By reinersarmor

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--༒ written by kat - - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - - A couple years after the dead started walking, (𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄), a mute te... More

clearing some things up


1.1K 16 34
By reinersarmor

(MY MOM AND DAD, also sorry to my shane lovers, but i did kinda make him an ass, but i still love jon bernthal.)

—a/n: rewritten some things on 1.26.24-1.29.24

wondering soul

I was young when the dead started to walk, I don't really remember life before then, so I was maybe about eight or so. During that time, I lived with my mom and dad up east in Virginia. Shortly beforehand, everyone parents were having financial problems.

Temporarily, my mom sent me to live with my aunt in Georgia just until things got better, but that didn't happen. About a month of staying with her, that's when the news of the dead coming back alive. The first reaction of most people, from what I've heard, was confusion or even laughter because they thought that the broadcast was hacked.

My aunt believed it was real, so we decided leave, trying to make it back to my parents up east. It would be a long trip, but I wanted to find them. However, that didn't last very long, my aunt ultimately got kidnapped and possibly killed, she was taken by a group of men, with the whole government gone, I can only imagine what her fate was. With her gone, I didn't really know where else to go, I wondered around the place, trying to find a group, but my attempts weren't the best...it was about a week after my aunt being taken, I was scratched by a geek. I didn't think much of it, little did I know, that was the start of my apocalyptic superpower.


For eight year-old (Name), they've been wondering around rural Georgia for some time now. It's been a couple hours since their last meal, literally last, the scavenging of the food they did would only last for so long.

Hungry and alone, the child has been looking for a place to hunker down for the night, as well as something to eat. After walking for what it seems like hours, (Name) came across a farm, fenced of course. They had started to look around for an end for the white fence. At this point, they were exhausted and decided just climb the fence.

(Name), now on the other side of the fence, starts looking around. There were cars parked outside a farmhouse, as well as some tents in the yard. The place was occupied, a wave of fear comes to them. Suddenly, another pair of footsteps was coming towards (Name), turning around, they meet gazes with a tall man, he had curly brown hair with some gray, a beard with the same brown and gray colors, and a pair of blue eyes. He stopped at a distance, making sure (Name) didn't run away.

"Hello," He said in a gentle tone, "I just saw you wondering around here and I just got concerned."

(Name) kept their distance for a bit from the man, yet he slowly approached them.

"Are you by yourself?" The man asked as he walked towards (Name), who slowly backed away. "Hey, it's okay... I'm not going to hurt you, I promise."

(Name) hesitated before they made their way up to the man. The man felt better as they did so. As they did, the man noticed the child's wellbeing.

They looked exhausted from their journey. The clothes they were wearing had been worn out. He looked back at farm, wondering if there were any clothes for them to wear, he then looked back at them, (Name) had stopped a few inches away, looking up at him.

"Are you by yourself?" The man repeated. They nodded. "For how long?

(Name) unzipped a bag that the man hadn't seen before and brought out a notebook. The man looked at them with a curious expression.

A week, my aunt was looking after me, but she got taken by a group. I don't know what happened to her after that. I've just been wandering around, but I just don't know where I am.

"...well, I wouldn't want you to go anywhere on your own." The man said, squatting down to their height. "I've got good people down there, though some have their flaws."

(Name) writes down in the notebook once more.

My name is (Name), what's yours?

The man looked at the notebook, more closely than the first time. Their handwriting was a bit scribbled on there, but it was readable. "Mine is Rick Grimes." He said, smiling. The man named Rick held out a hand, (Name) hesitated for a second, but took it.

"Do you need somewhere to stay?" Rick asked.

(Name) looked around before looking back at him, but nodded. They were both relieved, but also a bit septic about the man's offer. But, something about him seemed safe. Rick and (Name) make their way deeper into the piece of property. (Name) didn't know what to really expect what was to come out from joining this group.


"Rick, where the hell were you?!" A man called out to Rick, (Name) looked at who it was, a man with a shaved head, he was stomping his way up to Rick and (Name), he just noticed the child. "Who is that?"

"This is (Name), they have been alone for the past few days. I asked if they wanted to come with us and they accepted the offer." Rick explained, "(Name), this is Shane."

(Name) looked at Shane, the man was strange to them and looked mad at something. "We seriously taking in another person, a kid as a matter of fact?!" Shane said, he had his teeth gritted.

