Player 124 (Squid game x read...

By I_simp_for_eren_

93.3K 2.4K 1K

Y/n L/n was more responsible than you'd expect a 16 year old to be. Why? It was because of her mother of cour... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen -Twenty: (Final)

2.2K 69 44
By I_simp_for_eren_

Y/n POV:

What the fuck just happened?

I stood there stupidly, staring into thin air like it was the most interesting thing i had ever seen.

"Aren't you gonna start changing? Our time is limited, you know?" Sae byeok, who had began putting on her trousers reminded me.

I started putting on the black trousers they provided slowly. "It fits perfectly" I muttered to myself as i zipped the flap.

I whimpered a bit putting on the shirt and coat but with a little help from Sae byeok, I managed.

Walking sluggishly towards the sink proved to be a whole new task on its own, the memory of the stupid thing i was about to do here making me groan.

The sound seemed to alert Sae byeok as she turned towards me, concern written over her face.

Before she could even get any words out, i looked at her and shook my head, signifying that it was nothing for her to be worried about.

I turned on the tap and began splashing some water on my face, the cool sensation heightening my senses slightly.

I needed it after all... Maybe this whole thing is just a creative nightmare my brain just

After a few minutes of us two putting on our shoes, i broke the silence by asking a question that even left myself stunned.

"Are we gonna die? Today? Or tomorrow?"

Sae byeok stared at me with widened eyes, her mouth slightly open. She looked down towards the ground and began walking towards me, grabbing my hand gently and giving me a small smile of reassurance.

She never said a word as we walked out of the bathroom, led to a dining room...

A fancy one at that...

The large chandelier hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room, below it being a large dinner table in the shape of a square.....

Probably to accommodate us last four players.....

We were made to sit down as they began to pour us wine....

"I'm a minor though...." I mumbled, shaking my head in disagreement as j discarded the thought of underage drinking.

Who cares about that now??

Hell, this whole place is illegal!!

As much as I'd hate to admit it, he food they began placing in front of us smelt delicious....

Id be lying if i said i wasn't hungry...

Feeling the eyes of someone on my figure, i looked around and caught a nasty glare from Sangwoo.

I gave him a glare of my own and rolled my eyes at him.

If anything, He's the last person I'd want to walk out of here alive. I looked back at the food placed in front of me and gulped....

One more game...

One more chance to walk out of here alive and with a shit load of cash.

"Players, tonight's feast is a token of gratitude, for making it past the first 5 games, for the sacrifices and to encourage you to do your best in the next game.

Now, please relax and enjoy your meal."

I looked around nervously at the staff before us, my mind heading straight to Junho, wondering if he's still alive somewhere in this hell.

Sangwoo broke the silence by beginning to eat first, Gi-hun following after shortly and then Sae byeok.

I shakily picked up my cutlery, the meat not tasting as nice as i hoped it would be....

Probably from me having a bad feeling about the next game.

I chewed slowly and forced myself to swallow, looking intensely at the floor as k felt it wanting to rise out of my stomach again.

I looked at Sae byeok who was sweating, dread beginning to fill me and alarms going off until my head.

She seemed to have noticed my worried gaze since she sent me a small reassuring smile....


It did nothing to calm me down.

She pointed at my food, silently telling me to eat. I continued to stare at her before she glared at me, causing me to quickly pick up my fork.


After the food and wine, the guards began to take away our plates and glasses....


What threw me off and made me want to make a run for it was when i realized the fact that they left a knife...

In front of us....


Suddenly, i felt like throwing up all over again. They want us to kill each other...

I swallowed hard in fear as everyone grabbed the knives left in front of them.

The fear i felt wasn't of Sae byeok or Gi-hun....

It was of Sangwoo with a knife...

I quickly did the same, getting up as fast as i could, my chest feeling heavy and my vision getting blurry.

I don't know why i felt like crying...

I'd manage to get this far....

I can't break down now....


The guards led us back to the main dorm, only 4 beds being left.

Each bed had been placed in a separate corner of the room. I felt someone grab my hand, giving it a light squeeze.

