Out of Reach - F4 Thailand

By Yeahthisisconfusing

44.1K 1.4K 174

-OUT OF REACH "Sometimes you meet the right person. It's just the wrong time." (F4 x oc) (Ren Aira x fem oc... More

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2.1K 77 12
By Yeahthisisconfusing

"Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get–only with what you are expecting to give–which is everything." –Katharine Hepburn

"Rosa! Come on!" Thyme's yells were heard as he pulled Rosa out of bed.

Rosa glared at Thyme as she sat up. "Thyme! It's eight in the morning on a Saturday. What do you want from me?"

"Help me pick out an outfit! I have to look my best." Thyme said as the house maids brought in his clothes on a rack.

"Thyme why can't you let the workers live in peace for once," Rosa said as she sighed. "No, not the animal print."

"But I like it." Thyme insisted as he put it on.

Rosa rolled her eyes. "I thought you wanted me to pick your outfit out? Wear the beige pants, it'll help people ignore your animal print jacket."

"I should've asked Kavin or MJ instead." Thyme said as he slapped Rosa's forehead.

"I'm just telling the truth," Rosa said as she shrugged her shoulders. "By the way do you think Gorya will actually show up?"

"Of course she will. I'm Thyme Paramaanantra!"

"Ten thousand baht she doesn't show up and it can't be ma's money either." Rosa proposed as she stuck her hand out to Thyme.

Thyme shook her hand. "Have that money ready for me."

Rosa watched as Thyme left and began to wonder if Gorya was actually going to show up. She wasn't sure if Gorya was interested in Thyme and she couldn't blame the girl if she wasn't. Rosa laughed as she thought back to when Thyme asked her out on a date in front of everyone.


Rosa was walking around Kocher High School, heading to the cafeteria. She usually didn't eat there but she wanted to grab something before she headed up to the rooftop. Speaking of the rooftop, she spent most of her time up there. It was a place where she could think in peace.

"Ahem. Miss Thitara Junde, are you watching?" Rosa heard a well too familiar voice say.

Rosa looked up quickly as she saw Thyme on a big TV screen. She looked over at Gorya and noticed the shocked expression on her face.

"I have an announcement for you. Well...Damn it!" Thyme yelled as he threw away the paper in his hand. "This Saturday, come and see me at the clock tower near the ferris wheel at Asiatique at 1 p.m. OK?"

Rosa laughed too loudly as she attracted the attention of everyone there. She couldn't believe Thyme was actually going to ask Gorya out on a date.

"That's all. Enough! Cut!" Thyme said before the screen went black.

Rosa walked over to where Gorya was sitting and gave her an encouraging tap on the head.

"Good luck, Gorya." Rosa said.

Gorya shook her head with wide eyes. "Rosa...he's joking right."

"Yeah, I don't think it's a joke." Rosa said as she walked away.

(Flashback over)

Rosa was in her room doing absolutely nothing. Thyme had left for his date and Rosa was all alone in the empty house. She wondered how Ren was. Was he happy being with Mira?

Rosa had texted Mira a couple days back and she was having the time of her life. She was currently studying plus working and on top of that she had Ren. She was doing everything she loved and she had the boy who loved her beside her.

Rosa looked at the clock and it was well past the evening. Rosa assumed Gorya had shown up and she knew she was going to have to pay Thyme.


Rosa jolted awake as her phone rang. She picked it up, noticing it was well past midnight.

"Hello?" Rosa said groggily as she wiped her eyes.

"Oh, did I wake you, Rosa?" She heard the voice on the other side of the phone say.

"No, not at all." Rosa lied as she turned on her lamp light.

Rosa was finally fully awake and realized who she was speaking to.

"I wanted to know how Thyme's date went. He hasn't answered my texts or calls. I'm assuming he's over the moon." Tia said as she laughed.

Rosa's eyes widened as she remembered. She didn't even know if Thyme was home or not. Rosa had called asleep from the boredom she felt.

"Rosa, are you there? Is everything okay?" Tia asked.

"Yeah, everything's alright. I'll call you back tomorrow morning, okay?" Rosa said as she walked out of her room.