"Shane, we haven't taken anyone in since we left Atlanta, besides, they wouldn't have made it much longer if they were still out there." Rick said, looking at Shane with stern eyes. "You weren't the one who found them, so they're not your responsibility or have to worry about them."

(Name) looked up at Rick with admiration, no one had ever defended them like that before. Shane rolled his eyes and stomped off, (Name) knew to avoid him at that point forward.

"Don't worry about him, that's just Shane being Shane." Rick assured (Name), he then starts to change the subject, "Mind if I introduce you to the others?"

(Name) nodded, Rick still holding them by their hand and leading them up to the farmhouse. The two walked up the stairs to the front porch and Rick went for the doorknob and opened the door, and let (Name) go in first.

"Anyone here?" Rick called out, some voices called out to him, telling him that they were coming. (Name) starts to back behind Rick, overwhelmed with the amount of people that might be coming down. "Hey, it's okay... we'll take this slow."

(Name) nodded, at least two people had come down and into the living room area, it was an Asian man and white woman with short brown hair and green eyes. They asked what was going on, Rick stepped aside slightly, revealing (Name).

The two look at each other before looking back at Rick. "Who's this?" The woman asked.

"This is (Name)." Rick said. The two got up and walked over to them carefully. "(Name), these are friends of mine, I'll let them take the floor."

"Hey there, kiddo." The Asian man walked over and knelt down, waving at them. "My name is Glenn.. the woman behind me is Maggie."

The woman waved at (Name), who shyly waved back. "You need anything to drink or eat, hon?" She asked, gently.

A nod comes from (Name), they start to bring out their same notebook from earlier, Glenn and Maggie look at Rick in confusion. "Hey, kid." Glenn called out to (Name), who looked at him, "Can you...talk?"

(Name) shook their head, they scribbled down on the notebook.

Do you have some food? I haven't eaten in a while.

"Yes, of course." Maggie said, rushing out of the room, Glenn stays behind and starts talking to the child, asking questions that a kid would normally like to answer. More people eventually came into the room, it was another woman with long brown hair and a small boy, looked a bit older than (Name). Maggie came back in with an apple and a bottle of water. "Here you go, hon."

(Name) mouthed 'thank you' to the woman and began to eat and drink. As (Name) finished up, another woman and a little boy look at Rick, confused looks on their faces. "Lori, Carl... this is (Name). Be patient with them 'cause they're a bit hesitant." Rick explained, Lori nods while Carl has a bit of a smile on his face.

Finally, someone near his age. He waved at (Name), who waved back, he saw that they were holding the notebook. "What's that for?" He asked with a curious tone.

It's so I can "talk," I can talk if I wanted to, but it would hurt.

"Oh, okay." Carl said, he looked at his dad, but then back at (Name), "You wanna do something?"

(Name) nodded, Carl suggested reading some comics, (Name) nodded with a small grin. He invited them up to his upstairs and the two headed. Rick gives a soft grin to himself, Lori catches it.

"What're you so smiley about?" She asked in a teasing tone.

"Just glad to see Carl finally smiling. Been a while since I've seen him do that."

"Me too," Lori said, patting her husband's shoulder, "and the kid.. how old are they?"

"Eight." Rick replies, "It's honestly a miracle that a little [any label] survived out there for so long."

"Where did they come from?"

"They didn't tell me, but they wrote down that they were with their aunt when the whole thing went down."

Lori nodded, "Should we look after them? I don't want them to think that they're alone." Rick nodded, "Okay, I'm okay with it."

"..should we also let Carol help?"

"Probably... I know that the loss of Sophia is taking its toll, but it wouldn't hurt."


"You took in a child?" A woman asked, Rick nodded, "And you want me to help you and Lori look after them? After what happened with Sophia? Rick, I.. I appreciate the offer, but I just need some time to cope."

Rick nodded, he also gave gave a heads up about (Name). "They can't speak, so.. whenever you ask them a question, you might see them use a notebook." Carol looked at him like he had said something crazy.

"Alright.. I'll introduce myself soon." Carol promised. "Who knows that you took them in?"

"Lori, Carl, Glenn, Maggie, Shane, and you.. I was thinking about telling Hershel next, he needs to know because it's his home." Rick said as he walked off, Carol yelled out a 'good luck' to him as he went on.


"Where did you say you found the child?" An older man asked Rick.

