New York To Los Angeles

By Hidden_shadows98

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A surprise move from her home city of New York, to Los Angeles has Amelia in a whirlwind of emotions. But it... More

Chapter 1- New York To Los Angeles
Chapter 2- Los Angeles at last
Chapter 3- Sleepover and Pranks?
Chapter 4- A Game Of Soccer Anyone?
Chapter 5 - First Day Of School Joy!
Chapter 6 - The Diner and Bella
Chapter 7- Midnight Misfits and The Carters
Chapter 8- Dodgeball and Bonding?
Chapter 10- The Drama has only just begun....
Chapter 11- WestOak gains an Oompa Loompa
Chapter 12 - Chase finds a girl and Alex throws a fit
Chapter 13 - I Ditch School
Chapter 14 -Secrets...How Stupid Could I Have Been?
Chapter 15- Screw My Hardened Heart!
Chapter 16 - An Afternoon With The Player
Chapter 17- The She-Devil Has A Little Sister?
Chapter 18 - Sasha's Point Of View
Chapter 19 - Soccer Season & Sasha
Chapter 20 - A Party With A Side Of Drama
Authors note
Chapter 21 - Confusion, Jealousy and Reese
Chapter 22 - Music And A Whole Lot Of Awkward
Chapter 23 - Just A Kiss Goodnight
Chapter 24 - Like You Never Existed
Chapter 25 - Christmas And Unwanted Guests
Chapter 26 - Jake's POV
Chapter 27- A Heated Apology
Chapter 28 - The First Date
Chapter 29 - Love Is In The Air
Chapter 30 - 'These Words'
Epilogue - Part one
Epilogue - Part two
Epilogue - The End

Chapter 9- What You Aren't A Fan Of 1D? ;)

4.8K 108 17
By Hidden_shadows98

The hallways were buzzing with noise as students went to put away their books and talked with their friends. I dodge a group of jocks who were too busy shoving each other to notice students around them, I was about to turn the corner to walk to the cafeteria when I see a surprising sight. Leaning against the lockers were Sasha and Jake who were currently engaged in a lip locking session, which they both seemed to be enjoying. While the scene wasn't inappropriate (thankfully) it did cause a strange sensation to form in my stomach.

Since when were those two a thing??

I quickly shake my head to dismiss my thoughts and lined up to get my share of food. Ten minutes later, I was seated out on the field enjoying the last of the Fall weather. The group was larger than usual today, since the band had joined us. We were all happily chatting away when Zach turned to look behind me and burst out laughing. I turn around confused, wondering what was so funny. My curiosity was soon fulfilled when I see Chase walking towards us with a bright red handprint on his cheek.

 It didn't take a genius to work out what happened, especially if you've known Chase as well as me. I'm pretty sure that handprint was caused by one of the girls who he's played and obviously broken up with. As he approached closer I gave him a cold look, just because I acknowledged the fact he's a player, doesn't mean I approve. But the boy just wouldn't listen!

 I see my brother walking towards me with a bright red hand print on his cheek; now anyone else and they would probably feel sorry for him but I couldn’t care less.

 "Do you have the concealer?" he asks, not bothering to whisper.

"Wait this has happened before?" Daniel asks struggling to keep his laughter in. I nod and pull out the unused concealer bottle. I don't use the stuff but it comes in handy with situations like these. I slap down on Chase's hand and finish off my coke.

"Wait. You're not going to apply it for me?" Chase asks in disbelief and I nod.

"You know, you deserved it. If you want help ask someone else. Now what was this girl's name?" I ask in a dismissive tone.

There was a long pause before he muttered "Hailey".

"Well at least you remembered her name" I reply sarcastically before getting up and gathering my rubbish. "See you guys later".

Throwing away my rubbish in a nearby bin I enter the school building. I walk past Jake and another cheerleader making out and head to the girl's bathrooms; no doubt Hailey would be in here. My anger was boiling up inside me; I was done with my brother and his player ways. I hated how he would lead on a girl and dump her when she got too close. I don't think he realises, but I'm pretty sure he's just scared of getting hurt. 

I was determined to find Hailey, Chase's first and smartest victim in LA (seeing as she slapped him); Chase has no idea how low a girl's self esteem gets when he dumps them. I should know, I've dealt with my fair share of 'Why am I not good enough for your brother?' and I'm going to make sure Hailey is not one of them.

Sure enough when I enter the bathroom there's a small group of girls consoling someone. Right, time to put your game face on Mia "Um...Hailey?" I call out uncertainly; well there goes your game face.

