By RavingRacoons

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"Your the reason i have Trust Issues my dear." "Why'd you say it like it's a bad thing then?" She had Trust I... More



770 19 5
By RavingRacoons

(Bold italics is when more than one person is singing <3)

The next day, Lottie woke up around 1:30pm to an empty bed, she smiled at the thought of last night before jumping out of bed and out her room, she saw Diesel half asleep on the table reading the paper that had been thrown through their letter box,

"Afternoon sleepyhead." He spoke through a sip of his coffee,

"Hey Deez, got any plans today?" she asked looking through the cupboards for food,

"Nah, but look on the fridge, loverboy left you a note." He said smiling, she swatted him on the head and walked over to the fridge pulling off the paper and unfolding it,

my girl

I hope you slept well, today I am very busy, but tell Diesel to meet me at the docks at 4pm, got it? Please don't go with him, I love you so much, go find Baby J or someone to hangout with, remember to stay off Shark territory and I'll come by later.

Lots of love,

your riff

(p.s you need food in your fridge and cupboards <3)

"Riff wants you to meet him at the docks at 4. He said I'm not to go, but I'm gonna." She told him, he nodded, knowing better than to argue with her,
"Eat and we can go out and find the others." He left the kitchen to get dressed, she made toast and ate it quickly, going to get dressed.

By the time she was ready it was 1:50, she told Diesel that she was ready and did his hair.
As they were putting their shoes on, there was frantic knocking on the door, Lottie stood up and answered it, seeing Mouthpiece and Balkan run through,

"What the hell are ya doin'?" Diesel asked the panting boys,

"Krupke is on our tail." Balkan spat out,

"So you lead them here!?" Lottie shouted,

"Quit shoutin' Charlie or they'll hear ya." Mouthpiece told the confused girl, as if on cue, the door was firmly knocked on, they all knew who it was,

"We gonna run?" Lottie asked quietly,

"We can try, stick together don't get split." Diesel replied, the door was kicked open and three officers came running in, faster than the four could think of running,

"Stay there kids, don't even think of runnin'. We just need to ask ya some questions, you ain't in trouble." The first officer spoke, Lottie looked to Diesel, he nodded his head, and they both tried running, they made it out the door only to be caught by other officers.

Lottie started squirming around, trying to get free of the officer's tight grip, not liking being grabbed,

"Let go, I promise I won't run. Just please let go of my arm, I don't like it." She calmly asked the officer who was holding her forearm with the scar firmly,

"Yeah, nice try kid." He chuckled, walking her out the building,

"Please, I don't like it." She told him trying to get free and making her panic even more, another officer soon came and helped him take the stressed girl,

"Please! Please, I don't like it!" she told the men that were carrying her out to the streets,

"LET GO OF HER!" Diesel shouted, knowing Lottie's boundaries were being very much crossed.
The officers just held on tighter, and pushed her into the back of the police car, Diesel after her, then Balkan, and mouthpiece last.

She held her arm in her hand, and they all stayed silent the whole ride to the station, they soon got there and were pulled out the car one by one,

"Please, don't hold me, I can walk myself." She told the same man from before, he completely ignored her wish and picked her up and tosses her onto his shoulder,

"Put me down!" she screamed as the officer just carried her into the station, she wriggled and moved around on his shoulder, the officer did not budge,
"Diesel!" she called to her brother, he called her name back from up the stairs.
Once they reached the top of the stairs he pushed the door open while she was still screaming and panicking,

"Put her down!" The Jets all shouted at the officer,

"Put her down now!" Krupke came in and shouted, he placed her down on the ground, and they all huddled her to make sure she was okay. She held onto Diesel's shirt and sobbed, He moved her to the bench where she sat in between him and Baby John. The officer moved to take her to the other side but Krupke gave him a look and just let her be.

Besides Baby John was A-Rab, Big Deal and Snowboy were there too, the latter on the bench behind.

Balkan and Mouthpiece had been taken into different rooms so they could answer all the questions they had.