I smiled and relaxed a bit once i noticed it was just Sae byeok trying to cheer me up.

She pulled me towards her bed as well both sat down on it.

"Its dangerous for you to be alone right now. I have no clue of what that asshole Sangwoo or Gi-hun would do."

"Gi-hun wohldnt do anything. I trust him" i replied lowly. She gave me a quizzical stare and looked away.

She sat up quickly and pointed her knife behind me. I turned around realizing that Gi-hun had managed to slither his way here silently.

"Relax, i wont hurt you.... Any of you."

He too sat down on the bed.

He then looked at me, "Are you okay? I noticed you being fidgety during the meal."

I laughed dryly in response, "How am I supposed to be okay? I could literally loose my life tomorrow. I've watched a shift ton of people die... I-"

Sae byeok cut me off with a hug. I felt my shirt get a little bit wet when she did so but i ignored it.

I took a deep breath and continued, "What's your plan? Both of you?"

"What do you mean?" Gi-hun asked.

"The money.... If you walk out of here alive, what's your plan?"

Gi-hun sighed sadly before answering me, "I'd first of all pay off my debt. Then, id get a nice store in the city for my mother..... And.... I'd try to be a god dad for my daughter."

"How old is she?"

"She's ten" he smiled.

"That's how old my brother is..." Sae byeok trailed off....

"Where is he?"

"And orphanage. Our mom's stuck in the North. I promised I'd get her out when i got enough money then I'd buy us a house" she continued, a sad look on her face.

I placed my hand on hers as I looked at Gi-hun.

"Your turn" Sae byeok spoke to me.

"Well.... I'd also pay off my debts, get my sister away from my mother, get the two of us a nice place to stay....

Maybe I'd open up a small store that i can run after school hours and stuff. That thought is still on hold though...

I wanna give a nice childhood to my sister... Something i didn't have." I said sadly.

No child deserves to have a rotten mother like mine.... No one....

I wiped my eyes of any tears that threatened to spill, my eyes landing of a dozing Sangwoo in a corner, his knife slipping out of his hands.

Gi-hun indicated for us to both be quiet as he slowly moved towards the man.

Sae byeok then leaned on me completely, causing my worry to resurface.

"Hey! Sae byeok!! Are you okay?" I nearly yelled.

She nodded her head tiredly but it did nothing to convince me.

I looked down at my shirt and began to panic. Apart from the slight dampness of my jacket because of my now bleeding shoulder, there was a big red patch on my shirt, near my stomach.

I pulled whatever blanket that was on Sae byeok and gasped. Her shirt was almost completely soaked of her blood.

I cursed loudly as tears threatened to fall once again.

"Gi-hun!!! Please!!! Sae byeok!!" I yelled.

The man quickly rushed to my side, a loud curse leaving his mouth.

"Sae byeok!! Stay awake! Im going to get help!! Y/n! Stay with her!"

Her ran towards the main door, i took off my jacket and placed it on her wound....

The pain from my own one my shoulder completely forgotten.... After all, it was insignificant compared to this.

"Sae byeok! Please..... Please stay with me! I want to meet your brother!! I wanna have sleep overs together at your house... Stay Please!!!" I cried, applying even more pressure to the bleeding area.

She nodded her head slowly, her eyes looking fogged up and absent.

I heard footsteps walking towards me, thinking it was one of the guards i turned my head fast enough to give a headache.

Instead, i was faced with the face of Sangwoo, who held a knife stating blank at Sae byeok.

I quickly pulled out mine, my hands completely steady, a hard glare present on my face.

"Move the fuck away Choi Sangwoo! If not i swear to the heavens, i will fucking kill you right here and now!" I threatened.

The man simply stared me blankly, the sides of his lips tugging upward in a smile.

"I don't think so-"
I punched him.... Hard..

He cursed and charged towards me, Gi-hun oblivious to the fight going on behind him, as he was still trying to get help for Sae byeok.

Sangwoo grabbed my already injured shoulder causing me to wince in pain.

I threw my knife into my other hand and used it to cut Sangwoo's shoulder. The man groaned in response and cursed at me.

"Fucking bitch!" He swore.

