It's Just A Few Messages Righ...

By Moon4512

158 8 0

Sakuatsu It starts with the text then calling what is happening to the calm Sakusa Kiyoomi, it couldn't be l... More

The texting germ
The call
The catch up
I'm safe now


21 1 0
By Moon4512

Sakusa pov (Just realised I should probably right who's pov sorry)

I went to the park I told Atsumu about since a felt like getting out after talking to him.

I deside to go for a ran, I start up a jog gradually building the pace. I make sure to avoid people and try not to get to close to them.

I have a bag with a mask and handsanitiser and a lot of other cleaning products in case I get touched or want to sit on a bench or something.

As I'm running I notice familiar blond hair through the trees on the longer track.

Its not him its not him dont bother. Even though I say this something brings me the join on to that path.

As soon as I see its Atsumu I get happy I don't know why. I quickly jog in the other direction not really wanting to talk in person yet.

As soon as I start jogging I hear someone shout "Omi omi is that you I dint see you pass me did you come from the other trail." Atsumu starts talking excitedly.

I sigh and quickly grab a mask and hand sanitiser. I put on the mask, "why are you here?" I question harshly.

"All ways so mean omi omi and I always ran in this park at this time most days why are you here weren't you cleaning?" Atsumu says in a mocking reply.

"I felt like a ran." I bluntly say. Atsumu quickly gasps as if he just realised something.

"I'm so so soo sorry omi omi I probably made you feel uncomfy I forgot to put on a mask and I never sanitised or anything." Atsumu rummaged through his bag grabbing a mask and sanitiser.

"Why do you have that?" "I thought if I met you I should be prepared so I started carrying one around." Atsumu smiles happily as he talks about random stuff. I just lightly chuckle at him.

"Anyways lets go sit on that bench." Atsumu says running over to it I follow him slowly.

I get to the bench and see how dirty it is. I quickly grab some gloves and cleaning supplies and scrub it down before sitting on it still feeling gross.

"Bahahaha omi omi you look like a professional cleaner you scrubbed that down so well..." Atsumu quickly stops talking seeming to notice my discomfort.

"Hey Omi omi you alright." I just nod at his concerned tone. "I'm so sorry I shouldn't have made you sit on the bench it must seem so dirty especially since its out side. Here."

Atsumu sanitise his hands probably to make me feel more comfortable I kinda smile then start thinking about the germs on the bench.

After what was probably a couple minutes Atsumu says, "are you getting up or what?" Laughing as he states this. He reaches down grabbing my hand and pulling me up.

He doesn't realise what he's done till a couple seconds later and he quickly lets go. "Omg omg Omi Omi I am so sorry here let me get you some hand sanitiser or something to clean your hands I did not mean to do that." He starts rummaging through his bag and passes me the hand sanitiser.

I just stand there blankly trying to recognise what's happened. Why didn't touching him feel less gross then normal? Why aren't I panicking much?

My heart still speeds up and I feel like coating my hands in sanitiser just not as bad as normal.

"Hey Omi you ok" Atsumu shouts knocking me out of my thoughts. "Uhh.. you sorry that was weird where is the sanitiser please."

I take the hand sanitiser from him and sanitise my hands even though I feel less queasy then normal I still feel the erge to get every last germ off of me.

"What was weird Omi," Atsumu questions calmly. "I- I didn't feel as panicky touching you it was kind of odd that was so weird I've never felt that before." I murmur really confused.

"Wow that's kinda cool I'm the first person you can touch some random texting stranger. Can I hug you? I feel like I should hug you?" Atsumu says excitedly. I shake my head. "I wasn't 100% fine with you touching me but lets just go slow with the whole touching thing its kinda new to me and I don't like it nor not like it."

Atsumu just nods smiling a smile that makes me feel safe.

Hope this was alright😬
Kinda feel like this is going bad.
Anyways thx.
-Pansexual idiot

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