Fools Fall

By bert3005

163K 7.5K 7.4K

[sequel to Fools] Noah and Sam are happy and in love... and living an hour away from each other while Sam en... More

1- Sam
2- Noah
3- Sam
4- Noah
5- Sam
6- Noah
7- Sam
8- Noah
9- Sam
10- Noah
11- Sam
12- Noah
13- Sam
14- Noah
15- Sam
16- Noah
17- Sam
18- Noah
19- Sam
20- Noah
21- Sam
22- Noah
24- Noah
25 - Sam
26- Noah
27- Sam
28- Noah
29- Sam
30- Noah
31- Sam
32- Noah
33- Sam
34- Noah
End 35- Sam
Epilogue- Noah

23- Sam

3.8K 192 185
By bert3005


I was in the bathroom, freshly out of the shower, and beginning my nightly routine on Tuesday night with my phone propped up so I could talk to Noah. And to say I was surprised was an understatement when I heard Noah speak, "So, I was thinking about it and... I think I want to celebrate or at least do something small for my birthday."

I paused my movements of rubbing my face cream into my skin and looked into my phone. I couldn't see Noah's expression because he had the camera of his phone facing the ceiling while we were on FaceTime. "Oh. Are you sure?" I asked.

"I think so... I don't know. Jude's birthday's on Sunday so we figured we'd celebrate both of ours."

"Hm." Of course Jude was involved, he probably raves about how they needed to party on their birthday. I continued rubbing the cream into my skin until it wasn't noticeable and my face was smooth. "If that's what you want," I said, grabbing my phone to head back into my bedroom.

"But we're keeping it small and I want you to be there... I need you there."

I smiled, "Of course I'll be there. Now can I see you or should I get well acquainted with your ceiling fan because I think I'm getting dizzy," I jested and laid in bed. DJ coming up to me and pressing his paws continuously into my stomach.

Finally Noah appeared on my phone screen with that small, barely smile that he always gives, "Sorry, I'm just in a weird mood."

"Okay, well if you change your mind, you have every right to not celebrate your birthday."

He didn't speak on that, only said, "I just really need you here on Friday."

Wednesday after school was... interesting. "I don't know how I feel," is the first thing Carter said when he barged into my home.

"About?" I was already making us an afternoon snack which consisted of pizza rolls.

"I found out Elliot is on Tinder and it's making me feel... I don't know."

I chuckled, "How'd you find that out?"

"Because I'm on Tinder and his profile popped up. Then I exited the app and now I'm here," Carter explained and hopped up on the counter.

"Okay? What's the problem? You guys aren't exclusive," I said but I was suppressing a grin. I was almost positive Carter was into Elliot more than he was letting on.

"I know, but is it so wrong of me to want his body for myself?"

I turned to him and gave a pointed look, "Yes. If you want his body exclusively, then tell him that."

"No, that involves dating and all the bullshit that follows."

"Not necessarily. You guys don't have to go on dates, and label each other boyfriends, and get him flowers, and stuff. You can still tell him that you want to be exclusive, but then that means that you have to follow threw with that too. You can't be hoe-ing it up with people after telling Elliot you want to be exclusive," I told Carter firmly before the toaster oven dinged and I shuffled out the pizza rolls onto a plate for us to share.

Carter seemed to be digesting my words as he looked thoughtful then he shrugged, "Eh, I probably won't do that," he settled with and popped a pizza roll in his mouth, "Hot! Hot! Hot!" Carter exclaimed and I laughed as I watched to pizza roll fall out of his mouth and into his hand.

(A bit if a spicy scene🥴)

Thursday during school was uneventful, but that night, I had a... fun call with Noah. He wasn't having the best reception so we couldn't FaceTime, but he was in an exceptionally good mood which I loved.

"I miss you so fucking much and it's only been a week," he said through the phone. The butterflies in my stomach had me feeling giddy. I felt like a middle schooler, talking to my crush on the phone in bed. If it was the 90's I'd have the phone cord twirling around my finger.

"What would you do if I was there?"

"Mmm, you know exactly what I would do," his voice was low and I pictured him being in bed with only his boxers on, a perfect outline of his... well, you know.

"Yeah, but I want you to tell me. In detail," I dared to add.

"In detail?"

"Mhm," I was squealing on the inside, I swear I was still in the honeymoon phase with Noah. I didn't think I'd ever leave.

"If you were here right now, you'd be in bed with me. Naked. My hands would be all over you making sure every inch of your body doesn't go untouched, and I'd kiss you. Sensual and slow with my tongue in your mouth so I could taste you."

My hand slipped into my briefs as I listened to Noah. "And what else?" I asked in a whisper..

"I'd kiss my way down until I'm taking your dick in my mouth and you'd moan as I go down on you and you'd moan again when I finger you. Until I can't take it anymore and I fuck you so good, baby, just the way you like it. Rough with my hands gripping your waist."

"You're gonna make me cum," I said because I really could picture every word he was saying to me and I couldn't keep myself from stroking my dick.

"Do it. Cum for for me," Noah demanded. "Fuck," he groaned "It'd feel so good to be inside you. I'd pull your hair and fuck you as hard as you'd let me until I was cumming inside you and moaning your name."

I came at that, my hand slick and sticky from my release. "Fuck, I miss you," I said.

And finally I got to see my boyfriend on Friday. I was so excited, I attacked him into a hug in the parking lot where he met me at my car. Noah took my over night bag as I shut the trunk of my car and we headed for the apartment building.

