The Cheerleader and The Bad B...

By Mira49_94

23.5M 448K 240K

"You're afraid of temptation." He said pinning me to the wall. "No, I'm not." I snapped at him. Who am I kid... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty-two
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter thirty-five
Chapter thirty-six
Chapter thirty-seven
Chapter thirty-eight
Chapter thirty-nine
Chapter forty
Chapter forty-one
Chapter forty-two
Chapter forty-three
Chapter forty-four
Chapter forty-five
Chapter forty-six
Chapter forty-seven
Sorry, another authors note.
Aaron's POV chapter seven
Chapter one Aarons POV
It's been a while.

Chapter thirty-one

351K 7K 5.5K
By Mira49_94

Hey guys so here's another update! I've been super busy because I'm directing the play I wrote for my school so I have rehearsal three times a week and then I still have soccer every satuday and homework and what not. So sorry for taking so long but here it is! And fair warning this chapter is probably just gonna piss everyone off but I hope it's still good! The video on the side is of Brad and Sage's duet.

Chapter thirty-one

I didn’t sleep well all week not even when I’d switched to staying at Aaron’s house.

The only thing that comforted me was that Zoe seemed to be getting better.

“You’re going to have to talk to your dad eventually.” Aaron whispered as we watched Zoe play with her two friends.

“I know…I was thinking about going over today and talking to him about it…I just don’t want to have to deal with it.” I said leaning against the counter behind us. “And I’ll always be afraid he’ll hit me now.”

“If he does you can always stay here…or at Kalina’s.”

I was going to say ‘Or Nate’s’ but I decided that Aaron would probably get mad.

“Yeah I guess.” I mumbled watching the girls play with Zoe’s Barbie’s.

“Have you applied for colleges?”

“A few.” One. UCLA.

“That’s good.”


Our conversations had been rather dull lately, and I wasn’t sure why. Maybe it’s because my head wasn’t in it most of the time. I was always thinking about something else.

Or someone else.

“Did you think about what you’re going to say to your dad?”

“Not exactly…I was actually considering telling him that I wanted to move out…get my own place or maybe share with a roommate or something?” I said shrugging and not really in the mood to talk about it.

“You could always just stay here. I’m sure Zoe would love sharing her room with you.” He said sarcastically.

I laughed. “I’ll probably stay in an apartment nearby or something.”

“Won’t it be expensive?”

“Probably…which means I’ll need a job.”

“Will you have time to do that with school and dancing and cheerleading?”

“We can hope so.” I said shrugging again.


After talking to Aaron I walked back over to my house thinking about what I had said about trying to find an apartment. I hadn’t actually thought of it but when we were talking it seemed like a good idea. It seems like an even better idea now. Maybe it was just because my dad wasn’t home, or maybe it really was just a good idea.

I went upstairs and started looking up apartments in the area. There weren’t many so my search then turned into houses and even penthouses with people looking for roommates, I even tried looking at a nearby trailer park.

I found two possibilities and was about to check them out when the doorbell rang.

I scrunched my eyebrows while walking down the stairs to the door.

It wasn’t my dad because he would’ve just walked in, and Aaron or Kalina would’ve called first.

I opened the door to a grinning Zane. “So, the rock star returns.” I said leaning on the doorframe.

“Well you never called.” He said as if showing up at people’s houses was totally normal. “I figured we could hang out?”

“Well at the moment I’m actually shopping.” I said as an excuse.

“At your house?” He said raising an eyebrow.

“Online shopping.”

“For?” He said still trying to continue our conversation.

I sighed. “A new place to stay.”

A look of concern actually crossed his features. He had black hair with hazel eyes that practically screamed rock star. “Why? What’s wrong with this place?” He asked while gesturing around.

“I’m not really getting along with my dad a whole lot.” I said trying to be vague.

“Found a place yet?” He asked.

“There were two apartments that I’m considering.”

“Are they cheap?”

“Not at all.” I laughed.

“What if I can help?” He asked dead serious. “I have a friend looking for a roommate and she’s only charging five hundred a month.”

