First Heir of the Demon (Male...

Von DEMGSC1920

114K 2.7K 842

Y/N was trained and raised to be the Heir of the Demon, trained by Ra's Al Ghul himself, Talia Al Ghul, Sandr... Mehr

(Saga 1) Chapter 1: Damian?
Chapter 2: 2nd Robin
Chapter 3: The Stronghold
(Saga 1 Finale) Chapter 4: Deathstroke vs Knightcrawler
(Saga 2) Chapter 5: Feather
Chapter 6: Who's the Orphan
Chapter 7: Training
Chapter 8: The Courts of Owl
Brother of Robin
Chapter 9: Batman vs Robin
Chapter 10: Finding Batman
(Saga 2 Finale) Chapter 11: Fight in Wayne's Mansion
Saga 3 Y/N and Cassandra's Bio
Saga 3 Trailer
(Saga 3) Chapter 12: Who's the girl?
Chapter 13: Shopping
Chapter 14: Hong Kong
Chapter 15: Attack on Hong Kong
Chapter 16: Targeted
Tournament Announcement
(Saga 3 Finale) Chapter 17: Family
(Saga 4) Chapter 18: Where's Batman?
Chapter 19: Batwoman
Chapter 20: Attack on Wayne Enterprises
Chapter 21: Return
Chapter 22: Not over yet
(Saga 4 Finale) Chapter 23: Knightcrawler vs Orphan
(Filler) Chapter 24: Spoiler
(Filler) Chapter 25: New member
5th Saga bio
(Saga 5) Chapter 26: Normal Day
Chapter 27: League of Shadows
New Story (Related)
Chapter 28: Bad to Worse
(Saga 5 Finale) Chapter 30: More
(Filler) Chapter 31: Tim Drake
(Saga 6) Chapter 32: Titans

Chapter 29: Girl of the Shadows

1K 38 5
Von DEMGSC1920

???: Once upon a time there was a girl who thought she was a shadow.

Scene shows Christine Montclair reading a book, as in front of her, there was a sleeping body in her bed.

Christine: The girl liked being a shadow. She liked darting around from place to place unseen, and unheard. Master of a world of her own making. She'd smiled as she watched the children laugh and play their games, and at night she's take them out to play at her own. Bus as she continued to watch the world around her, there was a curious longing that grew and grew with time. A longing not to watch the world, but to be part of it. Shadows aren't people, she would tell herself. Shadows must stand alone. Shadows must always be-

A gasp made Christine jump as she looked at her bed, the person who was in it was Cassandra Cain.

Christine: You... You're awake.

Cassandra: W-Who?

Christine: I'm... M-My name is Christine... Christine Montclair. I saw you fight that vicious and horrible woman. When everything was clear, I managed to get you from the sewers, sadly the smell will stay there unless you take a bath. I-I patched you up as much as I could... my mom was a nurse.

Cassandra: Don't understand.

Christine: You live above the ballet? I'm one of the dancers here.

Cassandra: Y-Yes.

Christine: I'm sorry... I screamed at you, called you thing, I-I thought you were trying to kill me or-

Cassandra: No!

Cassandra stands up and takes steps back.

Cassandra: Never! Never!

Christine: Yeah, I'm sorry. Should've realized you worked with Batman and the others. There's a website here, is called Spoiler Alert that crowdsources images of all vigilantes here as of right now. Well... there are a few blurry ones, but I could tell one of them was you, I wanna say, your fighting, teamwork and so much more is like watching a good fighting movie, and like a dancer, you looked amazing out there.

Cassandra: Um... thanks?

Christine: Don't mention it.

She later sees Cassandra's nose again starting to bleed as she looked at it.

Christine: Um... your nose.

Cassandra looked at it, it was still broken and if she waited a few more minutes, the nose would basically lose all blood. She grabbed her nose with both hands and fixes her nose but not before leaving a crack sound from the bone as Cassandra's eyes turn a bit red as she hits her nose a few time to blood runs towards it.

Christine: That's cool but also disgusting.

Cassandra looks towards the book, seeing it in the ground.

Cassandra: Book...

Christine: Oh... is nothing big, mom used to read this to me at bedtime, she got it from a local bookstore from Detroit, before we had to move to Gotham. Do you... have a mom?

That topic did hurt Cassandra, she was just fighting her own mother... she put her down like it was nothing. She looks away with a hurt face as Christine picked it up quickly.

Christine: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean... didn't think you didn't have... was that lady, the one you were fighting... you're...

Cassandra looks down as Christine walks and gives her a hug which Cassandra quickly accepts.

Christine: Honey... are you okay?

Cassandra: No... broken... I'm broken.

Christine: No you're not. No one is truly broken.

Cassandra: How?

