed, enjoying her pizza.

You couldn't help but notice Jean blushing at her words, probably imagining some horny scenery like a stupid teenage boy would.

And you were correct, because he was thinking of the many other reasons why just not so long ago, she was humming like that.

He was totally embarrassing.

«Yeah, right. Like any other pizza, Mikasa» you laughed, wanting to brush out the awkward act you had been maintaining till now.

«Actually, I think this one is particularly better than any other pizza we've had
till now, y/n» it was Jean who now decided to intervene, more annoying than you could remember.

«Maybe if you stopped sucking up as always you could see that I was joking,

It was way too irritating that he always had to exaggerate anything just to
take advantage of it by showing himself as superior to Mikasa.

And it wasn't always about topics as stupid as pizza, many other times he neglected his own opinion to support her girlfriends' one. "You're right Mikasa" "I agree with Mikasa" "I think Mikasa is right, you're wrong".

It was another level of simp.

«A joke is supposed to be funny, you know»

«Well I don't know. Here you are, the biggest joke ever but not funny at all» you harshly said.

It looked as if his ears were fuming from anger, just enough to set on fire the whole room and you with it.

«Still, who did Mikasa choose between the two of us, uh?» it weren't the words
coming from his mouth that completely set you off, it was that smirk on his lips,
making you wish to punch him right on the face just to tear it off of it.

Before you could react, Mikasa spoke up for you «Stop it, Jean» she said, irritated by his behavior.

You watched that same smile on his face fade away like you had wished it would have seconds ago, but just when you were starting to think your friend was actually defending you against her annoying boyfriend, she then faced you and with that same irritated tone said

«You too, y/n. You're both taking it to another level. Let's just quit with this bullshit and eat the damn pizza.»

You practically imitated that same pout that Jean was already wearing from the
harsh scolding he had just received.

You two watched each other with hatred from the opposites ends of the table, cursing one another with just a look.

When Mikasa noticed that angsty atmosphere between you and Jean, feeling a certain tension in the air, she knew that by the end of the evening she would have gotten exactly what she had planned with this encounter.

«Such babies...» she then murmured.

Now annoyed more than ever, you finally decided to address the disgusting
situation you had to witness the whole afternoon, completely aware of how
awkward the discussion would have been but yet willing to face the consequences of your boldness.

«You know, guys...» you started, wanting to attract both of their attention as if Jean hadn't already been staring at you the whole time «Just hours ago I was actually trying to sleep, work has been particularly stressful lately, and you two haven't been helping at all with all that noise

Hearing your direct approach, Mikasa choked on her food.

She started to cough and cough until she was finally able to restore her composure, slowly sipping water from her glass, taking a little more time than normal just to postpone the moment she would have had to face that conversation you had just started.

On the other hand, Jean seemed quite literally too collected, as if he hadn't heard any of your words.

But if that was the case, you wouldn't have been surprised, since he was still staring at you so hard that he was close to kill you just with his deathly stare.

You couldn't know but he had actually heard every single one of your words
and he felt quite amused by each of them.

He had just decided to remain neutral, not wanting to give you the satisfaction of seeing him as frustrated as he truly was.

He had made a promise to her girlfriend. He didn't have permission to hint that
any of their behaviors that evening could have been planned, as if they didn't
actually fuck just for you to hear them.

But hiding a reaction was even more suspicious, making Jean break the promise he had made, and Mikasa worried that you could have reacted badly.

«What did you hear, y/n?» she asked, showing again that innocent facade you've always hated.

«Everything, Mikasa» you responded, ignoring her gaze, not daring to look away from Jean, as if it meant losing that staring contest.

«What is "everything"? Explain yourself.» she insisted, wanting to challenge you once again.

She was waiting to hear you try to formulate another one of your straightforward sentences, wanting to put you in an uncomfortable position.

Unfortunately for her, you didn't feel uncomfortable at all. You loved when she tested your every move.

«Don't act so dumb, you know what I mean» you weren 't going to give it up so
easily. You sure weren't Jean, someone who gave her whatever she wanted in a
blink of an eye.

She had to earn it.

Now the one to be completely frustrated was Mikasa herself, not you as she
had wrongly predicted. It wasn't going how she planned and it was infuriating her.