He ended up grabbing my hair harshly, which made me let out a cry, he then threw me towards the wall, my head hitting the concrete....


My eyes momentarily rolled to the back of my head as i tried to put myself back together.

I can't let him kill Sae byeok.

"N-no fucking way, in hell am I going to let you kill HER-" i began to yell but stopped once i took in the scene before me, completely oblivious to the trail of blood leaving my head.

The main doors opened and a few guards walked in.

........ They were carrying the signature black coffin with a pink bow tie on the top.......

"No.... No... NO!!! SAE BYEOK!!" i screamed, pushing past the culprit and letting out a huge sob as i took in the scene before me.

There was blood outing out from her neck, her eyes looking lifeless and dull.

Gi-hun rushed towards my side and silently began to cry. He slowly walked towards Sangwoo and landed a harsh punch to his face.

I grabbed Sae byeok's body and began to shake her, my tears completely blurring my vision.

The guards tried grabbing her from me but i wouldn't let her go. It was until a guard seemed to have had enough and pointed a gun at my head.

Even then, i was reluctant to let her go.

Gi-hun grabbed my shoulders and pulled me away from Sae byeok, my sobs getting louder and harder to the point where i couldn't breathe.

My head slowly turned towards the culprit, my anger levels reaching dangerous heights as i began to struggle in Gi-hun's arms, trying my best to reach Sangwoo who looked smiley at me.

"Hey!! Y/n! Y/n! Calm down! I SAID CALM DOWN DAMMIT!!"

Gi-hun's sudden outburst managed to make me stay still...

My shoulders beginning to shake once again as i cried.

A guard walked up to use and said coldly, "If anyone is hurt again, there will be severe consequences."

Gi-hun let go of me slowly, turning my head and brushing my hair out of my face only to see the blank look present.

"She'd want you to keep going. Don't give up just yet." He said, his own voice wavering slightly.

I shook my head and replied, "I want to go back... I can't keep doing this..."

"If we were to vote right now, we'd still be staying because.... I can't give up. I really need the money" Gi-hun abswered in a rushed tone.


"Attention all players, kindly line up in front of the door in order to prepare for the next and final game-"

I sighed in defeat and glared at Sangwoo....

The last game....

One more....


We were left through a dark hallway, my hand gripping onto Gi-hun's as if it was my only source of protection.

"Welcome, player 124, 218 and 456 to the final game. Before we begin, we shall flip a coin to decide who plays offence or defence."

I slowly looked up at Sangwoo and glared at him, the older male doing the exact same to me.

"Please choose a shape"

"Triangle" Gi-hun said quickly. Sangwoo being left to choose the other shape, which was a square.

The guard flipped the coin after his answer, the coin landing on triangle.

"Its a triangle. Player 456, offence or defense?"

Gi-hun chose offense bravely, leaving Sangwoo no other choice but to defend.

"Player 124, you on the other hand, have the option to either be part of the defensive or offensive's team.

What do you choose?"

Without hesitation, i chose "offense".

"Player 124 and 456 will attack, while player 218 defends." The guard said as the large doors opened up before us.

It was the same room we played red light, green light. I suddenly felt sick to my stomach, as memories of what went down here came rushing though my head.

"The final game is squid game. These are the rules;

The attacker must enter the squid shaped court, run passed the denfese team and then, tap the inside of the squid's head using his foot to secure a win."

I silently nodded my head, my dominant hand in my pocket feeling the knife that rested perfectly inside of it.

If needed, i would not hesitate to stab that asshole.

I took a few steps backwards and sat right on the floor as Gi-hun walked towards his spot, tying his shoelaces.

No one but Gi-hun saw the sand i managed to grab as i sat down.

"You know, we always used to play this as kids" he stated, as he began hopping around on one foot.

He glanced towards me and nodded his head....

That was my cue...

I stood up and began walking slowly, my knife in one hand and some sand in my other hand.

"Do you remember what we used to call it when we crossed??" He asked Sangwoo, who seemed to be extremely agitated.

"Shut the hell up! Who cares about that right now?" Sangwoo yelled, lunging at Gi-hun with a knife.

