Broken Together

By _Div3rgent_

3K 51 15

Modern AU. Hailey Haddock never had easy live, bullying was hers daily, friends left her, mother died, father... More

To know you
To help you
To repay you
To save you
To take care of you
To know your story
To get new problem
To thank you
To destroy everything
To start over
To get complicated
To solve things
To text game
To see you again
To ice-skating
To broke apart
To explain
To change
To train
To become brothers
To invite
To dance and dream
To easier the night
To train, but in other way
To fly afar
To broke
To be together
Epilogue : first sequence
Epilogue : second sequence

To start again

63 1 0
By _Div3rgent_

Rest of week went almost rapidly. Tobias didn't even noticed that it was already 4 days later! Whole argument which he had, or else in which he just snapped at Simon, forgotten as fast as it started. James didn't consider that topic, neither rest of group. They decided on that it shouldn't matter, what happened between these two shouldn't concern them, it's theirs issue with which both boys should get over on theirs own. Of course Sarah noticed that Hailey was into that way more she should, but it didn't bothered her either.

Even so, from whole situation, Tobias decided not to leave hockey team, mostly because of Hookfang's begging. Cedric make sure Tobias would remember him, this 3 days of trainings were that draining that even Tobias would feel pain in his back. Only thing he done past that days was getting up, breakfast, training, eventually dinner and relax at home or just sleeping. He didn't remember when last time he was such tired. Best part? It wasn't with him that bad, for example he heard that Typhomerang's only moment of awareness was at trainings. He would now sleep almost all of time. Cloudjumper of course promised it's only timely, but he could feel that it was terrible lie.

About situation between two forwards, situation between them didn't changed as much as trainer would like it. Toothless was with Sleuther at distance, he didn't attacked him or made mean comments, but he wouldn't talk to him, wouldn't care, just doing his job at rink and demanding from him same. Outside trainings he wouldn't even look at him. Everyone could felt that cold between them but strangest wasn't even theirs behaviour, but behaviour of Simon himself, because he didn't seems to be mad at him at all!

Simon would often make towards Tobias nice comments, compliment his actions, try to help him when he fall. Nobody believed it, not even sole. Despite of it, Tobias didn't get it as kind, but as annoying. It was for him strange that he wanted to help him that much. He didn't believed his words, his helping , he just didn't. It didn't mattered. He knew what he done. He knew that in closest time there wouldn't be any of trust between them, and he should just let go.

Only positive whole situation for him was Hiccup's support. Not only she was almost on every of theirs last trainings, would went with Toothless for breakfast and occasionally dinner, but also helped him, by keeping him as far from Sleuther, as she could. It wasn't that she didn't liked him, he was fine from her, he never was mean towards him, but he wasn't kind for her neither, rather neutral relation. That's why she supported him through that at present, respecting Toothless's decision of not forgiveness.

Monday, everyone would not even care about todays lessons, even teachers, because who would? Today was going to happen ranked starting match between 2 the biggest rivals, Dragon vs Vikings. The lucky ones would talk with their teachers about games, bet between each other which team would be the winner one. The misfortune ones now is having history or math, with their most hated teachers in which even reminding about todays event would start unexpectedly test.

That misfortune ones would be Hiccup and Toothless if it wasn't for Hailey's love towards every lesson and Tobias's... actually nothing there. He is just bored, just like rest of class. So actually misfortune Tobias. So both of them ended both is same bench with Hiccup sitting straight, focused on lesson before hers eyes, and Toothless almost sleeping on his place, or is he?

His tortures were ended by majestic bell, it's sound always was that beautiful or it just because it was bell meaning end of todays worst last lesson? Who knew, maybe both. Immediately afterwards whole class would now get suddenly that much energy to run off class leaving it empty when ring of bell didn't even ended.

"How are you feeling? Are you ready?" Asked Hailey Tobias, while together going to gym halls in which's rink match was about to start.

"Normal, how should I feel?" Asked Tobias, confused by his friend behaviour.

"Excited! It's, you know, big deal. That match would be on schools mouth for next month!" She explained.

