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Today was a typical Tuesday, Lottie had no work today and was at home, Diesel was out with the Jets, he left early for work.

It was around 3pm in the afternoon and Lottie was sat in her kitchen on the sofa, her favourite book in her hands, Charlotte's web to be precise, it had been her favourite since she first read it, little Lottie likes it because they had the same name, older Lottie liked it because it reminded her of what little childhood she had.

Her reading was cut short when her door burst open, many dirty jets running in, crowding someone in the middle.
She placed her book on the counter and pushed her way through the boys, seeing Baby John keeled over on the chair holding his ear.

She gently pulled his hand off and looked at his blooded ear, quickly covering it back up and running to the cupboard for the first aid kit and rubbing alcohol.
She pushed the other Jets away, Diesel was offering them food, some accepted, others just had some water.

Lottie gently cleaned John's ear, telling him what she was going to do, so he could brace himself for the pain, she offered her hand to him to squeeze when it hurt, he gladly accepted and did so.
She finished on his ear and bandaged it,

"There you go bud." She said patting his shoulder and standing turning to Diesel,
"Okay, what the hell Deez. Why are you all covered in paint and why was Baby John's ear bleeding as if it had been stabbed." She glared at him wanting answers, he was about to respond, but Riff got there first,

"It's all good Char, we was painting and the Sharks didn't like our work, right fellas?" he asked the others for confirmation,

"Riff, where were you painting?" she asked stepping closer to him,

"the courts." He spoke quietly, she immediately knew where in the courts.
She shoved his chest backwards, making him stumble a bit and for the others in the room to gasp,

"I told you to leave the Sharks and Puerto Ricans alone. Where's Diesel gone?" she asked needing to take her anger out on him too, Mouthpiece and Ice parted showing his room,

"DANIEL ANDREW MARCH, GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!" She shouted barging into his room.

The jets heard him scream, a few thumps and then Lottie re-emerged from his room smiling,

"Okay, I'm done, make yourself at home, have a shower if you want. Baby J, you can call your ma if you need or just go see her, I don't care. Love you!" she said to them picking up her book and going into her room.

Riff decided to go in and see her, knowing he may have upset her a little bit.
He knocked before walking in,

"Hey Riff." She said as the bed dipped down,

"Hey Lottie." He replied snuggling into her side as she read,
"I'm sorry." He spoke after a while of silence,

"Why did you do it?" she asked,

"I was bored. And these spics think they can just waltz into our city and take over our streets." He spoke truthfully, knowing better than to lie to her,

"Thank you." She said, happy he was being truthful to her,

"Are you busy later?" he asked,

"No, why?" she said looking down at him,

"Wanna go to the dance with me?" she scoffed,

"Riff, I don't have a dress." She said moving down to look into his beautiful blue eyes,

"We can get one." He said,

"with what money?" she sassed,

"I've been saving up." He smiled, pulling a wad of cash out his back pocket and pushing it into her chest,

"Riff, how much is this and how did you get it?" she sat up, holding it,

"well I worked some more and was nice to a few people. Also I was going to give you some anyway for rent and stuff, seeing as I practically live here now." He told her sitting up too,

"Before you give it back, just know that I'm only going to the dance if you go. And I know you love dancing, so go treat yourself to a pretty dress." He told her looking straight into her eyes. In response she tackled him into a hug, nearly throwing them both off the bed.

"Ahh, thank you, thank you, thank you." She said into his shoulders, "How can I repay you?" she said getting up off the bed and putting shoes on,

"I think we both know the answer to that one?" he looked up at her, a cheeky grin across his face, Lottie blushed and leaned into his face giving him a kiss on the lips, they pulled away to stare at eachother, she ran out the door,


She walked the streets of Manhattan with a smile on her face, she walked into her favourite dress shop,

"ANITA!" She shouted as she saw her friend at the front desk.
The Puerto Rican woman saw her friend and ran over to her pulling her into a hug,

"Charlie, Niña, how have you been?" the older woman asked,

"Im actually here to buy from you if that's okay? I need a dress for the dance later." She spoke, Anita's eyes lit up and she pulled the younger girl to the dresses, Pulling different materials to the girl's skin.

After a few dresses, they found the one.
After they both jumped and spun around, Lottie showed her the cash, Anita said that she couldn't take any of it, but Lottie still gave her $40.

They hugged each other once more and Lottie left with a bag and the biggest smile on her face.

Others would think she just got the best news in the world, but she was too excited to see her Riff.

Racoon speaking

hey loves, i will show i picture of the dress in the next chapter with the rest of her outfit :)

i love you all and i hope you are doing well, have a lovely rest of your night/day and i will see you soon :)

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