Por koryanderss

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1.6K 72 7
Por koryanderss



THE MAIDS of the household readied the only child of Jon Wymarc in her bedroom that morning. The sun had just rose, its light shinning through to magnify the beautiful beaded white gown that was hand picked by her lord father. Jayne had been fitted for this pretty gown weeks ago, the tailor taking exact measurements so she'd be ready to debut for her first season. Her father wanted Jayne to look the best she could ── even better than her friend, Daphne. She needed ── had to be better.

Daphne Bridgerton had been friends with Jayne Wymarc since they were eleven. The two found solace in one another, becoming fast friends. Being the only child, it was very lonely for Jayne, and her father didn't help matters either since he was always gone, working. Jon had always been a business man, and when his late wife died, he threw himself into it further. But soon, after meeting the lovely, eldest Bridgerton girl, Jayne considered Daphne to be her sister ── in everything but blood.

The maids had just finished weaving the corset of her gown up, causing Jayne to feel herself quickly lose her breathing pattern. While she was able to take deep breaths, now she could only take small, short ones. Jayne felt it to be painful and exhausting when it came to being a lady. There was always a need of having to be done up, no matter what. And while she loved the beautiful gowns and pretty makeup, she hated the process as it took hours. Beauty was pain.

Jayne looked at herself in the full-length mirror, seeing her reflection. The gown fit her in all the right places ── showing off her small curves and her voluptuous breasts. And her hair had been left down, the front only braided back to show off her face instead of Jayne hiding behind her hair ── something she did often. Jayne knew she looked beautiful, she'd turn heads. And she smiled, knowing she'd get a reaction from the person she wanted to.

"Miss Wymarc, you have a request for an audience."

Jayne's eyes flutter over to the corner of the mirror to see her family's butler, Arthur looking at her, awaiting a response. He was an older man, his posture permanently hunched. She knew then her father hadn't been home, yet again, and now it was only her and the staff, leaving her to make a decision. A decision that seemed small enough, but felt so large in her chest. Jayne didn't know who was here, but she hoped it was him. It was the big day, and Jayne knew he could calm the nerves in her stomach. The only problem, Jayne felt her stomach cramp suddenly when she opened her mouth to speak. It had been happening for hours now ── she'd assume she was only hungry, and so, Jayne had been brushing it off. But now, she wasn't so sure of the reasoning for this time, the pain was much worse. And it caught her off guard.

The feeling in Jayne's stomach subsided shortly thereafter, and she nodded to Arthur. She couldn't speak, but she was able to communicate still. Jayne might have not known who it was, but she hoped for one ── a man who always came calling for an audience. Anthony Bridgerton.

"Send them in."

Arthur bowed his head, nodding. And within moments, he was standing in the threshold of her room, awaiting for her to dismiss her staff. He wanted to be alone ── he wanted her. Anthony always came to her when he was angry, sad, stressed; when he had nowhere else to go, Anthony was at Jayne's doorstep. And she would always be waiting for him ── waiting with open arms and a warm bed. She was utterly infatuated with the Viscount Bridgerton, and nothing would change that.

Anthony stared at Jayne's back as she put the finishing touches on her look for her debut today. The gown did wonders for her body, and he liked the way it sunk in to her waist and flared out. He then imagined himself taking it off her ── the beauty of the gown to be even greater on the floor of her own bedroom. After all, that's why he came. He needed a release before the event.

Jayne paid Anthony no mind whilst he stared at her body. She only finished with her maids, hoping to be perfect. She needed to be for her father ── her legacy. Jayne was to be introduced to the high society, and sure enough, she'd hope to have a suitor before the end of the night. A suitor by the name of Anthony Bridgerton for she wished this was the time, finally. Jayne had been dreaming of the day when Anthony courted her ── not keeping her as a secret anymore. Surely, enough time had gone by since her and he started their fling. Jayne was older now ── mature enough to have a husband, mature enough to bare heirs.

When Jayne had finally been satisfied with the way she looked, her eyes shifted in the mirror, away from herself and at him. Their eyes met, a skip of her heartbeat doing so when they did, but Jayne held her composure. Even when the beating muscle in her chest was caving, she didn't. She wouldn't let her excitement show in front of the staff.

"Leave us."

Each member of the Wymarc staff bowed. And then, they left the room, Arthur being the last one, shutting the door on his way out. He was to give them their own privacy. Surely, they would need it as the staff had their own rumors when it came to Anthony always showing up when their Lord wasn't around, but none dare spoke them aloud to anyone else ── afraid of Viscount Wymarc's wraith for the rumors involved his daughter, Jayne. So they only gossiped amongst themselves, waiting for a true answer to appear.

Jon Wymarc loved his daughter. That was a true statement, not a lie. And he would have done anything for her as long as she wasn't a disappointment. So far, Jayne succeeded in passing every test he threw at her. And this one, her debut, was to be the worst one yet. So, Jayne knew she had to do well today. She needed the men ── the Queen to love her. If not, Jayne was terrified of what would happen to her.

