DD 724 goes to Azur Lane

By Godzillawtataken

44.3K 834 873

i actually saw this on Reddit that someone wants this original design of Laffey to DD-724 the succeosor to DD... More

Bio of DD-724 Laffey
Chapter 1 Azur Lane!!!???
Chapter 2 Fighting Akagi and Kaga
Chapter 3 Saving Hornet
Chapter 4 The Talk with the tsundere Queen
chapter 5 Spy Sheffield
Chapter 6 Maid SOS
Chapter 8 The End of Akagi Probably
Chapter 9 Stuck in the Arctic Ice
Chapter 10 Day in the Life of Destroyers and Lolicon
Chapter 11 The beginning of the End of Orochi
Chapter 12 Curing a Russian Enterprise
Chapter 13 End of Season 1. Thermonuclear Forever??????
I Got Yorktown 2 !!!!!!!
Azur Lane Slow Ahead Season 2 Episode 1 Ready Set Slow Ahead
Season 2 Episode 2 A hot day and Chocolate with Prinz Eugen
Azur Lane Slow Ahead Ayanami Genshin Impact gaming problems and Enterprise hakai
Azur Lane Slow Ahead season 2 ep 4 Barbeque
Season 2 Episode 5 Azur Lane slow ahead Admiral graf Spee
Well here's what I have been doing
New Event
Azur Lane Slow ahead season 2 Ep 6 A heavy problem
Azur Lane Slow ahead season 2 Episode 7 A yandere Tale
Azur Lane Season 2 Episode 8 Bunny Bunny Day
Azur Lane Season 2 Episode 9 Maid training
Merry Christmas guys
Azur Lane Season 2 Episode 10 Broken Heater
Azur Lane Season 2 Episode 11 Lucky Ship
Chapter 13 the Laffey family Has Amnesia and Bobba

Chapter 7 Bonding with Other Ships

1.4K 38 23
By Godzillawtataken

Laffey 724: The mission to retrieve the Spy Shipgirls was a success thanks to me of course and Enterprise, so this day is Bonding time


Laffey 724:*Yawns* God I hate this alarm

She runs to the bathroom, takes a shower, blow-dryerd her hair and put on her clothes

Laffey 724: New Day indeed

A Few minutes later

Belfast:A very good morning Enterprise Breakfast is ready and waiting

*Enterprise look at the table and sees nothing there*

Enterprise: Let's go to the cafeteria and have real food

At the cafeteria

Enterprise: Isn't that too much

Nevada: Don't be modest,I own you one for Helping Oklahoma I thank you for that

Arizona: Oh good morning Enterprise

Enterprise:Oh hello

Laffey 724:Hey Mate

She looked back and saw Laffey 724

Enterprise: Morning Laffey

Laffey 724: Woah are you going to finish that

Enterprise: Eh What the hell of course, I have to maintain my health

Nevada: Oh your the daughter of Laffey what can I get for you

Laffey 724: Ummm hotdogs wrapped in bread, s'mores and salad

Nevada: Here you go

Laffey 724: Thanks

Then they walk to their table

Northampton: wow Enterprise thats a lot of food

Houston: can you finish that

Enterprise:Of course got to maintain the height and my health of course

Laffey 724: See you guys

Then they sit down

Enterprise: Hey Belfast come and sit

Belfast: Apologies I must intend to my duties as a maid

Enterprise:I don't think I can finish this you know

Belfast:Well if you insist I'm more delighted to join you

Sheffield: Don't worry I'll take care of it

Belfast: Sure why the hell not James

Sheffield: (Sigh) What even you ?!?

And then Javelin, Laffey 459, and Unicorn came in

Javelin:Hey theres the James Bond

Sheffield: oh come on is this going to be the Gag in the base

Enterprise:Why the hell not Pffff Hahahahahah

And they all sat at the table with Enterprise and Belfast And vestal sees Enterprise and was happy how she changed and Hornet can behind her

Hornet:*Yawning* What's up(Look at Enterprise and sees Belfast, Javelin the two bunnies and Unicorn sitting the table)

Vestal:It seems Enterprise changed a bit

Hornet:Aww ain't that sweet

A few minutes later

There was an Area were many Shipgirls use to do school work and do shit

Renown: Come and catch me sis

Repulse: Get over here!!!