"They were wondering around the farm, I know I don't own this place, but I let them inside your home." Rick said, "Should we-"

"No, God no. They're small and been looking for someone who was willing to take them in."  The man said, "If you're willing to, mind if you take them around and introduce everyone?"

Rick nodded, "Thank you, Hershel." The older man nodded and walked off.

"What'd you talk to him 'bout?" A gruffy voice called out, Rick turned around, the loner of the group, Daryl Dixon.

"I found a kid walking around Hershel's fence, I couldn't just leave them out there, so I offered them to come with me, I asked Hershel if it could be permanent." Rick explained, Daryl looked at the farmhouse. "You wanna meet them?"


"Daryl, if this is about-"

"It ain't." Daryl growls. "I'm just not in the mood right now."

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Rick asked, Daryl shook his head before stomping off.


Shane had walked in on Carl and (Name), they had been reading comics and got to know each other. (Name) looked at Shane when he walked in. He looked at them with the same cold eyes that he gave Rick as they walked by. They looked at him, carefully reading his actions.

"Carl." Shane called out, "Mind if I talk to you for a moment?"

"Sure..." Carl said, walking towards Shane and telling his new friend that he'd be back, the two left the room, and Shane shut the door. "What is it?"

"Have they been mean to you?" Shane asked, Carl shook his head, "Good."


"'Cause I'm just curious about them." Shane said.

"They're only eight and they can't talk." Carl said, Shane didn't buy that for one minute, "They talk through a notebook."

"Can you bring them out here?" Shane asked, Carl asked what he was going to do. "I just wanna... introduce mysef."

"...okay." Carl said, calling out to (Name), the mute child came out of the room and met eye contact with the shaved headed man. "C'meer."

(Name) followed him, which he was led to them from the hallway to outside of the farmhouse. Confused, they try to get his attention, but as they go to do that, he grabs their small wrists with one hand and the bottom of their chin with his other.

"I need you to tell me why the hell you're here and say a word because I don't believe your bullshit story of you not being able to talk." Shane said, (Name) began to struggle. "Say something!"

"SHANE!" A loud voice comes out of nowhere, (Name) looked to the side, seeing a Rick and another one coming their way. Shane kept his hard grips on (Name). Rick and and a man with the same hair color as him comes running up. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I do not believe for one damn second that this kid cannot talk." Shane said, Rick ripped (Name) out of his grip, the unknown man pushes Shane to the ground. "Don't touch me!"

"You can file a complaint..." Daryl murmured.

"Shane, listen to me." Rick said, holding (Name) in his arms, protectively. "I'm not going over this again with you, Lori and I have decided to take them under our wings and we'll be looking after them, okay?"

"...we just lost a kid, we don't need to replacement!" Shane screamed out, the man holding him in a strong grip pushes him to the group. "Stop pushing me, Daryl!"

"Don't say that like you were the one who spent day after day looking for that little girl." The man named Daryl says, "I'll stop when you stop putting your hands on little kids."

"They can talk, you're seriously believe their bullshit?" Shane asked.

"I..I don't ta..talk be-because it hu..hurts my th..throat." A raspy voice called out, the three men looked over at (Name), "I..It also s..stings."

"Go get 'em some water." Daryl said, still holding Shane down, Daryl let him go a few moments later, "You were defensive about Ed slapping Carol and abusing her and Sophia, maybe someone should beat you in a bloody pulp just 'cause that what you do people who harm little children."

Daryl walked off, leaving Shane even more pissed. Daryl left to go check up on (Name), maybe he should introduce himself.


As Rick was carrying the child, he looked for any possible injuries, there were some bruises, but (Name) assured that they were okay. Rick apologized on his behalf, even though he had no part of it.

It's okay.

"It's not, he should not be treating anyone like that, especially you, a child." Rick said, shaking his head, "I'll talk to him, it's only your first day here."

Thank you, Mr. Grimes.

"You can call me Rick."

"Are they okay?" A gruff voice asks, (Name) and Rick look over and see Daryl. Rick nodded, but told him that there were a few bruises on the child's body. "Make sure Shane doesn't get close to 'em again."

"That's what we're doing." Rick said, Daryl nodded, "Lori and I can look after them."

"Alright, if you need help with 'em, tell me and I'll be here." Daryl said, walking off.

Rick continued to make his way back to the farmhouse, but a faint tap on his shoulder made him look down, it was (Name), who looked down in shame.

"What is it?" Rick asked.

