Gunpowder and Leather - our f...

By lavenderrhoney

434 62 15

Stede Bonnet was a wealthy gentleman with a beautiful wife and healthy children, he could not want for more... More

Think before you speak
Quick learner
Thrown in the deep end
Partners in crime
Caught in the act

Snake in the grass

49 8 1
By lavenderrhoney

Gingerly shaking Edward's hand, Stede Bonnet introduced himself, praying the tremble in his fingers was not felt. Why was he even bothering with an introduction? Was this Edward simply toying with a dead man walking as a cat did with its prey? Just what torture did he have in store after he ridiculed his name so brutally. He sat in the chair the man offered him and nervously wrung his hands, every breath that left his lungs feeling like his last.

"So, Mr. Bonnet, you certainly have strong opinions," He began, pulling up a chair of his own and straddling the back of it, folding his built arms on top of the backrest, "I must admit it is... refreshing, to say the least. Like men will hear my name and piss themselves or grovel and plead for their lives and it gets so annoying, y'know?"

Stede found himself at a loss for words, blinking at the man like a dumbfounded simpleton as his mind still reeled to grasp the fact he was conversing with him and not cutting him limb from limb.

"However, I'm not the only one with a reputation that precedes me," Edward continued, his voice gentle despite how imposing his presence was, "there's been talk of a cowboy running about dressed like some fancy folk. Apparently, he steals from other fancy folks as well, despite looking like he doesn't need the money. Certainly an interesting man indeed, don't you agree?"

"ah..uh, yes! Very...Uhm... interesting!" Stammered Stede, seeming to find the floor he toed his boot on fascinating, "Look, Mr. Teach, I'm not sure if this is some sort of sarcasm or cruel joke but if you intend to kill me, I implore you to just be swift."

"Kill you?" The man produced a knife from his side and used the point of it to gently tilt Stede's chin up so their eyes met before letting the blade tip out of his fingers and to the ground, "See, not a threat. Now, why would I kill the only man who I admire? I simply wish to talk to you, Stede Bonnet. Understand why you're so different."

Edward shook his head and stood, "Ah, I'm getting ahead of myself. You are probably tired. It's too dark for you to be riding, stay at our camp, I insist. We can talk more come morning."

Stede was so bewildered it felt as though his tongue had become leaden. He simply numbly followed the puzzling man to where he should stay but that night he did not sleep a wink, still waiting for some catch or twist to jump out and off him. But he remained alive long enough to see the night ease and light replace it; now was his chance. While everyone still slumbered he made his escape and tiptoed to where he had tethered his horse but his devious plan crumbled the second he saw a figure by his steed. Edward pat the horse before turning to regard his runaway, "stunning mare you've got, she's of good stock. You must've stolen her from a very wealthy man indeed," He mused as he produced yesterday's stolen goods from his pocket, "I'm not going to force you to stay. However, indulge me in a conversation and I will return it to you. It's all I ask, no smoke or mirrors."

Stede opened and closed his mouth a few times as he debated his answer, resembling a fish as he did so. "Fine," He uttered through gritted teeth.

Edward gave him a charming grin and handed him the reigns of his horse, "I want you to feel at ease and freely talk. You seem tense here so let's go for a ride."

The pair leisurely rode beside each other down a dirt road completely empty at such an early hour, nothing around them but sprawling land but Stede still kept his guard up, one eye always on the pistol on the other's hip.

"So, Bonnet, I heard you travel with two others? Have you known them long?"

"Ah, we've been traveling together a while now"

"Did you meet them in your hometown?"

"Oh, no. My town is further north from here, I met them a few towns over from it"

Edwards side-eyed him and Stede's heart immediately stopped as it dawned on him that he slipped up.

"Y'know, I've heard rumors that a wealthy landowner up and vanished down in those parts. It was not long before mentions of you started cropping up among nomads actually..." The man hypothesized, yet they both knew he was right on the money, "That fine horse is yours, isn't it? You bought when you were rich."

Edward steered his horse in front of Stede, halting them both, "Why did you Leave? Why did you give all that up?"

Stede hung his head as his shoulders caved in, no point in watching what he said since he had seen right through him, "I was unhappy I suppose. Trapped, if you will. Every day was the same, and all I could do was waste my short life watching the world from my safe home. I was not built for idle living..." he chuckled before continuing, "Then again I suppose I'm not quite cut out for being a cowboy either. I'm no Edward Teach that's for sure."

"Would you like me to teach you?" Edward blurted out, beginning to walk again when Stede raised a quizzical brow, "Well, I need a challenge again. Something to sink my teeth into, and what better than turning a gentleman into a hardened criminal" He gave Stede a devilish smile.

"Oh... I don't know, I'm surviving so far. I should be fine on my own" He politely declined.

"I'm not so sure about that. I mean, if other lowlives found out you were some rich gentry, they'd circle like vultures," The outlaw threatened, narrowing his cunning eyes. Stede returned with a glare of his own, despising him for backing him into a corner while being so friendly on the surface. He could understand how Teach gained his reputation now, he was truly a snake in the grass and Stede gave his nod of defeat.

"Perfect! You shall stay with me as I make you almost as talented as me!" Edward rejoiced, already turning back to camp.

"Wait! What of my companions? Can they stay as well?"

"Of course! I had sent for someone to collect them earlier this morning"

Stede followed him with a look of absolute distress and a hint of admiration; this man had been playing him all along with his amiable rouse and harmless persona but in reality Stede had been in his grasp from the minute the terrifying man laid eyes on him. He knew Stede could not refuse him and was so sure of it he even sent for his friends.

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