The one in the middle of the group looks up. I take in her features, sky blue eyes bloodshot from all the crying and tear tracks running down her face. Her brown wavy hair was left open and she looked about the same age as my brother so I'm guessing she's a senior, a pretty one too.

"I'm sorry" I say honestly looking directly in her eyes, the speech I was preparing on my way here had gone out the window.

She tilts her head to the side in confusion "For what? I don't even know you" she responds in a soft voice.

I blush, whoops forgot to introduce myself! "Uh right I'm Amelia, Amelia Johnson" at the sound of my last name her face darkens and she opens her mouth to speak but I interrupt her. "Please just hear me out. Could we, uh, perhaps talk alone?" I ask hesitantly. She looks at her friends and they all nod before heading out the door.

"First of all I'm not here to justify my brother's disgusting behaviour. Second of all thank you, for the slap, not enough girls snap back at him" I take a deep breath looking straight into her eyes "They usually come to me asking questions on why they weren't good enough for my brother. But the truth is that isn't the reason he is a player I have my suspicions on why. But just know this, he doesn't do this for the fun of it, I think maybe if I can grow to trust you I'll tell you"

"Anyway you’re not the first, or the last but you need to stand strong make sure he knows you’re not affected by it" she looks at me in anger.

"You want me to pretend this never happened?! To forget everything - act like his FRIEND?" I shook my head quickly.

"No, no, no not friendship no forgetting. Just- ugh I have no idea what I'm trying to achieve here. OK just don't ignore him. No glaring, act indifferent and he'll wonder why you do not flat out hate him. Please, perhaps you could discover another side of him, it's all up to you anyway I've never been in your position so I'm not one to say" I plead with her before turning around to walk away.

"Amelia" Hailey call me making me turn around "I'll try and I hope I can gain your trust" she smiled warmly at me and I returned her smile.

"I'm sure you can Hailey you’re strong remember that" and with that I smile and walk out of the bathroom nodding at her friends.


I walk out the school's front doors prepared for my walk back home. Jake had a previous 'appointment' to attend but Aidan tells me that's code for date. Eh, like I care the longer he's out of the house the better. Chase had gotten a brand new Porsche yesterday and offered me a ride but he was planning to hang out with his friends later so I opted to walk.

Ten minutes into my walk I reached the park which was only a quarter an hour walk from home. Hmm, might as well relax a little bit. I walk over and sit down under a tree pulling out my Percy Jackson novel. I was halfway through my first chapter when my book was knocked out of my hand by a soccer ball. I frown, dusting off the dirt on my book and place into my bag; I look up to see a small group of freshman standing not too far away from me. I dribble the ball towards them.

 "Hey does this belong to you?" I ask the group.

"Oh yeah! Thanks" a guy who looks like he's fourteen says running a hand through his black hair.

"No problem" I pass the ball to him and turn around to leave when I hear my name.

"Mia!" I turn around to see Aidan walking towards me while the group watches on curiously.

"Hey Aidan. Ready for later?" I ask mischievously.

"Of course! Jake won't be back until six thirty and Mum told us to 'be careful and watch out for his anger" he quotes using a fake scary voice.

I laugh and wave it off "Eh I have the advantage of being a girl, tough luck for you buddy" his eyes widen and he starts shaking his head adamantly.

"No way am I carrying on with the plan then, I'm too young to die" he wails dramatically, I roll my eyes at him, what a drama queen.

"Seriously? You can't just back down from this awesome prank!"


"Look Aidan do you want revenge? Because if you do you need to grow a pair and man up" I stare sternly at him “I mess with my brother all the time, and you don't see me scared even though he can hold a lot over me. In fact it's fun messing with my brother"

"Fine, fine you can stop your bullshi*ting now" he muttered, I smacked him lightly on the back of his head.

"Ow what was that for?!" he complained with a scowl.

"How old are you?" I ask him.


"And you're swearing like this....." I sigh shaking my head "Anyway got to go, be at your house by five" I reminded him. I turned ready to walk away when my name was called again but this time not by Aidan.

"Hey Mia! If you're into younger boys give me a call!" the guy I gave the ball to earlier yells, I narrow my eyes briefly then take slow steps towards him.

"But how could I possibly do that when I don't even have your phone number" I asked innocently fluttering my eyelashes and trying not to puke. This was so wrong!