Anybodys was also pushed through the door and onto the opposite bench to the jets next to the taller lady who was just peacefully sat painting her nails, all the boys just watched him, A-Rab sat forward staring at him,

"All you go suck a pickle. Except you Char." He told them, smiling at the girl, who he could tell was in distress as her head lay on Diesel's shoulder and she fiddled with his hand,

"You think we're going to jail?" Baby john asked no-one in particular,

"They're fishing is all." Diesel comforted him with a soft voice,

"Asking questions." Lottie finished for him, trying to ease his nerves matching her brother's tone,

"Which we ain't answering." A-Rab told him, getting annoyed of waiting around,

"So you're gonna tell me when and where the rumble's happening, or I'm gonna send ya straight to the tombs!" one of the men in the isolated rooms asked Balkan who just absentmindedly flicked his coin up and down,

"I don't know where the Rumble is. I don't even know what a rumble is." He smirked making the man slam his papers down in frustration.

As Mouthpiece was getting interviewed, Lottie thought to herself, A Rumble! That's what Riff did last night, that's why he left the dance earlier. She started panicking again not liking the idea of another rumble, she was soon taken out of her mind when Diesel tapped her hand that was in his,

"are you alright ladybug?" he asked her, looking right into the panicked girl's eyes as she lifted her head to look at him,

"Y-yeah, yeah, thanks." She nodded to him.

"I can't go to jail Deez." Baby John spoke out loud again, Diesel was about to comfort him, but A-Rab beat him to it,

"Dry up weepy or else go sit on the ladies' bench with the other dickless wonder." He pointed to the two on the other side,

"leave her be." Diesel and Lottie defended Anybodys who looked annoyed,

"Get stuffed why don't ya?" Anybodys piped in,

"Go back to the zoo why don't ya?" A-Rab pushed,

"Go suck on ya sister's titty, why don't ya, ya guinea hyena." Anybodys replied, earning thumbs up from Lottie,

"Hey Krupke! You made a mistake. She ain't a jet. She nags us all the time." A-Rab stood up,

"I oughta be a Jet, Lottie and Tony told me I could take on any four of you in a fight." Anybodys defended standing too,

"She ain't a Jet, she ain't even a boy." He tried reasoning with Krupke,

"Pipe down A-Rab." Krupke told him, Diesel pulled his arm to make him sit back down,

"she looks like some kind of biological disaster, but I pantsed her once, and under oath, she's a girl!" A-Rab shouted,

"I said I ain't no goddamn girl you shrivel-dick dago pansy!" Anybodys replied charging and tackling him off his seat, Diesel pulled up Lottie who still held his hand, giving her a sense of comfort.

She pulled Baby John behind her and held his hand in her other, Krupke started walking down to them, as Anybodys punched his face, Lottie and Diesel walked towards Anybodys and tried prying him off Anybodys, Lottie got smacked in the face,

"Lottie!" Diesel shouted, grabbing Anybodys and pinning his arms behind his back,

"You're gonna break her arm, ya god forsaken." Krupke pushed Diesel off and wrestled Anybodys, Diesel ran over to his sister, worriedly chewing on his stick, she looked at him, a red mark splashed across her left cheek,

"I'm fine." She told him quickly, Anybodys managed to fight Krupke and other officers, he ran towards the door and flung them open.

"Sit yourself someplace, and don't move a muscle till I get back! Don't even sweat! Youse hear me?" Krupke ordered, locking the door behind him.

"Hey a girl just gave me a nosebleed." A-Rab proudly stated, Lottie went to lunge at him, but Diesel and Big Deal caught her,

"Calm down Char." Big Deal told her,

"She just bought herself a ticket to the house of detention." The tall lady stated,

"What about us?" Baby John asked, following her,

"Rikers, most likely." She casually stated,

"RIKERS?" He shouted,

"What ya ain't ever been arrested before?" she asked walking into a holding cell,

"He ain't ever been nothing before." A-Rab replied for him,

"That would kill my Ma." He told her, she gave him an uninterested sigh and locked herself away.

Baby John sat on the bench, Diesel and Lottie following,

"I can't go to jail." He sighed,

"You won't as long as you remember two things." Lottie told him,

"One, tell em what they wanna hear." Diesel finished for her,

"And two, don't tell em nothing." A-Rab told him.