Just as he did, i ran to Gi-hun and threw the sand straight into Sangwoo's eyes, which made him yell out in pain,  trying to rub out the sand.

"Inspector Royal, we called it".

Just then, the sky began to unload it wrath upon us, my white shirt becoming soaked and see through.

I shuddered a bit due to the cold since my black jacket was discarded long ago.

"I only tried to put her out of her suffering" Sangwoo yelled towards me.

I scoffed loudly at his pathetic excuse. "Thats fucking bullshit"

"You know, you're the reason i killed her... I knew you'd try to end the game just for her sake" he said, looking back at Gi-hun, who glared back at Sangwoo.

I stood still and gasped, "You wanted the game to continue?? So you stabbed her??"

"You 3 would have been the majority and would have voted us out to leave. To leave here without a single cent... I WON'T DO IT!!" Sangwoo yelled.

Blinded by rage, i kicked Sangwoo without a second thought, his body falling to the ground as i landed on top of him, the rain still pouring over us all.

I punched him as hard as i could, causing him to groan in pain. He yanked my hair in response and threw me towards Gi-hun, who managed to grab me before my head hit the ground.

"Its over Sangwoo. Give up" Gi-hun said sternly, aiming his knife towards Sangwoo who only laughed dryly in response.

"I don't wanna fight you Gi-hun... I wanna go against the girl" Sangwoo said lowly, his piercing gaze falling on me.

"You want to go against the weakest one here? What a filthy coward you are Choi Sangwoo!" I laughed.

"Call me what you want. I couldn't care less!"

I ran towards Sangwoo, my knife in hand and immediately aimed towards his neck; the same place he stabbed Sae byeok.

He grabbed my arm before it could touch him and turned me around, the knife being dangerously close to my own neck.

"You're just a flimsy little girl, you couldn't do jack shit to me, you understand?"

I stepped on his foot and stabbed his hand as he let me go in and attempt to focus on the pain in his hand.

"You bitch!" He screamed.

"Oh, you wouldn't believe the number of times I've been called that, believe me..." I mumbled, gaining enough strength to run towards him again.

The adrenaline giving me all the energy i needed.

In a panic, he took off his jacket quickly and swung it at me, in order to get rid of the knife in my hold.

I intentionally let go of it and swung a nasty punch at him...

Not one... But three punches which led both of us to fall on the ground.

He used his jacket to cut off my oxygen, as he used it around my neck.

"Y/N!!" I heard Gi-hun yell. His presence startling me since i had forgotten he was around.

He ran towards me and attempted to pull the jacket away from my neck and sighing in relief when he was successful in doing so.

Sangwoo somehow used the opportunity to stab my leg, which made me shriek out in both pain and shock.

Sangwoo managed to move from underneath me and kicked Gi-hun in the gut, then proceeding to kick me in the face.

"You asshole... Beating a woman like this... I hope you're fucking ashamed!" I groaned out.

"Don't give me that crap. Remember this place? Its the same place they made us play the first game!" He said, sending another kick flying my way, this time, hitting my jaw.

"Lots of people died here with us. But now they're all dead... Except us 3.

We've come this far. Its too late to give up now"

Gi-hun who was behind me groaned and rolled onto his side, now facing us both.

"So its your fault... Its your fault that they're all dead now huh?!" I said through gritted teeth.

I knew for a fact that if looks could kill, Sangwoo would already be 6 feet under with his tombstone being on top.

I lunged at him once again and punched him multiple times, not taking a single break.

My hair was a wet mess on my head, the buttons of my shirt had been ruined, exposing my (your type) stomach.

"I. Hate. Your. Entire. Existence. Choi. Sangwoo!" I said through each punch.

I grabbed the knife from his hold and stabbed it right next to his head.

My head hung low as silent tears began to flow, my shoulders beginning to shake as i began to weep.

I rested my head on his shoulder beneath me and kept on crying.

Slowly, i stood up and began walking towards Gi-hun. I pulled him up from the ground and shook my head at the guard that made his appearance.

"I can't.... I can't keep going like this. I want to end it here" I stated, breathing heavily.