I need to show you something.

(Name) started to lift up their shirt, Rick looked at the child's stomach, revealing a scratch. Rick immediately goes into panic mode, "Is that...?" (Name) nodded.

But, the thing is that I've had for a week, I think. I got it a couple hours after my aunt was taken.

"A week?" Rick asked, the child nodded, not sure if the child is lying or not, he stands there for a while. "...even if it is a week old, I think it's best to tell the others, okay, kiddo?"

(Name) looked at him in fear, Rick assured them that he wouldn't let anyone hurt them. Rick held a tight grip on the child and he walked up to the farmhouse.


"You're telling me that they've had that scratch for a week, which is from a walker, and they have not turned into one?" Lori asked, Rick had just told the group about what (Name) had just told him. "How can we be sure?"

"I'm sleeping with them tonight." Rick said, Lori was about to open her mouth and protest once more, "I will, I want to be sure, but I do believe that they're immune to bites."

"No, I am not letting you do that!" Lori yelled. "You've put your life on the line too much."

"Lori, I am doing this because they think that someone is going to hurt them." Rick said, "I am not going let them think that."

"We have a son who needs you." Lori's voice raised. "(Name) seems like a good kid, but I am not letting you do this."

"I already made them a promise." Rick said, walking away from his wife, he walked outside, just on the porch where (Name) was waiting on. "C'mon."

Rick reached his hand out, the child took it, he started to walk past his wife and the rest of the witnesses of the couple's argument. Carl came down, asking what was going on. Rick said that (Name) was sleeping with him for the night.

"Can I sleep with them too?" Carl asked.

"It's okay, I got 'em." Rick assured, "Why don't you sleep with your mom, just in case."

Carl let out a sigh before nodding, Rick told him that he could sleep with them if they wanted to tomorrow night, he agreed to that plan. Kissing his son the forehead, Rick smiled at his son.

Rick picked up (Name) and the two went upstairs, Lori held the bridge of her nose and began to pace. The witnesses to her and her husband's argument stayed silent, Lori stormed upstairs.

"So, how is everyone doing?" Glenn asked, trying to light the mood, the room was still silent. "Sorry-"


The first night with Rick's group was a bit on edge, but the group eventually warmed up to me, all aside from Shane. When everyone started believing my immunity to turning into a geek, everyone was a bit more protective of me. It wasn't long after I arrived at the farm we had to leave it.

It had gotten overrun by geeks, we lost Shane, Andrea, Patricia, and Jimmy. Most of them were good people, I felt bad because Hershel and his daughters, Maggie and Beth, lost their home.

When we were on the road, I had gotten to know Beth pretty well, she was eight years older than me, but she was so motherly. She looked after me if any of my main "guardians" were busy. We had a lot in common, young people in a new world where we had no idea how to function without an adult or parental figure. But, that's how we got closer.

Another person I had gotten to know pretty well was Carol, she took me under her wing a couple days after I joined the group. I heard she lost her daughter a couple days before I wondered onto the farm. I never really brought it up with her, but when I did she told me I reminded her of her daughter. I've always thought that was a good thing.

After a couple days on the road, we came across the prison, that was where things would change so much. A couple days after we cleared the whole outside yard, we found out that there were prisoners still alive. They weren't really good people, expect for two of them, Oscar and Axel. Not sure what they were even in jail for, but they were good people.

Some of my favorite memories were made in the prison.


Some of the members of the group decided to go deeper into the interior of the prison. The others stayed behind and just had to wait, but all of that would change when sudden cries are heard. It was Hershel, he had been unexpectedly bitten by a walker, forcing the other group members to amputate his lower leg, and be rushed back for medical attention.

"Hey, (Name)." A whisper comes out of nowhere, (Name), who was laying on in separate cell block where all the panic was going on. (Name) look around for the source, it was Carl. "I was thinking that I should get medical stuff for Hershel, wanna come?"

An adventure?

"Kinda like that." Carl chuckled, (Name) suddenly has second thoughts, "What's wrong?"

Should we ask for help or for a grown-up to protect us?

"No, I can protect you." Carl said, "I promise."

With Carl's promise, (Name) nodded, the two snuck out of the cell block and go off to find medical supplies for Hershel.


After coming back, Carl opens the door, holding it for (Name), who was carrying the big bag, almost half the size of the eight year-old. The creaking of the door alerts the members who were surrounded around Hershel's bed. Glenn, who was standing in the doorway looked at Carl.

