MR. LIAR REGRET ( Sehun and T...

By FanficITwithME

2.4K 94 12

how deep is his words ?! that any girl will eager to date him !! he is romantic and charming but be easy on... More

prologue !!
A sister's Test
Stella's Love

introduction :)

416 12 0
By FanficITwithME

Mr Liar's Pov


This is what i called the best moment in my life you will go to a place whenever you want, no noise and with a very peaceful atmosphere !! You can think of impossible things whatever you want and you can date whoever you like .. (Sigh) the beauty of sleeping especially for daydreamers

Everything is wonderful here in my dreamland but it always last till....



(Crash) i hear bottles are breaking downstairs, a loud scream from a woman and a shout from a man some arguments that you dont know who's lying and telling the truth ..

Who could it be ?! No other than my parents they fight always !! A battle of prides and beliefs .. Agh!! It really sickens me !! ..



. Im really worried about my mom because it seems like she's drunk of jealousy she cant even make herself calm whenever my father leave from our house but her goes my dad as a man in the house he is in charge of working to provide our needs unfortunately he ends up being a workaholic his going home almost midnight and sometime when pressure trigger his mind he came home drunk and come to think that you are tired from work and when you came home your wife will going to nag you will even make you more weaker ...

Sometimes it makes me think that it is good to lie than to hurt someone with the truth!! i went downstairs to stop them ..

" Mom !! Stop this !!dad is drunk he doesnt know what he's doing " - i said to calm my mom i grab my father's arm and put it on my shoulder to support his body " my body weakens when i saw tears from her eyes are falling ..

" Im sorry son !! Did we disturb your sleep ?? " - she said in a very calm tune she wipes her tears

"I should take dad to your room ".. But before i go i see her trying to take away all the tears that wont stop falling from her eyes .. Maybe there is something wrong this time

" Mom If you want someone to talk to!! im always here to listen! " (She smile at me)

After i lie my father to their room i went to the kitchen to check on my mother and i saw her drinking a glass of wine .. I sit beside her and then she hug me tightly

" I caught him this time son !! (She keeps on crying) and the girl was pregnant .. Your father promise her a lot of things .. And one of them is marriage " - she burried her face in my chest and i can feel her hand in my shirt forming into fist .. I feel sorry for my mother she loves my father so much but its like some women who like to ruin someones life wont stop until they got what they want .. I just hug my mom tightly waiting for her to overcome the pain ... As soon as she stop crying i took a deep breath and tell this to her

" Mom!! Are you not tired ?!(She release from hugging me) because me !! Im already tired seeing you like that !! Mom ... Were rich grandfather is still supporting us .. You have work also .. .....

Im his son but if he really do it this time !! i think you should let him go !! " she hug me and smile at me but still she cant hide all those pain from her eyes

" Thank you son !! Just wait cause mommy will fix this tomorrow " - she whisper at my ear ....


Mr Liar's Pov

sad to say that my mom fix a divorce paper when i was thirteen but it is ok to me already atleast she's calm now and happy to be a single parent .. She always said to me that she already got me and im the only man of her life .. And me i know that its a bad excuse but im hunting some badassgirls that can easily fooled .. Hmmm!! I will never forget how they hurt my mom .. Oh yeah !! I didnt introduce myself yet well im Park Zion Thyrone maybe im a bad boy but im a good student .. But like in a song Blankspace .. Im a nightmare dress like a daydream.. i can make girls believe in fantasy but when reality cames that the fact is i totally hate girls like them .. Ill make them notice that the word beLIEve had a badword in the middle of it .. If you dont understand i will give you a demo

" Zion where were you last night i thought that you want to see me in a beautiful red dress cause you say it suits me well " - the girl i flirt with yesterday is begging for my attention

" Hmmmm.... Who are you again ?! Oh yeah !! The girl who i promise that i will meet with her and have sex with her after ... I cant believe that you really want to do that with the guy who you just talk with yesterday !! .......