Enterprise: Woah woah woah, what did she do to you

Repulse: She Pranked me Again!!! Come here !!!!!

Belfast: Oh they never get along

Cleveland: Enterprise Hello I never introduced you to my sister's

Denver: the names Denver

Montpelier: The names Montpelier

Colombia: The Names Colombia

And they shake hands

Enterprise: Thanks Nice to meet you gals

Cleveland:See why I'm so proud of these ladies

Montpelier:Still were not compare to not

Denver:you're number one Cleveland were just trying to keep up

Laffey 724: Well your all the same

Cleveland:*Giggling*Also one more thing what happened to the thing we got from the Sakura Empire

At the meeting room at Pearl Harbor

When they open they were shocked to see what they are looking at

Enterprise:A Black mental cube

Prince of Wales: Sakura Empires secret weapon on siren Technology

Cleveland: Should we use this to disable the Mass Produce Siren their control

Akashi:The Orochi itself controls the siren ships the cube is just support

Hornet:Our Intel said there building something massive I guess the massive ship is Orochi

Vestal:The relationship between the Sakura Empire and This cube

Prince of Wales:All we know a siren gave this cube and akagi is working alongside this siren

Belfast:If that's the case the whole Sakura Empire is being decived

Akashi: Akagi this will be a disaster

Laffey 459:Extra support that means this cube can only obtain Data so it could complete the project the more the data this thing continues to gather the more dangerous the Orochi becomes

Laffey 724: Looks like I was right they did have contact with a Siren and the thing is no on in the Sakura Empire and Iron Blood know about this except Akashi and Now Akagi and Kaga are the only ones who have made contact

Queen Elizabeth: Precisely

Hornet:I have a bad felling about this we don't know what kind of weapons it has an fits capabilities unknown

When Enterprise noticed the Cube started glowing and she touched it

Then she saw a darker version of herself

Belfast: Enterprise


Belfast:Are you felling okay

Enterprise: Yeah yeah I fine why the hell not would I be fine

Laffey 724: Okay*Unsure*

Skip ahead

On the beachside was new ship opening and everyone was gathering around

Enterprise:There are more shops now

Belfast:This place has grown quite lovely

Laffey: Yep This place could be the most perfect spot to hang out

The shops were getting so popular even Akashi was having fun

At the dumpling stand

Huston: You're going to eat all that

Portland:No I'll share with my sister

Enterprise:It's like a human city

Belfast:We are human

Enterprise: Please don't start this conversation with me again

Belfast: Enterprise what I really think you can find elegance in your heart

Enterprise:what do you want me to become a maid

Belfast:Well If your interested I can certainly discipline you to become a fine maid suit for any household

Enterprise:No that was ugh

Belfast: Giggles

Laffey 724:Mate be careful what you say or else it will happen

Javelin:*Laughing very hard* What she said is true

Belfast:Maid or not you must find your understanding and exploring something new a hobby or some kind of job other than fighting

Enterprise: That's not gonna be easy for me

Laffey 459: You're right in our world a adult may not be easy but people have been doing many things other than war people pick many different things and try out if they work, hanging out with friends and family members doing like shopping and all that stuff

Javelin: Well it's kind of true people do a lot of fun and dumb things when you're a human

Belfast:Isn't right it's a worthy challenge for your life is about adventure seek and you shall find

Enterprise:I suppose that might be true

Belfast:Ponder as much as you need because how we got here is truly human

Laffey 724: Hey you guys want to watch James Bond

Sheffield: so you guys can make fun of me?