He eyes rolled "Right, right. You're forgetting I don't care about that kind of things. I just wish to play it so trainings would become easier one. I'm such tired." He yawned.

She smiled. "You're only person in whole school that isn't excited about match. I'm serious!" She added when she saw hers company didn't see eye to eye with her.

Truth was, he was nervous about it. He didn't showed it, but he was. And Hailey knew it. They didn't knew each other for much of time, it was what? Month? But they could already read themselves as open books. It was amazing how words stopped for them taking any matter, it was motions they made, not words they said. Such nonverbal communication, which Tobias really needed.

Tobias noticed that he had problem, problem with hiding emotions towards Hailey. It wasn't bad, maybe it's for him good change. Problem was what caused that. Love. He was fucking in love. First time in his damn life, and he couldn't help that. Hiccup was for him just amazing, the way she always was there for him, she was actually first to care for him that much. She was there with him, believed in him when he didn't believed in himself. She changed him, for good of course, but actually it wasn't change, she just let him finally be real self. He had to add up that she was such beautiful for him, hers smile, hers cute freckles, glasses and braid. If she will ever say that it's childish, he is gonna throw himself out of fucking window!

In the meantime, at the way both teenagers found their way towards gym, almost overflowing in people. There was last 'goodbye', 'see you later', 'good luck' and 'thumbs up'. Tobias went into changing room, getting ready for match, having to listen his gReAt teammates stupid comments. Ugh.

"I can't wait to destroy them! I'm sure if we will Cloudjumper will finally notice how great captain I would be!" Informed Hookfang getting... no attention from Toothless. Ohhh! How cool that shoelaces are!

"Ha! You wish! I for sure would be better than you!" Acknowledged him Typhomerang.

"YOU wish! I'm best in this team!" Hookfang continued.

"Best huh? You sure~?"

"-Don't you remember that time when you dared Snotlout sister for game?"

"-Didn't she won with you like... 10-0?" Barf and Belch teased him.

"I let her free win... Shut up!" He ended conversation, something he took from Snotlout recently.

"Our first match! I'm so excited! We're such amazing team!" Terrible Terror squealed.

"Amazing? More like loud." Toothless mumbled.

"And you're such great huh?" started Typhomerang, getting Tobias's focus. "Anyway, how he is going to be named anyway? Toothless? Aww how cutie." He teased making puppy eyes.

"Actually, he is going to be night fury! Cool huh?" Informed James, defending his friend.

"Maybe, but he didn't deserve it. He was training with us for what? 3 days? He is going to fail in first 3 minutes. I'm much greater than him! I should be forward, not him!" He Acknowledged.

Toothless smirked. "Well at least I won't fell asleep while riding." He joked getting few laughs.

"By the way-" Sleuther joined conversation "why you're attacking him so much? You're jealous or something?"

"Oh just shut up." Tobias whispered.

"You see!" Typhomerang yelled. "This is what I was talking about! Why you're defending him when he is such dick for you! Let go off that!"

"Hey! Don't dick my friend! You dick!" Hookfang yelled.

"James don't. He is right." Tobias said, confusing everyone. "He should let go, stop trying something, which has no sense. At least to whoever he is even talking about." Tobias explained not even looking at Sleuther, saddening him.

"You see! He is fucking right at least in one!" Typhomerang yelled, starting argument. Hookfang started to shout at him, getting same from him. Rest tried to calm them, everyone except twins of course and Tobias. He started to get annoyed.

"HEY! Aren't we going to play match in few minutes!" Tobias yelled getting all the attention. "What is going in private between us, should stay private! I don't know how about you, but I actually want to win. It's my first match of course I want! So just shut the fuck up and don't bark at yourself, because now it's not time for it! Is that clear?" Everyone could only nod slightly and left cabinets. Almost everyone except Tobias and unfortunately for him... Sleuther.

He tried much not to look into hi direction, but he seems not to give up. "Can we talk?"

Tobias tried so hard to ignore him, but it was difficult as he continued. "I'm really just trying to-"

"To what?!" Toothless snapped. "To apologise? To forget what's done?! You hear yourself?!"

"If you would just listen-" Sleuther tried to explain.