"Okay. Call me if you need anything." Tia said as she hung up the phone.

Rosa ran to Thyme's room knocking on the door receiving no answer. She opened the door hoping he was in there. Rosa bit her lip anxiously when she saw he was not there.

Rosa walked over to the living room in hopes Aunt Yupin was awake. She knew she couldn't ask her about Thyme directly so she planned something quickly in her mind.

"Auntie Yu." Rosa called out when she saw her figure sitting on the couch.

Aunt Yu nodded as she motioned for her to come toward her. "Do you need anything, Miss. Rosa?"

"I wanted to know if Thyme gave you the list that I prepared?"

Aunt Yu shook her head. "List?"

"I'm planning ma's coming home dinner," Rosa said as she began to worry about Thyme. "He hasn't given it to you yet?"

"I'm afraid he hasn't, Miss. Rosa. I haven't seen him all day...I'm not sure if he's here." Aunt Yu said, looking at Rosa suspiciously.

Rosa spoke calmly. "He's sleeping in his room. I didn't want to wake him, that's all."

Aunt Yu nodded and Rosa bowed her head saying goodbye. Rosa was extremely worried about Thyme now. Thyme was nowhere to be found and he hadn't called Rosa to let her know he wouldn't come home.

Rosa decided to call MJ and Kavin to see if they knew where he was. Rosa called Kavin and received no answer. Rosa rolled her eyes as she realized he was probably with some girl.

"Please pick up." Rosa said to herself as she called MJ.

"Rosa?" MJ said tiredly.

"P'MJ, sorry for waking you but is Thyme with you?" Rosa asked.

"No he isn't. I haven't heard from him all day." MJ said with a clearer voice.

"Really?" Rosa asked disappointedly.

"He went on a date with Gorya. I wondered how that went." MJ said as he laughed.

"Thyme hasn't come home. I'm a little worried about him." Rosa explained.

"Don't worry about him Rosa. Wherever Thyme is he's alright." MJ said, trying to reassure the girl.

"I know but I can't help but feel worried." Rosa insisted.

"How about this? I'll ask my men to search for him if he doesn't appear by six in the morning." MJ proposed hoping to calm Rosa down.

"You'll do that?" Rosa asked thankfully.

"Of course, Rosa. Now I want you to get some rest, okay?" MJ said.

"Okay. Thank you, P'MJ." Rosa said as she laid down.


Rosa hoped Thyme would appear soon. She didn't want her mother finding out about this.


Rosa was jolted awake as she felt hands on her shoulders. Rosa opened her eyes quickly as Thyme was shaking her awake.

"Rosa! Come on! Wake up!" Thyme yelled at the girl.

Rosa grabbed her pillow and began to hit Thyme across the head.

"Thyme! I was worried sick for you last night!" Rosa said as she hit him.

Thyme yelled as he hit her with a pillow too. "Ow! Stop that!"

"Where were you?" Rosa asked as she stopped.

"I got trapped in a fire escape with Gorya the whole night." Thyme said dreamily.

Rosa crossed her arms. "And you couldn't send a text or call?"

"We had no service," Thyme justified. "She let me lay on her lap."

"So I guess you had a good time then." Rosa said slowly, noticing Thyme's expression.

"Gorya was late. But it's okay." Thyme said.

Rosa laughed. "I bet she didn't even want to go in the first place."

"Stop laughing!" Thyme yelled as he held his hand out. "Where's my ten thousand baht?"

"She was late!" Rosa said quickly.

"But she still showed up." Thyme continued.

Rosa walked over angrily to her small desk pulling out a check book. She wrote down the amount and signed it.

"Here, this is my modeling money so you better buy Gorya something nice with it." Rosa said as she begrudgingly handed over the check. 

"We're dating now," Thyme said proudly. "I'll cancel her red card."

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that."

Rosa took out her phone to send a message.

P'MJ :)
Thyme showed up. Thank you, anyway, P'MJ.


Rosa was sitting on a box as she wrote down her thoughts. Rosa was up at the rooftop a place she found herself being at a lot recently.

