Amaranthine Odes | ONC 2022

By yaris052018

931 139 559

She bleeds the odes they began together, But least anyone knew it would be hers forever. •°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°... More

🌪Author's Note🌪
~•Ode to the unknown•~
◻Chapter 01◻✔️
◻Chapter 02◻✔️
◻Chapter 03◻✔️
◻Chapter 04◻✔️
◻Chapter 05◻✔️
◻Chapter 06◻✔️
◻Chapter 07◻✔️
◻Chapter 09◻✔️
◻Chapter 10◻✔️
◻Chapter 11◻✔️
◻Chapter 12◻✔️
~•To be Proud•~
~•Reader's Table•~

◻Chapter 08◻✔️

34 4 21
By yaris052018

Silent sirens

Maybe it's me who is knotted. But I do leave hints for you to trace me.

"Human emotions are complex enough to be understood and modified."

Arghrm! Okay.

"One should constantly observe the emotions, the mirror of the chain of thoughts to be eloquent on the patient's psychological behavior."

Alrighty! This chapter is gonna do no good.

She shuffled the pages to the front and ran her finger down the text. Her trotting eyes spelled the complex words for her bitten lips to digest.

"Gosh! Why is this so raw?" She pushed the book away over the top of the cuboid wooden table.

She cupped her forehead as her elbows slid over the scattered papers and spherical paperweights that had portrayed the sailing watercraft in its glass walls. Akin to the collapsed bee caught amidst the whips of winds, she winced at everything around.

"Ah! Why is this day so nasty?"

She sighed at the faint morning lights breaking through the slits of the green wooden shutters at the grey-painted walls.

Maybe this book isn't the one.

She stood up from the grey seat of the tripod wooden chair. As she neared the endless racks stacked with every possible book on psychology, her scooting eyes landed on a phrase stuck on a holder.

"Books of the light show no dark."

Now we hear about the psychology of books. Silly wow!

Her brows flinched as odd as the statement looked to her. She kept reading it again and again. Her eyes fixated on imbibing every word.

If the light doesn't answer, it's the dark I must hunt then.

A wispy thought made her hurry to the computer, standing in static sleep mode. She shook the mouse enough to wake the system only to look at the white thumbprint wallpaper with a pointer blinking under the boring grey 'password' tab.

Now, what would this be?

Her bitten lips tucked in some air. When she trudged her nails over the keys, she saw oily prints in the gaps of the letter 'K'.

Why is this key too sunk? Oh, wait- What if it's related to the password?

She concluded while her nails raced to the other keys to check for the prints. Yet again, her thoughts widened when the same depression could be seen in the letter 'T' and some numbers.

"Yet what would-"

Tac. Tac. Tik.

Lost in her thoughts, she accidentally tapped on three keys which stood half stuck to the place while the depressed 'K' popped up.

Oh, wise old board! You made my job easier.

She took a transparent pen and grabbed a sheet to write down.

Hunt for the depressed keys! Depressed keys!

Her mind kept singing it as she wrote everything down.

"K, T, 0, 5, 8, 1?"

Poking the back of the pen on the sheet, she kept thinking as her other hand curled her stray strands.

Eight characters make it complete. But I miss 2. Or... Wait! What if one key was repeated twice or thrice?

Peeking through the numbers, she read, "Zero, five, eight."

Why does this look familiar?

Those chunking thoughts chewed her.

"K, T, Zero, Five, Eight..."

Writing the numbers in bits and pieces, loitering over, repeatedly, she pinched her skin between the brows.

Wait, that's Tushant's birth date and month! In that sense, the missing numbers should be...

"The date is October 10, but the key was depressed! So it was pressed once or thrice. But..."

She clasped her lips taut enough for her teeth to munch. Once her thoughts went numb, she began to click the pen.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, te-"

'Or zero?'

"It's ten na Tushant! Wait! Yes, that's it."

Akin to the moon that had amassed some shine, her sudden smile stretched her lips wide to illume her sad face. She pushed the scribbled pages away to type out her guesses in a zealous hustle.

Come on, may the locks get set loose.

Her words pivoted her energy. When she closed her eyes to mumble a quick 'god-please-get-it-done' bargain, she could hear a thick yet tickling dabbing knock.

"That's my brother!" She tossed her thumbs to the screen while her feet dabbed the floor in rapture.

Her eyes rejoiced as the theme displayed an image of her and Tushant in their school days. She scrolled the white arrow down the bar, where a bizarre zip icon in the left corner stopped her.