"How was traffic?" Noah asked.

"Ugh, horrible. I swear I almost got hit three times," I whined.

"Don't say that, that makes me nervous," he admitted.

"I'm just glad I'm here."

In our apartment, Noah set my stuff down as I kicked off my shoes. "Are you hungry?" Noah asked as we walked into the kitchen.

Instead of responding, I pulled an envelope from my back pocket and held it out for Noah, "happy nineteenth," I said with a smile.

"Babe," Noah groaned, "you already got me something."

"Just open it, jeez louise," I rolled my eyes, but was smiling still.

He sighed and tore open the envelope. He pulled out two plane ticket confirmation sheets and a brochure of where I was taking us. "What is this and why does it say you bought two plane tickets to Dominican Republic?"

"We're going to Punta Cana, baby," I grinned.

"Sam, what the fuck, this is expensive," he spoke incredulously, shaking his head and shoving the envelope and papers back in my hands. "No."

I knew this was how he'd react. Noah and I grew up differently; where I had a big home and grew up without money issues, Noah had it different. He didn't have to big home and he always worked hard for every penny just so his father could take it from him. So whenever I got him a gift above twenty dollars, he flipped and refused to take it.

"Noah, you've been through a lot and I thought you could use a nice, relaxing vacation. It's no big deal. I want to go," I insisted.

"Return them, I'm not kidding, Sam. You're not spending this much money on me."

"On us. And I'm not returning them, so you either go with me this summer or I'm going to be very upset and bring someone else to rub suntan lotion on my body," I said sternly.

Noah's jaw was set, seeming angry. I set the tickets on the kitchen counter and grabbed his waist. "I got us this beautiful resort right on the water and at a good price. You deserve a vacation. Enjoy it."

Noah relaxed and took a breath, placing his hands over mine. "Okay. I'm sorry. This is very... generous, thank you. But I'm paying for any extra expenses."

"Deal," I smiled, but I knew I wasn't going to follow through with that. Buying the tickets I was sure were going to be just as expensive as the money we'd spend there, but it would be worth it. Nonetheless, I went up on my tippy toes and kissed him, his hands going behind my ears and kissing me back.

The plan was to go out to dinner at seven with Noah's friends and then go back to our apartment to celebrate Noah and Jude's birthday. But at around six, Noah's mood had shifted. "Are you okay?" I asked after shutting off the blow dryer. We had taken a shower together and then started getting ready. I just finished my hair.

Noah just shrugged.

"Talk to me, what's wrong?"

"I don't know. I don't normal do anything today but lay in bed," Noah said.

"We don't have to go," I told him as I sat next to him on our bed, placing a comforting hand on his thigh. "You have every right to cancel."

Noah scoffed, "We have to be there in less than an hour."

"So what? They don't know why you have a hard time on this day, but-"

"Jude knows," Noah told me nonchalantly as if it wasn't a big deal.

My heart throbbed uncomfortably at his words and I had to question him to make sure, "You told Jude about what happened on your thirteenth?" It was wrong of me to feel any type of negative feeling towards that, but I couldn't help the nauseated feeling in my gut. I mean, Noah didn't even tell Kaitlyn and they dated for like four years. And to share something so personal? I kept picturing Jude being 'comforting' to my boyfriend. Ugh.

Noah shrugged, "Yeah."

"That's... a very personal thing to tell someone. You never even told Kaitlyn or your brother about that. You barely know Jude," I couldn't shut my mouth. Why couldn't I just keep quiet?

Noah's mood went from anxious to announce, "I do know Jude and I trust him, why are you getting upset?"

"I'm not, I'm just confused." But I was upset and I hated that. I was being selfish and I knew it. Why would Noah tell Jude something so personal?

"There's nothing to be confused about," Noah said matter-of-factly.

"It just seems like-"

"Like what, Sam?" Noah stood up and looked down at me as he spoke. "This is my thing to tell people if I want to tell them."

I got up as well, "Of course it it, I know that."

"Then stop making it about you." Annoyance to anger in a flip of a switch.

"I'm not, you're getting defensive. I didn't even say anything about me, I know you can share your past with anyone. All I was saying was for someone who keeps their feelings to themselves, I was just a little shocked. That's it."

Noah closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then reopened his eyes, "Sorry, I didn't mean to come at you, this day just gets to me."

"I know, I'm sorry if I made it about me, that wasn't my intention, but Noah, if you're feeling too overwhelmed, we don't have to go."

"I want to go. Jude's right, I can't let Randy control this day."

I didn't even care about Jude's opinion on the matter, I hated Jude. "Okay, but it's also about you being comfortable."

"I'm fine. We're gonna be late if we don't-"

The doorbell rang, cutting Noah off. I sighed and followed Noah out towards the front door. "I thought we were meeting them," I said and tried not to sound annoyed at the thought of driving with Jude to dinner.

"We are. It's probably just Ciera." But it wasn't Ciera when Noah opened the door. I couldn't see who it was from Noah blocking my view but my boyfriend seemed to freeze and his face- from where I could see from the side- got ghostly white. "Mom?" Noah questioned and my heart dropped into the pit of my stomach.

"Happy birthday, baby."


Gasp!! The mother is back 🫣wonder how Noah will respond.

New chapter of Simply Elliot out tomorrow night ;)
Thank you for reading! Comment and vote <3

-Xoxo, Bert

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