Although I'm surrounded by a lot of loving people filled with laughter and joy I still feel an unfilled void in my heart. I think I have an idea of what or should I say who could fill that void but I know it will never be possible. I find myself sitting on top of this box once again. I told myself I should meet new people and make more friendships but who am I kidding. Although I came too late for a split moment you filled that void in my heart. But the past is the past and I have to live in the moment.

Rosa sighed as she closed her notebook. She heard a lot of surprised yells and screeches. Rosa decided to head down to the cafeteria as she was beginning to feel hungry.

As she walked into the cafeteria she heard a lot of whispers.

"Thyme and Gorya are dating now!"

"I can't believe it's real!"

"Would they ever approve?"

Rosa looked up to where F4 usually sat. She saw Thyme motioning her over and sighed as she walked to them.

"So Gorya, you and Thyme then?" Rosa asked as she sat down next to Gorya and another girl.

"He forced my hand! It doesn't count." Gorya said to Rosa.

"Exactly what I thought." Rosa said as she looked at Thyme.

Rosa turned to the girl sitting next to Rosa. "What's your name?"

"My name is Hana." The girl said quietly.

"Nice to meet you, Hana," Rosa said as she stuck her hand out. "I'm Rosa."

Hana bowed her head as she shook Rosa's hand. Rosa studied Hana and noticed that she was quite a shy person. She didn't mind shy people but she felt as though something was off.

"To be frank, you like Ren, don't you?" Rosa heard Kavin say jumping her out of her thoughts. "But you went out with Thyme. I don't want my friends to fight."

Rosa turned her head to Gorya, surprised. Rosa didn't know Gorya liked Ren, she suspected something but she could never guess it was this.

"I can't believe these words are coming from the Father of Multi-Dating." MJ said, trying to diffuse the beginning tension.

"What are you guys worried about?" Rosa asked.

"I agree. Are you afraid of Thyme getting in a fistfight with Ren?" MJ added. "We're grownups. We wouldn't be fighting like we were kids fighting over a doll."

Rosa could feel the atmosphere shift once again. Thyme was becoming impatient by the second and she could feel him become annoyed.

"Goyra's not a doll, she's a person." Rosa said.

"What doll?" Hana asked interested.

"Stop it. Don't get sidetracked," Thyme said as he slammed the table. "That day I forced her to go out, and she went with me. What she feels is her business. Stop pressuring her with your questions."

"I also agree," Rosa said as she defended Thyme. "Gorya looks uncomfortable."

Thyme nodded gratefully. "Please pay her some respect."

"Shit! Our friend is grown." Kavin said as he clapped.

"Miracles do happen." MJ added as he also clapped.

"Are you being sarcastic?" Thyme asked.

"All right, I'm sorry. I'm just worried about my friends," Kavin said sincerely. "If you don't cross the line, then it's good."

"No way we'll cross the line..." Gorya started as she began to sneeze.

"Did you catch a cold from me?" Thyme asked, concerned. "You forced me to take the medicine. Why didn't you do that also?"

"I didn't think I'd catch it." Gorya said as she sneezed again.

"How could you not catch it? Are you dumb?" Thyme said. "You spent the night with me. How could you not?"

"This now has my full attention." MJ said as he leaned forward. "You don't need to be shy, honestly."

Kavin laughed. "We don't find this stuff unusual."

"You guys are so perverted." Rosa said under her breath.

"Thyme, help me explain it." Gorya insisted.

Thyme shook his head. "Help you? Say it how it is."

"I'm out. See you guys," Rosa said as she stood up, turning to Gorya. "Good luck with him."

Gorya shook her head. "Rosa nothing is going on!"

Rosa walked down the stairs hearing the laughs of everyone. This is the feeling she couldn't quite explain. She was surrounded by loving people but somehow she felt lonely.

Authors note
Hey. So this is the seventh chapter of Out of Reach. If you have any suggestions or comments feel free to comment them. So obviously Ren is gone...but he'll return soon. Also thank you so much for 2k reads!!! Anyways, thank you and until next time!
- Mari

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