“Is it a small crappy one bedroom apartment?”

“No actually it’s a normal house, with three bathrooms and four bedrooms.”

I raised my eyebrows nodding. “That actually sounds really nice.”

“Do you want her contact information?”

“That would be wonderful.”

After he gave me his friends contact information I invited him in for pizza.

“So tell me cheerleader things.” He said grinning before taking a bite of pizza.

“Oh you know cute outfits, cheering crowds, dancing, injuries ect.”

“Injuries?” He asked raising an eyebrow.

“Two concussions, a broken pinky, a sprained ankle and countless bruises.” I said nodding.

“Sounds dangerous.” He said in an almost mocking tone.

“Because being a rock star is so hard.” I said sticking my tongue out at him.

“Countless sore throats, adoring fans, bruises, and humiliation.”


“Last summer I fell off the stage…it was all over fan pages and Tumblr and Facebook.”

“Your life sounds so hard.” I said with heavy sarcasm.

“It really is.”


The next morning I was across town at the house that Zane’s friend Hailey lived in.

“Hey.” She said smiling as she opened the door.

“Hi.” I said as she let me inside.

Hailey had blonde hair that stopped at her shoulders with light highlights in it. She had blue-grey eyes, and sun kissed skin. She had on skinny jeans with black converse, a graphic t-shirt and a skater hat that was tilted slightly to the side.

“So this is the house.” She said gesturing around.

It was actually pretty huge and it wasn’t messy at all. “No one else lives here?” I asked.

She shook her head. “Nope, just me. But I’ve been getting lonely and decided that I could use a roommate or two. As long as you’re not a murderer or something.” She laughed.

“Nope.” I laughed as she led me to the second story and into an empty bedroom.

“This would be your room.” She said stepping aside to let me look at everything. It was huge and it had two doors that led to a balcony. There was another door that I thought might be a bathroom but when I opened it I discovered that it was a walk in closet.

“There’s a walk in closet?” I said in surprise that the price would be this cheap for a room this good.

“Yep and I have a bathroom attached to my bedroom and there’s another one down the hall and downstairs which means we would never have to worry about not being able to use the bathroom at the same time.”

“Wow…this is great.”

“Does that mean you’ll be moving in?” She said smiling.

“Could you wait a week?” I asked hopefully. “I just need to see if my dad can change…or if he’ll always be the same.”

“Sure. Just give me a call in a week.”

After getting home I called Brad and asked if he’d be willing to do another dance with me. After he said he would I called Kalina and Aaron asking if they’d be willing to help set up and be in charge of music and video taping. After they agreed I went downstairs to look at my dad’s calendar. He had a group meeting at John’s house on Thursday.

John as in Nate’s dad.


That Thursday all of us were knocking on Nate’s door. It opened immediately and Nate put his finger to his lips motioning for us to be quiet before letting us all inside.

Kalina started setting up our boom box on the counter while Brad and Nate started moving furniture. Aaron was pulling out his video camera and turning everything on. I quietly walked up to Nate while he and Brad were moving the couch to the next room. “Where is everyone?” I whispered.

“Through those doors.” He said gesturing with his head to the doorway across the room.

“How long do we have?” I asked as I helped move the last of the furniture from the living room.

“Maybe five minutes?” He said shrugging.

I sat on the floor while Brad stood across the room from me. Aaron was in the far corner aiming the video camera while Nate and Kalina were sitting on the kitchen counter ready to push play for the music. We were dancing to Turnin me on by Keri Hilson and Lil Wayne, mostly because I knew my dad hated hip hop.

Brad had on baggy jeans, tennis shoes and a baggy black t-shirt while I had on a black tank top and skinny jeans with my grey high tops.

I took a breath before looking at all my friends. “I’m going to be in so much more trouble.” I said under my breath making them all chuckle.

Nate raised an eyebrow before I nodded. “Hey dad?” He called towards the closed doors. “Can you all come out here for a second?” He said looking back at me and grinning. “I need you all to see something.”