"O-oh h-here I could write it down for you if you want" he stuttered fumbling around for pen and paper. I shook my head hitting him lightly on his head as well.

"Idiot I'm not some sort of cougar I don't date fourteen year olds" I say in disgust continuing home. A round of laughter erupted in the group as the boy's face turned red in embarrassment.

I smile happily when I see Rebecca’s red Toyota parked in my driveway. I was ecstatic when she agreed to help as she played a major role in the execution of the prank. Rebecca had agreed to supply posters, bed sheets and random accessories from her One Direction phase. I walked in and saw her waiting for me in the kitchen talking to Chase and my Mom.

"Hey Rebecca you're early. Hey Mum, Chase" I say walking to the fridge for a drink.

"Yeah well I was bored so I decided to come here earlier than expected" she replies and I motion for her to follow me upstairs.

"So when are you going to start redecorating his room?" she asks as we sit on my bed.

"Around five, Aidan's at the park with his friends so he'll probably take a while" I say.

"I can't wait to see Jake's reaction!" Rebecca laughs and I join in.

"So...." she starts grinning wickedly "Do you like anyone?" my eyes widen in surprise and I shake my head.

"No I don't. Where did that come from?" I tell her honestly a little bit surprised, I mean sure the place had good-looking guys but I didn't like anyone.

"Come on not even a teensy weensy crush?" she whined not answering my question.

"Nope" I repeat popping the 'p' "Besides I only broke up with Ben, my boyfriend of two months a week before moving here"

"Who dumped who?" she asked curiously trying to decide if she needs to be sympathetic.

"He dumped me. Through a text" I scoffed "Apparently I just didn't interest him anymore" I shook my head "I don't know what I saw in him" I muttered to myself.

"Well then he's an idiot! You're an amazing girl Mia, hell if I was a guy I'd date you!" she joked.

I give a small laugh "So you and Cameron huh?" I asked smirking and she looks up in surprise.

"What? I-I d-don't know what you're talking about" she says turning bright red.

"Mhmm that's why your cheeks are one shade away from looking like a tomato" I nod in the I-don't-believe-you-way.

"Ugh, am I that obvious?" she groans lying down on my bed with her hands over her face.

"No I'm just observant" I reply chirpily "So how long have you liked him?"

"Honestly I don't know. I mean.....we've been friends for ages but only recently I've been feeling like things have changed" she replied with a sigh.

"Well if it helps I've seen Cameron sneaking a few glances at you to so maybe it's not all one sided" I suggest.

"Yeah maybe..." she answers thoughtfully. We spent the rest of our time chatting about random stuff. When five o'clock finally came, the doorbell rang announcing Aidan's arrival causing us to run downstairs. I drag Aidan to Rebecca’s car and she pops open the trunk pulling out two duffel bags; I take one while she takes the other.

We follow Aidan into his house where Mrs Carter greets us. "Hello Mrs Carter" Rebecca and I chirp. Julie gives us both a warm smile, her brown hair was tied up in a bun and she currently had an apron on.

"Oh please call me Julie" she dismisses with a wave of her hand ushering us in. I roll my eyes at Aidan's sulking figure and follow Julie.

"Now I do believe you'll be pranking my son?" she asks in a stern voice but her amused eyes give her away.

"Yes, we are he deserves it for scaring me like he did. And once I'm done with him it's Chase's turn" I rub my hands together evilly. She laughs and motions for us to go upstairs; we walk down the left hallway until we reach the end room on the right with a big 'keep out' sign. I laugh slightly and push open the door letting out a sigh of relief when I noticed it was clean.

The walls were painted blue and upon entering you saw the balcony with wide glass doors paired with black curtains. On the left was the bed, placed so that the headboard was against the wall. Next to it was the bedside table with a black lamp perched on top. On the wall opposite the balcony and next to the door was a poster collage; tens of band posters covering nearly every inch of the wall. There were posters of The Scipt, Maroon 5, The Cab and some others. The right hand wall consisted of a walk in cupboard and a modern black desk; with a computer and a pile of books randomly stacked on top.

"Let's start with the bed" I tell Rebbecca pulling the new bedsheets over Jake's old ones. The bed-sheet had the band's faces on it that looked up at you, which is just plain creepy! While we were doing that Aidan was going around placing a pencil case, alarm clock and other accessories around the room.