She continued to hold her gaze at Anthony through the mirror. Their eyes were connected together, shining brightly. They were never faltering either, holding a gaze. Jayne's chocolate-colored eyes even gleamed, her hope ever so slightly showing through. Anthony's though held lust ── a lust so great he could barely manage to stand still in the threshold of her bedroom. He wanted to walk forward ── to touch her already. Anthony needed her.

Jayne broke the eye contact between them first. Her fingers linger on the soft material of her gown, brushing it off as if there was dirt on it, but there was none, only her nerves. Jayne knew Anthony could tell ── he always could. But instead of allowing it to show, she tried to hide it, even now. She didn't want him to see past her poker face, but he did ── he always did.

Spinning on her heels, Jayne looked over at him, her eyes now wide ── a gleam in them unlike before. And she held her breath, her heartbeat quickening with each passing second. And she didn't realize how tight her corset was until now. She couldn't breathe, and her heartbeat was pounding so quickly. Jayne didn't know how she was still standing.

Anthony shifts slightly. And he takes a step forward now, his eyes never leaving Jayne's body. There's a fiery passion floating around in his gaze, awaiting the moment he would rip Jayne's exquisite gown from her body. A fantasy he had lived many times over. But he'd be careful not to rip it ── to ruin it. Although he could ── he could shred the fine material within his fingertips, leaving her all to him.

Jayne swallowed hard. Her breathing was slow, and her thoughts wandered. His gaze was making her melt from head to toe, especially in her core. She now needed him in the same way he needed her. And with a bite of her bottom lip, her cheeks becoming red with a blush, Anthony smirked.

"Shouldn't you be seeing to it that Daphne is ready on time for her debut?" Jayne questions him, wanting to break the thick silence between them. But the tone in her voice sharpens more than usual and it cracks, keeping her from sounding confident and stern.

Anthony continues walking across the room, heading straight towards Jayne. Each step he takes becomes bigger, as he wanted to be beside her already. "But then who would make sure you were?" Anthony then says, answering her question with one of his own.

She attempts to take a deep breath in, her chest pushing out as she does. And her head tilts up, awaiting to feel his touch on her skin ── a feeling so euphoric it sends a fire down deep into her bones. But Anthony only stops inches from her. And he places his calloused hands on her hips, pulling her in. Jayne then gasps softly, her heart now beating out of her chest. And her reaction only causes the Viscount to smirk wider. He knows how to stir a reaction out of her ── he knows how to get her excited.

Her eyes come to his lips. And she wants to kiss him ── to feel his lips against her own as if two puzzle pieces have come together, perfectly fitting for that's how Jayne felt. Anthony was her missing puzzle piece. She wanted him ── she needed him. And without him, she couldn't live ── she couldn't breathe. Jayne Wymarc was completely smitten.

He notices Jayne's eyes linger far too long on his lips. Anthony could feel the beat of his heart quickening, but his face stays like a poker face. These moments are everything to him. And he never wanted to let her go. But because of Jayne's stare, it causes his fingers to curve inward, digging slightly into her hips. Another gasp then comes from Jayne, and Anthony digs further. He never harms her ── only bringing her excitement and pleasure. He'd never hurt her in that way. But emotionally? That was a different story.

The bells chime in the Wymarc house, signaling the time. Jayne was already running late. And the bells only confirmed it. And that's when she's brought back to a level-head. Jayne knows she cannot do this, not now. There is no time, and she's still to travel with the Bridgerton family. She needed to leave her home ── she needed to leave him. And that was unfortunate.

"I must leave," Jayne says abruptly with a sigh. Would she rather stay there and entertain the Viscount, and he, her? Yes. Can she afford to? No. "Lady Bridgerton is waiting for me," she then adds, a pout on her lips.

Jayne pulls herself away from Anthony and his grasp then, for if she doesn't, she knows she won't be able to control herself. There was no self-control when it came to him. Jayne had lost it long ago. And she needed to leave. Jayne could not be late, not today. But when Anthony grabs her wrist as soon as she's almost out of reach, Jayne comes sauntering back towards him with just a light pull of her wrist.

"Stay," Anthony says. "Only for a moment's time."

Jayne wants to stay. She does, truly. She'd much rather lay with Anthony again. He was a talented lover, but there was no time, every second counted and time was fleeting away from them. Jayne needed to make it to the Bridgerton home ── a house only minutes away from hers.

Holding in her strong disappointment, her pout stayed permanent on her face. But Jayne stood her ground, as much as she could. "As much I want to, I really have to go. If I miss my escort than I shall miss my debut." And she couldn't do that. Her father would have her head if she missed her induction to society. This was everything she needed to do to make her father proud ── without it, Jayne didn't know what he'd do.

Anthony placed his dominant hand to her hip, holding it there to keep Jayne from gaining anxiousness. His touch calmed her. And with the way her eyes relaxed, Anthony knew he had her again. And that made his smirk never falter. Anthony knew he could charm his way with her. Jayne was easy, and that hadn't changed.

"I'll take you." Anthony looked Jayne in the eyes, nothing but light still there. It never went out. But Jayne looked to be mistrusting him, unsure of whether he was being truthful or not. And that made the Bridgerton mentally step back. And with a part of his lips, Anthony asked, "Do you not trust me to be true?"