"I thought you were organizing the food." Glenn said, Carl comes walking up to him with a smirk.

"Even better." Carl says, helping (Name) set down the medical supplies. "Check it out."

Carol gasps. "Where did you get this?" Her, Maggie, and Beth start to rummage through it.

"From the infirmary, wasn't much left, but we cleared it out."

"You went by yourself?" Lori asked.

"No, I had (Name) with me." Carl said, (Name) nods proudly.

"Are you crazy?" Lori asked, looking at the two kids in disbelief.

"No big deal, protected (Name) and I killed two walkers." Carl said.

"You— all right, do you two see this? This was with the whole group." Lori said, trying to get the two to look at what had happened to Hershel as a lesson.

"We needed supplies, so (Name) and I got them."

"I appreciate that, but—"

"Then get off my back."

"Carl!" Beth yelled out. "She's your mother. You can't speak to her like that..."

"Listen, I think it's great that you wanna help—" Lori was interrupted by Carl running off.

About to run off after Carl, (Name) stops and looks at Lori, who looks out to where her son ran off, then back at them. With Lori's staring at them, that was their cue to go straight after Carl.

A couple of cells down, Carl was laying down on the bottom bunk, (Name) walks in, taking a seat next to the laying down boy. Carl only looks at them before speaking to them.

"I just wanted to help." Carl said. "Why does she have to judge every little action I do?"

(Name) only shrugged before taking out their notepad.

I'm not to sure, but I think it's called motherly instinct, that's what my mom called it.

"Probably, but I just wish that she would see my actions as a benefit to the group, not dangerous." Carl sighed, he looked up at (Name). "Sorry if this is too personal, but what were your parents like?"

They were the best, I just hope they're alive because I wanna try and find them. My mom had gotten sick, so we took her care of her, Dad and I. But, after a while, my parents fell short money and didn't want me to stay with them, so they sent me off to my aunt's place in Atlanta.

"I'm sorry." Carl said, simply, not really knowing what else to say. "Do you need anything..?"

(Name) shook their head, they looked up at Carl before giving him a hug. Carl quietly gasps, but wraps his arms around (Name) as well.


During that time, Carl was a bit protective of me. Not gonna lie, it got a little annoying at times, but I still am glad someone cared for me that much. The day after Hershel's amputation, things got a bit crazier, surprisingly, he woke up, I helped take care of him because most of the people were busy with supply runs, taking watch, or helping Lori with her pregnancy.

During that time Hershel was bedridden, he started to warm up to me. I started seeing him as a grandfather, him being so wise all the time. Back at the farm, I taught most of the group sign language, he was one of them. He asked if I was willing to teach him some more, I nodded him and we made some more progress with his sign language.

When it was time for him to get up and start using his crutches, that day was only the start of many more conflicts to come.


Carl and (Name) were on the stairs, looking at Beth and Lori walking down the cell block with crutches, (Name) signed if those were for Hershel, as she walked by Lori nodded her head. Carl and Beth smiled at each other, making (Name) look down at the boy with a teasing gaze. The two kids followed Beth and Lori into Hershel's cell.

"All right." Lori said, Hershel begins to get up from his bed, an assuring smile from Lori. "Just take your time."

"Daddy, don't push yourself." Beth told her father, a chuckle comes out of his mouth.

"What else am I gonna do? Can't stand looking at the top of that bunk anymore." Hershel says, about to fall over the four other people start to help him balance. A 'woah' comes from Lori, Hershel began to tap on the ground with the crutches. "You know I think I'm pretty steady."

"That's a pretty good start, wanna take a rest?" Lori asked.

"Rest?" Another chuckle comes from Hershel. "Let's go for a little stroll."


Lori opens the door for Hershel. Carl, (Name), and Beth come out behind him, Lori puts her hand on his chest, making sure he doesn't fall getting down the stairs.

"Got you here if you need it." Lori said.

"Take your on these steps." Beth says, suddenly Hershel looks like he's about to fall.

"Ooh-ooh." Carl says in worry, him and (Name) help him as well.

After getting down the stairs, Hershel begins to take lead, cruising by himself. "You clear all those bodies out? It's starting to look like a place we could live in." He said.

"Hey, you watch your step." Lori says. "Last thing we need is you falling."

"All right, Hershel!" Glenn cheers from far away, making (Name) silently giggle.