I quickly unroll the posters from the duffel bag and pull out some blue-tack. The three of us stick sufficient amounts of blue-tack on the corners of each of the ten or so posters. Pulling a chair against the poster wall Rebbecca takes off her shoes; before standing on the chair. Aidan and I keep passing her posters and she applies just enough pressure to stick them to the wall; without damaging the old posters underneath them. We carry on with this routine until the all the posters were covered.

"Wow!" I gasp admiring our work and taking a picture with my camera, I hear Jake's car in the driveway and gasp again.

"Quick stick the DVD in the stereo" Rebbecca orders Aidan, who turns it on. The sound of Kiss Me flows out the stereo bouncing off the walls. We shut his bedroom door and walk out onto the balcony, Rebbecca and Aidan jump over to my balcony while I add the finishing touch. Sticking a yellow post-it on the balcony doors with the words 'Creepy isn't it?' written on it I leave the balcony door slightly ajar. That concludes part one of the plan now time for part two! I jump onto my balcony before sprinting down to the backyard. I can't wait to see Jake's reaction!

***************JAKE'S POV**********

I drive home eager to eat my Mum's lasagna, I can't believe I even went on that date! Not only did the girl (I can't even remember her name) have an annoying voice but she took us to a place which only sold vegan food! Now I don't have anything against the food itself but the food they cooked there was plain nasty! And the last thing a guy wants to eat after coming from PE training is a tofu salad! I groaned as my stomach rumbled again, today really was a crappy day!

As soon as the tires hit my driveway I cut off the engine, running inside (after locking my car) straight to the kitchen. "Hey Mum" I say kissing her cheek.

"Someone's hungry" she smirks placing a sandwich in front of me while studying me carefully.

"What I can't kiss my Mum on the cheek anymore?" I roll my eyes playfully.

"Jake....what did you and Chase get up to on Sunday?" she asks regarding me carefully. Giving her a slightly strange look I think back to what we did...we worked in   the cafe, played video games, creeped out Mia...Oh shit!  I gulp praying she didn't know about the prank.

"You know hang out and playing video games and stuff" I shrug acting nonchalant.

"Hmm...I didn't know you needed a butter knife to play video games" she asked innocently. Oh yeah she knows all right. Sometimes I really wonder whether mothers have a sixth sense that tells them when their children our lying.

"Mom we were just..-"

"Yeah I know I know boys will be boys" she shrugged and carried on cooking. I eyed her suspiciously. What? No disappointing looks, slap on the head, lectures etc?! I ate my sandwich still looking at her until she turns around narrowing her eyes at me. 'Young man stop staring! Actually you know what go to your room!" Hmm... room eh? Crap what has Aidan done?! I abandon my sandwich and take the stairs two at a time pushing open my bedroom door.

"What the fuck happened to my room!" I shout in a horrified tone. That stupid song "Kiss You" was bouncing off the walls of my room, threatening to deafen me. Everywhere I looked the idiotic faces of One Direction looked back at me. Even my awesome poster on the wall wall was covered by their stupid faces. If you hadn't guessed by now I HATE the band! Who wouldn't? I mean come on when every girl in school is constantly babbling on how hot they look; not how good their music is, no how hot they are. You would get annoyed too. I walked further in to my room mouth open in horror, before walking over to the pink post-it on the balcony door.

'Creepy isn't it?'  Was written in black. Surprise and rage flowed through me I slid the door open and noticed Aidan and Rebecca laughing on Mia's balcony.

"What the fuck did you do to my room?" I ground out through clenched teeth.

"Just some redecorating" Rebecca replied calmly holding back her laughter.

"It looks like a fucking twelve year old girl's room!" I snarl "whose brilliant idea was it? Because I really want to thank them" I said sarcastically. 

"Amelia's" Aidan replied calmly.

"Amelia's" I repeated in an angry tone.

"Someone call my name?" her voice rang out. I looked down and before I knew it a wave of water washed over me soaking me from head to toe.

The water turned off and I looked down again to glare at Amelia who was on the ground laughing. I hear the click of a camera and spin around to glare at my brother who had just taken a picture of me soaked from head to toe. Walking back inside I change into a white v-neck and black track pants that were thankfully dry. I'll deal with those two later right now I had a sandwich to finish.

***********************Mia's POV******************(sorry for the repeated change in POV)

Rebbecca had left shortly after the prank; my face still broke into a grin thinking of Jake's reaction. So now Aidan and I were hanging out in my back yard kicking the soccer ball around and talking. It was around half past seven now and getting dark, one of the signs that winter was nearing. I had just kicked the ball to Aidan when he froze and looked at something behind me. I turn around and tilt my head up slightly to see Jake with an evil smirk on his face. My eyes widen and I try to run away but he grabs me by the waist and hoists me on his shoulders keeping his arm around my waist. I pound my fists on his back, not willing to give up so easily. I can only imagine what revenge he has in store for me. "Let me go Jake!"

