Amara Baggins

By BryannaFleming9

19.5K 826 51

Amara Tells was a normal teenage,17 years old, girl who played sports, read, and cared. Amara was also an or... More

An Unwelcome Guest
Meeting the Company
Meeting the Thain
The origin of Amara Baggins
Leaving for Bree
Healing and Logic
Lord Elrond and Lady Galadriel
Goblins and Azog
Borin and the Tree Elves
Saving Lake Town
War Ending

The Dragon Inside the Mountain

648 30 2
By BryannaFleming9

 Bilbo and company prepared the boat that would take them to the Misty Mountains. Fili, Kili, Bofur, and Oin stayed to guard Amara at Thorin's insistence. Amara merely shook her head and kissed Thorin before they set off. Bard allowed them to stay when he realized that Amara was still recovering. 

"Bard, warn the people to begin to evacuate the town. It will take the Company time to get to and up the Mountain. You can use that time to gather as many people and resources as you can and get out of the city. The dragon will awaken and the Company may be able to chase it off but I doubt killing it would be so simple." Amara advised 

"Why would they listen to me?" Bard demanded

"They'll believe you before they believe that fool of a mayor. You have shown that you have the people's interests and well being at heart. The people of Loguetown needs a Champion, Bard. You would fit that role best." Amara stated before moving towards her bags and pulling out things to help people move faster 

"Fili, Kili. Help people pack and move out on the boats. Bofur, Oin. You guys help the elderly and sick. We want as little causalities as possible." Amara called out 

Bard had convinced everyone to evacuate and with the dwarves help the town was moving quickly to prepare and move out. They had two days to make this work. 

Inside the Mountain

It took Thorin and the others two days to get to the door. It was right at sunset and everyone was searching the door in panic. Thorin was panicking. The sun was setting and there was no hole. He despaired as the sun fully set and night came in. He felt he had failed his people and he turned to walk away in despair. Bilbo still stared at the door trying to think. Amara wouldn't let them have come this far, and she wouldn't have sacrificed so much if they were meant to fail. When the moon shined brightly above the key hole was shown. Bilbo stared incredulously before turning to the dwarves who were walking back down the mountain.

"Wait! I found it! The last light wasn't the sun! It was the moon!" Bilbo shouted and began searching for the key the Thorin had dropped

Bilbo nearly kicked the key off the edge but Thorin caught it. Thorin opened the door and the dwarves stared as they remembered once living in those Halls. Bilbo realized his role had come up. He didn't even wait for Thorin to give his orders before going off into the dragon hoard. Bilbo saw the large room of gold and stared in disbelief. He only had one thought "how, in the name of Yavanna, am I suppose to find a rock in all this junk?" Suddenly he felt himself pulled behind a pillar as a mountain of gold shifted and the dragon was seen opening his eyes. Bilbo looked behind himself and saw a glowing Amara. Amara had astral projected herself to Bilbo to help him with his task. 

"Who dares come into the lair of Smaug?" The dragon demanded before sitting up 

The Arkenstone rolled to his feet. 

"Hello you must be Smaug the Conqueror. The dragon who single handedly conquered the dwarven kingdom. You are known for diving out the dwarves and orcs. You have a gruesome reputation, so horrifying that the elves were too afraid to help their allies and risk your wrath. I am an adventurer. I venture out across the realm and meet the rich and dangerous so that so that I may tell their story. I am a Amara the hobbit. I am a story teller." Amara spoke up from behind a pillar distracting the dragon

"Ah but you are a thief here to steal my gold." Smaug said 

"I am but a humble hobbit, dear sir. If I cannot it eat it or enjoy it without hassle then it is of no use to me. It merely a sparkly trinket that I can do without. I have no interest in your gold. I am interested in your story if you are willing to tell it to me." Amara said 

"If you are so honest then come out so I may see you." The dragon said 

"Ah but I am unworthy of your magnificent gaze. It is best that I stay out of sight." Amara replied as Bilbo took up the stone and putting it in the bag with the ring before handing it to Amara

"I have eaten many who have dared approach me, but it has been long since one has been as silver tongued as you. Come out, little thief. Your death shall be swift but if I must come fetch you then your screams will be my lullaby." Smaug threatened before moving in the way of their entrance

Amara took the bag and. before Bilbo could stop her, came from behind the pillar.

"Before I perish may you grace with a show of your brilliance. I have heard that dragon fire is the strongest fire that the Gods have ever created. I have with me a bag of items that is said that no one has ever been able to destroy in the last century. Would your fire destroy the bag?" Amara queried showing the small bag with the stone and ring inside 

"Hahaha. You have amused me so. You shall your show, thief. For your actions, your death will be a swift one." Smaug said 

Amara tossed the bag closer to Smaug as he blew his fire. When the fire went out, only the ring still sat there. Amara acted surprised.

"Even dragon flames cannot destroy it. How curious." Amara said 

Smaug's eyes took a slight crazed look as he stood and lumbered towards the ring. The closer he got the crazier his eyes looked. 

"There is but one ring that dragon flame cannot destroy. The ring of Mordor, the ruling ring. You, the fool, have brought me the ring of infinite power. No one shall ever take it." Smaug then ate the ring before snapping around and attempting to eat Amara 

Thorin and company ran in as Amara dodged the dragon. Everyone began to launch things at Smaug to distract him from the hobbits. Bilbo darted in and out of the piles of gold to grab Amara and get them out. Amara quickly made it to Bilbo and they ran for the dwarves. Thorin and the others pulled Bilbo and Amara threw the door. The Company ran further into the palace. Amara knew that they weren't going to make it. Everyone ran into the main part of the dwarven palace to escape the dragon. 

"Can we open these doors?" One of the dwarves called 

"It'll take me a few minutes to even attempt to work on the door mechanism." Someone else called 

"Do it. Amara how are you here?" Thorin questioned

"I am a projection of my thoughts and energy. I have but a quarter of strength that the original me has. You guys needed me so I sent some my help along with you while I stayed with the town folk in case this very situation happened." Amara said 

"How long do you need, Bofur?" Bilbo called 

"Thirty minutes." Bofur called back 

"What can you do with 10?" Amara called as she felt the vibrations in the floor

"Not much, why?" Bofur said 

"Because I highly doubt we have 30 minutes." Amara said 

Smaug had arrived. While two dwarves worked on the door, the others worked on keeping Smaug distracted. Amara ran around and fired off vines and branches at Smaug making him roar in anger. Bofur needed something to light the bowl of left over oil on fire. Amara hooked one of the vines around Smaug's mouth when he was about to blow fire at Thorin and aimed it at the bowl. The door opened and Smaug growled.

"Fine. Since you wish to fight in this tomb so much. I wonder how those out there will taste. You should hear their screams beautifully from up here." Smaug said mockingly before flying out 

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