"You're doing great, Daddy." Beth cheers on her father.

"You ready race, Hershel?" Carl asks, jokingly.

"Give me another day, I'll take you on." Hershel replies, (Name) and Carl laugh with each other.

(Name) suddenly turns around and starts to tap on Carl, he turns around while grabbing (Name)'s hand, putting them behind him. "Walkers! Look out!" The rest of the group starts to being out their weapons.

Hershel and Beth secure themselves in a gated area, Glenn, Daryl, and Rick sprint as fast as they could get to the rest of the group, Carol and T-Dog try to close the gate where the walkers were coming from and Maggie, Carl, Lori, and (Name) go back inside to the cell block.


The four of them made it down the halls, Lori suddenly uses a wall to help her stand. Her grunting signals that something was wrong, so the rest of them stop.

"Something's not right." Lori says, grunting in pain.

"Are you bit?" Carl asks.

"No, no, no. I think the baby's coming." Lori says, walkers come around the corner, Carl pulls out his gun. "No, there's no time, turn back."

Maggie and (Name) rush over to Lori, making sure she wouldn't be left behind. Carl leads the way, when walkers come down the way they were going, Carl leads the rest of them down another hall, he finds a door.

"In here!" Carl says, letting the three others go in first and shuts the door behind him. Lori walks over to chain and grips it tightly. Maggie, Carl, and (Name) look at her in concern.

"What are those alarms?" Lori asked, letting go of the chain and starts to pace.

"Don't worry about it." Maggie says.

"What if it attracts them?" Carl asks.

(Name) follows and looks at Lori in concern. "Lori, lets lay you down." Maggie says, trying to get Lori to lay down.

"No, the baby's coming now." Lori rejected.

"We have to get to our cell block and have Hershel help." Carl suggested.

"No, we can't risk getting caught out there. You're gonna need to give birth to this baby here."

"Great." Lori says, she suddenly starts panting.

"What is she doing? Can't she breathe?" Carl yells out in concern.

"She's fine, come here— let's get your pants off." Maggie starts to help Lori take off her jeans."

"Okay.." Lori exhales, her breathing fastened. "Okay."

"You're gonna need to help deliver your brother or sister. You up for it?" Maggie asks, looking at Carl, who nods, the woman looks at (Name) as well, "There's gonna be some things you don't want to see, just look away if you have to, okay?"

(Name) nods.

"I'll do an exam. Let me see if you dilated." Maggie says, starting to get ready.

"Okay." Lori says, exhausted already.

"Do you know how?" Carl asks, panicking for his mother's safety.

"Dad taught me, but trust me, it's my first time." Maggie replies, looking for sign if the other woman is dilated. "I can't tell."

"I gotta push..." Lori says, she begins to get up and holds onto pipes as some sort of support, and begins to push. "Somebody! I'm okay, I'm okay."

"Okay..." Maggie tries to assure the woman. "You're doing great, Lori. Just keep pushing it. Your body knows what to do. Let it do all the work." Lori yelps as she continues. "You're doing great."

(Name) heard something, they look at Lori in concern and confusion as they stand next to Carl. Carl looks on as well.

"Lori, don't push — stop. Something's wrong." Maggie says, Lori suddenly starts to scream, (Name) covers their ears, blood comes out, it was on Maggie's hand. Maggie and Carl help Lori lay down for some comfort. (Name) tries to stay close, just in case of any help.

"Mom. Mom, look at me, look at me. Keep your eyes open." Carl says, holding his mother's arm.

"We have to get you back to Dad." Maggie says, panicking, Lori tells her that she doesn't think she'll make it. "Lori, with all this blood, I don't even think your fully dilated yet. No amount of pushing is gonna help."

"I know what it means and I'm not loosing my baby. You've gotta cut me open." Lori says, panting more.

With no hesitation, Maggie rejects the plan, "No. I can't." Maggie says, shaking her head.

"You don't have a choice.."

"I'll go for help!" Carl says, sprinting for the stairs, Lori lets out a 'no', Maggie starts to panic again.

"Carol's the one that practiced that. Dad only taught me the steps Lori. If I—" Maggie explains, but Lori lets out a weak plea. "I have no anesthetic, no equipment—"

"Carl has a knife."

(Name)'s eyes widened in horror, they look away, as Lori starts to walk the plank.

"You won't survive..." Maggie lets out one lst attempt to save Lori's life.