There were about six of them when they were all out in the living room they all looked confused except for my dad. A look of knowing anger crossed his face.

He might’ve been about to say something but Kalina hit play and the music blasted into the room and we started dancing.

I kept seeing my dad roll his eyes or clench his fists throughout the whole dance.

When we finished I laughed and high fived Brad before Nate scooped me up and spun me around. I squealed as he sat me down and I thanked him for letting us use his place. I jogged over to Aaron who gave me a tight lipped grin as John smiled and started clapping before patting my dad on the back. “You have a very talented daughter, and her friend is very talented as well.”

“I don’t know why they waste their time with these things.” My dad said crossing his arms and walking back into the room they all came from.

Nate’s dad furrowed his brow before turning back to us. “Talented or not you all better put my furniture back.” He said smiling before returning to the room with everyone else.

After cleaning everything up we all got ready to leave. “Thanks again for letting us use your place.” I said smiling at Nate as I stood in the doorway. “I hope your dad doesn’t get mad.”

“Are you kidding?” He laughed. “He loved you.”

“Thank you.” I said again before hugging him goodbye.  

It took a little while to get back to my house but Aaron drove me and my dad wasn’t home when we got there. “Want to come inside?” I asked as I heard thunder rumble in the sky.

“No.” He said simply.

“Do you have somewhere else to be?” I asked confused.

“No I just don’t want to go inside.”

“We could go to your house?” I offered.

“No, Sage. I don’t want to hang out.”

“What did I do?” I snapped.

“Nothing.” He sighed while raking a hand through his hair.

“No, obviously I did something. So please enlighten me.”

“How do you think those things make me feel?” He yelled at me as lightening flashed in the sky.


“Those dances. How do you think they make me feel? Or make Kalina feel? Seeing you and Brad dance together like that.”

“It’s just dancing.” I said not seeing why it was such a big deal. “It’s nothing.”

“But Nate isn’t.”

“You’re going back to Nate again?” I asked incredulously.

“You can’t pretend like he means nothing to you!”

“You’re right, he doesn’t…he’s my friend.”

“Bullshit!” He yelled making me flinch. “I saw…” He paused and rubbed his hand along his jaw.

“Saw what?” I said putting my hands on my hips.

“I saw how you looked at him…it was the same way he looks at you.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I said sighing.

“It’s how you used to look at me.” He said with pain in his voice. “And how I always imagined I looked when I was looking at you.”

“Aaron…I look at you like you’re my world.”

“No, you don’t!” He said seeming more frustrated than angry.

“What do you want me to do?”

“I don’t know!” He hadn’t stopped yelling for a while now. “Stop dancing with Brad…or stop seeing Nate.”

“You can’t be serious!” I said starting to get pissed.

“Why not?” He said throwing his arms up. “Why can’t I be serious?”

“Because you can’t ask me not to do those things, especially when they mean nothing!”

“You and I both know that’s a lie.” He said through gritted teeth.

“I’m not going to stop dancing or stop being friends with someone because you get a little jealous.” I said while glaring.

“Do you remember the last time you got jealous?” He said sounding outraged again. “You flipped a bitch and broke up with me!”

“Well now you’re flipping a bitch…and when I was jealous you had girls falling all over you.”

“And when you and Brad dance you’re all over each other! Not to mention Nate is always trying to be as close as he can to you or saying flirty things or just looking at you like…like…”

“Like what?” I snapped at him.

“Like he’s in love with you!”

“Oh my god Aaron! Can you stop worrying about Nate for one second?”

“No I can’t because I know that you like him as more than a friend.”

“Aaron I love you!” I said feeling tears come to my eyes as more lightening streaked across the sky.

“But you like him!”

“If you have a point just say it.”

“I can’t be with you…if you have feelings for him.” He said getting quieter.

I could feel a tear roll down my cheek as more thunder boomed from the sky. “I don’t.”

“Stop lying to yourself, Sage.”

“So what…you just want to stop being together? Stop seeing each other all because you think I like Nate?”