"Hey Garbage." Mouthpiece shouted, kicking a chair over to Deez,

"Who, me, Officer Krupke?" He asked in reply, earning a few chuckles from around him,

"Aw, look at youse, you feckless friggin' disappointments, now give me one good reason I shouldn't throw the book at ya." Mouthpiece told them, holding up a chunky book, Diesel looked towards Lottie who just nodded, before moving towards Baby John, they both sang,

"Dear, kindly sergeant Krupke, ya gotta understand, it's just our bringin' upke, that gets us outta hand." Diesel Pushed the chair towards Big Deal,

"Our mothers are all junkies." He pushed the chair to A-Rab,

"Our fathers are all drunks." He sung before spinning the chair around, Diesel picked up Baby John and put him on the chair, while Lottie sang,

"Golly moses, naturally we're punks." She stood on Baby John's right, Deez on his left, they pushed him forward, Big Deal and A-Rab following,

"gee officer Krupke, we're very upset, we never had the love that every child outta get." They sung together,

"We ain't no delinquents." Diesel looked to his twin for her to continue,

"We're misunderstood." They looked to eachother,

"deep down inside, there is good." A-Rab put his head over Diesel's shoulder,

"There is good." He repeated,

"There is good, there is good, there is untapped good. Like inside the worst of us is good." They all sang together, Snowboy joining in too,

"Aw, that's ya touching good story?" Mouthpiece spoke,

"Let me tell in to the world." Diesel asked,

"Nah, just tell it to the judge." He told them.
All their heads spun around to face Balkan sat on the bench, unbothered reading his comic.

They all screamed and ran over to him, A-Rab put glasses on him to help him play the part, Lottie and Diesel Knelt on the floor,

"Dear kindly Judge, your Honour, our parents treat us rough, with all their marijuana, they won't give us a puff." They confessed to 'the judge' together,

"They didn't want to have us." Lottie told the boy who walked towards the end of the bench,

"But somehow we was had." Diesel carried on, looked to lottie for them to continue,

"leapin' lizards, that's why we're so bad." They hugged each other's sides to give them 'comfort' while Balkan jumps onto the bench,

"Right Officer Krupke, you're really a square." He pulled Lottie and Deez up by their collars,
"These kids don't need a judge, they need a analyst's care." He let go of Lottie but held Deez, spinning him around,
"It's just their neurosis. That outta be curbed." Balkan tapped his head and pushed him forward to Lottie and into the others, who caught them,
"They're Psychologically disturbed." Balkan finished, Lottie and Deez looked to eachother before standing up,

"WE'RE DISTURBED." They shouted in sync, Baby John was thrown into their hands as they all moved their heads in unison, repeating their words,

"We're disturbed, we're disturbed, we're the most disturbed, like we're psychologically disturbed." At the end of their rant, they all let go of Baby John, and he fell to the floor, they all screamed and threw eachother around.

Balkan and Mouthpiece climbed over the desk and put on coats, Lottie walked over to them, only to be smacked by a newspaper, she fell back, hoping someone would catch her. Luckily, Diesel did and all the others crowded them,

"Hear ye, hear ye. Opinion of this court, the girl's depraved on account she ain't had a normal home." Balkan told them all,

"Hey I'm depraved on account I'm deprived." She shouted, throwing her arms out,

"So take this nut to a head shrinker." Balkan turned to Mouthpiece,

"Oh, why not?" he smiled.
They all jumped up, Diesel spun Lottie round and pushed her on the bench they had put up for her,

"My Father is a bastard, my Ma's an S.O.B, my Grandpa's always plastered, my Grandma pushes tea, My sister wears a moustache, My brother wears a dress. Goodness Gracious, that's why I'm a mess." She spoke, A-Rab stood up,

"Yes! Officer Krupke, you're really a slob, this girl don't need a doctor, just a good honest job." He hit his notepad, the others tipped Lottie off the bench and placed it back down for A-Rab to slide down,

"Society's played her a terrible trick. And sociologically, she's sick!" Lottie snuck up in between Mouthpiece and A-Rab and shouted,

"I am Sick!" the others all huddled around them,

"We are sick! We are Sick! We are Sick, Sick, Sick, Like we're sociologically sick." They separated and ran around the room, throwing papers around.