"I don't think so Amelia. Did you think I was letting you off that easy?" he asked walking over to his backyard, with me still hitting his back. I scrunch my eyebrows up in confusion why was he taking me-?

"Don't you dare Jake Carter! I swear I'll kill you!" my threat was cut short as Jake dropped me into his pool, which was on the far right side of his yard. I swim up to the surface spluttering, the water was freezing! Not only that but it felt horrible to be in clothes that were completely soaked and clinging to my body. Jake was definitely going to die for doing this and I knew just the way to make him pay. I start flailing my arms around, allowing myself to sink slightly under the surface of the pool so it looks like I'm drowning. I don't know how, but I heard Jake curse before he jumped in to save me. I smirk dropping the act immediately glad that my plan had worked. Giggling I watch as he surfaces surprised I was alright before that evil smirk came back.

I gulp swimming backwards as he came closer, cursing slightly when my back hit the pool wall. Jake's smirk grew wider as he placed his arms on either side of me, effectively trapping me. I take in his wet hair that flopped into his eyes slightly and raised my hand to brush it back. He gazed curiously at me and I shrugged, smiling "It was in your eyes" I say in a quiet voice, referring to the hair.

He doesn't reply, instead he wraps his arms around me and I notice how his white shirt was now see-through giving me a good look at his abs. I tear my eyes away and mentally slap myself for staring, no need to inflate his ego anymore than it is.

"I thought you were drowning" Jake whispers in a stern voice.

I grin "You were meant to. After all, you were the one that dropped me in the pool not knowing if I could swim or not"

"I would have jumped after you, if you didn't know how to" he whispers again his breath hitting my lips and his eyes showed pure sincerity.

"I know" I whisper back, losing myself in his eyes. I watched as he broke the stare in his eyes flickering down at my lips before he looked back up at my eyes. He leaned closer slightly and my breath hitched......

"Mia" Chase called from my balcony breaking through our 'moment'. Jake and I jumped apart and I released a breath I didn’t know I was holding.

I smile at him sheepishly before jumping out shivering with cold.

"Goodnight Jake" I call over my shoulder.

"Night Angel!" he calls back in a humorous tone. I laugh lightly at his nickname before running home and taking a shower.

"What was that back there?" Chase asks from his place on my bed the minute I step out of my shower.

"What was what?" I ask feigning innocence as I towel dry my newly washed hair.

"The scene in the pool Amelia" he sighs wearily.

"If I knew I would tell you" I reply honestly taking a seat next to him.

" careful Mia"

"I always am" I reassure him with a hug.

"Amelia!" Jake shouts from outside, Chase and I walk out on to my balcony to see Jake waiting for me.

"You’re helping me clean up my room" He orders me.

I sigh knowing I should probably help him; I go back into my room and pick up the duffel bags. Throwing them over to Jake I jump over to his room.

"Where do you think you're going?" Chase asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Ugh just come in and you can see for yourself" I say following Jake in and heading to the poster wall. I pull a chair to it and proceed to carefully remove the posters peeling off the blue tack and squishing it into a rubber ball.

Jake meanwhile had removed the CD from his stereo and placed all One Direction accessories into the duffel bag. Now all that was left to do was the bed; together we peeled off the sheet and duvet cover while Chase sat down at Jake's desk watching us in amusement. I'm so glad he found this amusing! Please note the sarcasm.

"Happy now Mr. Grumpy?" I huff once we're done.

"Very. Now that those god awful faces are out of my room"

"What? You don't like One Direction?" I fake gasp.

"What was your first clue?" he asked sarcastically, I laugh ruffling his hair.

"Now I know how to annoy you!" I sing hopping over to my balcony, catching the duffel bags Chase throws at me.

"Don't you dare Amelia" Jake threatens.

"Fine" I sighed before breaking out singing...

"Oh, I just wanna take you anywhere that you like

We could go out any day, any night

Baby I'll take you there, take you there

Baby I'll take you there, yeah"

Jake's annoyed expression causes me to laugh "Goodnight Carter!" I give him a wink before walking into my room and closing the balcony door.


1/3/14 Edited By Selinah

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