"Ha.... Gi-hun... I remember...

How they used to call us when food was ready" i heard Sangwoo laugh weakly.

Gi-hun rushed to his side and smiled, tears streaming down the cheeks of both men.

"I'm sorry..." I heard Sangwoo weakly mutter before suddenly stabbing his own neck with the knife that lay beside him.

My eyes widened and i heard Gi-hun scream and yell out for his friend.

"What the hell-" i said before seeing nothing but black.


Now, we were blindfolded in a car once again, out hands bound behind our backs.

Only Gi-hun and I sat inside this time, a sense of fatigue tempting me to close my eyes and to go back to sleep.

"Congratulations Y/n. You should be proud of yourself." I heard a person say.

"How... Why? Why would you do something like this?" I heard Gi-hun's hoarse voice from beside me.

".....You bet on horses.... We bet on humans... You in this case, were our horses." The person replied calmly.

"Who... Who are you?" Gi-hun questioned, right before a gas filled the car, which forced us both into a state of unconsciousness.


"Oof!!" I grunted, landing on the hard pavement.

I heard an all too familiar person groan for the upteenth time today from beside me.

The sound of a car zooming off filled my ears as i managed to wiggle myself out of my restraints.

A wave of nostalgia washed over me as i sat up, thinking about how i was thrown in the exact same way with Aakesh. A fresh batch of tears welled up in my eyes as i felt into the gray pocket of the hoodie i wore.

I pulled out a card and stared at it confused, Gi-hun spitting out a card of his own as he was finally free.

We looked at each other before realization hit us both like a truck, racing towards the nearest ATM or bank.

Gi-hun placed his card in the slot first and the machine requested for the password.

He tried a series of codes which failed until i told him to try 0456.

He typed in the numbers and looked at me in disbelief.

"We did it... We got half each... We fucking did it Y/n!!" He screamed, tackling me in a hug.

I wanted to cry so badly.....

I can pay off my debts and be free....


At least thats what I thought... I slowly but surely opened the door to my old apartment, a foul smell making me want to gag.

I opened the door to my mother's room expecting to see her in bed with another man but instead, the sound of a scream rang through the whole building.

Maybe i didn't realize it was mine until it dawned on me that my mother's body hung above me, her body slightly swaying from side to side.

Only God knows how long she's been like this.

I began to breathe heavily, running out the apartment door and not looking back.

"This is a fresh start.... For both S/n and I...." I stated, running towards S/n's friend's home.

......2 weeks later.......

"Its was a pleasure doing business with you Y/n. Hope i don't have to see your face again" Ghost said, a smirk pulling at his lips.

"I should be saying that to you" i rolled my eyes.

I walked towards the small place i had rented for the month, when a boy, seemingly around 10 years old, stood in front of my door, a briefcase right next to him.

"Who... Are you?" I asked, winning when i crouched down to his height as i gently stoked his hair.

He reminded me of Sae byeok, the memory of her still fresh in my mind.

"Cheol... Are you Y/n?" He asked shyly.

"You're Sae byeok's brother... Aren't you?" I asked the little boy who instantly nodded his head at me.

"A man... Told me to give this to you" he said, pointing at the briefcase. I opened it and gasped at the content...


Gi-hun's money.....


1 year later....

"Cheol!! Please don't do this to me!! S/n put on your shoes, quick! If not, we're all gonna be late for school!" I yelled through the house.

S/n and Cheol both came running down the steps, grabbing their backpacks and putting on their shoes before rushing out the door, me following right behind them till they reached their school.

"Bye bye!" I waved at them.

Turning around, I bumped into a person, causing me to bow down repeatedly in apology.

"Since when did you become one for apologies huh? Also...

You've cleaned up nicely...." The person said smoothly.

My eyed nearly bulged out of their sockets hearing the voice i hadn't heard in about a year... One i never thought I'd hear again.

"Before you speak, wanna grab coffee before you head to class? Or are you gonna just admire me right here and now?" The person spoke in perfect English.

With my voice still stuck in my throat, i managed to croak out his name....


"The one and only!"

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