“I know you like Nate.” He said looking back at me with anger in his eyes. “And of course I don’t. I would never want to give all of this up.”

“Then why are you!” I said crying freely. “Aaron don’t you feel anything?” I screamed at him though my tears.

“I feel so much it hurts!” He yelled back.

“Then why are you doing this? Why are you leaving?”

“Because you can’t love me and like him, Sage. That’s not fair to you or me or Nate.”

“But Aaron…I love you. You know that!”

“Until your attraction for him goes away…we can’t be together.” He said before shaking his head and walking back towards his house.

“Aaron!” I called after him as raindrops began to fall and I watched his retreating back. I cried harder and as if heaven agreed with me, the sky’s opened up and began to pour.


I don’t remember what happened when I went home. I remember crying and drinking. I had broken into my dad’s liquor cabinet and started drinking assuming he wasn’t coming home.

I remember calling someone crying, I didn’t actually say anything. I just cried.

Who knows how long it was until there was a pounding on the door.

I tripped towards the door and opened it to see a very worried Nate.

“Nate!” I squealed while nearly falling over.

I pulled him inside before slamming the door. “Sage, what’s wrong?” He said looking me up and down trying to see if I was injured. “Or you ok? Did you get hurt?”

“Nope…just intoxicated.” I said grinning.

“Ok Sage we should probably get you some coffee or something.” He said gently pulling me to the kitchen.

“No.” I whined. “I don’t want any.”

“Well you’re going to drink some anyway.”

“Ugh!” I groaned as he started pulling everything out to make some coffee. I leaned against the counter and watch him grab water from the fridge.

I walked up behind him and stood on my tip toes to lightly kiss the back of his neck. He stiffened and looked up. “Sage…what are you doing?” He asked as he turned to look at me.

“Kissing you.” I said laughing.

I put my hands on either side of his face before kissing his lips.

He made a noise before pushing me away. “Sage, stop.”

“Why?” I said trying to kiss him again.

“Because it’s not right.” He said putting his hands on my shoulders.

“But I broke up with Aaron.” I said slurring my words.

“Sage, I think we should just get you to bed.”

“Will you join me?” I said trying to give him a seductive grin.

He sighed. “No, Sage.”

“Why? Don’t you love me?”

“I love you…but right now you’re not you.”

I let my head fall back as I groaned again and my knees buckled. Nate caught me before scooping me up bridal style and starting for my room.

“I am me.” I complained.

“No you’re not.” He said as he carried me up the stairs.

“Yes I am.” I said as he set me on my bed.

“No.” He said sitting next to me. “Normal Sage is happy and bubbly with a little bit of sass. She smells like vanilla and always thinks of others. This Sage is sad and drunk. She smells like alcohol and right now she’s thinking of nothing.” I stayed quiet and I wasn’t sure if it was because I understood what he was saying or because I was getting tired. “I’ll kiss you when you’re happy and when you’re mad but not when you’re sad and drunk and clearly not thinking straight. Do you know what I think is happening?” He asked taking my hand in his. “I think you and Aaron got in a small fight and you decided to let everything go and drank a little more than you can handle. Then I think you started acting how you’re accused of acting. You’re believing what others say about you…but this isn’t you. Normal Sage would never give me the time of day,” he said with a sad smile. “I think that in the morning you’ll have a nasty hangover and you’ll be relieved that I didn’t kiss you back or do anything else with you. I think tomorrow or in a few days you and Aaron will work everything out and you’ll both be happy again.” I glanced down at our intertwined hands before looking back up at him. “What kind of person would I be…” He whispered, “If I took advantage of you like this? You would never forgive me and I could never forgive myself. You mean more to me then you’ll ever know…and that’s why I’m sleeping downstairs.”

So are you mad? Maybe a little sad? I really hope you won't stop reading because they're not together right now. I promise it'll still be good. So even if you hate Nate please continue reading. :) It means a lot to me. Anyway pretty please vote and comment with your opinions and any questions are concerns. :) Please and thank you, lovelies. 

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