Enterprise: Oh Sheffield I didn't know you were there

Sheffield: well I have the entire set of James Bond films come with me we will go get Edinburgh

At Sheffield's room

Opens door

Sheffield: welcome to my room

Enterprise: wow I didn't know you were this much of a fan of James Bond

Edinburgh: this is so cool

Belfast: impressive

Sheffield: her majesty usually visits here to watch James Bond

Laffey 724: we'res your whole set

Sheffield: right here

Enterprise: yo it's so hard to get these films
Sheffield: Come on lets go get Warspite and her Majesty if they want to watch this

At the Royal garden

Queen Elizabeth: really James Bond

Warspite: yes we will join you

Laffey 724: well that was easy

Sheffield: yeah I didn't know she would agree

Warspite: are you kidding we are both fans of James Bond

Sheffield: okay let's go watch

At the Entertainment center

Now they are watching

Enterprise: good movie

Laffey 724: yep

A few hours later

Laffey 724: Dang that took all

Next scene was the bath area

Oklahoma:So did you pick up those skivvies I told you about

San Diego: You'll have to ask me later

Nevada: I can always count on your taste

and then two more Shipgirls came behind Unicorn

Javelin:Hi there Unicorn

Unicorn:Turns around

Javelin chuckles

Unicorn:How did you all
get wet

Javelin:Oh we were having a pre soak Are your asking a bath too let's go

Unicorn: I-I don't if if

Laffey 724: Don't worry we are right there with you

Javelin:Yeah we are

Next scene

Columbia: Oh wow those are really nice

Denver:Hey sis do the Royal Navy Girls wear all such fancy grown up underwear like that

Montpelier:Seems like it but not sure

Cleveland:I'll be damned I wish I knew

Cleveland then sees Sheffield

Cleveland:*Whispers*Hey Sheffield do you wear nickers

Sheffield: It's not I usually tend to do without

Cleveland: I'm sorry I think I misheard you

Sheffield: I don't wear them

Pulls up her skirt and

Cleveland: Shivers and gulps

Colombia:I think you should never ask that question again ever

Montpelier: I agree

Edinburgh:Oh Nuts

San Diego: Yahoo bath time

Hamman: Hey be careful your gonna hurt yourself

San Diego: here we go

Norfolk: Wait that's

San Diego gets shocked by electricity

San Diego:How can a bath be electric

Suffolk:What just happened

And Eldridge came out of the pool

Suffolk:Oh Eldridge

Norfolk: Sometimes Eldridge leaks electricity in the water

Laffey 724:You don't have to ask me twice

Denver: Hey sis aren't the Royal navy Girls awesome

Cleveland just gasped and dived down into the water

Edinburgh:She really wasn't wearing any

Akashi:A hot spring soak makes me feel like one divine feline

Queen Elizabeth:A thermal bath hand built by us the Royal Navy Hight springs are exclusive too Sakura Empire

Warspite: That's quite impressive your majesty

Now everyone was having. A good time in the bath together and thing we're going better than expected when it's comes to you hanging out with your friends and same thing happened a night as well

Timskip in a room Javelin Laffey and Unicorn are they are having a conversation about Ayanami

Unicorn: Ayanami that girl we met before

Javelin: supposed to be her enemies so this could be wrong but I don't want to give up on her truth is I still want to be friends with Ayanami

Laffey 724: I mean it looked like she doesn't want to fight

Javelin: Oh yeah what happened to her in your world

Laffey 724: Ummmmm* flashback of Ayanami sinking* you don't want to know

Laffey 459: Come on we want to know

Laffey 724: Well I don't want to tell you

Javelin: Okay

Laffey 724: I'm just going to get coffee

Unicorn: Coffee at this hour?

Laffey 724: Yeah

Closes door

Laffey 459: She is an odd bunny daughter to me

Javelin: Agreed

Then somehow laffey 724 found herself outside

Laffey 724: the stars look good aren't they

Then she sees Enterprise and Belfast talking

Laffey 724: Hey mates

Enterprise: Oh laffey

Belfast: What are you doing up

Laffey 724: I was just going to get coffee

Enterprise: Well we got coffer right here

Laffey 724: Thanks *Sip cup* so what are you guys talking about

Belfast: Well she just said she heard the ocean calling

Laffey 724: Wut?

Enterprise: I was kidding I just wanted air

Belfast: *Giggles*

Laffey 724: Your an odd Carrier Enterprise

Enterprise: Maybe I am

Then they look at the night sky

To be continued

Godzillawtataken: hey guys thank you so much for waiting I'm so sorry this took so long I'm going to update as much as I can buh bye

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