"My baby has to survive, please. My baby... for all of us. Please, Maggie! Please! Please." Lori beings up her shirt, revealing an old scar. You see my c-section scar?"

"I can't!"

"You can... you have to. Carl? Baby, you don't have to scared, alright? This is what I want. This is right. Now you- you take care of your daddy for me, all right? And your little brother or sister, you take care-"

"You don't have to do this." Carl begs his motherto stop.

"You're gonna be fine. You are going to beat this world, I know you will. You are smart, and you are strong, and you are so brave, and I love you."Lori looks at her son with loving eyes,

"I love you, too." Carl begins to tear up.

"You gotta do what's right, baby. You promise me, you'll always do what's right. It's so easy to do the wrong thing in this world. So don't — so, if it feels wrong don't do it, alright? If it feels easy don't do it, don't let this world spoil you. You're so good, my sweet boy. Best thing I ever did, and I love you, I love you." Lori brings her son into a hug, one last time, Maggie starts to tear up as well. My sweet, sweet, boy I love you."

She and Carl both begin to sob, before letting her son go, she gives kisses on his cheeks. (Name) turns to see what was going on.

"Okay— okay, now... okay." Lori looks over at (Name) in the corner, she calls out to them, (Name) crawls over. She gives them a quick squeeze as well, thanking them for helping Carl be a kid again and bringing much needed smiles to the group, she let the child go. "Maggie when this is over.." Maggie tries to shush her, "You have to donit, it can't be Rick. All right.. all right."

Carl start to panic more, Lori puts an arm on her son.

"It's all right, it's all right." Lori says, Carl gives Maggie his knife, and she prepares to open Lori. (Name) returns to looking away and covers their ears. "Whew.. Good night, love."

"I'm sorry, Lori." Maggie says, beofre cutting open Lori.


Although Lori had her moments, she was still a good person. Her motherly ways reminded me of my mom in a few ways, she and Rick were nice enough to raise me throughout the months we were together. But it was all taken away because of one of the prisoner's I wish that prisoner was willing to coexist with us, but he took the lives of two people who only meant good to this world.

When Maggie cut open Lori, I didn't watch and I covered my ears. But, I wish I could've been strong enough to comfort Carl, him just loosing his mother like that. I hoped that his new sibling would bring him joy.


Maggie came out holding a baby, Carl and (Name) followed. The baby's cries made the attention fall on the four coming out, Rick slowly walks over, dropping an axe as he does so.

"Where—Where is she? Where is she?" Rick asks, Maggie not giving him an answer signals him to go back to where his wife was.

"No.. Rick, no!" Maggie tries to stop him, but continues to go. After seeing his son, Rick begins to sob.

"Oh, no. No!" Rick's sobs continues. "No!"

Glenn goes up to Maggie in an attempt to comfort her as she sobs, Carl stands there as (Name) looks on, Glenn asks them to come over, they do. He bends down to pick them up and holds both (Name) and Maggie in comfort. Rick suddenly falls to floor in disbelief.


The group had to bounce straight back from what had happened, T-Dog and Carol were gone, I wasn't too sure about Carol though, we didn't find her body, so I thought she was still alive. We had to get the baby some formula, since she was still so young, it was desperate to get her that.

Daryl and Maggie went on a supply run for her. Meanwhile, Rick went back down the same halls Maggie, Lori, Carl, and I went down, I didn't know why he went down. Carl was doing somewhat okay, he obviously missed his mother, but he kept strong for his baby sister.

Beth and Hershel helped Carl look after the baby, while I just kept to myself for a couple days after Lori's death. Glenn, who was concerned for me, was patient with me not wanting to do anything, but he kept on checking in on me every few hours. After a while, I had opened back up again, Glenn and Maggie became my third pair of parents, Rick and Lori were my first, then Carol and Daryl, finally those two.

When Maggie and Daryl came back from their supply run, the baby had been screaming, most likely due to hunger. They came back just in time, Daryl took her out of Carl's arms to get her fed as soon as possible. I've never seen Daryl so soft with a baby, he reminded me of my dad, in some ways, when you first meet or see him, he's a cocky guy who thinks he's the king of the world, but in reality, he's not as bad as he seems, you just gotta get to know him. I'm not saying Daryl's cocky, you just gotta get to know him before he behaves a certain way towards you. When we found out Carl hadn't chosen a name for the baby yet, he gave out suggestions, some deceased members, other names I've never heard of, but to lighten to the mood, Daryl suggested the baby's name would be 'Lil' ass kicker'. Which got a couple of chuckles from the other group's members.