(I laugh fakely) Tch.. Are you sure ?! Cause if you really want to .. Lets do it right now !! (Smirk) - " i look at her while tears are falling from her eyes .. She just stand in front of me and she's shaking

" Wait ?! Am i the first?! " i lean closer to her and smile really wide and whisper this to her ear " i dont think so !! -" i walk away from her happily its so good to see them crying because of me .. I enter our classroom and then i see Dashiel Lei my bestfriend his kind of like me too .. but he stop when he already found the girl he admire so much "

" And she's out ding3x !! " - he shout at me smiling like crazy  " girl number 23 !! Is eleminated !! Wow !! Ron !! You never failed me !! " - he said sheepishly

that's dash he's my hunter he will find the girl that she dont like and test it on me ....were kind of punishers

" Ok !! Ms cheerleader who always say im too hot for you ,was a crap now !! Let's see ron if you can handle that girl !!"  - he point at the girl with a really short skirt that keep looking at me while biting her lips

" Okay !! Wait Here!! and i will come back with her number !! " - i get closer to her and as soon as i get in front of her she pull my necktie and play with it

" Hi handsome !! Wanna play ?! " - she keeps on touching my chest .. When i found out that she's one of them evil thoughts cross my mind

" im sorry but can i date or court you first because you seem so special to be treated like that " - i smile at her fakely

" Sure !! Tonight !! Just (she give me a piece of paper ) call me !! "- she kiss my cheeks and walk away from me"

" (Smirk) i hope she's ready !! " i walk towards dash and smile evilly i show him the paper and he give me a high five

I cant wait to hear the news tomorrow Ron :) - he smile at me

" No Dash !! It wont take that long !! "  -  he raise his eyebrow and smile when he understand what i mean


Zion's Pov

I think its a waste of time if i only play with just one girl in one day.... I should find another girl to join with us later .. I walk around to find another victim .. And right there!! i walk closer to her and introduce myself

" Hi im.... " - she cut me off and she glare at me ... " i know who you are bad boy !! Im sorry but im not like them .." -she said to me and she walk away but i run after her this girl challenge me she thinks that im just a total nobody !!

" Hey !! Ok i totally respect but as you can see your beauty attract my feet to walk closer to you !! You were different and i feel that your special " -i whisper it to her ears a small smile flashes in her face .. This girl is playing hard to get !!

" Are you playing around ?! -" she ask fakely annoyed

" hmmm.. You think i will lie to you !! Im a total stupid if i do that !! because i dont want to let this oppurtunity slip away and i dont want myself to just watch you from afar .. A lot of guy dream to be with you !! Will you please give me a chance to love you !! " - i said in a very warm and sweet voice this time she smile widely and hug me

i release from hugging her and say these words

" but i got a problem !! " she hold my face and she stare at me worriedly

" What is it ?! " She asked i think she's buying it

" As you can see i like you for a very long time but there's a girl that wont let go of me !! And she says that she's better than you !! I really want to be yours only but she keep confusing my mind .. She's forcing me to choose please help me to make her realize that your much better than her - " she smile foolishly ..

" Babe !! Where is that girl ?! " - she asked i hold her hand and kiss it

" Ssshhhh !!! Relax babe we will meet her later !! (smile fakely) fight for me ok !! - " i already walk away from her .. Hmmm.. I thought she's something but im wrong she's stupid too .. I get her attention that fast, a minute of talking to her she give up already because of my charm ... In a really great timing number 24 saw me and get closer to me .. When i saw her i change my face into frown and act like there is something wrong

" Hey baby !! What's the matter !! " she hold my hand and she take me on a nearest bench

" Nothing ... ( i fakely smile at her ) you know baby !! I really want to look at your dreamy eyes all the time , your heart warming smile , your beautiful cheeks that i love so much but .... " i stop and let her react first

"But what baby ?! Is there someone else ?! (I nod sadly) do you like her more than me ? -" i turn around to look at her and evilly hug her and act like i dont want to let her go

" No ... !! I like you more than her but i cant make up my mind .. Its like when she told me a lot of things about herself it keeps forcing me to love her .. Help me baby !! Please ..."

(She hug me tightly )

" Dont worry baby !! Im the best .. Tell that girl to meet me and let's see how good she is !! " hmmm.. My plan is working

" No baby .. I dont want you to get involve in a fight !! " she put her finger in my lips

" Shh ... Your worth fighting for baby !! I love you ... " she was about to kiss me but i turn away

" I l Too .. " (agh !! That three words always making me puke) " im sorry baby but i got to go !! See you later !! " i run already and plan everything out


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