Gunpowder and Leather - our f...

By lavenderrhoney

426 62 15

Stede Bonnet was a wealthy gentleman with a beautiful wife and healthy children, he could not want for more... More

Think before you speak
Snake in the grass
Thrown in the deep end
Partners in crime
Caught in the act

Quick learner

56 8 1
By lavenderrhoney

"Do you know how to hunt?" Edward inquired, looking over at Stede from across the table they were sitting at as he absent-mindedly trailed a finger around the rim of his coffee cup.

"No..." He grumbled, still sour about how he had been forced to be this man's newest entertainment.

"Have you killed a man before?"

"Absolutely not"

"Can you fight?"

"If I need to... but I've never really cared for the sight of blood"

Ed leaned forward with confusion knotting his brows together, "Then why on earth did you become a cowboy?"

"Are you actually going to teach me anything or are you just going to patronise me this whole time, Edward" Stede snapped, folding his arms over his chest, "I just admired the freedom this lifestyle had. You don't have to answer to anyone, not even the law"

"Well yes, I suppose there is that appeal," He stood and jerked his head for Stede to follow, "you'll learn to fight and be resourceful before we put a trigger in your hand"

He was lead to a piece of the woods near camp and Ed rolled up his sleeves before opening his arms, "Hit me" he commanded. Stede hesitated before swinging his fist into his chest, frowning when the action seemed to have no effect.

"You're doing it all wrong, give me your hand," He grabbed his wrist and folded his fingers into a proper fist before adjusting his stance with his foot, "You want your punches to hit hard so they must be quick, imagine your arm like a spring and put your whole weight into it when you extend your arm"

He nodded and began to spar with Ed, following the brief instructions he would bark at him between the flurry of hits he would throw at him, barely giving him time to dodge or think of his own moves. He hit him with uppercuts and hooks and swept his legs from under him countless times til there was not a part of his body that did not ache at the end of their lesson.

The next day followed a similar pattern as Stede found himself as this man's personal punching bag, only able to hit him back once for every ten hits he received himself. But by the end of the week he had got it, easilily keeping up with Ed as they sparred, earning his praise. To add some higher level of challenge the next time, he introduced a knife, tasking Stede with taking the weapon from him before he was killed. His teacher lunged forward and pointed the blade at his stomach, "Dead," Edward stated. Again, in a matter of seconds Stede would have been stabbed. However, in the next round he managed to pry the blade from his attacker but before he could savour his victory, Edward had grabbed him, pressing against him from behind as he took the hand Stede weilded the blade with and brought it to his own throat, "Dead" Ed whispered, his mouth so close that he felt his breath warm his ears. He stepped back, smugly tossing the knife from hand to hand, "Again," he instructed, darting towards Stede with his next murder attempt which he managed to evade for some time. He even accomplished tackling Ed, a man similar in height but far more built than him, to the ground. He straddled him as he confiscated his weapon with one hand and pinned his wrists above his head with his other.
"Dead," Stede announced triumphantly as his face hovered over Ed's as he gave him a proud grin.

His teacher chuckled, "yeah, yeah, you got me. However, in a real fight. I'd just do this before you stab me," he broke free from his restraint and bucked his hips to roll them over so he was on top, his legs pinning Stede's apart as he grabbed his blade hand, moving it away from his heart while he wrapped a hand around his neck but didn't press down. Stede stared up at him, his mind still catching up to the present moment as he had been flipped so quickly, eyes widening as the position he was held in dawned on him.
Ed pushed off, dusting off his hands, "Good training today, Bonnet. You're learning quick," he said earnestly before leaving to return to camp for water.
Stede gathered himself together again and jolted back up, a hand pressed over his heart; why was it beating so hard? Was he scared? Did he think he was actually going to kill him in that moment? He didn't feel particularly afraid of Edward Teach anymore, he had every opportunity to kill him but hasn't thus far. But it still left the question of why his heart thundered in that way and why he felt so uneasy. Brushing it off, he returned to camp soon after. When he was not with Edward, he was passing the time with Oluwande and Jim, who were making the most of this opportunity to relax in the safety of this camp as no outsider would dare irk the infamous Edward.
"Today we shoot," Edward declared, pressing a pistol into his hands. Stede grimaced at it and reluctantly wrapped his fingers around the gun, shifting his attention to the empty bottles that hung from tree branches. He raised his arms and squinted his eyes but before the trigger was pressed a set of strong arms came from behind and steadied his own. Ed propped his chin on his shoulder as he guided his hands and gave pointers on aiming. The sound of shattering glass signalled their success but Stede was too preoccupied with the way his breath seemed to catch in his throat at Ed's proximity. He shook his head and cleared his mind, this time aiming alone but with the advice he was given to help. Another bottle exploded as the bullet hit and he rejoiced with a whoop, more elated than most at his significant feat as his teacher encouragingly clapped. Riding on the high of his first shot, he efficiently shot down the rest of the bottles with little error and was positively delighted by the end of it, "See that, Ed! I got them all! All on my own!" He exclaimed.
Edward blinked for a moment, not used to being called by a nickname, but smiled proudly and grabbed Stede's hand, pulling him close to pat his back, "you're a natural at this! I'll need to keep an eye on you, I might just have competition" he stepped back and shoved his hands into his pockets, "I must admit, you have definitely exceeded the expectations I had for you. I thought you were just some delicate flower, but dare I say it, I'm impressed.And I have seen many impressing things"

The flattery seemed to have left Stede speechless, instead he just gave a bashful smile and took his leave, collapsing into his bed cot when he reached it, a hand pressed over his heart again. At first he detested the man for dragging him into being his little project but now he found himself enjoying what he was taught and the time they spent together. And he wanted to spend more time with him, he wanted to impress him more and earn his praise. Stede Never had many friends, other than his new ones he rode with, but were these feelings because he wanted to befriend the brazen outlaw he had been staying with? Disappointment seemed to settle on him when he thought to what would happen when he had learnt all he could, would he be cast out again?
Stede wandered the quiet camp, having just left Oluwande and Jim's tent, when a voice had him pausing.
"Stede, c'mere, play cards with me. Everyone else has gone to bed," he grumbled from a table, outstretching a bottle of something strong to him. Stede shook his head with a soft chuckle and took a swig as he sat down to be dealt a hand. The pair conversed and played, each one getting disgustingly cocky when they won or incredibly sour when they lost, a perfect match to bring out the competition in one another. After losing one too many times, Ed threw his cards down and rocked back in his chair, an indistinct expression on his tan face as he stared at Stede.
"What? Is there something on my face?" He hurriedly inquired, swiping his hand across his mouth.
"I was wrong about you, Stede," he finally said, "you're a good man, nothing like the landowners I've met before. I tire of things so quickly but I don't think I'll tire of your company..."

"Who are you and what have you done with Ed?"

He rolled his eyes before departing, hesitating as he walked away and he looked back, "Good night, Stede Bonnet."

"Good night, Edward Teach."

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