Jayne shook her head. It was quick as she didn't mean it like that. "No, I do." Jayne sighed then, trying to rummage through her thoughts as she did. "I want this. I want you. I just ──"

"Just what?"

Jayne sighed again. It's a long sigh and it holds much weight. She isn't sure if he's being truthful still, but she wanted this ── she wanted him. And if that meant being late to her own funeral, then so be it. However, there was a bit of anxiety behind the excitement in her chest. And she couldn't help but say it. "I'm just scared, Anthony."

Jayne admitted her feelings just then and he, he placed his other hand to her face. His palm presses lightly against her rouge-colored cheeks, his fingers then tangling themselves in her perfect hair, ruining it slightly. Anthony, however, didn't care that he just did that. He'd rather have made her comfortable ── calm.

Remaining calm, he tried to soothe her with his voice. "Then let me protect you. Always."

Leaning down, Anthony then places his lips upon hers. It's sweet and calming at first. Their lips entangled with one another, holding themselves close. But soon, their simply sweet kiss turns ravenous ── a hunger waking up inside, ready to devour each other whole. Jayne then allows herself to melt into the hungry kiss, her mind going blank and body feeling alive whilst Anthony further tangles his hand in her hair, his dominant hand squeezing on her hip as he does. They were going to be late for the debuts, but in their hungry hearts, it was worth it.


HER DEBUT was to happen any moment now. The nerves had piled up inside of Jayne and at any minute she'd burst. Her stomach had begun to cramp once more, but Jayne kept her face bare ── numb to the pain. She couldn't allow anyone to believe there was something wrong. But there was. Jayne had now believed herself to get sick at any moment. Her throat had felt tense, and her jaw locked up on her. If anything was to happen, Jeyne knew she'd have to swallow it back down.

When they had arrived, Jayne got in trouble with Violet Bridgerton. The scene unfolded with Anthony helping Jayne down off his horse, and there were stares from all angles. It caused the Lady Bridgerton to become furious. Anthony then blamed it on the Wymarc girl ── claiming her nerves got the best of her until he convinced her to attend her own debut. It calmed Violet slightly, but she still didn't like the full-on show of Anthony and Jayne that went down in front of all the arriving guests.

The bile then began to climb up in her throat, and Jayne swallowed hard, stiffening as she did. She couldn't help it ── she had to keep herself focused on the task at hand. Without failing, Jayne needed to keep the vomit in her throat and stomach and not on the ground. After all, it would cause many rumors that Jayne could not afford.

Daphne noticed her friends movements. And she grabbed hold of Jayne's hand immediately, squeezing it tightly. Daphne had assumed it was nerves ── just like her brother said, it had gotten the best of her again. And there was no way that Daphne was going to let Jayne leave, not when they were next.

"Are you okay?"

Jayne turned to look over at her friend, a fake smile on her face as she did. She needed to convince the Bridgerton girl she was okay. But Daphne looked concerned anyway, ready to help in anyway she could if Jayne would let her. After all, Daphne cared much about the Wymarc girl.

"I'm just nervous is all."

Violet had overheard them. They were two girls talking about such matters they didn't need to be at this time. It would only further their anxiety and that needed to be turned off, permanently ── they needed to be perfect.

"You're going to do just fine," Violet said, touching Jayne's shoulder in an attempt to calm her. She then looked over at her own daughter and added, "Both of you."

Only a few more moments had past, and Jayne's stomach had finally calmed again before the doors swung open, and a man announced the three of them. "Miss Jayne Wymarc and Miss Daphne Bridgerton, presented by the Right Honorable, the Dowager Viscountess Bridgerton."

The walk to the Queen was longer than Jayne expected. With each step she took, it felt as though the runway was becoming longer and longer. But Jayne held her composure ── as did Daphne. The two girls were walking side by side, their gowns swaying behind them. But while Daphne never looked away from the Queen, Jayne did. Her eyes scanned the crowd, picking out Anthony within seconds. She could always pick him out in a crowd. He was standing next to his family, their eyes on Daphne, but his ── his were on her.

A moment thereafter, Jayne felt sick again. She wanted to vomit all over the floor, but then she thought of all the ways to stop herself ── she didn't want to cause a scene. No one had even begun to notice her face twitch slightly from smiling to discomfort ── no one but Anthony, who knew her long enough to know when something bothered her. But he only assumed it was due to her nerves, nothing else ── there was even a part of him hoping she'd ruin her chances in front of the Queen, allowing him to have her all to himself, in every way he wanted.

Daphne and Jayne had bowed when they reached the Queen. They stayed there, awaiting for any sign to move. But they didn't falter. They both stayed still like statues. They knew they had to do this ── they knew the Queen would let them know when it was okay to stop their bows.

The Queen, who had gotten up from her throne, shocking everyone, walked a few steps down to meet Daphne. Her index finger touched her chin, guiding Daphne's head up to meet her gaze. "Flawless, my dear." The Queen than looked over at Jayne. She still bowed her head, starring at the floor. She was following directions like a lady should. "And you," the Queen said, catching Jayne's attention, causing her to look up at her. "Truly a rose waiting to be plucked from the garden."

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