«I don't, you'll have to be more specific, y/n» but neither did she have the intention of giving up.

It wasn't like her to do so and you knew it. Just like she knew you were as competitive as her, if not more.

«It's not as if many things happened this evening. You should be able to remember it or maybe it wasn't that good after all...»

If you thought that you had already witnessed Jeans' deathly stare you were so wrong, because just after you dropped the bomb, you finally were able to notice some sort of change in his look, which had gotten even more threatening.

You had hit a nerve, that was sure.

Mikasa laughed loudly at your joke, breaking character for a slight moment.

When she realized that, she quickly regained composure, showing her collected self once again.

«Rude» Jean murmured, now shyly looking away from you, as if he was actually intimidated. For a moment you almost felt sorry. Almost because it was a matter of seconds before he showed his familiar side once again.

«Well, if she was so loud that even from your room you could hear her, I doubt
she didn't enjoy it, y/n»

«Actually, Jean, it wasn't her who I mostly heard... it seemed like you were the one truly enjoying it by all that loud as fuck whimpering of yours...» you remarked.

And there it was, the frustrated look he had been trying to hide the whole time.

He was blushing before you, not even able to repress a gasp.

Once again, Mikasa was loudly laughing, now unable to remain serious.

When he finally calmed down from the sudden shock, he then proceeded to
defend himself in some sort of way, but he was completely unaware of how that
joke would have later backfired on him.

«Oh yeah? I bet you liked it» he confidently said.

«You know what? » you smirked, ready to drop another bold comeback of yours

«I won't try to hide it. I actually did» and it was true.

You even felt like touching yourself to relieve the tension between your legs at some point.

Fortunately, you were able to come to your senses, wanting to maintain a certain decency.

If only you knew that sooner than you thought that decency would have completely get forgotten by all three of you.

Now it was Mikasa's turn to gasp.

At first, she felt kind of jealous, since it was his boyfriend you were talking about, but then she was surprised to realize that your comment had actually turned her on.

And it equally affected her boyfriend.

You would be amazed to find out how many times he had found himself fantasizing about you.

The tension had been eating him alive.

If only he could have touched you like he did in his dreams.

Since he had met you, a friend of her girlfriend who jokily called herself his rival, it was then that the sex problems started.

He wasn't able to fuck her girlfriend
without ending up thinking of you.

That's why Mikasa was never left satisfied. He was distracted and he sure wasn't proud of it.

While he loved his girlfriend for many
other reasons than just having sex with her, he just couldn't help feeling a burning desire for you, one he couldn't easily control.

And that's why that evening when
Mikasa had shared with him her plan, he didn't hesitate to take part of it.

It was a little game that would have left each of you content. All the three of you satisfied.

You could have Mikasa, Mikasa could have you but so could Jean.

And even though you had never thought of him like that, too distracted by his pretty girlfriend, it was impossible to deny that after having heard him that day, you had realized you were repressing a sort of unspoken attraction towards him.

So, you could have Mikasa, Mikasa could have you, Jean could have you too but so could you.

A perfect plan.

The loud sex, the teasing, the rivalry, the tension.

Yeah, it was a perfect plan
established by a brilliant mind which had started way before that evening.

Your friend herself often fantasized about having both Jean and you at her service at the same time.

And once she was fixated on something, she easily could obtain it.

Mikasa smiled, proud of herself for being able to gain what she wanted once again.

It were your next words that gave it away: she had won.

«Jean, I heard you aren't able to satisfy my girlfriend... would you like me to
show you how to actually make her cum, uh?»

He was far too distracted to waste time to correct your words, having noticed you calling his girlfriend your own, so he simply nodded repeatedly, driven by his lust for you.

He felt totally intoxicated.

Hearing you say a sentence so explicit, Mikasa had to press her legs closed,
getting excited by just imagining what you were able to do.

She was sure you could do magic cause anytime you would bring a girl or a boy home to have some sort of revenge
over the fact that her and Jean didn't mind having sex right next to you, loud as ever, she too could hear each of the sounds you were able to gain from your partners.

And unlike you, she didn't give a damn about having some decency. As a matter of a fact it would quickly be forgotten whenever she touched herself while
listening to your partners moans but mostly fixated on yours.

«Bedroom. Now.» she commanded.

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