"No! I won't! I think you had your chance years ago, and guess what? You didn't! You know how hard it is to me to not just punch you for what you have done?! You know?! Your fucking pretended kindness is not helping!"

"I'm not pretending! Really! I'm just trying to make it up! Seriously! Can't we just left it all behind? Please! I know what I done, I'm sorry, can I do anything to make it right?"

"You know what I would like you to do?"

"What? I will do anything!"

"Just fucking stay out from me!" Tobias yelled leaving cabinet and Sleuther behind.

Match officially ended... with draw. That would mean both of teams get 1 point in ranked table. For Hiccup this match couldn't end better way, now she doesn't have listens to anyones complaining, no complaining of James, no complaining from Snotlout, everyone was winner. It was incredible ex aequo gameplay. In almost every 2 minute of match there would be point to one of teams. At the end there was added 10 minutes, but it didn't changed much as both teams didn't get any point that moment.

Hiccup now with Molly, Sarah and Frank waited for players, theirs friends, from both teams, because they all settled that they would together go spend time together in Gobber's Café. She heard that they even dare each other, which team wins would have to eat some hideous things. She now wonder if everyone would have to do that or no one.
"I'm so happy it ended already, you know how hard it is to watch game you can't play in?" Complained Sarah.

"Sorry to hear that, but I noticed you weren't there for much of game, where was you?" Asked Hailey.

"Remember I needed money? You know, for that private lessons. Oh don't do that face, at least now you do. So, Barf and Belch on every match making whole school to make dept which team wins, right? This time they couldn't took them so they asked me if I will, they would of course do rest, I just have to gather money. For that they said they will pay me, and they did!" Sarah explained.

"That's great! But I have 2 notes, first : I hope you didn't flirt with anyone, don't you?" Hiccup joked.
"Flirting isn't cheating!" Sarah informed, or joked? She couldn't even tell apart.

"Second one : why wouldn't you just take a private lessons with friend?" She asked smiling.

"Well, now that Molly is with Frank-" She made scary stare at pair before them, holding theirs hands. Hiccup felt like some cupid! "-she don't have time for this"

"Who said I'm talking about her? What about me! I can do that!" Hailey explained.

"Really? Would you?"

"Yeah sure, that's no problem."

"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" Sarah attacked Hailey with surprise hug. "I'm so happy! I promise I'm going to repay you that somehow! I'm going to say Molly she has replacement!" She laughed an left in blink of eye.

"Umm okay?" Hailey whispered to herself, not knowing her loneliness would take long.

"Hiccup~" Ugh, again?

"Dagur, you have to? Didn't you last time failed, can't you just let go of that?" She tried to get away but Dagur took hold on her hand keeping her close.

"You saw how I destroyed yours knight in silver armour? I wouldn't be surprised if he is now crying in changing room." He laughed.

"Hey, Tobias isn't that DAGUR with Hailey." New voice joined conversation from behind theirs backs. When Dagur only heard that, he immediately let her go and run as fast as he could forward, leaving laughing Hiccup behind.

She turned to see hers hero, which was... Sleuther. Huh. There wasn't even Tobias, guess he just wanted to scare him off which for Hiccup was perfect by the way. "Thank you, my hero."

"No problem, he is annoying for me either." Said Sleuther "Could we talk? Please?"

"Listen, Simon, I don't think it's best idea. You know I know what happened between you two, right?" She asked.

"I know, that's why I need to talk with you. You know what's going on, only you can help me with that. Please!" He begged.

"Okay, but fast, because I'm settled with friends."

"I'm with parents, I will be as fast as I can." He took big breath "From start-"

"From start? Like that moment, when you betrayed him? When you choose your skin over friend? And didn't even went to say sorry?" Hailey recollected.

He signed "Exactly..." He embarrassed "it wasn't... it wasn't like you two think, don't look at me like that, please I'm serious."

"Okay, fine. If you say so. How exactly was that then?"

"It wasn't supposed to end like that. Really, if I knew they would send him to hospital I would never, I swear, I would NEVER told them. Remember Hiccup that, I was... younger, back then I was scared almost of everything. It was easy to scary me, really. I saw big boys, I got scared, I know... I was coward, I really was" he saddened. "They told they want only to 'tease him'... that's true, I betrayed him, and I really, REALLY regretted and still regret it, since beginning. I always did."