A couple days later, Maggie and Glenn were going on a supply run, I really wanted to join them, but they had told me it was dangerous, I kept pleading with them until they said yes. Maggie sighed before finally agreeing, I was excited. But, I had to stay extremely close to them, I agreed.


Maggie, Glenn, and (Name) had arrived at a small shop, trying to stack up on formula. Glenn had found a gold mine of it.

"We just hit the powder formula jackpot." Glenn says.

"Oh, thank God." Maggie exhales in relief.

"I also got beans, batteries, cocktail wine, many mustards." Glenn said, the word mustard intrigued (Name), reaching their hand out, they point at the mustards, Glenn put some in their hands. "It's a straight shot back to the prison from here, probably make it in time for dinner."

"I like the quiet." Maggie says, (Name) mouths a 'thank you,' jokingly, the woman chuckles. "Back there, back home, you can always hear them outside the fence no matter where you are."

The trio continues to pack the red car with their goods. Suddenly, a southern voice comes out of nowhere, making them all turn their heads.

"And where is it y'all good people are calling home?" (Name) is shoved behind both Glenn and Maggie as the voice is revealed as man with short graying hair, an olive green sleeveless shirt, black pants, and black boots, topping it off he had a metal arm with a blade where his hand is supposed to be, he was holding a gun. Glenn and Maggie draw their guns as well.

"Merle?" Glenn called out, the man let out some laughter, saying 'wow' as he put down his gun.

"Hey, back the hell up!" Maggie demanded.

"Okay, okay, honey. Jesus!" The man named Merle yelled out.

"You made it." Glenn said, plainly.

"Can you tell me, is my brother alive? Huh?"


"Hey, you take me to him and I'll call it even on everything that happened in Atlanta. No hard feelings, huh?" Merle lets out a laugh. "You like that?"

He catches Glenn looking at his prosthetic metal arm.

"Well, I found myself in a medical supply warehouse. Fixed it up myself." He laughs again, "Pretty cool, huh?"

"We'll tell Daryl you're here and he'll come out to meet you."

"Hold on, just hold on."

"Woah, woah." Glenn said, holding out an arm.

"Hold up there, hold up." Merle said, trying to get Glenn to listen to him, "Hey, the fact that we found each other is a miracle. Come now, you can trust me."

"You trust us, you stay here." Glenn says, Merle lets out a chuckle before pulling out a hidden gun, shooting it. Shattering the back of the car. (Name) rushes to help, but Glenn puts them behind him.

"Hey, hey, hold up, buddy, hold up." Merle holds a knife to Maggie's throat.

"Let go of her, let go of her!" Glenn yells.

"Put that gun in the car right now. Put it in the car, son." Glenn hesitates for a few moments before putting the gun in the trunk. "There you go. Now we're gonna go for a little drive."

"We're not going back to our camp."

"No, we're going somewhere else. Get in the car, Glenn! You're driving! Move!" Merle suddenly outbursts.

"Don't. Okay."

"Get up." Merle commands Maggie to, Glenn looks at (Name), "We'll take good care of your kid. That's it.."

(Name) gets in the car on Glenn's side, they scooch over to Maggie's side, arms wrapped around her in fear, but also trying to comfort her as well.

"Shhh, it's okay, hon." Maggie says, assuring (Name).


Merle had knocked on a door, after a few moments, the door opened. It was a man, mid-fourties, brown hair with some grays in there, and some stubble. This man is Phillip Blake, aka The Governor, the leader of the community Merle joined after what happened in Atlanta. He had reported what happened when he was hunting down an African-American woman named Michonne, the men he was with all died due to biters, their word for walkers. But, changed the subject a couple seconds later.

"I got something else for you, though." Merle says, "A guy I used to know from the Atlanta camp and his pretty little girlfriend."

"They know Andrea?" The Governor asked, Merle lets out an 'mhm,' nodding. "Anyone else?"

"They had a kid with them, about eight or so. Other than that, don't know. Found them on the return trip. From the looks of 'em, they got to be set up pretty good. I'll find out where." Merle said, walking off. The Governor goes to his room.


i hope you liked the first part of (name)'s experience with rick and company. :)

just made some grammar corrections and made it more logical...?

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