What would this be?

With no contemplation, she double-clicked it only to see the restricted access area pop up.

Not again! Ayioo!

She banged her head on the keyboard, and to her surprise, she had made the screen glare with a white light that eventually threw some letters out.

Now, what did I-

"Access accepted? Wowie, lucky ducky. But why is there just one folder?"

Ruffling through the forehead strands, she fastened herself to fit with the rounded edge of the seat. Opening the draft, she read the content.

"Patient details? Shouldn't this be a part of his clinical folder?"

Perhaps this patient is something different. Mhmm. Curious!

Dusting the thoughts, she opened the file that read the folder's name from A to Z. She felt a tingling prick on her nape that wanted her warm palms to squeeze it to hush.

"Where would I begin?"

But is it right to hunt his secrets? I'm his sister, dammit!

Her thoughts weakened her while she curled her hair in reverse.

"One sneak peek wouldn't hurt much. He wouldn't know after all."

Scrolling through for the umpteenth time, she cast a vague look at the multicolor grains on the screen that formed with the reflection of the illumination. Out of curiosity, she clicked on the letter K. When the folder opened, her droopy lids reverted.

"Wait- wha- Why is my name here?"

Those musings arrested her breath between her nose and gut. Her trembling fingers hunted the details at the far end.

'Last revised yesterday.'

Alright. File opened?

The flashed date made her grit the teeth between her flattened lips.

"Fiv... Five years?"

A shudder glided down her spine, twisting her hopes. Her eyes brimmed with uncalled tears. She sighed out the cuffed air that compressed her lungs. Countless questions warped her senses.

Honk. Hon- Hon- Honk.

This sound- Is that Tushant?

She hurried across the room while closing the doors in a smooth glide. Rushing past the bolsters, she stood behind the curtains.

"What is he doing here? Shouldn't he be at the clinic?"

Before she could conclude her deserting thoughts, her eyes landed on the other man who jumped out of the car from the other side. When he turned around, her eyes widened enough to knock off her sane senses.

Why is Tushant going into that drunk ape's house?

She closed the curtains for a moment while dimming every light to darkness in the room. She hugged her shoulders while sinking deep into the caressing folds of the hanging sheets.

Why isn't he coming home first?

Her long-lost gapes were fixed on the blank ceiling while her mind flickered with thoughts that rushed to fade, only to rise again, like a whirl, to engulf her.

How can he keep so many secrets? What are we through? What's happening-

"Argh! Huh, huh!" She pushed the sheets to breathe out her qualms.

Why is life so twisted?


"Would it hurt much if I call this place a messy boom?"

His lips swayed satirically while his eyes swam as far and fast as they could.

Looking at the wilting ceilings knotted with ghastly dancing spiders weaving their stringy webs and the tiny remains of the predated lives, his brows leaped to crease his forehead. The floors were filled with all imaginable pieces of junk with buzzing bees hunting them. His gawking made some buzz at his nose, making him scrunch the tips.

Won't he ever clean these?

"Hasn't got that much time!"

His whispering reply jerked him only to hit his creases with his thumb.

"Right, so you live alone?"

He asked while dodging his head at the sides only to thin his lips at the stray painted walls with chipped purple skin that was almost faded and stood stale.

"I live with certain things. Hmm, certain things that your eyes... can't perceive."

Silent sirens colored his face pale.

"Haahaa! I don't fear ghosts."

"Hush! They can hear you even during the day."

His raucous voice made his frightened lashes stay dead for long.

"Hahaha. Such a child. Come in. We have to discuss certain things. Save up some frights for later."

Stating that, he opened the patterned wood door that revealed a musty fragrance amidst rotten whiffs clouding the air. Entering the door, he looked at the black stone walls around with a hanging yellow lantern spreading the room's only illumination. A fitted wall fan pumped out the air.

"Incenses?" He asked at the smoking sticks squatted on the four-foot-high empty table.

"Yes, they do keep me in my senses. Now take your seat."

He pulled two white seats from under the table and sat on them.

"Thanks. Where do we begin?"

"Judging you through, I see that you are a linear person. Now you have to choose something." He wiggled his little finger near his sight.

"Tushant. You want the facts straight, or should I just open the hints?"

His blink-less gazes made him sick.

"How about both together and right here?"

"That would be good, I presume!"

His wit words earned his smile, but deep within, something told him that wouldn't last long.

I hope you love the story as much as I love writing it.

Ever in your memory,

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