ShadowCat And The X-Men (Book...

By Evane15

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The story talks about a defensive, aggressive and lonely girl, Kathryn Pryde, who has lost hope in humanity.B... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Author's Note
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Author's note

Chapter 11

84 6 0
By Evane15

We immediately got dressed up in our uniforms, got our weapons and began chasing after Todd.

He was still shooting around with that gadget and we all were more concerned with trying to avoid his attack, than charge directly at him.

So I decided to take action.

I shot an arrow towards his costume and got him stuck on a tree.

"Good job Kathryn!" Scott said and patted my shoulder.

If I was good at something, that was archery and knives.

Jean took hold of the gizmo.

"Now, what did you do to Kurt?" Scott threatened Todd, ready to shoot him with his visor.

"I didn't do anything to the blue boy! Believe me! I swear, I did nothing! "
Todd cried, tears falling down his cheeks, sobbing loudly.

I shook my head negatively.

"He didn't do it," I announced and everyone looked at me in disbelief.

"How can you tell?" Scott asked, side-eyeing Todd.

"He is a coward! If he was the perpetrator, he would have admitted it to you the moment you pointed that visor at him," I said and pulled my arrow out of the tree and his clothes.

"No, wait!" Scott told me but I didn't listen.

Toad run off.

"Why did you let him go? He could be lying!" Scott said, anger clear in his voice.

"She is right, he didn't do it, " Anne said as she walked up to us and everyone turned to face her.

"I did it"

I crossed my arms and gave Scott an    "I told you so " kind of look, but, at the moment, Anne was the only thing he paid attention to.

-Time Skip- 

Anne explained what happened to us, she heard Kurt teleport to some kind of lab next to our school.

This school is full of surprises.

So, she walked inside to check on him, then she got a hold of the gizmo and by pressing the wrong buttons she accidentally ported Kurt to that other dimension, but she has no idea how Todd had gotten his hands on the machine.

She led us to the lab, it was really dirt, like no one had entered the place in ages.

I could see some left behind metallic parts of something. Lucky guess? Probably computers, or some other kind of machine.

"This is where it happened," Anne said quietly, her voice just above a whisper. I could tell she was feeling guilty.

Anne wasn't a bad person, she just made some bad decisions.

Everyone has done some.

"If you have hurt him, I will-" Scott started shouting, but was cut off by Anne. 

"You start threatening me and you are never gonna find your blue friend," she said defensively.

What the hell is wrong with Scott today? 

"Woah, take it easy cyclops," Jean said calling him by his codename. She placed an arm on his chest, trying to calm him down.

Soon enough Scott relaxed.

While they were having their little moment, Evan and I decided to take a look at the gizmo. He held the gizmo as I examined it.

"Hey guys!" I yelled and they all turned to me.

"I did a diagnosis on this thing here," I said, pointing at the machine.

"Can you believe it ? It works like a SPM,"Evan said and I continued.

"It's putting out some kind of low study power pulse, which seems to disappear into thin air," I said and turned to the others, who were looking at me blankly.

"And what does that mean exactly?" Scott asked and I sighed.

"I was the only one paying attention at Logan's computer lab lessons, wasn't I?" I asked, mostly myself and got back on explaining.

"I am saying that the pulse has trapped Kurt to some other dimension," I concluded and Scott walked closer to me and the gizmo.

"So, let's trash this thing," Evan said excitedly.

"I am not sure this is gonna work, what if we just reset it?" I said and Scott grabbed the gizmo out of my hands and placed it on a table inside the centre of the lab.

"Resetting it is gonna take time, we need to make this quick," Scott said determined to have this his way.

There is no pressure why should we do this in a rush?

"Everyone step back I am gonna use full power, this is gonna get messy " Scott said and I just couldn't understand, what was wrong with him.

This is Kurt's life we’re talking about, not an explosive video game.Apart from that if he uses full power, we are definitely gonna get unwanted attention.

I will try putting some sense to him.

"You know, I could just phase through the gizmo and quietly short it out," I offered, but Evan and Scott looked at me like I had just said the craziest thing ever.

I sighed and shook my head at them.