Hiccup was troubled. "But then... he once told me you never even went to say sorry! How you will explain it?"

"I tried, seriously I did. Back then I almost begged mine guardian to let me see him, but then happened most beautiful and same most 'not right time' thing, someone chooses to adopt me..." He smiled at memory. "It was greatest day of my life, you know, someone wanted me. Wonderful feeling, and in that age? Even better."

"Couldn't you visit him or something? It shouldn't be problem if your parents are good ones."

"Yes, they are. The best. I wouldn't say they are rich, but living on good things, actually they didn't only adopt me, but two more kids, now my siblings. I wanted to visit him, but when I actually had time... it was good 2 weeks later... I got frighten after that time he wouldn't even want to listen... and I was right... you see in what position I am. That's why I'm asking for help. You're only person he will listen!" He begged, almost on knees.

"I think you're going overboard. It's not like that he would only listen to me..." She explained and blushed lightly. She wasn't that great.

"Really? Hiccup let's be serious here, I don't know any person, which this guy even tolerated back then. When I saw how he is treating you, how he care about you, that he LIKE you, that's great achievement! Believe me. For first I couldn't believe it, then rumours went around school. There was much ones."

"Like~" He laughed "What? I'm asking from curiosity." She explained.

"Well, oh you're going to love that one, rumour in which you PAYED him for protection" Hiccup stated laughing. "I don't know why are you laughing, I'm dead serious."

"That's good one. Give me moment" She continued on laughing and then calm herself down. "Continue on story."

"I guess there isn't much to say now. I really don't have much explanation, just that I said you... I try so hard, I would like him at least for second to listen to me, but whatever I'm doing, how I'm treating him, he won't listen." He explained.

"What you thought? Of course he wouldn't. He is hurt because of it, I'm not marvel at it. You shouldn't either."

"You're probably right" he put his head down. "I just... want him to listen..."

Hiccup putted hers hand at his arm for support. "I advise you to not give up, it worked for me. Believe me, you should see how angry he was on me once... that was almost catastrophe."

"I must say I'm amazed at work you have done with him. He is like, different person! But"

"He is finally himself?"

"Right... right. I tried that too, seems I weren't good enough."

"No, I'm sure-"

"Thanks Hiccup, but I really should done something back then. Can I say you something, but you don't know that from me!"

"Supposing, it's nothing I'm NOT supposed to know, I guess you can."

"Okay, it's not secret and I think, as a person having biggest possibilities into helping him, you should know that." He stayed silent for moment, after reminding hard memory. "In orphanage once or twice week would came willing to take child parents. We were talking with them, even these older in age of 16, 17 years. I remember even so I was 16 then I tried to be nice towards them, hoping they would choose me, because of that I actually found home. I also remember Tobias never tried, never. He was cold towards them, didn't listened. There was time when he even screamed at them. He got big punishment for that."

"I hope you didn't reproach him that, did you?"

"Of course not! It was his choice, but deep down I know he was like that, because he was mean. No, he was scared of again rejection. That's understandable. For some time I thought it's because of his parents, you know, how they died, his mother, such heroism. I thought maybe he just don't want another one, but then..." He stopped, probably to think though saying another thing.

"But then?"

"Eh, there was stairs from which was perfect view of exit but that way nobody would see you looking. So I once saw him staring when some parents took little girl, they adopted her. Then, I saw everything, jealous, hate, anger, sadness... He just wanted have parent again, I should help him, then maybe... he wouldn't feel like forgotten one."

"That's beautiful, Simon. And you're right." She decelerated.

"About what?" He asked.

She smiled "I promise you, I will help you two make up together."

Simon smiled brightly. "Thank you."

