Story Collection

Bởi xxMyniexx

715 8 12

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Story Collection
My secret bestfriend
A New Life
The Creator's Wife
Chapter 1: Don't worry child...
Chapter 2: Don't be afraid now, beautiful girl
Chapter 3: The dreamer always listens
Chapter 4: Will my screams be heard?
The Creator's Wife 1

Mad World

44 1 0
Bởi xxMyniexx

Well this is an idea I have to get out of my head so...yeah. I would love it if you could comment because I'm not sure whether I'll continue it or not. There will be romance somewhere along the story but also violence!

Thanks, Mynie MacSheff!

A black band of silken cloth was tied round his head over his mouth giving no give to let him speak or moan in pain and covering a half of a scar across his cheek. The ropes were bright white, thick and bound his wrists behind his back and onto the back of the rickety old chair. On parts of the rope were blood stains, some dull brown and some a deep glistening red. His feet were bound to the chair legs, his head hung low so his face couldn't be seen but you could tell there was no hope left in him.

A woman that was about the same age as the young man but held obviously more experience in her eyes walked forcefully over to the man, trying yet failing at nonchalance around the man, but he was so, well, out of it that he couldn't have noticed. She was quite tall and was wearing a dark blue leather jumpsuit that exaggerated her already hourglass figure. On the trouser part, there were reflective stops of neon that stood out against the fabric and gloomy atmosphere and ran down the outside of each leg. The top part had no pockets, buttons or zips and dipped into a hairpin bend and then back up again to reveal a lot of cleavage and the flawless skin of her chest. It was a sleeveless jumpsuit and had only straps which was probably why she was wearing a black leather jacked over it that had a lot of pockets, buttons and zips. It was cold where they were but off course, she would never let on to any discomfort to make her seem weak or not in control.

Once she reached his chair, she drew out what looked like a doctor's scalpel and tapped him on the head gently on the head. He was a wake, just not really there. She rapped on his head, a little harder this time, and when he didn't respond or even move a muscle, she hissed,

'Now, now. You don't want me use the blade end to hit you on the head with, now do we?'

In a very patronising tone, as if talking to a child. When he finally raised his head, deliberately slowly, but she had patience, she smiled brightly. Again she held up the scalpel and said, almost whispering,

'We're going to have a lot of fun today, aren't we?'

In the same tone. Despite her words, there was no questioning in her eyes, for she was in control. She crouched down in front of him and his head followed her descent.

This time, instead of bringing the scalpel to his head, she brought it to his leg, he was only wearing a pair of very sort shorts. Using the scalpel she cut, extremely slowly and deep, eight lines that looked like an 'M' and a 'W'. She then scoured a heart round both letters. There were many scars that covered his body, but he had never flinched, cried out or winced in pain, not even at the newest. The part of his leg where the new cuts were now oozing blood only held those gashes, she had been saving that blank flesh canvas for something special, like this.

'Because your My Will, in My World!' she explained and then giggled to herself, a slight hint of insanity touched her eyes. One moment more passed and then she flung herself at him, sat on his lap and wrapped her legs around his waist and the back of the chair. She grabbed the back of his neck in one side and with the other pulled his gag down so his mouth was free. Leaning forwards quickly, she kissed his mouth frantically, with a lot of lust but no emotion. When he didn't respond to her, she hissed at him,

'Do you want anther scar, or are you going to play along? There was only hatred in her voice now.

This time when she kissed him he kissed her back, but with no emotion or lust. She leant back, breaking free of their embrace, hugged him fleetingly, put the gag back on and stood up.

'We'll be joined soon, my love, and you will want me at last! I love you!' she said in an evidently fake loving tone.

He thought, the only real thought that was like what he usually thought like for a while now, was that this wasn't her world, it was a Mad World.

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