"Okay, forget I said anything," I said and crossed my arms.

He is the leader after all.

"What is with guys and explosions anyway?" I asked Jean, who was standing next to me and laughed at my comment.

Out of nowhere Kurt appeared with a blinding light around him, He was like a ghost.

"Reset it, don't!-" he said and disappeared the same way he appeared.

"You guys saw that, right?" Scott asked shocked 

"No, you are hallucinating," I said sarcastically, he turned to me wide-eyed

"What?" He asked 

"I am kidding! Of course, we saw it!" I said and he sighed in relief.

Kurt was right, Scott can’t take jokes.

"He is alive," Anne muttered to herself.

"So, we need to reset it!" I said, approaching the gizmo. 

"No, he said 'reset don't'. You know don't reset it! He wants us to blow it up!" Evan and my jaw dropped.

"Are you serious? He said ' reset it, don't' he wants us to reset it!" I argued getting frustrated with him.

"No Kath! He meant not to reset it, just do it already Scott!" Evan said and my grip on my bow became stronger as my anger build up.

"I swear you guys are obsessed!" I yelled. 

"It seems more like a warning to me," Scott said and I hoped that he would get it.

"A warning for the goofman himself! Nah, shoot that sucker!" Evan said and I clenched my jaw.

"What's your problem!!" I yelled at Evan again and hit my right hand on the table.

"I am trying to save Kurt. You know him, he was probably joking Kathryn!" He said and I could feel my knuckles turning white from my dead grip on the bow.

"Kathryn is right!" Scott said and I finally relaxed.

"Kurt is a joker but even he knows when it's time to be serious. Look, if he wanted us to blow up the projector, why didn't he just say don't reset instead of reset than don't. I think he wants us to reset this thing," Scott said and I gave him a proud smile.

Finally, he got back on his senses.
Scott pushed the reset button and a huge portal opened up full of light. Its force hit us like wind, I could see Kurt appear with an unknown guy next to him.

The mysterious person had light brown hair and dark brown eyes.

Was he another victim of the gizmo? 

It doesn't really matter right now.

"Come on! Teleport through!" Scott shouted, but Kurt was busy talking with the guy, we really didn't have time for this.

The portal began to close and Kurt and the mystery person teleported away.

"What the fuck are they doing?" Evan asked. 

"I don't know but they better hurry!" Scott answered, but suddenly I heard another voice.

"There they are and they still have that gizmo I was telling you about "  Todd said and I really regretted not letting him stay stuck to the tree as he walked inside with Lance and Fred, wearing their fight uniforms.

"Anne, Mystique sent us to find you, so are you with us or them?" Lance asked walking to Anne cockily.

Scott seemed really surprised, I thought it was obvious that Anne was on their side.

"What, you are working for her?" Scott said shocked, and Anne pointed a finger to his chest.

"Listen Summers, you got your friends and I got mine, but this ain't my fight, I am out of here," she said and walked out.

"Okay, now get us the gizmo, losers!" Bob said and I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

Did he expect us to hand over the machine or something? 

"Or this place is gonna rock! " Avalanche said and hit his foot on the ground making the earth shake beneath us.

"You want it? Come and get it!" I shouted at him as I regained my balance 

"X-Men, keep the portal open!" Scott yelled after me and we got into a fighting position.

"Your call!" Lance said and a huge earthquake erupted.

The fight had begun.

Jean and Cyclops were taking care of Blob, Spyke was fighting Todd and I was left with the one and only Avalanche.

"You and me got a date, pretty kitty. How about a ride on a concrete coaster!" he said, making the floor
beneath me roll up, throwing me backwards heading to straight a wall.
Before I could hit the wall, I phased through it and jumped back out landing on my feet. 

They didn't give me the codename ShadowCat for no reason .

Quickly I kicked him hard in the face, causing to fall backwards and hit the wall behind him .

"Lousy ride, loser," I said, smirking at him while he groaned, rubbing his jaw in pain , which was already bruising .

-Time Skip - 

The brotherhood had recovered from the hits and they were ready for round two.

I don't mind, I can keep this up all day, beating up Lance was a desire I had since the day I met him.