Hiccup looked behind hers hand. "And I'm going to do it immediately"

"Wait what?" He didn't had time to react as Hailey took him by arm towards, leaving building, Tobias.
I was amazing how in 2 seconds Toothless's face changed from happy one, since his play as thought Hiccup was amazing one, into annoyed, angry maybe furious. Simon tried to get away from hers grip, but that wasn't in hers plans. She is going to do it. Simon was right, these two should already forgive themselves years ago, she is going to make sure they will. Tobias should already get rid of feeling that he shouldn't have friends, that they only betraying him. She is going to fix it.

Two stood now in front of raged Tobias, he always was that tall? "Toothless, don't be mad-"

"How can I not be?!" He snapped "From all persons I know I wouldn't expect YOU to-"

"Toothless, please! Just listen! Okay? You think if I didn't thought he deserve listening to I would drag him to you?" Both of them looked at each other, like having inside battle with each other. For Hiccups luck, she always won in that one, um almost every. HALF of them for sure.

He signed. "You have one shot. I won't give another one." He accepted his fate.

"YES" Simon cheered. "Okay, with what I should start now..."

"Some explanation would be great actually." He answered harshly, making Sleuther saddened. Hiccup started getting scary that there might be possibility he is going to give up.

Simon started again. "First of all, i'm sorr-"

"EXPLANATIONS, YOU DUMB SH-" He yelled, getting at him.

"Heeey!" Hiccup stood between them, taking his eyes from Simon to her. "Let him speak, okay? Nothing wrong going on." She smiled trying to calm him down. "Nothing wrong going on, I promise" it's made it's magic as he automatically calmed.

"But he-"

"If you're going to attack him, you will have to go trough me." She informed. He wouldn't attack her... right?

"I would never attack you." He told her, making her blush.

"May I continue?" Simon asked quietly from behind hers back.

She went to hold his arm, mostly to keep him calmed. Then she nodded for Simon to continue.
"Tobias... I swear I didn't wanted-"

"But you did."

"I wanted to sorry-"

"But you didn't."

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. My only explanation is my stupid cowardliness, my idiotic and... I'm really sorry. You probably know that when you were in hospital I was adopted, right?"

"You still didn't even visited" He started to throwing himself, but Hiccup still hold him, making him to look at her, which calmed him.

"I was scared you wouldn't listen. I now see it's not goo explanation, 'you wouldn't listen' what I was thinking?" He signed "I just hope, I still can... I still can somehow, gets your forgiveness."

Tobias stayed now silent, straight faced. Simon thought he didn't made it. He lost... he lost friend. That's over. Hiccup saw something else. His hesitation. His unsureness. His inside fight. His frighten of making right choice. He saw him completely. And she promised, whatever what, she is going to help him. And she will.

"What do you say, we are going to do it like that." She went between them, getting theirs attention. "From now on, you don't know each other. Completely. Toothless, I'm hospital you had amnesia, Simon you since leaving orphanage going on therapy and forgotten any of there's accidents." Both of them looked at her surprised, what she want to do? "And since you don't know each other... Hey Tobias!" She turned to him completely. "It's my newest friend, Simon. I'm sure you would like each other. C'mon just say hi!"

They both understood, Simon smiled thankfully, waiting for Tobias's first move, but he was frozen. Hiccup knew what to do.

"Hey" she whispered, getting his attention. She smiled reassuring "It's okay. Even if he is going to do that again, I promise you, I will be by you. At least try okay? It's worth. And if he is going to do that again, I will kill him. Okay?"

"Yeah" he whispered to her "Thank you" He then looked at, now really nervous Simon. Went closer to him and... handed him his hand. "My name is Tobias, what's yours?"

"I'm Simon, and I'm really glad to meet you" Both smiled at each other.

Shortly thereafter everyone went apart. Simon waved them and with his parents left to theirs home. Hailey could as always in him something others couldn't when he looked at going away Simon with his parents, but it doesn't mattered. She just smiled at him, getting that hard feeling of him. He was okay, okay with her, she was going to make sure she would be here for him.

All went into café, jokes and laughing everywhere. Dept ended with everyone must doing that. Gobber took out seafood. Big surprise for everyone, when no one eaten theirs plate... but Toothless. Huh, who could knew he loves seafood, right? At end both Hiccup and Toothless where happy for place they stood together.

"Hey guys, who are you taking for next week ball?" Sarah asked.


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