Christine: Well... the book is kind of cheesy, is a kid's story anyway, but this story still has a way to... give you goosebumps, show you a moral and more. They tell you the truth in the simplest way and this book shows it very well done. It's that when the world tells you that you are something, and you're just a kid, you believe it. It frames the whole way you live in the world. But because it isn't true, it eats you away, it makes you feels worthless, less human. Because your feelings contradict everything you know is true, and when you realize what you were taught isn't right, you will eventually feel even more alone than before you knew the truth. Because you can't be normal, the normal person you could've been, from the start. You don't have the tools for that, you have the tools for another life. But if you hold your thought and put behind what you were meant to be, you can be something more, better than before, cause you have the tools that no other girl has. The ones that will help reveal your true self.

Cassandra looks at her hands as Christine grabs both her hands.

Christine: You wanna know how the story ends?

Cassandra: Yes.

Christine: The kids were captured by this witch, well you probably know the rest, the girl saves them... each and one of them.

Cassandra: How?

Christine: Because she chose to be a shadow. A tool that she hated, she used it not for destruction, but to saves those kids, she put everything behind, her fear, her anger, everything she was taught behind... except her skill, what they taught her isn't what she must do, she herself chose what to do with those skills.

Cassandra: She used to... save everyone...

Christine: Exactly.

Cassandra got up and grabbed her mask as Christine looked at her.

Christine: Where are you going?

Cassandra: Save... my family...

Christine: You're still injured.

Cassandra: Won't... stop me.

Christine: I... What do I call you?

Cassandra: Orp...

She goes to jump to the window but looks back at Christine with a smile.

Cassandra: Cain... Cassandra Cain.

Christine: What are you going to do?

Cassandra looks down as she puts her mask on.

Orphan: Be a shadow.

Orphan looked to the ground, as she jumps from the building starting to fall as she grabbed her grapple and swings to another.

(Starts music)

Scene moves to the cannery, as there were many shadows guarding the place, as tied to the chains... was the entire team, Batwoman was struggling, her utility belt was off as well as her boots and gloves, the same went for the others but Batwing, he stripped completely from his armor left in his normal clothes.

Batwoman: Come on! Break... FUCK!!!

Luke: Kate... just stop... is not worth it. Kid how's Stephanie?

Robin looked at Spoiler who was in this point the worse of the five.

Robin: She's alive.

Luke: Damian!

Spoiler: Forget... me... Alfred? Are you breathing?

Alfred: Still in one piece, Miss Brown.

The shadows kept walking, until a pair of glowing eyes appeared in the back as he was pulled back just to earn a punch from none other than Batman and smashed his head through an old brick wall, putting him out cold as he returns to walk. Shiva was still by a wall as a shadow walks towards her.

Shadow: Lady Shiva... he's here...

Shiva looked at him... as she nods.

Shiva: Lure him here, I want to finish him myself.

The shadow nods and walks away, Robin heard that, his father was here.

Robin: He's here.

Luke: Bruce?

Robin: Yes.

Scene moves to Orphan running in a building as she jumps to another, she was going at full speed, just for scene change back to Batman. He was walking slowly forward while holding a katana, as he looked around... but he stopped dodging a katana and with the one he had he blocked another as he kicks that assassin back and later punches one to the ground. He grabbed his Batarang and blocked a sai with it as he impales it in the shadow's back and throws him to another. He blocks a sword as he elbows the shadow's face and he throws him to a wall. He keeps walking as Orphan arrived in the scene but in another part. She entered seeing many Shadows guarding, but they all look at Orphan who cracks her neck. She dashes towards them as scene moves back to Batman kicking another shadow back and later blocks a sword with both gauntlets and head butts the shadow just to jump and kick another. He lands and rolls under a kama as he blocks a sai and kicks the shadow back and later punches another back, as it shifts to Orphan running double kicks a shadow as she makes a backflip and grabs a katana deflecting a blade later elbows his face and later makes a 180 degree flip over another shadow and kicks the top of the head as she makes a butterfly twist also dodging a sword and knees the shadow as she looked back seeing still dozens more as she leaps towards them holding two katanas. Batman dodges a kick and blocks another just to break it and kicks another shadow back. He feels a tug to the cape as he elbows the person holding it as he ducks another sword and puts a shocking Batarang on the shadow who tried to cut him, shocking him out cold.