A-Rab clapped his hands getting all their attention, they lined up and he waddled past them,

"in my professional opinion, what we got here, is a Run-Of-The-Mil..." he stopped at Deez and spun him around,
"Juvenile Delinquent!" A-Rab slapped his cheek,
"and Juvenile Delinquency! Is a social disease." He slapped him again, Lottie quickly turned Diesel to face her,

"Ew Deez, you got a social Disease?" she asked her brother who just smiled and turned to A-Rab with an 'ok' sign with his fingers,

"Bring him to a social worker." A-Rab told Mouthpiece,

"But wait, can I catch it by touching him?" He asked before they all ran over to a bench stacked on another one, Baby John went underneath as Deez came over to them,

"Dear..." he started before getting cut off my Baby John, making them all laugh,

"Kindly social worker, they say go earn a buck, like be a soda jerker, which means like be a shmuck, it's not I'm anti-social, I'm only anti work." He confessed to Big Deal,

"Glory, Osky!" Snowboy shouted,

"That's why I'm a jerk!" they all sang together,

"Yee! Officer Krupke, you've done it again, this boy don't need job, he needs a year in the pen! It ain't just a question of misunderstood, deep down inside him, he's no good." Big Deal told them in a high-pitched voice, Baby John smiled and jumped on top the two benches shouted,

"I'M NO GOOD!" they all placed a hand on him and spun him around while singing,

"We're no good, we're no good, we're no earthly good, like the best of us is no damn good!" Baby john kicked them off him, while they all slid on the floor and quickly got back up,

"The trouble is he's crazy!" Mouthpiece shouted in his face, throwing him to Balkan,

"The trouble is he drinks." He threw him to A-Rab,

"The trouble is he's lazy!" To Big Deal,

"The trouble is he stinks!" To Lottie,

"The trouble is he's growin!" He reached Diesel's arms and shoved him off,

"The trouble is he's grown!" Baby John pushed Diesel away from him,

"Krupke! We've got troubles of our own." They all sang together.

They spun around on the floor in front of Mouthpiece shouting,

"Gee, Officer Krupke, we're down on our knees." They all hit the floor, Lottie crawled forward,

"Cuz, no one wants a fella with a social disease." She looked back for the others to join her, Diesel on her right, Snowboy on her left,

"Gee, Officer Krupke, what are we to do?!" Mouthpiece looked to the door to see him coming back, he pulled Baby John up beside him,

"Gee, Officer Krupke." They all turned around,

"KRUP YOU!" Everyone was silent while they caught their breaths, Krupke walked forward to see the mess of his station.

They all took this as an opportunity to run out the building and as far away as possible

Once they reached outside of Doc's Lottie turned to them all,

"okay!" she puffed, "What the hell is going on? Where's Riff? And why are the cops talkin' about a Rumble?" she asked them, Mouthpiece walked forward,

"he told us not to tell you, but Riff is out gettin' a gun for the rumble he arranged with Bernardo last night. He didn't wanna tell ya, but I'd feel bad if I didn't." Lottie's mouth dropped, she felt betrayed that he hadn't told her,

"Deez, I'm gonna go down to the Docks and look for em' go home all of you, I don't care if you're plannin' on goin' or not, but I'm gonna get rid of that gun." She told them, running off towards the old Docks.

One thing on her mind.

Her Riff had a gun.

And she would do anything to get it off him.

Racoon speaking!

Hello my loves, i'm back and oh do i have news for you. so if you haven't seen my board me and @mills-grace are doing a collab! She has already posted her cast and started it, i will as soon as this book is finished, It's a WestSideStory book, so if you enjoy this kind of book then go read hers, mine will be out soon. i'm posting the cast today but i wont start the actual book just yet.

anyways i hope you are all well and looking after yourselves, I hope you have a lovely rest of your night/day.


(3126 WORDS)

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