"Okay, enough with the warm ups, it's time for some serious beating!" Blob said and I got into a fighting position yet again. 

"Wanna fight, Freddy? Let's see how well you'll do with me!" I yelled impatiently.

"Look out!" Evan shouted and we all ducked.

The principal’s dark green car just went through the portal and Kurt was the one driving it with the mystery guy in the passenger seat, going straight to the brotherhood.

Lance and Todd hid behind Fred and he stopped the car from crushing them.

We just watched with wide eyes.

"Good thing I am a Blob," Fred said rubbing his belly 

"Yeah, say that again" Todd said as they walked away from the car.

That's when I noticed that the car had also crushed the gizmo.

"Oh, come on guys, this party is over" lance said, when he saw the trashed gizmo.

And they finally walked out.

-Time Skip- 

By the time the fight was over, it was already night time. I didn't even realized how quickly time had passed.

We put on our civilian clothes and sat on Scott's convertible.

Scott himself was talking to the not-so-unknown-guy-anymore, his name was Forge, nineteen years old, he was the owner of the lab we had destroyed when we were fighting with the brotherhood, and the inventor of the gizmo .

Not to mention, he was a mutant, just like us, and a tech genius at that.

Scott gave him his number in case Forge wanted to contact us, we offered him a place at the institute, but he said that he wanted to find his family first. Which was honestly understandable, he had been closed off in this other dimension for two whole years.

"Hey, Kathryn you did good today," Jean said, siting next to me at the front of the car , while Kurt and Evan sat at the back.

"Thanks," I said unsure of what her point was.

"I just wanted to say, don't let Lance get to you," she said in a motherly way and I nodded.

She smiled sweetly at me, and I couldn't help but think.

What if he already has?

Scott got in the car seat next to me. Now, I was stuck in  the middle, between of Jean and Scott .

Scott looked at Kurt through the car's mirror and laughed slightly .

"You gonna have to duck until we find you another holowatch," Scott said smiling at Kurt.

"So, it's true! You are really ashamed of me!," Kurt said dramatically, pretending to have his feelings hurt as we laughed outload.

"Hey, listen, about what happened before....,My bad" Scott said stuttering and our eyes widened in shock. 

Did Scott Summers just apologized?

"No, it was on me too," Kurt said as he patted Scott's back.

"You know, maybe you are right, I take things way too seriously, I need to lighten up some," he said and smiled at us.

"Oh no, Scott, not you!" jean said laughing

"Check his temperature! Mr.Militey is going soft!" I said chuckling and placed my palm on his forehead, he removed my hand gently laughing along.

"Yeah, and I should stop goofing around a little," Kurt said and Scott's attention was back on him.

"Welcome back," Scott said and pounded Kurt.

"So now , what do you say about we head back and we do a level 5 on the danger room?" He asked. Kurt and I face-palmed while everyone else whined.

Didn't he just say he wanted to lighten up?

"Oh man, that's what I am talking about! Always serious!" Kurt said frustrated throwing his hands in the air.

Scott crossed his arm and was biting his lip trying not to burst out laughing, but he soon enough did.

"Psych," he said and we all laughed.

I will admit, he got us.

"Very nice! There is hope for you yet!" Kurt said to Scott between laughs.

"Yeah, you can keep telling me that on the way to Matthew’s party " Scott said and I started panicking inside.

I hadn't been to a party before.

I wasn't really ever invited to any, and except from that I don't like crowded places, I get anxious, sometimes I am even wondering if I am acting like a normal human being.

"Hey, I can't come, I am a freshman, remember?" Evan complained.

"You are also one of the X-Men though," Scott grinned at Evan.

"Don't worry we will make it happen," Jean spoke kindly.

"Oh, yeah man! You guys are the best!" Evan cheered and high-fived Kurt.

I don't really wanna go, I feel really uncomfortable. 

"Don't worry, just stick with us," Jean said when she noticed my discomfort, I nodded.

"We are gonna do this together!" I hear her voice inside my head and I smiled.

"Let's roll!" Kurt yelled and Scott took off

I’ll never be afraid when we are together.

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