He earns a shuriken to the shoulder making him groan as he looks back, as he pulls the shuriken from his shoulder and at a faster speed, he throws it to one of their chest, impaling him. He blocks a nagitana as he grabs the handle and smacks the shadow just to swipe another one's feet and smash the handle to the face just to block a sword with the blade and kicks him back. Scene shifts to Cassandra earning a punch putting her down but she kicks a shadow's leg off balance and she makes a kip up. She dodges a sai and she punches it back. She was losing footing, she was tired as she ducks under another sword and impales the one she had on its leg and later kicks the top of his head to the ground. She takes a step back, as she back kicks another shadow and leaps to another shadow, just for scene to turn black, as sparks were flying, showing Batman blocking blades. He keeps blocking them, as the sound of punches were heard, as he kicks a shadow to the ground, later smashing a head to the floor, rolls kicking one back and blocks another blade, quickly uppercutting him. He blocks some rope darts and Batman grabs the ropes just to pull them, he jumps to the ground still pulling the shadows and kicks the two shadows with the rope darts back, just ti make a kip up, later making a spinning kick to one of their leg's breaking them as he grabs wrist with a sai and also breaks his arm... Batman was getting desperate. He punches another to the ground at full force and later blocks a sword and breaks the blade kicking him back as he walks forward.

(Ends at 3:20)

He walked from a hallway as he looked forward, seeing a incredibly large pillar, but in front... he saw the team wrapped in chains.

???: Took you less time than I expected, Bruce.

Batman looked to his left seeing Shiva leaning by a rail.

Shiva: They were all trained by Ra's and I, there were hundreds of them, not very surprised you walk through them.

Batman frowned, he took down about 70 of them, meaning someone else was taking them down.

Shiva: Unless you aren't alone... you brought someone with you, in this... crusade filled with blood and rage.

Batman: I came here alone... no one else.

Shiva: I believe you, it seems an intruder walked here uninvited.

Batman: You probably know who it is.

Shiva: Of course I would. Enough games... let's end this.

Shiva got on her fighting pose as well as Batman, as it shows from a puddle, the two face to face during their days of training with O Sensei.

Shiva: Like old times, Bruce.

Batman: Like old times.

The two dashed to each other as they were about to clash, scene changes to Orphan punching out cold the last Shadow in her way. The floor was ls covered of them as she kneels panting, she pulls her mask as she walks to an elevator, pressing the button as scene changes to Batman blocking a kick from Shiva and later dodges another as he goes for a punch which Shiva moves. She catches a punch from Batman also grabbing his arm as she puts weight on him and pushes him to the ground and kicks his face. He groan as Shiva went for a swipe which he dodged and later blocks a kick just to uppercut her. She lands on her feet after making a backflip as Batman dashed at her which she rolls under but he makes a headlock as Shiva tried to break free.

Batman: Stop this! You're going against O Sensei's code, against his teaching!

Shiva elbows his face and later kicks his robs making him lose footing for a split second. He lands on his side as Shiva walks to him.

Shiva: I don't care about that, you stopped me from avenging my sister... you still allied with Richard, F/N allied with Richard!

Batman blocks a few hits.

Batman: This isn't about Carolyn, this is not even about your daughter! This is about a necessity, an addiction, torture, murder... you're unwell...

Shiva: And you're soft!

Shiva dashed at Batman who blocked her attacks but later slashed his gut with a sword and kicked him back, as he lands on his side.

Batman: You're not yourself... this is an infection... you've been revived... The Lazarus Pit.

Shiva walked and kicked Batman's face who groans.

Shiva: I'm fine and well... Gotham in the other hand won't.

Batman grabbed a Batarang and threw it at Shiva who deflected it to the ground as she ran and punched Batman to the ground who kept a groan.

???: Shiva!

Shiva looked seeing Cassandra panting with her body in blood.

Shiva: Daughter.

Cassandra: Stop... no more-

She couldn't finish talking as Shiva started to choke her, she puts a hand on her neck and slams her to the ground with her blade close to her cheek.

Shiva: You wish to humiliate yourself once more? You think taking down hundreds of shadows will change how I see you? You think this will impress me?

Cassandra: Yes...

Shiva throws Cassandra to the ground as Shiva glares at Cassandra.

Shiva: It doesn't. Like a knife not wanting to cut, a gun which won't fire, that's you... a weapon... unwilling to take a life, even F/N did already.

Cassandra looks at Shiva as well as Batman.

Shiva: Like you heard, F/N took not one, but 7 lives from my shadows, just to escape, can't say I broke him.

Cassandra: Lie...

Shiva: Ask him when you see him. If you have the chance. I've hold back far too long against you, now answer me... do you think you can beat me alone?

Cassandra: No...

Shiva: Good, maybe you're not that much of an idiot after all.

Cassandra: Not alone

Shiva: What?

Cassandra: Not alone!

Shiva: You are alone, you are an Orphan, you will always be alone!

???: She won't.

She earns a kick from Batman as she lands face first, as she looks in pure anger forward... she was shocked, the team was free... she looked to the chains... there was a Batarang in the ground... the Batarang she deflected, they used it as a blade to cut the ropes and set themselves free later, they were all armed up... and ready to fight with Cass against her and the shadows... final battle is next.

The next chapter will end the 5th saga, after that will be only one filler and straight to Justice League vs Teen Titans. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and to the finale.


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